Практическая грамматика английского языка. Упражнения и комментарии
Английский язык
Гуревич Валерий Владимирович
Год издания: 2012
Кол-во страниц: 296
Вид издания:
Учебное пособие
Уровень образования:
ВО - Бакалавриат
ISBN: 978-5-89349-464-8
Артикул: 618169.01.99
Пособие охватывает все разделы английской грамматики, с относительно элементарного уровня до продвинутого. Материал представлен в виде активных заданий, имеющих речевую направленность, и включает упражнения, отрывки связанных текстов (в основном юмористического характера). Для студентов высших учебных заведений, учащихся старших классов школ, а также для всех изучающих английский язык.
- ВО - Бакалавриат
- 00.03.02: Иностранный язык
- ВО - Специалитет
- 00.05.02: Иностранный язык
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Фрагмент текстового слоя документа размещен для индексирующих роботов
В.В. ГУРЕВИЧ ПРАКТИЧЕСКАЯ ГРАММАТИКА АНГЛИЙСКОГО ЯЗЫКА Упражнения и комментарии • V.V. GUREVICH PRACTICAL ENGLISH GRAMMAR Exercises and Comments 9-е издание Учебное пособие Москва Издательство «Флинта» 2012
УДК 811.111(075.8) ББК 81.2Англ-2 Г95 Гуревич В.В. Г95 Практическая грамматика английского языка. Упражнения и комментарии : учеб. пособие / В.В. Гуревич. - 9-е изд. - М. : Флинта : Наука, 2012. - 296 с. ISBN 978-5-89349-464-8 (Флинта) ISBN 978-5-02-002934-7 (Наука) Пособие охватывает все разделы английской грамматики, с относительно элементарного уровня до продвинутого. Материал представлен в виде активных заданий, имеющих речевую направленность, и включает упражнения, отрывки связанных текстов (в основном юмористического характера). Для студентов высших учебных заведений, учащихся старших классов школ, а также для всех изучающих английский язык.. УДК 811.111(075.8) ББК 81.2Англ-2 ISBN 978-5-89349-464-8 (Флинта) ISBN 978-5-02-002934-7 (Наука) © Издательство «Флинта», 2003
CONTENTS MORPHOLOGY The Verb.....................................................6 Tenses....................................................6 The Indefinite (Simple) Tenses......................6 The Continuous (Progressive) Tenses................43 The Perfect Tenses.................................54 The Perfect Continuous (Progressive) Tenses .......72 The Passive Voice.......................................86 Oblique Moods.......................................... 99 Modal Verbs............................................118 Verbals................................................141 The Infinitive.....................................141 The Gerund.........................................148 Participle.........................................154 Complexes with Verbals.............................163 The Noun..................................................179 Articles..................................................200 The Adjective.............................................223 The Prounoun..............................................234 SYNTAX The Simple sentence.......................................253 Types of simple sentences..............................253 Parts of the sentence..................................258 The Predicate......................................258 Word Order. Inversion..............................262 The Object.........................................271 The Attribute......................................276 The Adverbial Modifier.............................278 The Composite Sentence....................................279 Punctuation........................................... 290 3
Пособие охватывает все основные разделы грамматики и содержит как материал относительно элементарного уровня, направленный на закрепление простейших грамматических навыков (это прежде всего относится к начальным разделам таких тем, как «Времена глагола», «Формы числа существительного», «Артикль»), так и материал весьма продвинутого уровня, предназначенный для специализированных языковых классов и языковых факультетов. На всех уровнях материал имеет речевую направленность, т,е, организован в виде активных заданий (изучающим предлагается выбрать необходимую форму или конструкцию и употребить ее в тексте, а нередко также и пересказать целый текст). Значительная часть упражнений базируется на отрывках из художественных произведений, поскольку сюжетный текст помогает поддерживать интерес учащихся к грамматическому материалу, иногда неизбежно довольно нудному, и, кроме того, дает возможность увидеть грамматику не как нечто отдельное, а как неотъемлемую принадлежность живой, осмысленной речи на языке. В большинстве упражнений аналитического характера также используются образцы, взятые из реальной английской речи, хотя авторство примеров указывается лишь выборочно. Помимо упражнений в пособии даются краткие пояснения некоторых грамматических тонкостей, слабо освещенных в других учебниках (достаточно известные правила в книгу не включены). Это, в частности, касается таких тем, как словообразование, сложные случаи употребления артиклей (родовой артикль, артикль с предлогом “of” в разных значениях, неопределенный и нулевой артикли с абстрактными существительными, артикль с именами собственными в их непрямых употреблениях), разграничение прилагательных и слов категории состояния, противопоставление глагольных форм Present Perfect и Past Indefinite, случаи переносного употребления временных форм, зависимость грам4
магических форм глагола от типов лексического значения (предельные и непредельные глаголы, процессуальные и непроцессуальные глаголы), классификация глаголов в связи с возможностями разных страдательных конструкций, сложные случаи употребления неопределенных местоимений (some-апу, each-every, somebody-someone), различия в актуальном членении предложения в связи с порядком слов (типы инверсии), проявления грамматической синонимии в морфологии и синтаксисе, влияние семантических процессов (метафорических и метонимических переносов значения) на грамматическое поведение слова и т.д. При этом автор исходит из того, что во многих случаях целесообразней не предварять упражнения изложением готового правила, а проделать упражнение, опираясь на языковую интуицию учащихся, и затем предложить им самим вывести правило. В. В. Гуревич, профессор МП ГУ
MORPHOLOGY (МОРФОЛОГИЯ) THE VERB (ГЛАГОЛ) TENSES (ВРЕМЕНА ГЛАГОЛА) The Present Indefinite Tense (Настоящее простое время) 1. Choose the right form of the verb. Выберите нужную форму глагола. 1. I ... English (speak-speaks). 2. He ... Russian (speak-speaks). 3. John ... two brothers (have-has). 4, We ... a big car (have-has). 5. They... English (know-knows), 6. My sister... French (know-knows). 7. My brothers ... English books (read-reads). 8. His sister ... many books (readreads). 9. I ... very happy (am- is-are). 10. John ... a student (am-is-are). 11.We ... students (am-is-are). 12. His father ... in London now (am-is-are). 13. My parents ... at home now (am-is-are). 14. There ... a big table in the room (am-is-are). 15. There ... two beds in the bed-room (am-is-are). 2. Put in a suitable form of the verb. Вставьте подходящую форму глагола. 1. I am ten years old, and she ... twelve. 2. My sisters are at school now and I... at home, 3,1 have two brothers and he ... one brother. 4. She has two brothers and I ... one. 5. I speak English and my mother ... Russian, 6, He knows English and we ... French. 7. My brother ... English and my sisters study French. 8. I go to school and she ... to college. 9. He 6
... in a big town and they live in a small village. 10. I read English books and she... French books. 11. We like coffee and he ... tea, 12, The table stands near the window and the beds ... near the door. 13. There is one book on the table and there ... three books on the shelf. 14. There are two beds in the big room and there ... one bed in the small room. 3. Put in a suitable pronoun. Вставьте подходящее местоимение. 1. I like tea and ... likes coffee. 2. ... am a teacher and they are students. 3. ... speaks English and they speak Russian. 4. We go to school and ... goes to college. 5. ... is in London now and we are in Moscow. 6. ... reads very much and ... read very little. 7. You study English and ... studies French. 8. ... know only Russian and ... knows Russian and English. 9. ... are in the garden and ... am in the house. 10. ... is twelve years old and... am fifteen. II.... has a big car and... have a small car. 12.... have one brother and ... has two. 13. The book is not on the table, ... is under the table. 14. There are two beds in the room, and ... stand near the window. 4. Read the sentences changing the number of the nouns. Прочитайте предложения, изменяя форму числа существительных. 1. The boy goes to school and the girls go to college. 2. The students are in the classroom now but the teacher is not here. 3. My brother knows English and my sisters learn French. 4. The table stands near the door and the chairs are near the window. 5. There is a tree near the house. 6. The beds are near the walls. 7. The man has a son and two daughters. 8. The pencil is red and the pens are black. 9. His sister speaks English well and his brothers speak it badly. 10. My friend often writes letters to my sister. 5. Begin the story with the words ‘ The author says that...’ using indirect speech. Начните рассказ словами ‘The author says that...’, используя косвенную речь. I am always afraid to forget my toothbrush when I go travelling. Sometimes, when I sleep, I see it in my dream, and remember that I must pack it. So 1 wake up, get out of bed and run to the bathroom for 7
my toothbrush. Then I pack it in my bag, and go back to sleep. But in the morning I remember that I must brush my teeth. So I go to the bag and open it and begin to look for the toothbrush. As a rule, I have to take all the things out of the bag before I find it. At last I get it out of the bag and use it, and then I forget to put it back. So at the last moment I have to run upstairs to the bathroom for my toothbrush, and finally I carry it to the railway station in my hand. (Jerome) 6. Translate these sentences. Переведите предложения. 1. Он учит два языка, а я учу три. 2. Она знает английский, а мы знаем немецкий. 3. Мы — студенты, а Вы — учитель. 4. Джон говорит по-французски, а его сестра говорит по-английски. 5. Моя сестра читает русские книги, а я читаю английские книги. 6. У Ника один брат, а у меня два. 7. Я люблю чай, а мой брат любит кофе. 8. Он сейчас в школе, а я дома. 9. Он живет в Москве, а его сестра живет в Лондоне. 10. Мой брат ходит в школу, а я хожу в колледж. 7. Choose the form of the verb. Retell the jokes. Выберите форму глагола. Перескажите шутки. A. John (say-says) to his friend, “My brother (want-wants) to come with us on a walking tour (в поход). He (am-is-are) a very good boy, and he (know-knows) very many funny stories”. His friend (askasks), “(am-is-are) he afraid of work?” “Oh, I (am-is-are) sure that he (am-is-are) not afraid of it”, John (answer-answers), “because he always (lie-lies) down (ложится) when work (begin-begins), and (fallfalls) asleep (засыпает) at once (сразу)”. В. A young man (run-runs) into the doctor’s room, and (say-says), “Oh, doc-tor!...”. But the doctor (stop-stops) him and (say-says), “Don’t hurry, young man, sit down. I (see-sees) that your face (am-is-are) red and I (think-thinks) that you (have-has) a temperature”. “But, doctor!..” the boy (cry-cries) again. “No, no!”, the doctor (say-says), “don’t say anything. I (want-wants) to examine (осмотреть) you”. And he (begin-begins) to examine the boy. After some time the doctor (say-says), “It (seem-seems) (кажется) to me that everything (am-is-are) all right with you. You (am-is-are) only very excited (возбуждены)”. “Of course I (am-is-are) excited”, the boy (answeranswers), “because there (am-is-are) a fire (пожар) in this house”. 8
Negative sentences. Отрицательные предложения 1. Make the sentences negative. Поставьте предложения в отрицательную форму. а) 1. I am a student of English. 2. Му parents are teachers. 3. His brother is in London now. 4. This is a big town. 5. Your house is very nice. 6. There is a book on the shelf. 7. There are many cinemas in my town. 8. They have many children. 9. John has a brother. 10. We have much time now. 11. She has got many good books. b) 1. I like English. 2. John likes tea. 3. We know French. 4. She knows many stories. 5. The table stands near the door. 6. The chairs stand near the window. 7. John lives far from here. 8. My sister studies French. 9. It rains very often in autumn. 10. Our children go to school every day. 11. Nina writes many letters to me. 2. Put in a suitable verb. Вставьте подходящий глагол. 1. Do not... many books. 2. She does not... tea and he doesn’t... coffee. 3. They don’t... in London now. 4. We don’t... you. 5. She does not ... this story. 6. They don’t often ... to me. 7. It doesn’t often ... in summer. 8. This book doesn’t really... us new information. 9. We don’t... to school on Sundays. 10. She doesn’t... early on Sundays. 11. They don’t... breakfast very early. * 3. Give a short negative answer using the model. Дайте краткий отрицательный ответ по модели "/Vo, / don't/I am not" и т.п. 1. Are you a teacher? 2. Is your brother at home? 3. Do you speak French? 4. Does your sister speak German? 5. Do your parents work? 6. Is her voice pleasant? 7. Does she speak loudly? 8. Do your friends live far from you? 9. Is the answer correct? 10. Are these books in English? 11. Do the chairs stand near the window? 12. Does your friend often come to see you? 13. Is there abed in the room? 14. Are there any books on the table? 4. Finish the sentences using the model. Закончите предложения по модели “/ Ике books, and he doesn't". 1. Nina likes winter, and I .... 2. My sister works, and my brother ... . 3, My mother is a teacher, and my father... 4. We are students, and 9
they ... 5. I am fond of jazz, and my brother ... 6. John lives in tire centre, and his parents ... 7. My brother learns English, and I ... 8. The table is round, and the chairs... 9. The chairs are small, and the table ... 10. My car goes very fast, and his car ... 11. In his country it often rains, and in my country it ... 12. We have a lot of friends, and she ... 5. Open the brackets using the Present Indefinite. Retell the story. Откройте скобки, используя настоящее простое время. Перескажите рассказ. This is a story about a king who is very fond of new clothes. He (not to think) at all about his army or about his people, he (not to go) to theatres, he (not to walk) in the park. The king always (to buy) new clothes because he (not to like) to wear the same things every day. One day two young swindlers {мошенники) (to come) to the king, and (to say) that they can make clothes from some wonderful material, so that people who (not to be) fit for their jobs (not to see) it. The king (to be) so glad to have new clothes that he (not to ask) them any questions, and the men (to begin) working on his new clothes. In fact, they (not to do) anything, they only (to pretend) to work. When the king (to come) to look at their work, he (not to see) anything, but he (not to have) courage to tell them so: he (to think) that probably he (not to be) fit to be king. So he (to say) that the material (to be) really wonderful, and then he (to ask) his first minister to go and look at it. The minister (not to see) anything either, but he (not to tell) anybody about it because he (to be) afraid to show that he (not to be) fit for his post. He (to return) to the king and (to say) that the material for his clcthes (to be) very beautiful. At last the new clothes (to be) ready, and the king (to decide) to show them to all the people. He (to go) to the young men, who (to ask) him to take off his old clothes. They (to pretend) that they (to dress) him in his new clothes, but in fact they (not to put) any clothes on him. The king (to walk) about the streets in his new clothes, and the people (to look) at him but nobody (to see) any clothes on him. As they (not to want) to show that they (not to be) fit for their jobs, all the people (to shout): ‘How beautiful the king’s new clothes (to be)! What wonderful clothes the king (to have) on!’ The king (to be) greatly surprised why he himself (not to see) the clothes which everybody (to see). And again he (not to say) anything, but only (to smile) proudly. Suddenly a little child, (to say) to his mother: ‘Look, mummy, the 10