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Анатомия и физиология человека
Литвиненко Лидия Михайловна
Год издания: 2015
Кол-во страниц: 5
- 57: Биологические науки
- 575: Общая генетика. Общая цитогенетика. Иммуногенетика. Эволюционное учение. Видообразование. Филогенез
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effect of exogenous factors is of increasing importance. The search of correlates between psychological and physiological reactions of the organism to the stress factors of studies is relevant for the development of methods to predict health indicators, taking into account the individual characteristics of the organism. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the peculiarities of vegetative regulation of the organism and psychophysiological properties of students as well as their interconnection in order to develop methods to predict health indicators. A total of 499 students (258 males and 241 females) aged 18-20 were studied. Functional state of an organism of students was assessed using a technique developed by R.M. Baevskii - calculation of indicators of activity of regulatory systems (IARS). In each group with different levels of IARS the degree of emotional stability was estimated according to H. Eysenck scale, the level of anxiety was estimated using Charles Spielberger – Y. Khanin questionnaire. The characteristics of neurodynamic properties of the nervous system were evaluated by means of reaction to a moving object (RMO), individual minute (IM) and visual motor response (VMR) tests. Statistical analysis was performed by descriptive statistics methods and cross tables with the help of “STATISTICA 10” modules. In accordance with the classification in the prenosological diagnostics the following groups were formed: Group 1 - satisfactory level - SAT (84 males 48.3%, 80 females 33.2%); Group 2 the level of functional strain - FS (58 males - 33.3%, 99 females - 41.1%); Group 3 - level of overstrain - OS (32 males - 18.4%, 62 females - 25.7%). Emotional stability (62% males, 50% females) and moderate trait anxiety (TA) (49% of males and 76% females) are more common for students with SAT functional state. FS group is characterized by emotional instability (71% of males and 44% females) and high TA (86% males and 80% females). 91% of OS students showed emotional instability and high TA. The processes of excitation dominate the braking processes in the central nervous system for most students with OS. Information processing speed is much slower in groups with FS and OS. The results of correlation analysis indicate a strong correlation between different components of individually-typological characteristics that are central to the adaptation of students to a variety of environmental conditions. Based on the results obtained, it is possible to develop a programme for prediction of the functional state of the body which is necessary for the development of preventive medicine. DOI:10.12737/12404 О КОММУНИКАЦИОННО-ТРОФИЧЕСКОЙ СИСТЕМЕ ОРГАНИЗМА И АНТРОПОФАГИИ Литвиненко Л.М. Первый Московский Государственный медицинский университет им. И.М. Сеченова.