Spoken English
Гуманитарные дисциплины. Школа
Голицынский Юрий Борисович
Год издания: 2015
Кол-во страниц: 416
Вид издания:
Учебное пособие
Уровень образования:
Среднее общее образование
ISBN: 978-5-9925-0611-2
Артикул: 015641.17.99
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Пособие содержит несколько наиболее общих тем: семья, погода, театр, образование, путешествия и т. д. Каждая тема включает большое количество заданий и упражнений, направленных на формирование и закрепление навыков составления рассказа с использованием прямой и косвенной речи, умения задавать вопросы и отвечать на них. Применяется в качестве учебного пособия учащимися V-XI классов школ с изучением английского языка на базовом уровне и школ с углубленным изучением английского языка. Большинство упражнений-диалогов записаны на компакт-диск, прослушивание которого поможет научиться воспринимать английскую речь на слух.
- 373: Дошкольное воспитание и образование. Общее школьное образование. Общеобразовательная школа
- 3731: Учебники и учебные пособия
- ВО - Бакалавриат
- 44.03.01: Педагогическое образование
- 45.03.01: Филология
- 45.03.02: Лингвистика
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Фрагмент текстового слоя документа размещен для индексирующих роботов
АНГЛИЙСКИЙ ЯЗЫК для школьников Ю. Б. Голицынский SPOKEN ENGLISH Пособие по разговорной речи КАРО Санкт-Петербург
УДК 373.167.1:811.111 ББК 81.2 Англ-922 Г60 Голицынский, Юрий Борисович. Г60 Spoken English: Пособие по разговорной речи / Ю. Б. Голицынский. — Санкт-Петербург: КАРО, 2015. — 416 с. — (Английский язык для школьников). ISBN 978-5-9925-0611-2. Пособие содержит несколько наиболее общих тем: семья, погода, театр, образование, путешествия и т. д. Каждая тема включает большое количество заданий и упражнений, направленных на формирование и закрепление навыков составления рассказа с использованием прямой и косвенной речи, умения задавать вопросы и отвечать на них. Применяется в качестве учебного пособия учащимися V-XI классов школ с изучением английского языка на базовом уровне и школ с углубленным изучением английского языка. Большинство упражнений-диалогов записаны на компакт-диск, прослушивание которого поможет научиться воспринимать английскую речь на слух. УДК 373.167.1:811.111 ББК 81.2 Англ-922 В дополнение к книге можно приобрести диск в формате MP3 с записью отдельных упражнений-диалогов с музыкальным сопровождением (76 минут, 65 упражнений) ISBN 978-5-9925-0611-2 © КАРО, 1998 Все права защищены
HOME. FAMILY. A good laugh is sunshine in a house. Thackeray (1811-1863) 1. Practice reading the following words and word combinations. Learn them by heart. a five-storey building ['faiv'sto:n'bildir)] пятиэтажное здание a lift лифт a hall прихожая a mirror ['miro] зеркало a hall-stand вешалка
2. Answer the following questions. 1. Do you live in a five-storey building? nine twelve 2. What floor is your flat on? 3. Is there a lift in the house you live in? 4. Is your flat large or small? 5. How many rooms are there in your flat? 6. Is there a mirror in the hall of your flat? 7. Is there a hall-stand in your hall? 3. Practice reading the following words and word combinations. Learn them by heart. furniture ['fa:mtja] мебель a square table квадратный стол a round table круглый стол a writing-desk письменный стол a coffee table журнальный столик a cupboard ['клЬэй] шкаф, буфет a sideboard ['saidbord] сервант a wardrobe ['wo:droub] платяной шкаф a bookcase книжный шкаф a bookshelf книжная полка a cosy sofa уютный диван a thick carpet [’0ik'ka:pit] толстый ковер a cushion [kujn] диванная подушка a ceiling ['si:ln)] потолок a curtain [ka:tn] занавеска a bedside table прикроватный столик a dressing table туалетный столик a wall lamp бра a floor lamp (standard lamp) торшер a wall-unit ['wo:l junit] стенка /мебельная/ a piano ['pjeenou] пианино 4
4. Practice reading all possible questions and answers, using the following substitution patterns: Is there a table in your room? sofa sideboard wardrobe writing-desk coffee table bookcase wall-unit carpet piano TV-set Yes, there is a large square table in our room. little cosy sofa big brown sideboard big brown wardrobe large writing-desk little round coffee table big brown bookcase big brown wall-unit thick red carpet big black piano big colour TV-set 5. Work “in a chain,” asking and answering the above question. Each time ask about a different piece of furniture. E.g. A (to B).Is there a table in your room? В (to A). Yes, there is a large square table in our room. (to C). Is there a sofa in your room? 5
C (to В). Yes, there is a little cosy sofa in our room. (to D). Is there a sideboard in your room? D (to C). Yes, there is a big brown sideboard in our room. (to E). Is there a wardrobe in you room? etc. 6. Practice reading the following words and word combinations. Learn them by heart. a living-room жилая комната a bedroom спальня a study ['stA±] кабинет a kitchen кухня a bathroom ванная комната a toilet туалет in front [frAnt] of перед to the right (of) направо /от/ to the left (of) налево /от/ in the middle посередине opposite [ opozit] напротив near около in the corner в углу between [bi'twim] между behind [bi'hamd] за, позади 7. Practice reading the following question and answer. Learn them by heart. Where is the sofa in your living-room? It is at the wall to the right of the door. 8. Work “in a chain,” asking and answering questions, using the following substitution patterns: 6
Where is the table in your living-room? sofa study sideboard bedroom wall-unit piano TV-set coffee-table writing-desk bookcase bed bedside table dressing table wardrobe carpet It's in the middle of the room, in front of the TV-set at the wall in the corner of the room to the right of the door to the left of the window opposite the door etc. E. g.A(toB). Where is the table in your livingroom? В (to A). It's in the middle of the room. (to C). Where is the wall-unit in your livingroom? C (to B). It's at the wall to the right of the door. (toD). Where is the writing-desk in your study? D (toC). It's opposite the window. 7
(to E). Where is the dressing table in your bed-room? etc. 9. Practice reading the following words and word combinations. Learn them by heart. an entrance ['entrons] door входная дверь armchairs ['cumtjeaz] кресла receive [n'si:v] our guests принимаем гостей a refrigerator [n'fiidgorerta] холодильник a gas-cooker газовая плита have our meals [mi:lz] едим wash the dishes моем посуду a stool табурет 10. Read the text. Tom Brown Speaks about his Flat Our flat is on the sixth floor of a big twelve-storeybuilding. In our flat we have three rooms, a kitchen, a hall, a bathroom and a toilet. The first place you get to when you enter our flat is the hall. It is rather large. To the left of the entrance door there is a hall-stand, where we hang our overcoats and put our hats when we take them off. To the right of the entrance door there is a large mirror with a little table under it. Our living-room is large. The floor of our livingroom is yellow, the ceiling is white, the walls are blue. The curtains on the windows are brown. There is a large brown sideboard in our living-room. It is at the wall to the right of the door. In the sideboard there are many plates, cups and glasses. There are some fine vases in the sideboard, too. There is a cosy red sofa in our living-room. It is 8
at the wall to the left of the door. There are some cushions on the sofa. There is a little black coffee-table in front of the sofa. There are some newspapers and magazines on the coffee-table. We have a large colour TV-set in the living-room. It is in the corner of the room on a little table. There is a big vase on the TV-set. There are usually some beautiful flowers in the vase. There are two cosy armchairs in our living-room. They are in front of the TV-set. There are some fine pictures on the walls of our living-room. We usually spend our free time in the living-room, reading, talking or watching TV. We receive our guests in the living-room, too. Our bedroom is not very large. The walls of our bedroom are pink, the curtains on the window are yellow. In our bedroom we have two beds. There is a little bedside table between the beds. There is a large yellow wardrobe in our bedroom. It is at the wall to the right of the door. There are some clothes in the wardrobe. In the corner of the bedroom there is a small dressing table with a mirror over it. Our study is small. The walls of our study are brown, the curtains on the window are green. In our study we have a little writing-desk. It is in front of the window. There are some pens, pencils and exercise-books on the writing-desk. There is a large brown bookcase in our study. It is at the wall to the left of the writing-desk. There are many books in it. Our kitchen is small. There is a refrigerator in the kitchen. The refrigerator is white. There is a gascooker in the kitchen. The gas-cooker is black. 9
There is a cupboard at the wall and a little table in the middle of the kitchen. There are some stools round the table. In the kitchen we cook, have our meals and wash the dishes. 11. Answer the following questions. 1. What floor is the Browns' flat on? What kind of building is their flat in? 2. Is their flat large or small? How many rooms are there in it? 3. What is the first place you get to when you enter the Browns' flat? 4. What is there in their hall? 5. Where do the Browns hang their coats when they take them off? 6. Is the living-room large or small? 7. What colour is the floor in the living-room? What colour is the ceiling? What colour are the walls? What colour are the curtains on the windows? 8. Is there a sideboard in the living-room? What colour is it? Where is it? What do the Browns keep in their sideboard? 9. Is there a sofa in the living-room? Is it cosy? What colour is it? Where is it? What is there on the sofa? 10. Do the Browns have a coffee-table in their living-room? Where is it? What is there on the coffee-table? 11. What kind of TV-set do the Browns have? Where is the TV-set? What is there on the TV-set? 12. How many armchairs are there in the Browns' living-room? Are the armchairs cosy? Where are they? 10
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