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Безопасность и качество пищевых продуктов = Practical Food Safety and Food Quality

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Даны описания практических и лабораторных работ, проводимых в рамках курсов «Международные стандарты и безопасность продуктов питания» и «Контроль качества биотехнологических продуктов». Задания сопровождаются подробными комментариями. Используются активные формы обучения, такие как работа в команде, игровые технологии и пр. Для иностранных и российских студентов, обучающихся на английском языке, изучающих пищевую биотехнологию, контроль качества и безопасность пищевых продуктов.
Ковалева, Е. Г. Безопасность и качество пищевых продуктов = Practical Food Safety and Food Quality : учебно-методическое пособие / Е. Г. Ковалева, С. Ю. Митропольская ; науч. ред. М. А. Миронов ; М-во образования и науки Рос. Федерации, Урал. федер. ун-т. - Екатеринбург : Изд-во Уральского ун-та, 2017. - 76 с. - ISBN 978-5-7996-2080-6. - Текст : электронный. - URL: https://znanium.com/catalog/product/1920471 (дата обращения: 22.11.2024). – Режим доступа: по подписке.
Фрагмент текстового слоя документа размещен для индексирующих роботов
Министерство образования и науки российской Федерации 

уральский Федеральный университет  
иМени первого президента россии б. н. ельцина

е. г. ковалева  
с. Ю. Митропольская

безопасность и каЧество 
пиЩевыХ продуктов



рекомендовано методическим советом урФу для студентов, 
обучающихся по программе магистратуры 
по направлению подготовки 19.04.01 «биотехнология»

издательство уральского университета 

ббк 51230я7
к 56

р е ц е н з е н т ы:
кафедра пищевых биотехнологий продуктов из растительного сырья
санкт-петербургского национального исследовательского университета
информационных технологий, механики и оптики
(заведующий кафедрой доктор технических наук а. в. Ф е д о р о в);
е. н. Ш а р а ф у т д и н о в а, кандидат химических наук, доцент,
доцент кафедры управления качеством
(уральский государственный экономический университет)

н ау ч н ы й  р е д а к т о р
М. а. М и р о н о в, доктор химических наук, профессор

Ковалева, Е. Г.
к 56  
безопасность и качество пищевых продуктов = Practical 
Food Safety and Food Quality : практикум / е. г. ковалева, 
с. Ю. Митропольская ; [науч. ред. М. а. Миронов] ; М-во образования и науки рос. Федерации, урал. федер. ун-т. — 
екатеринбург : изд-во урал. ун-та, 2017. — 76 с. — загл. парал. 
рус., англ. — текст англ.

ISBN 978-5-7996-2080-6

даны описания практических и лабораторных работ, проводимых в 
рамках курсов «Международные стандарты и безопасность продуктов питания» и «контроль качества биотехнологических продуктов». задания 
сопровождаются подробными комментариями. используются активные 
формы обучения, такие как работа в команде, игровые технологии и пр. 
для иностранных и российских студентов, обучающихся на английском языке, изучающих пищевую биотехнологию, контроль качества и безопасность пищевых продуктов.

ббк 51230я7

© уральский федеральный университет, 2017
ISBN 978-5-7996-2080-6


PREFACE .....................................................................................................................4


Chapter 1. TUTORIALS ..............................................................................................8
Tutorial 1. International Standards and Regulations Related  
to Food Analysis  ..............................................................................................8
Tutorial 2. Standard Sampling and Sample Preparation Procedures ..................... 11
Tutorial 3. Food Labeling Regulation....................................................................13
Tutorial 4. Wine analysis. Types and characteristics of wines ..............................14
Tutorial 5. Food Additives and Biologically Active Substances ...........................15
Tutorial 6. Methods for detection and analysis of dioxines, other  
polyhalogenated hydrocarbons, hormonal drugs, antibiotics  
and micotoxins in food stuff and raw materials .............................................21
Tutorial 7. Quantitative and qualitative determination of genetically modified 
sources (GMS) of plant origin in foodstuff ....................................................22
Tutorial 8.  Food Irradiation ..................................................................................24
Tutorial 9. Food Packaging Technology ................................................................27

Chapter 2. LABORATORY EXPERIMENTS..........................................................30
Laboratory experiment 1. Quantitative determination  
of the antioxidant activity of biotechnology products  
and biologically active substances by EPR ....................................................30
Laboratory Experiment 2. Quality control of milk and dairy products  
based on organoleptic and physico-chemical characteristics .........................36
Laboratory Experiment 3. Determination of Caffeine in Coffee Products 
According to DIN 20481. Standard: DIN-DIN ISO 20481 ...........................47
Laboratory Experiment 4. Spectrophotometric Determination  
of Nitrites in Sausages ....................................................................................51
Laboratory Experiment 5. Refractometric determination of sucrose  
in sugar-containing drinks  .............................................................................57
Laboratory Experiment 6. Determination of quinine  
in commercial soft drink by molecular fluorescence spectroscopy ...............60
Laboratory experiment 7. Microbial analysis of food stuffs .................................62
Laboratory Experiment 8. Spectrophotometric Determination  
of Iron in Different Types of Flour  ................................................................64

RECOMMENDED LITERATUREAND RESOURSES ........................................69

ANNEXES ..................................................................................................................71
Annex 1. REPORT .................................................................................................71
Annex 2. SAMPLING PROCEDURE ..................................................................72
Annex 3. SAMPLING REPORT FOR ChEESE ..................................................74


Tutorials and laboratory experiments play a very important role in 
a learning process. The main objective of a tutorial is to consolidate the 
knowledge/information acquired in the corresponding lecture. A tutorial seeks to teaсh by example and supply the information to complete a certain task and is more interactive and specific than a book or 
a lecture.
The aim of laboratory work is to deepen and fix theoretical knowledge and to develop the skills of independent experimentation.
This book is aimed to provide the Master’s students of Food Biotechnology an option with necessary guidelines for tutorials and laboratory experiments on food safety and analysis in the course “International Standards in Biotechnology and Food Safety” and “Quality 
Control of Biotechnological Products”. It is organized into two chapters with a description of 8 tutorials and 8 laboratory experiments 
related to food safety and quality control analysis. Each typical subchapter consists of backgrounds, tutorial task or activity, discussion 
points and references.
The tutorials and laboratory experiments developed and presented 
in the book are adapted to the continuous technical and scientific training tasks. In addition, some of them actively employ methods for the 
modern educational technologies, such as team work, quiz show and 
research method, other contain special tutorial’s tasks which are given 
to students. 
In the end of the book the list of recommended literature and 
resources is given for additional self-studies for preparation for Tutorials and Laboratory experiments.
Authors are very grateful to the book’s reviewers for the comments and recommendations made in the process of its preparation.


Food safety and food quality is a vast subject area. 
Food safety is a complex problem that requires many efforts 
to solve it, both from the community of scientists, biochemists, microbiologists, toxicologists, etc., and from the manufacturers of sanitaryand-epidemiologic institutions, governmental authorities and, finally, 
The topicality of food safety as a problem increases every year, 
since the safety of raw materials and food stuffs is one of the main factors affecting peoples’ health and the genetic conservation.
Food safety means non dangerous to human health consumption 
of food stuffs both in terms of acute negative effects (food poisoning 
and food infection), and from the point of view of the danger of longterm effects (carcinogenic, mutagenic and teratogenic effects). in other 
words, safe food is food stuffs which does not cause adverse effects on 
the health of present and future generations.
сonsiderable amounts of hazardous substances to human health, 
such as xenobiotics of chemical (toxic elements, pesticides, dioxins, 
nitric compounds, hormones,  histamine, polyaromatic carbon hydrogens, polychlorated biphenyls, radionuclides etc.) and biological origin (pathogenic microorganisms, viruses, mycotoxins, antibiotics, 
helminth and protozoa etc.), as well as genetically modified sources 
(GMS) enter human body with food.  Therefore, we are currently facing the acute problems which are associated with an increased responsibility for the efficiency and objectivity of food control to ensure food 
stuffs safety for the consumers’ health.
Food quality, in its turn, is not limited to either the organoleptic quality enjoyed by the consumer or bacteriological and chemical examination. Food quality control is a complex area which uses 
the sum of all those controllable factors that ultimately influence positively or negatively the quality of the finished products, e.g. selection 

of raw materials, processing methods, packaging, methods of storage 
and distribution, etc. 
There is a number of research methods for qualitative and quantitative analysis of food stuffs which are currently widely used for 
food stuffs. Among them there can be mentioned gas chromatography 
(GS) and high performance liquid chromatography (hPLC), atomic 
absorption spectrometry (AAS), fluorescence spectrophotometry (FS), 
capillary electrophoresis, infrared spectroscopy (IR), electrochemical 
methods, EPR spectroscopy, classical methods of analysis such as titrimetric, gravimetric and  rheological  methods of research. Various versions of the chain reaction method (PCR) are used the qualitative and 
quantitative measures of genetic-modified sources, the enzyme-linked 
immunosorbent assay (ELISA) is applied to analysis of antibiotics 
in food stuffs, whereas bacteriological control is performed by routine 
microbiological analysis.
Tutorials and laboratory experiments presented in this book are 
designed for detailed acquaintance of Master’s students in an area 
of Food Biotechnology with International standards for food stuffs, 
different aspects in quality control of beer and wine, dairy products, 
coffee, sweet soft drinks  and meat-based stuffs, food additives and 
biologically active substances, methods for detection and analysis 
of xenobiotics of chemical and biological origin and genetically modified sources (GMS) of plant origin in food stuff and raw materials, food 
microbiological analysis, as well as to food irradiation and packaging 
Each tutorial gives practical experience related to the corresponding lecture, and helps students implementing the acquired knowledge 
in a laboratory research activity, as well as in setting up the independent research project, writing and defending the graduation thesis.
The tutorials and laboratory works are mentored by either a lecturer or a tutor. the tutorial leader usually gives a short (10–15 minutes) 
introduction in order to refresh the lecture content and warm up a student for the team-work. Prior to the tutorial, the students study the basic 
topics of a tutorial in details searching for the information from the textbooks/Internet or their own experience in the labs. During self-learning 

the students can check their understanding of the basic topics of a tutorial with discussion points. the students are supposed to raise and lead 
their own discussions within the group among each other under supervision of a mentor (lecturer/tutor). the supervisor must thoroughly follow the course of the discussion and correct it in case of any necessity. 
Upon the desire, the students prepare short Power Point presentation. 
Laboratory-based works must be carried out in specialized biotechnological rooms, equipped with ventilation, laminar flow cabinets’ 
wardrobes, sanitation, tanks for drains collection. to succeed in laboratory experiments the students should be well-prepared, i.e. selfstudy lecture notes as well as the recommended academic literature, 
be able to take part in the discussion of the experiments which they are 
going to carry out. After the experiments performed, the students are 
required to submit their reports.

Chapter 1  

Tutorial 1. International Standards  
and Regulations Related to Food Analysis 

Basic Topics for Discussion
1. The system of quality control of products at the international 
2. International standards, methodological fundamentals and modern development in quality management. 
3. hACCP and ISO systems.
4. International Standards and Regulations Related to Food 

Tutorial Task “Analysis of a Standard: a Typical Layout  
of Codex Alimentarius Standards” 
Students are supposed to 
 • Read attentively a Codex Alimentarius Standard on food products provided.  
 • What are the main structural parts/clauses of the standard? 
 • Do they contain any sub-clauses? What kind of requirements do 
they stipulate? 
 • how does this standard influence suppliers of food products? 
 • Fill-in the following form of Report (Annex 1).
An Optional List of Standards to Be Provided (may be reconsidered subjected to students’ background), for instance, 

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