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Сервис Plus, 2024, том 18, № 1

научный журнал
Основная коллекция
Артикул: 842508.0001.99
Сервис Plus : научный журнал. - Москва : РГУТиС, 2024. - Т. 18, № 1. - 230 с. - ISSN 1993-7768. - Текст : электронный. - URL: https://znanium.ru/catalog/product/2169923 (дата обращения: 22.11.2024)
Фрагмент текстового слоя документа размещен для индексирующих роботов
ТОМ 18,  
№1 — 2024 
Арчакова М.Т. Язык политической рекламы. Специфика передачи 
культурных реалий и лингвистических средств выразительности, 
используемых в англоязычной предвыборной политической 
рекламе на русский язык (на материале политических кампаний 
США и Великобритании 2000-2020 годов). 
Беликова Е.К. Система ценностей как предмет научного познания. 
Газилов М.Г. Культурно-познавательный туризм: французский 
след в России. 
Погребова Е.С., Оконникова Т.И., Виноградова М.В., Глинкина Е.В. 
Предпочтения потребителей услуг загородной базы отдыха в контексте 
изучения современной культуры загородного отдыха в России. 
Ляшенко С.В., Мельников В.Л. Художественная сила Е.К. Эвенбах, 
ученицы «Школы Рериха». 
Рыбак М.В. Культурологическая идея обучения иностранным 
языкам в России в конце ХХ начале ХХI вв. 
Тунг Д.Т. Исторические аспекты становления профессиональной 
вокальной музыки во Вьетнаме. 
Чжоу Л. Интеграция вокальных произведений и древнекитайской 
поэзии в исторической ретроспективе. 
Чжоу Л. Эволюция китайских композиторских песен на основе 
классической поэзии. 
Авагян А.А. Эффективность применения грамматико-переводного 
метода обучения иностранному языку в неязыковом вузе (на 
примере преподавания английского языка студентам направлений 
подготовки «Туризм» и «Гостиничное дело»). 
Агрба А.А. Легендирование как инструмент брендирования территорий. 
Вигель Н.Л. Роль медиа и социальных сетей в формировании 
образа города и его туристической привлекательности. 
Газгиреева Л.Х., Газгиреева А.А., Газгиреева М.А. Социальнофилософский анализ проблемы совершенствования профессиональных 
навыков будущего врача-стоматолога: деонтологический аспект. 
Жолдасбеков А.А., Танкиш Н.П., Жолдасбекова К.А. Развитие 
креативности студентов направления «Туризм» c использованием 
кoуч технологий. 
Киреева Ю.А., Коновалова Е.Е., Филатова М.С. К вопросу о концепции 
средства размещения: разнообразие, этапы и принципы разработки. 
Коновалова Е.Е., Макушева О.Н., Муравьева К.Ю. PR-технологии 
формирования и продвижения имиджа медийных персон. 
Костромина Е.А. Инструменты продвижения коллективных средств 
размещения: результаты маркетингового исследования. 
Логинова Н.Ю., Крылова Т.В. Изучение иностранного языка в 
профессиональной культуры. 
Романишина Т.С., Карасева С.О. Технология смартмоб (умная толпа) в 
специальных коммуникационных проектах по продвижению брендов. 
Романишина Т.С., Харькова Д.В. Сервисы и инструменты 
искусственного интеллекта и их влияние на коммуникационную 
стратегию компании в новых реалиях. 
Щербатых Л.Н. Цифровые образовательные инструменты для 
поливариантности английского языка в дополнительном образовании. 
Главный редактор: 
Коновалова Е.Е. – Российский государственный университет 
туризма и сервиса (Россия, Москва), к.э.н., доцент 
Заместитель главного редактора: 
Газгиреева Л.Х. – Российский государственный университет 
туризма и сервиса (Россия, Москва), д.филос.н., профессор 
Председатель: Погребова Е.С. – Российский государственный 
университет туризма и сервиса (Россия, Москва), к.э.н., доцент 
Члены редакционного совета: 
Ананьева Т.Н. – Российский государственный университет 
туризма и сервиса (Россия, Москва), д.соц.н., профессор 
Бокарева Е.В. – Российский государственный университет 
туризма и сервиса (Россия, Москва), к.э.н., доцент 
Гаврилов А.Ю. – Российский государственный университет 
туризма и сервиса (Россия, Москва), к.экон.н. 
Лапшин И. Е. – Российский университет дружбы народов (Россия, 
Москва), к.филос.н. 
Алексеев М. – Индианский Университет (США, Блумингтон), 
Янь Сюэтун – Университет Цинхуа (Китай, Пекин), профессор, 
директор Института международных отношений 
Жолдасбеков А.А. – Южно-Казахстанский государственный 
университет им. М. Ауезова (Казахстан, Шимкент), д. пед.н, 
Клименко М. – Школа экономики Технологического института 
Джорджия (США, Атланта), профессор  
Коновалова Е.Е. – Российский государственный университет 
туризма и сервиса (Россия, Москва), к.э.н., доцент 
Лэнг Л. – филиал Оксфорд Брукс Университета (Венгрия, 
Будапешт), профессор  
Недкова А.С. – Университет им. профессора А. Златарова 
(Болгария, Бургас), доктор педагогики  
Олсен Ш. – Телемарк Университет Колледж (Норвегия, Тромсё), 
Родионов Е.И. – Российский государственный университет 
туризма и сервиса (Россия, Москва), к.пед.н., доцент 
Саенко Н.Р. – Московский политехнический университет (Россия, 
Москва), д.филос.н., профессор  
Штремберг П. – Телемарк Университет Колледж (Норвегия, Бё), 
Эриксон Р. – Университет восточной Каролины (США, 
Гринвилл), профессор 
Члены редакционной коллегии: 
Аникеева О.А. – Российский государственный социальный 
университет (Россия, Москва). к.и.н., доцент 
Архипова О.В. – Санкт-Петербургский государственный 
экономический университет (Россия, Санкт-Петербург), 
д.филос.н., профессор 
Багдасарян В.Э. – Московский государственный областной 
университет, Московский государственный университет им. М.В. 
Ломоносова (Россия, Москва), д.и.н., профессор  
Дмитриев А.В. – Институт философии (Россия, Москва), 
д.филос.н., профессор, академик РАН  
Ежова Е.Н. – СевероКавказский федеральный университет 
(Россия, Ставрополь), д.фил.н., профессор 
Заернюк В.М. – Российский государственный 
геологоразведочный университет им. Серго Орджоникидзе 
(Россия, Москва), д.э.н., профессор 
Королева О.В. – Саратовский национальный исследовательский 
государственный университет им. Н.Г. Чернышевского (Россия, 
Саратов), к.и.н., доцент 
Лагусев Ю.М. – Российский государственный университет 
туризма и сервиса (Россия, Москва), д.пед.н., профессор  
Лысикова О.В. – Саратовский государственный технический 
университет им. Ю.А. Гагарина, (Россия, Саратов), к.и.н., д.соц.н., 
Мамедов Азер Агабала оглы – Государственный аграрный 
университет – МСХА имени К.А. Тимирязева (Россия, Москва), 
д.ф.н., профессор 
Радина О.И. – Донской государственный технический 
университет (Россия, Ростов-на-Дону), д.э.н., профессор  
Харитонова Т.В. – Финансовый университет при Правительстве 
РФ (Россия, Москва), к.э.н., доцент 
Чигрин В.А. – Крымский филиал Федерального научноисследовательского социологического центра Российской 
академии наук (Россия, Симферополь), д.соц.н., профессор  
Шалаева Н.В. – Саратовский государственный аграрный 
университет им. Н.И. Вавилова (Россия, Саратов), д.и.н., 
Юдина Е.В. – Российский государственный университет туризма 
и сервиса (Россия, Москва), к.соц.н., доцент 
Ответственный секретарь: 
Афанасьева А.В. – Российский государственный университет 
туризма и сервиса (Россия, Москва), к.геогр.н., доцент 
Точка зрения редакции не всегда совпадает с точкой зрения авторов публикуемых 
Издательство ФГБОУ ВО «Российский государственный университет 
туризма и сервиса:  
141221, Московская обл., Пушкинский р-н, дп. Черкизово, ул. Главная, д. 99, кор. 1. 
Тел./факс: 8 (495) 940-83-63 доб. 395 www.RGUTS.ru  
e-mail: redkollegiamgus@mail.ru 
Переводчик: Макарова А.И. – Российский государственный 
университет туризма и сервиса (Россия, Москва), 
Свидетельство о регистрации 
ЭЛ ФС77-69428 от 14 апреля 2017 г.  

VOLUME 18,  
№1 — 2024 
Madina T. ARCHAKOVA The language of political campaigns. Сultural 
specificities and expressive means of the language in correlation with the 
methods of translation of 2000-2020 British and American election 
campaigns from English into Russian. 
Evgeniya K. BELIKOVA Values system as a subject of scientific research. 
Magomed G. GAZILOV Cultural and educational tourism: the French 
trace in Russia. 
Elena S. POGREBOVA, Tatiana I. OKONNIKOVA, Marina V. 
VINOGRADOVA, Elena V. GLINKINA Preferences of consumers of 
suburban recreation services in the context of studying modern culture 
of suburban recreation in Russia. 
Svetlana V. LYASHENKO, Vladimir L. MELNIKOV The artistic force of E.K. 
Evenbach, a student of “Roerich’s school”. 
Marina V. RYBAK Cultural idea of teaching foreign languages in Russia and 
its development at the end of the 20th and beginning of the 21st centuries. 
Dao T. TUNG Historical aspects of the formation of professional vocal 
music in Vietnam. 
Liang ZHOU The integration of vocal works and ancient Chinese poetry 
in a historical retrospective. 
Liang ZHOU Development of Chinese composers' songs based on 
classical poetry. 
Asmik A. AVAGYAN The effectiveness of the grammar-translation method of 
teaching a foreign language at a non-linguistic university (using the example of 
teaching English to students majoring in “tourism” and “hotel business”). 
Amina A. AGRBA Legending as a tool for branding territories. 
Narine L. WIEGEL The role of media and social networks in shaping the 
image of the city and its tourist attractiveness. 
Larisa Kh. GAZGIREEVA, Adelina A. GAZGIREEVA, Medina A. 
GAZGIREEVA Socio-philosophical analysis of the problem of improving 
the professional skills of the future dentist: deontological aspect. 
Abdimanap A. ZHOLDASBEKOV, Nazira P. TANKISH, Karlygash A. 
ZHOLDASBEKOVA Development of students creativity in the field of 
tourism using coach technologies. 
the question of the concept of accommodation facilities: diversity, stages 
and principles of development. 
Elena E. KONOVALOVA, Olga N. MAKUSHEVA, Kristina Yu. 
MURAVYEVA PR-technologies for the formation and promotion of the 
image of media personalities. 
Elena A. KOSTROMINA Promotion tools of collective accommodation 
facilities: the marketing research results. 
Natalia Yu. LOGINOVA, Tatiana V. KRYLOVA Foreign language learning in 
non-linguistic universities as the key to professional culture formation. 
Tatiana S. ROMANISHINA, Sofya O. KARASEVA Smartmob technology 
(smart crowd) in special communication projects for brand promotion. 
Tatiana S. ROMANISHINA, Daria V. KHARKOVA Artificial intelligence 
services and tools and their impact on the company's communication 
strategy in new realities. 
Lyudmila N. SHCHERBATYKH Digital educational tools for the 
formation of pupils' humanitarian culture taking into account the 
multivariance of the English language in the additional education. 
Editor-in-Chief: Konovalova Elena E. – Russian State 
University of Tourism and Service (Russian Federation, 
Moscow), PhD in Economics, Associate Professor 
Deputy Editor-in-Chief: Gazgireeva Larisa Kh. – Russian State 
University of Tourism and Service (Russian Federation, 
Moscow), PhD (Dr. Sc.) in Philosophy, Professor 
Editorial board: Pogrebova Elena S. – Russian State University 
of Tourism and Service (Russian Federation, Moscow), PhD in 
Economics, Associate Professor 
Konovalova Elena E. – Russian State University of Tourism and 
Service (Russian Federation, Moscow), PhD in Economics, 
Associate Professor 
Bokareva Elena V. – Russian State University of Tourism and 
Service (Russian Federation, Moscow), PhD in Economics, 
Associate Professor 
Ananieva Tatiana N. – Russian State University of Tourism and 
Service (Russian Federation, Moscow), PhD (Dr.Sc.) in 
Sociology, Professor 
Gavrilov Andrey Yu. – Russian State University of Tourism and 
Service (Russian Federation, Moscow), PhD in Economics 
Lapshin Ivan E. – Peoples Friendship University of Russia 
(Russian Federation, Moscow), PhD in Philosophy 
Alexeev Michael – Indiana University (USA, Bloomington), PhD 
in Economics, Professor 
Yan Xuetong – Tsinghua University (China, Beijing), Professor 
Director of the Institute of International Relations. 
Zholdasbekov Abdimanat A. – Abai Kazakh National 
Pedagogical University, (Almaty), PhD (Dr.Sc.) in Pedagogy 
Klimenko Mikhail M. – Georgia Institute of Technology (USA, 
Atlanta), Professor  
Láng László – Oxford Brookes University (Budapest, Hungary), 
Nedkova Antonina S. – UNIVERSITY PROF. D-R ASEN 
ZLATAROV, (Bulgaria, Burgas), PhD in Pedagogy  
Olsen Kjell Ole Kjærland – UiT The Arctic University of Norway 
(Norway, Tromsø), Professor 
Rodionov Eugene I. – Russian State University of Tourism and 
Service (Russia, Moscow), PhD in Pedagogy 
Saenko Natalia R. – Moscow Polytechnic University (Russian 
Federation, Moscow), PhD (Dr.Sc.) in Philosophy 
Strömberg Per – University of South-Eastern Norway (Norway, 
Boeuf), Associate Professor 
Ericson Richard E. – East Carolina University (USA, Greenville), 
Members of Editorial Staff:  
Anikeeva Olga A. – Russian State Social University (Russian 
Federation, Moscow). PhD in Sociology, Associate Professor 
Arkhipova Olga V. –  Saint Petersburg State University of 
Economics (Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg), PhD in 
Philosophy, Professor 
Vardan E. Bagdasaryan – Moscow State University (Russian 
Federation, Moscow), PhD (Dr.Sc.) in History  
Anatoliy V. Dmitriyev – Institute of Philosophy (Russian 
Federation, Moscow), PhD (Dr.Sc.) in Philosophy, Professor, 
member of Russian Academy of Sciences. 
Yezhova Elena N. – North Caucasus Federal University (Russian 
Federation, Stavropol), PhD (Dr.Sc.) in Philology, Professor 
Zaernyuk Viktor M. – Russian State Geological Prospecting University 
(Russian Federation, Moscow), phD (Dr.Sc.) in Economics 
Koroleva Oksana V. – Saratov State University (Russian 
Federation, Saratov), PhD in History, Associate Professor 
Lagusev Yuriy M. – Russian State University of Tourism and 
Service (Russian Federation, Moscow), PhD (Dr.Sc.) in Pedagogy  
Lysikova Olga V. – Yuri Gagarin State Technical University of 
Saratov, (Russian Federation, Saratov), PhD in History, PhD 
(Dr.Sc.) in Sociology, Professor 
Mamedov Azer A. – Russian State Agrarian University-Moscow 
Agricultural Academy named after K.A. Timiryazev (Russian 
Federation, Moscow), PhD (Dr.Sc.) in Philosophy, Professor 
Radina Oksana I. – Don State Technical Universyty (Russian 
Federation, Rostov-on-Don), PhD (Dr.Sc.) in Economics, Professor 
Kharitonova Tatiana V. – Finance University under the Government 
of the Russian Federation (Russian Federation, Moscow), PhD in 
Economics, Associate Professor  
Chigrin Viktor A. – V.I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University, 
(Russian Federation, Simferopol), PhD (Dr.Sc.) in Sociology, Professor  
Shalaeva Nadezhda V. – Saratov State Agrarian University 
Named After N.I. Vavilov, (Russian Federation, Saratov), PhD 
(Dr.Sc.) in History, Professor 
Yudina E.V. – Russian State University of Tourism and Service 
(Russian Federation, Moscow), PhD in Sociology, Associate Professor 
Executive secretary: Afanasieva Alexandra V. – Russian State 
University of Tourism and Service (Russian Federation, 
Moscow), PhD in Geography, Associate Professor 
Translator: Alexandra I. Makarova – 
Russian State University of Tourism and 
Service (Russian Federation, Moscow)  

Т.18 №1 с. 3–12 
Арчакова М.Т.  
Язык политической рекламы. Специфика передачи культурных реалий и лингвистических средств выразительности, используемых в англоязычной предвыборной политической рекламе на русский язык (на материале политических кампаний США и Великобритании 2000-2020 годов).  
УДК 5.10.1. 
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10967903 
Madina T. ARCHAKOVA,  
National Research Moscow State University of Civil Engineering (MGSU) (Moscow, Russia);  
Lecturer; e-mail: archakovam27@gmail.com 
Abstract. In the modern world politics play an immensely important role, determining social, economic, humanitarian and cultural development of countries. Democratization of state institutions and rapid development of information technologies, have created new ways for citizens to participate in the political life of the country. This function is executed by 
political advertising. To meet the many different needs that contributed to the emergence of the phenomenon of political 
advertising, and due to the development of new technology, the media and the Internet, rapid, widespread changes in 
political advertising have occurred, it has actualized and new types and classifications have appeared. In the context of 
globalization, when people from different parts of the world and cultures are becoming closer to each other, there is a need 
to reduce the communication gap by studying the worldview of people who speak different languages. This is facilitated 
by quality translation that takes into account all the subtleties of highly imaginative texts, which include political advertising. 
The aim of the study is to find ways to translate political speeches into Russian preserving the style and linguocultural 
peculiarities of political texts of various genres, while retaining their semantic and pragmatic functions. The subject of the 
study is linguocultural peculiarities of political campaings, explicit and implicit means of presenting information, linguistic 
ways of achieving perlocutionary effect and suggestive methods of manipulating public opinion, as well as various methods 
of translating political advertisements of different genres from English into Russian without loss of imagery or layers of 
meaning. The object of the study is political advertising in the US and UK in years 2000 to 2020. Included in this article 
are some of the examples of the use of culture-specific elements in different genres of political advertising in the US and 
the UK and their translation, which are part of a larger ongoing study by the same author. 
Keywords: political advertising, culture-specific elements, specificity, translation, discourse, techniques, adaptation, imagery, stylistic devices 
For citation: Archakova, M.T. (2024). The language of political campaigns. Сultural specificities and expressive 
means of the language in correlation with the methods of translation of 2000-2020 British and American election campaigns 
from English into Russian. Service plus, 18(1), 3-12. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10967903.  
Submitted: 2024/01/30.  
Accepted: 2024/03/20.  
2024 Том 18 №1 
СЕРВИС plus 

2024, 18(1), 3—12 
Archakova, M.T.  
The language of political campaigns. Сultural specificities and expressive means of the language in correlation with 
the methods of translation of 2000-2020 British and American election campaigns from English into Russian.  
АРЧАКОВА Мадина Тархановна, 
Национальный исследовательский Московский государственный строительный университет (Москва, РФ);  
Преподаватель; e-mail: archakovam27@gmail.com 
Аннотация. В современном мире политика играет огромную роль, определяя направление социального, 
экономического, гуманитарного и культурного развития государств. В условиях демократизации государственных 
институтов и стремительного развития информационных технологий появляются все новые способы участия граждан в политической жизни страны, а значит, также усиливается необходимость эффективного диалога между политиками и их избирателями. Эту функцию берет на себя политическая реклама. Необходимость удовлетворения 
множества различных потребностей, способствовавших зарождению феномена политической рекламы, а также 
появление новых технологий и развитие СМИ и сети-интернет, привели к стремительным и повсеместным изменениям в области политической рекламы, произошла ее актуализация и появились новые виды и классификации. 
В условиях глобализации, когда люди разных стран и культур становятся ближе друг к другу, появляется необходимость сокращения коммуникационного разрыва посредством изучения картины мира людей, говорящих на разных языках. Этому способствует качественный перевод, учитывающий все тонкости текстов высокой образности, 
к которым относится политическая реклама. Цель исследования заключается в том, чтобы подобрать способы 
перевода политической рекламы на русский язык с сохранением как стиля и лингвокультурных особенностей политической рекламы различных жанров, так и ее семантической и прагматической функций. Предметом исследования являются лингвокультурные особенности политической рекламы, используемые в ней эксплицитные и имплицитные средства подачи информации, лингвистические способы достижения перлокутивного эффекта и суггестивные способы манипуляции общественным мнением, а также приемы передачи различных рекламных жанров 
с английского на русский язык. Объектом исследования является политическая реклама в США и Великобритании 
в период с 2000-го по 2020-й год. В данной статье будут представлены некоторые примеры использования культурных реалий в различных жанрах политической рекламы в США и Великобритании и cпособы их перевода, которые являются частью более обширного продолжающегося исследования того же автора.  
Ключевые слова: политическая реклама, культурные реалии, специфика, перевод, дискурс, приемы, адаптация, образность, лингвистические средства 
Для цитирования: Арчакова М.Т. Язык политической рекламы. Специфика передачи культурных реалий и 
лингвистических средств выразительности, используемых в англоязычной предвыборной политической рекламе 
на русский язык (на материале политических кампаний США и Великобритании 2000-2020 годов). // Сервис plus. 
2024. Т.18. №1. С.3-12. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10967903. 
Статья поступила в редакцию: 30.01.2024. 
Статья принята к публикации: 20.03.2024. 
2024 Vol. 18 Iss. 1 

Т.18 №1 с. 3–12 
Арчакова М.Т.  
Язык политической рекламы. Специфика передачи культурных реалий и лингвистических средств выразительности, используемых в англоязычной предвыборной политической рекламе на русский язык (на материале политических кампаний США и Великобритании 2000-2020 годов).  
In the modern world, politics are essential to dethe discourse of political advertising, overview the history and current state of political advertising through 
the prism of linguistic devices and culturally specific 
characteristics of advertising campaigns of US presidents and British prime ministers, as well as present 
translation techniques and linguacultural adaptation of 
advertising texts from English into Russian1. 
In political discourse, several characteristic features are discernible. Foremost, the predominant addressee is mass, indicating a widespread reach of the 
message. Moreover, emotional appeal plays a significant role, often taking precedence over rational argumentation. Additionally, the use of manipulative strategies contributes to the esoteric nature of political discourse, leading to a sense of exclusivity and hidden 
agendas. It is also marked by dynamism of language; 
theatricality; indirectness. [2, p. 344]. 
Political advertising has the following attribtermining the vectors of social, economic, humanitarian and cultural development of states. The sixth technological order contributes to the democratization of 
state institutions in the world, the spread of information 
technology, which means that access to information is 
rapidly increasing, and new opportunities for citizens 
to participate in state governance are opening up. 
Thus, there is a need to create and develop effective 
mechanisms for regulating political, social and economic relations between the civil society and those 
who represent state institutions of power. Political 
communication, and more broadly - political discourse 
- acts as one of such mechanisms, polymodality and 
aestheticization of which is observed in the speeches 
of political figures [1, p. 128]. In its current state, interdisciplinarity has become a prevalent characteristic 
feature of political linguistics.  
Competitive struggle for public consciousness 
utes: the subject of advertising is named, its positive qualities are described, a positive result is 
planned [3, p. 304]. 
Political discourse fulfills the function of influin the conditions of democracy and the conduct of 
open and free elections serves to evolve the array of 
mechanisms aimed at educating and persuading voters, shaping their behavioral patterns, and ultimately 
creating a predisposition to support a specific political 
party or candidate. Political advertising is one of the 
oldest and most effective tools in the race to win the 
electorate's votes. It has existed since the first states 
were formed and there was a division of people into 
politicians and ordinary citizens, since they needed to 
maintain a dialog with each other. 
ence, combined with the informational component. Information in political discourse is heterogeneous, it is 
represented by the factual component, but also by the 
component of generalization and imagery [4, p. 145]. 
The expressiveness of the message is better perceived in oral form, and facts and arguments - in writing. Radio and television are considered to be media 
of low engagement, while print media are considered 
to be of high engagement.  
Political advertising: objectives, characteristics, lanThe linguistic component of political discourse 
Political advertising encompasses a diverse arshould be accessible, understandable and engaging. 
In political discourse, the audience`s attention is drawn 
through the coverage of events close to them, the information is constantly supplemented with new facts 
and opinions [5, p. 133-134]. 
In political advertising, communication is often carried out by means of directives or commissives, as well as promissive intension, which express a promise, and menassives, which are 
speech acts of threat [6, p. 85,89].  
For political discourse, the regulative function, 
ray of functions, demonstrating both constructive and 
detrimental implications. On the positive side, it serves 
as a means of sharing information, and aides the voters in making well-informed decisions regarding their 
chosen representatives. Conversely, the negative aspect involves the potential for exploitation and psychological influence for self-serving objectives. Furthermore, with the progression of technology, novel forms 
of political advertising are continually emerging, along 
with more potent methods for politicians to establish 
connections with the citizens. This paper will examine 
namely the one that contains the idea of realizing the 
will of the addresser, attempts to influence the ad                                                          
1 Abridged by the author. 
2024 Том 18 №1 
СЕРВИС plus 

2024, 18(1), 3—12 
Archakova, M.T.  
The language of political campaigns. Сultural specificities and expressive means of the language in correlation with 
the methods of translation of 2000-2020 British and American election campaigns from English into Russian.  
dressee, is fundamental, as it marks the role of language in regulating the actions of the recipient of the 
message2. The aforementioned function is precisely 
the one political advertising is set to perform: use various methods of manipulating information, verbally 
and non-verbally, to incline the addressee towards a 
certain decision or conclusion. 
In political discourse, the choice of linguistic dep. 474]. Thus, metaphor is often used as a tool to present the situation in a favorable way to the listener. As 
noted by the above authors, antithesis is also one of 
the techniques that effectively fulfill the function of persuasiveness. Politicians often use the antithesis "we  
them" to create in the minds of listeners the idea of 
division between their own and strangers [10, p. 256]. 
Another means of realizing the function of persuasiveness is the use of emotionally evaluative words called 
affects. They can be construed as emotive intensifiers 
that intent to appeal to the values of the audience and possessing the ability to ascribe to the speaker various personal attributes of an axiological nature, such as wisdom, 
restraint, religiosity, and so forth [11, p. 477]. Such words 
are used in order to prevent rational thinking on the part of 
the listener and influence them suggestively without giving 
away the explicit intention to do so. 
The means of persuasiveness also include euvices is very important, which is never random, it is an 
act of subjective evaluation [7, p. 431]. Lexical units 
contain information about both the subject of communication and its participants. Nuanced semantic interpretations and connotations play a substantial role in 
the successful outcome of communication, using the 
aforementioned, the speaker expresses their subjective attitude to the communicative situation. According 
to researcher Chernyavskaya, denotative meaning 
can change depending on the emotional component 
attached to the words. Thus, certain lexical elements 
transfer the speaker's point of view onto the subject 
and form the opinion of the recipients, thus making language a powerful tool of manipulation.  
Chernyavskaya defines manipulation as the 
hidden introduction of wishes, attitudes and intentions into the addressee's consciousness in order 
to realize the interests of the message sender, 
which do not necessarily coincide with the interests 
of the addressee [8, p. 19].  
In linguistics such terms as "persuasiveness" 
phemisms, which help to create a certain picture in the 
listener's mind, because when things are not called by 
their names, a certain impression of taboo, negative 
meaning of unnamed phenomena is created. In addition, such techniques as nominalization, i.e. depersonalization of a sentence in order to remove responsibility and shift the focus to ideology, which makes it easier to manipulate consciousness, can also be used [2, 
p. 344]. Or vice versa, politicians often use such 
means as intimization and dialogization, which are 
aimed at creating an impression of closeness and similarity of opinions and goals between them and the recipients of information, which helps to win the public to 
their side. There are many linguistic means that fulfill 
the function of persuasiveness, but in political discourse they are used most often, as politics is based 
on contact and communication with society. They help 
to create a certain image of a politician and to achieve 
the set goals. 
The origins of political advertising 
Touching upon the subject of history of political 
and "suggestiveness" are used to reflect the idea of 
linguistic influence. According to Chernyavskaya, persuasiveness is the impact of the author of an oral or 
written message on its addressee in order to persuade 
or call for an action [8, p. 25]. Persuasiveness implies 
that the message is consciously composed in such a 
way as to influence the recipient or induce them to act. 
Suggestiveness is characterized by the element of 
verbal influence being unobvious. A distinctive feature 
of suggestiveness is the absence of conscious control 
over the processing of the received information.  
There is a whole range of linguistic devices that 
have the ability to influence people and bring certain 
meanings and shades of meanings to the forefront [9, 
advertising, it emerged at the time when politics itself 
emerged, when states needed to enter into a dialog 
with the people, they used it as a way to influence the 
population [12, p. 16]. 
2 Sheigal E.I. Semiotics of political discourse // [Electronic resource]: Student Archive File 
archive // Volgograd State Pedagogical University. 2000. URL: https://studfile.net/preview/4584817/ (date of reference 19.01.2024). 
2024 Vol. 18 Iss. 1 

Т.18 №1 с. 3–12 
Арчакова М.Т.  
Язык политической рекламы. Специфика передачи культурных реалий и лингвистических средств выразительности, используемых в англоязычной предвыборной политической рекламе на русский язык (на материале политических кампаний США и Великобритании 2000-2020 годов).  
Political advertising both in Russia and in the 
Каким-то образом богатство, как тонкая 
струя, польется сверху вниз, но теперь мы знаем 
правду, этого не случилось и боль распространилась повсюду, как прорванная дамба.  
This is referring to the concept of "trickle-down 
economics", i.e. “экономика просачивающегося богатства”, which is about cutting taxes for corporations, 
entrepreneurs and the wealthy in order to stimulate 
economic growth, which will subsequently generate income for the less well-off. Also called "Reaganomics"4. 
The above statement uses metaphor – wealth is identified with water. Remetaphorization (domestication) is 
selected as the translation technique.  
“It will help jumpstart our economy and bring 
back our Main Streets all across America.” 
Это поможет дать толчок нашей эконоWest developed most actively in periods of instability, 
conflicts and wars. This is due to the fact that it is precisely at such times that politicians need to gain the 
support of the people. At first, oral political advertising 
appeared, when politicians and autocrats made 
speeches in squares, their envoys addressed people 
with manifestos and proclamations. Then with the development of new technologies it became possible to 
print posters, leaflets, cartoons, which combined 
iconic and textual signs and due to this more actively 
influenced the minds of people. In the modern world 
there is every opportunity for the active development 
of political advertising: television, the Internet, where 
politicians can place their advertising in any form [13, 
p. 78-86]. This is actively used in the U.S., while in the 
UK there are laws restricting political advertising on radio and television. 
мики, вернуть малый бизнес и трудоустроить 
средний класс во всех штатах Америки. 
The pragmatic function of such genre of texts is 
Metonomy “Main Street”5 has several meanings. Obama uses the term to denote small companies, the owners and employers of which are middle 
“A moment when our nation is at war, our economy is in turmoil and the American promise has been 
threatened once more.” 
В момент, когда наша страна находится в 
состоянии войны, экономика переживает кризис 
и Американская мечта находится под угрозой. 
American promise in this particular context 
to influence the recipient of the message, call them to 
action. This goal is achieved by various linguistic devices: adjectives that contain subjective evaluation, 
drawing upon the contrast between good and bad, the 
opposition between their own and others. The appellative function is widely used to awaken the spirit of 
patriotism and performatives to create the image of a 
politician. When the goal is to ridicule and denigrate 
the reputation of the opponent, wordplay, colloquial 
vocabulary, stylistic devices (anaphora, epiphora, 
rhyme) are used. 
Political advertising in the USA: a cultural and linguistic study 
Translation of advertising texts requires the 
translator to possess extra-linguistic information, to 
perform cognitive processing of complex information, 
to correctly interpret culturally marked lexical units, allusions, precedent texts, names, etc. In the following 
paragraphs of the article culture-specific elements 
used by politicians in their speeches and techniques 
of their translation will be studied3. 
means the same as American dream, equal opportunities for all, no matter the social status or financial affairs. The speech called “American Promise” had already been made by president Lyndon Johnson after 
the Marches from Selma to Montgomery, through 
which African Americans stood up against their lack of 
voting rights, and the Obama campaign was based on 
eradicating racism and developing the African American community (The American Presidency Project). 
Thus, the precedent text is Lyndon Johnson's “American Promise” speech.  
“Somehow prosperity would trickle down, well 
Я представлял, как истории обычных темnow we know the truth, instead of prosperity trickling 
down, pain has travelled up.” 
нокожих сливаются с историями о Давиде и Голиафе, Моисеи и Фараоне, Даниил и ров со 
5 Cambridge Dictionary [Electronic resource] // URL: https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/main-street?q=main+street+ (date of reference 18.01.2024). 
3 All examples throughout the article were selected by the author from recordings of 
speeches, as well as from newspapers. The translation is also done by the author. 
4 Will Kenton Tricke-Down Theory [Electronic resource] // Investopedia. 2021. URL: 
https://www.investopedia.com/terms/t/trickledowntheory.asp (date of reference 16.01.2024). 
2024 Том 18 №1 
СЕРВИС plus 

2024, 18(1), 3—12 
Archakova, M.T.  
The language of political campaigns. Сultural specificities and expressive means of the language in correlation with 
the methods of translation of 2000-2020 British and American election campaigns from English into Russian.  
львами, Долина сухих костей в Иезекииля (Библия 
Obama often refers to the Bible in his election 
or disappears7. The expressiveness was lost in translation due to lack of equivalent idiomatic expression in 
TL that would not change the style of the speech. 
“…passed on from an earlier generation that 
suffered under the brutal legacy of slavery and Jim 
campaigns, as a way to appeal to Christian voters. The 
translation technique is to adapt the text in SL to TL 
using the official translation of the Bible into Russian, 
stylistic device used by Obama is allusion.  
…унаследованное от предыдущих поколе“…and a king who took us to the mountaintop 
ний, которые страдали под гнетом ужасных последствий рабства и расовой сегрегации. 
and pointed the way to the promise land. Yes we can 
to justice and equality.” 
After the end of the American Civil War, African 
…и король, который привел нас на вершину 
горы и указал путь к Земле обетованной. Скажем 
«да» справедливости и равенству. 
This is in reference to the last speech of Martin 
Americans were freed from slavery and given rights, 
and in response, southern states began passing local 
laws that seriously oppressed them. These were given 
the unofficial name "Jim Crow Laws" («Законы Джима 
Кроу»)8. Jim Crow is a character in a racist caricature 
of black people by Thomas D. Rice. A culture-specific 
element, a reference to racial laws in the USA. 
“Segregated schools were and are inferior 
schools; we still haven't fixed them, 50 years after 
Brown v. Board of Education.” 
Luther King called “I`ve been to the mountaintop” 
made in 1968. The mountain symbolizes Mount Sinai, 
where the Ten Commandments were given to Moses. 
Obama addresses King's speech, whom he calls 
“король” (king). It is clear that Obama uses the word 
meaning MLK because of the indefinite article “a”. This 
is an example of word play. 
Школы, созданные исключительно для аф“On one end of the spectrum, we`ve heard the 
implication that my candidacy is somehow an exercise 
in affirmative action…” 
На одном конце спектра нам говорят, что 
роамериканцев, были и остаются низшего 
уровня. Спустя 50 лет после признания судом неконституционности раздельного обучения белых и афроамериканцев, они все еще существуют.  
моя кандидатура является результатом позитивной дискриминации… 
Brown v. Board of Education (Браун против 
Affirmative action (позитивная дискриминаСовета по образованию) is a legal case in which in 
1954 the U.S. Supreme Court declared the separation 
of white and black schools illegal9.  
In this case, explication is necessary in translation because not every Russian-speaking recipient is 
familiar with the above described element. Moreover, 
the method of concretization to correctly convey the 
meaning of the words "fixed them" was applied. 
ция) is a U.S. policy that grants special privileges 
to social groups that have been discriminated 
against. The term was first used in U.S. Executive 
Order 10925 during the J. Kennedy administration 
in 19616. This is an example of a culture-specific 
element in the text. The best translation technique 
is explication since there is no such thing in Russian. 
And you know, Senator McCain, I think the 
“…and just hope that it fades into the wood"Straight Talk Express" lost a wheel on that one. 
И знаете, сенатор МакКейн, мне кажется в 
…и надеяться, что проблема просто исчезнет. 
момент обсуждения этого вопроса ваш знаменитый «Прямолинейность экспресс» сошел с рельс. 
Fade into the woodwork – an idiom that means 
McCain prided himself on his straightforwardness 
that someone or something becomes invisible, hides, 
in answering reporters' questions. This phrase (Straight 
8 Urofsky, Melvin I. "Jim Crow law" [Electronic resource] // Encyclopedia Britannica. 2021. 
URL: https://www.britannica.com/event/Jim-Crow-law  (date of reference 2.01.2024). 
9 Duignan, Brian. "Brown v. Board of Education" [Electronic resource] // Encyclopedia Britannica. 2021. URL: https://www.britannica.com/event/Brown-v-Board-of-Education-of-Topeka (date of reference 2.01.2024). 
6 Britannica, The Editors of Encyclopedia [Electronic resource] // Encyclopedia Britannica. 
2021. URL: https://www.britannica.com/topic/affirmative-action (date of reference 
7 Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, [Electronic resource] // URL: https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/come%20out%20of%20the%20woodwork (date of reference 
2024 Vol. 18 Iss. 1 

Т.18 №1 с. 3–12 
Арчакова М.Т.  
Язык политической рекламы. Специфика передачи культурных реалий и лингвистических средств выразительности, используемых в англоязычной предвыборной политической рекламе на русский язык (на материале политических кампаний США и Великобритании 2000-2020 годов).  
Talk) was in many newspapers along with the senator's 
name10. Obama uses a play on words in his metaphor 
"express lost the wheel"; in the Russian language, the 
expression “cойти с рельс” is more common. 
would be explication which would lead to loss of expressiveness, or compensation, which means that a 
stylistic device would be added in TL where there is 
none in SL. 
“And Detroit had dragged its feet too long in 
terms of getting that done.” 
И основные производители автомобилей в 
“China ate your lunch, Joe.” 
Китай обвел тебя вокруг пальца, Джо. 
Take someone`s lunch money, eat someone`s 
стране тянули с выполнением этой задачи слишком долго. 
In this example the collective word Detroit, a 
lunch – an allusion to America's culture of bullying in 
schools. This is what China did to America in the negotiations.  
“Pigs in the blanket…fry them like bacon.” 
Поросята в одеяле…поджарим их, как бекон. 
city in the state of Michigan that is synonymous 
with America's automobile industry, is used to denote car manufacturers, which is a metonymy 
(Cambridge Dictionary).  
In America, the word “pig” is used to mean po“I am somebody who believes that Roe versus 
Wade was rightly decided.” 
Я верю, что легализация абортов была 
верным решением. 
Roe v. Wade is a landmark 1973 Supreme 
licemen. Pigs in a blanket is analogous to a dish 
known in Russian culture as “сосиска в тесте” (sausage in dough). Trump is referring to comments about 
police made by African Americans during protests by 
the Black Lives Matter movement. 
In conclusion to the previous paragraph it can 
Court decision that ruled that abortion is a constitutional right for women11.  
As in the example of Brown v. Board of Education, explication is necessary in translation. 
“Unfortunately, they left the money behind for 
No Child Left Behind.” 
К сожалению, они отстали при определении бюджета для законопроекта «Ни одного отстающего ребенка». 
The bill was signed into law in 2001 under 
George W. Bush Jr. and required each state to develop a background check system12.  
“This has not been Mr. Oil or Mr. Gas or Mr. 
be said that the most used means of expressiveness 
are: metaphor, anaphora, epiphora, metonymy, wordplay, lexical repetition, idioms and colloquial expressions, rhyme, jargonisms and biblical allusions are 
also present. The main methods of translation are lexico-grammatical transformations, such as explication, 
concretization, domestication of metaphors, and others, which will further be discussed in the conclusion 
part of the article. Stylistic devices, such as anaphora, 
epiphora, etc., were translated into Russian using the 
most suitable technique that would communicate 
them, as these stylistic devices are key to the pragmatic function of political advertising. 
“Он не будет развивать нефтяную, газоPolitical advertising in the UK: a cultural and linguistic 
вую или угольную промышленность”. 
Romney stated that Obama will not develop the 
In this paragraph of the current article, the politabove industry, saying he is not Mr. Oil/Gas/Coal. It is 
a common technique in English-speaking culture to 
assign a name to a person according to their beliefs/qualities, e.g. Miss Congeniality - creating 
pseudo-anthroponyms. This is usually not done in 
Russian, especially in speeches by government officials, therefore, an acceptable translation technique 
ical advertising discourse of UK politicians will be examined. Despite some limitations of television advertising and the later, relative to the USA, introduction of 
the practice of pre-election debates, political advertising in the UK has existed for a long time and in terms 
of strategies, techniques, including linguistic ones, 
does not differ much from the US political advertising.  
12 Duignan, Brian and Nolen, Jeannette L. [Electronic resource] // Encyclopedia Britannica. 
2021. URL: https://www.britannica.com/topic/No-Child-Left-Behind-Act (date of reference 
10 Dan Balz McCain Rides 'The Straight Talk Express' [Electronic resource] // 1999. URL: 
https://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/politics/campaigns/wh2000/stories/mccain090299.htm (date of reference 05.01.2024). 
11 Britannica, The Editors of Encyclopedia [Electronic resource] // Encyclopedia Britannica. 
2021. URL: https://www.britannica.com/event/Roe-v-Wade (date of reference 6.01.2024). 
2024 Том 18 №1 
СЕРВИС plus 

2024, 18(1), 3—12 
Archakova, M.T.  
The language of political campaigns. Сultural specificities and expressive means of the language in correlation with 
the methods of translation of 2000-2020 British and American election campaigns from English into Russian.  
Sod-all – a crude British colloquial expression 
meaning a total absence of sth14.  
“We are not talking peanuts.”  
Речь идет не о малой сумме.  
Peanuts – in British slang, a paltry sum of 
We can`t go on like this. With suspicious 
Нельзя так продолжать…жить в подозрениях.  
“…Where things start to go pear shaped again.” 
Когда ситуация снова начнет ухудшаться. 
To go pear shaped – colloquial expression in 
Suspicious minds is an Elvis Presley song. The 
British English, meaning to go wrong. 
“Black Wednesday cost Britain 3.3 billion” 
Черная среда, когда курс фунта резко упал, 
стоила нам 3,3 млрд.  
poster shows D. Cameron with the singer's famous 
hairstyle. It's about Cameron having his face so retouched that he's probably more concerned about his 
own celebrity status than politics. 
A culture-specific element that requires explicaWe can`t go on like this. Can`t you hear it? The 
tion by addition.  
drums, the drums, the never-ending drums. 
“We`re going to get rid of some of these quanНельзя так продолжать… Неужели вы не 
Мы избавимся от некоторых бесполезных 
слышите? Барабанная дробь, барабанная дробь, 
точно как в Докторе кто, она никогда не затихает. 
полуавтономных неправительственных комитетов… 
A reference to the famous Doctor Who series. 
Quango - quasi-autonomous national governThe drumming was a signal of threat and danger. An 
explication was made during translation. 
ment organization – An organization partly controlled 
and funded by the government but operating independently of it. A culture-specific element. 
Don`t let him take Britain back to the 1980s. 
Не позвольте ему вернуть Британию в 
 “A proper replacement for Trident.” 
Достойная замена существующей ядерной 
David Cameron is pictured on the hood of an 
Trident is the name of the program. The title 
Audi Quattro, the car popularized by the 80s British TV 
series Ashes to Ashes. 
was omitted and the meaning was explicated. 
Fire up the Quattro. It`s time for change16. 
Заводи Quattro. Едем на встречу перемеAbout 1 in 50 jobs are zero hours contracts. 
Договор с нефиксированным минимум рабонам. 
I`ve never voted Tory before, and never would 
чих часов заключается при поступлении на 1 работу из 50. 
because that evil cow stole my milk. 
Zero hours contracts  a contract where the emЯ никогда не голосовал за консерваторов, 
и дальше не буду, потому что эта злобная 
мымры забрала у меня молоко. 
Cow – profanity in British Slang17.  
This is about Margaret Thatcher, former Conployer is not obliged to provide a fixed minimum of 
working hours, but at least 8 hours must be worked per 
month, i.e. the employee can be paid for one working 
day in a whole month. Such contracts are predominantly used in the UK. An explication of the culturespecific element is needed. 
servative Prime Minister, abolishing the provision of 
free milk in schools for children over the age of 7. 
Tories have got sod-all to offer the young. 
Консерваторы не могут предложить молоA toff on crime. A toff on the causes of crime. 
Аристокрах в борьбе с преступностью. 
дежи ни черта.  
Аристокрах в борьбе с причинами преступности. 
16 Flickr, [Electronic resource] // URL: https://www.flickr.com/photos/conservatives/4486832262 (date of reference 12.03.2024). 
17 The Britannica Dictionary [Electronic resource] // URL: https://www.britannica.com/dictionary/cow (date of reference 12.01.2024). 
13 Cambridge dictionary [Electronic resource] // URL: https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/peanuts (date of reference 12.01.2024). 
14 Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, [Electronic resource] // URL: https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/sod%20all (date of reference 12.01.2024). 
15 The Guardian, [Electronic resource] // URL: https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2010/jan/30/david-cameron-graffiti (date of reference 12.03.2024). 
2024 Vol. 18 Iss. 1