Operating process of oil-free scroll vacuum pump
Тюрин Алексей Викторович, Райков Алексей Александрович, Саликеев Сергей Иванович, Бурмистров Алексей Васильевич
Год издания: 2023
Кол-во страниц: 112
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Уровень образования:
ВО - Бакалавриат
ISBN: 978-5-7882-3446-5
Артикул: 853607.01.99
The monograph highlights the operating principle, structural modifications and classifications of oilfree scroll vacuum pumps. Engineering solutions applied for SVP are analysed specifying their advantages and disadvantages. Experimental study procedure is described, and research findings are presented.
The book is intended for use by technicians in vacuum and compressor engineering. It will be useful for professors, Ph.D. fellows and students engaged in the training pro-grams 15.03.02 "Technological machines and equipment”, 16.03.01 "Applied physics”, 14.03.01 "Nuclear engineering and thermal physics”, 28.03.02 "Nanoengineering”.
The monograph is prepared at the Department of Vacuum and compressor equipment of physical machines.
- ВО - Бакалавриат
- 14.03.01: Ядерная энергетика и теплофизика
- 15.03.02: Технологические машины и оборудование
- 16.03.01: Техническая физика
- 28.03.02: Наноинженерия
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The Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation Kazan National Research Technological University OPERATING PROCESS OF OIL -FREE SCROLL VACUUM PUMP Monograph Kazan KNRTU Press 2023
UDC 621.52 Published by the decision of the Editorial Review Board of the Kazan National Research Technological University Reviewers: PhD in Technical Science E. Kapustin Doctor in Physisc and Mathematics P. Osipov Authors: A. Tyurin, A. Raykov, S. Salikeev, A. Burmistrov Operating process of oil-free scroll vacuum pump : Monograph / I. Tyurin, A. Raykov, S. Salikeev, A. Burmistrov; The Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, Kazan National Research Technological University. – Kazan : KNRTU Press, 2023. – 112 p. ISBN 978-5-7882-3446-5 The monograph highlights the operating principle, structural modifications and classifications of oil-free scroll vacuum pumps. Engineering solutions applied for SVP are analysed specifying their advantages and disadvantages. Experimental study procedure is described, and research findings are presented. The book is intended for use by technicians in vacuum and compressor engineering. It will be useful for professors, Ph.D. fellows and students engaged in the training programs 15.03.02 “Technological machines and equipment”, 16.03.01 “Applied physics”, 14.03.01 “Nuclear engineering and thermal physics”, 28.03.02 “Nanoengineering”. The monograph is prepared at the Department of Vacuum and compressor equipment of physical machines. UDC 621.52 ISBN 978-5-7882-3446-5 © A. Tyurin, A. Raykov, S. Salikeev, A. Burmistrov, 2023 © Kazan National Research Technological University, 2023 2
CONTENT LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS AND REFERENCE ................................. 4 INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................ 7 1. STATE OF THE ART AND RESEARCH OBJECTIVES ................. 9 1.1. Determination of SVP operating principle ...................................... 9 1.2. Description of SVP Standard Design ............................................ 11 1.3. Description of SVP Operating Process.......................................... 14 1.4. SVP Classification ......................................................................... 17 1.5. Advantages of SVP ........................................................................ 23 1.6. Disadvantages of SVP ................................................................... 24 1.7. Summary ........................................................................................ 25 2. EXPERIMENTAL STUDY OF SVP ................................................... 27 2.1. Review of Methods for Obtaining Indicator Diagrams ................. 27 2.2. Development of Subject Experimental Study ............................... 31 2.3. Description of the Experimental Test Unit .................................... 35 2.4. Study Procedure ............................................................................. 40 2.4.1. Pressure Measurement in the Pump Working Cavities ........ 40 2.4.2. Measurement of Pumping Speed and Power Consumption ................................................................................... 48 2.4.3. Estimation of Pressure Measurement Error in the Pump Working Cavities ............................................................................ 53 2.4.4. Evaluation of Measurement Error in Pumping Speed ......... 58 3. MATHEMATICAL SIMULATION OF SVP OPERATING PROCESS ................................................................................................... 63 3.1. Review of Performance Methods for Scroll Machines .................. 63 3.2. Fundamentals of Mathematical Model ........................................... 67 3.3. Calculation of Gas Backflow in Channels with Moving Walls ...................................................................................................... 73 3.4. Calculation of Radial Clearance Size ............................................. 80 3.5. Comparison of Experimental Indicator Diagrams and Mathematic Simulation Data .......................................................... 85 3.6. SVP Power Performance Analysis ................................................. 88 3.7. Analyzing the Influence of Scroll Geometrics on SVP Power and Volume Values ................................................................................ 92 CONCLUSION......................................................................................... 101 LITERATURE ......................................................................................... 102 3
LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS AND REFERENCE List of abbreviations SVP – scroll vacuum pump CFD – computational fluid dynamics (вычислительная гидродинамика) KNRTU – Kazan National Research Technological University VP – vacuum pump CNC – computer numerical control KF – Klein Flange (фланец Клейна) GBD – gas ballast device MM – mathematical model CVP – claw vacuum pump VDТО - standard deformation-thermocouple vacuum gauge AC – accuracy class ERR – error RMSD – root mean square deviation List of Reference c – pressure change rate along the channel k – adiabatic exponent R – gas constant T – absolute temperature M – gas molecular mass ∆τ – lag period lch – length of cylindrical channel Sin – pumping speed Q – gas flow entering the measuring chamber Pin – measuring chamber pressure Pult – ultimate pressure (base pressure) in chamber W – power consumption Pi – pressure differential measured by a sensor between atmospheric and working chamber pressure vMIC – sensor report rate n – rotation speed of drive shaft vphoto – phototachometer reading Np –number of points in period 4
Тave – averaged period of rotor rotation 𝐴 ̃ – arithmetical average of observation data k – number of points for each experimental set S – root-mean-square deviation h – abnormality criterion ε – confidence random error of measuring data tq – quantile of Student`s t-distribution θ – systematic error ∆Sin – measuring data confidence limit δ – maximum relative measurement error Vin – inlet volume Vcut – cut-off volume Vout – outlet volume SD – positive displacement volume h – scroll height Fcut – cut-off region area L – arc length е – eccentricity rb – base circle radius ф – angle of scroll end b – scroll thickness V – cavity current volume – angular rate QH – external heat flow φ – rotation angle of drive shaft M – gas in or gas out per second h – gas enthalpy w – tangential velocity b(x) – channel half thickness in section x P(x) – pressure in section x λ0 – average free-path length Kn – Knudsen number μ – dynamic viscosity Rg – gas constant Тw – wall temperature Тg – gas temperature α – heat-exchange coefficient Fw – wall surface area 5
λ – gas thermal conductivity R – radius of scroll wall curvature at certain point dh – typical size – hydraulic diameter of the channel R – Reynolds number Pr – Prandtl number фwp – working process duration P – working cavity pressure V – working cavity volume L1 and L2 – indicator work for each cut-off cavity 6
INTRODUCTION On account of sanctions policy of some foreign countries against Russia, our country has taken the line of imports phase-out which means high-tech manufacturing design allowing to produce world-class equipment. Development of modern vacuum technology processes, accordingly, puts forward new demands towards pumping facilities, among those the provision of oil-free low and medium vacuum in the pumped volume. Thereby, of note, vacuum produced in the pumped volume is regarded as oilfree, in case that mass-spectrum of residue gases lacks molecules with mass number over 44 [1]. Among oil-free vacuum pumps with pumping speed of 60 m3/h and ultimate pressure of about 1 Pa, the most in-demand are scroll vacuum pumps (SVP) [2, 3] due to a number of objective advantages such as quietness, low vibration, low specific energy consumption and capability of pumping vapors and gas-vapor media. SVP are used both as individual pumping facilities and forevacuum pumps for Roots, turbomolecular and other oil-free machines [4, 5]. SVP have been manufactured abroad for more than 25 years and still are studied and improved, whereas in Russia, SVP started to be produced serially only in 2016 [6, 7]. Scroll machines are phased-in amid intense global rivalry of vacuum technology manufacturers [8–10]. Therefore, this paper is intended for comprehensive study of operating process of SVP, thus, laying the groundwork for further development of domestically made scroll machines to ensure their competitive performance. The first scroll compressor machines in our country were designed by a group of scholars under the guidance of I. A. Sakun. Study of scroll compressors was then continued in the works by E. R. Ibragimov [11] and Yu. A. Paranin [12] with the lead of I. G. Khisameev. The works above provided scroll compressor indicating and thermal profiling, and the observed dependenies were applied for drawing up calculation procedure. Study of scroll machines operation under vacuum began about 10 years ago, at the department of KNRTU “Vacuum and compressor equipment of physical machines”, the results obtained being presented in the paper by R. R. Yuakupov [13] providing pumping speed measurement data at various rotation speeds of drive shaft, and SVP mathematical model developed on account of temperature-induced variations of scroll elements. 7
The most uniform calculation procedures of SVP are given in the works by Zeyu Li [14], Xiang-Ji Yue [16] and Tadashi Sawada [17] describing the mathematical model of scroll vacuum pump operating process, based on solutions of differential equationswith regard to experimental study of both external and internal specifications of a scroll machine. Of special interest are works by Xiang-Ji Yue, A Spille-Kohoff [18], Qingqing Zhang [19]. Therein, gas flow simulation in a scroll pump is carried out by CFD method (Computational Fluid Dynamics). The authors are grateful to their colleagues for instructive discussion, provision of separate materials and help of various kinds when editing the manuscript. Particular thanks are due to PhD in Physics and Mathematics, Associate Professor M. D. Bronshtein (KNRTU, Kazan). Readers` criticism and suggestions are welcome and will be accepted with gratitude. 8
1. STATE OF THE ART AND RESEARCH OBJECTIVES 1.1. Determination of SVP operating principle SVP (Fig. 1.1) is a distinctive pump which as it follows from GOST 5197-85 “Vacuum engineering. Terms and definitions” [24] combines various structural solutions and operating principles of four vacuum pumps (VP) at once. Thus, SVP blend at a time: – mechanical vacuum pump, – positive displacement volume vacuum pump, – gas ballast vacuum pump, – dry-sealed vacuum pump. For the sake of completeness, we cite GOST definitions of above pumps. Mechanical vacuum pump is a gascompressor vacuum pump; its pumping action is based on gas transfer due to mechanical movement of the pump operating parts [24]. Positive displacement volume vacuum pump is a mechanical vacuum pump, whereby the volume filled with gas is cut off from the input at regular intervals and pumped to the output [24]. Gas ballast vacuum pump is an oil-sealed vacuum pump with a metering device for noncondensable gas supply aimed to prevent condensation of pumped vapors in the pump [24]. Dry-sealed vacuum pump is a positive displacement volume pump without oil (fluid) seal [24]. It can be said now that SVP is a mechanical vacuum pump for gas transporting, its pumping action is based on regular volume variation of crescent-shaped cavities (Fig. 1.2) formed by nonmovable (Fig. 1.1, pos. 1) and movable (Fig. 1.1, pos. 2) scroll elements. Variation of crescent-shaped cavities is due to orbital movement of the movable scroll part about the nonmovable one. Thus, gas is pumped from input to output of the pump. 9
Figure 1.1. General view of SVP: 1 – scroll element movable; 2 – scroll element nonmovable; 3 – casing; 4 – eccentrical drive shaft, 5 – anti-turn shaft; 6 – balancer; 7 – fan blading; 8 – compensator; 9 – half-coupling; 10 – motor; 11 – electrical fan; 12 – input nozzle; 13 – output nozzle; 14 – support; 15 – hanger; 16 – face seal;17 – fan cover; 18 – ballast gas-supply duct; 19 – reverse valve; 20 – gas ballast metering device; 21 – angular-contact bearing; 22 – angular-contact bearing; 23 – bearing; 24 – needle bearing; 25 – seal; 26 – sealing ring; 27 – seal 10