Basics of classical mechanics and molecular physics : Teaching visual aid
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Архипов Виктор Палладиевич
Год издания: 2023
Кол-во страниц: 124
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ISBN: 978-5-7882-3429-8
Артикул: 853599.01.99
The teaching visual aid outlines the main issues of the General Physics course (sections Classical Mechanics and Molecular Physics). The presentation of material in the form of various information blocks ‒ text, formulas, graphs ‒ allows you to improve the quality of teaching, the level of understanding and mastering of the material by students.
The teaching visual aid is intended for students studying in the bachelor's degree program 18.03.01 "Chemical Technology” in all areas of preparation of mechanical and technological profiles in order to consolidate the theoretical foundations of the course "General Physics".
It is prepared by the Department of Physics.
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The Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation Kazan National Research Technological University V. Arkhipov BASICS OF CLASSICAL MECHANICS AND MOLECULAR PHYSICS Teaching visual aid Kazan KNRTU Press 2023
UDC 531(075) Published by the decision of the Editorial Review Board of the Kazan National Research Technological University Reviewers: Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor A. Turanov Ph.D. in Physics and Mathematics, Associate Professor I. Lunev Arkhipov V. Basics of classical mechanics and molecular physics : Teaching visual aid / V. Arkhipov; The Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, Kazan National Research Technological University. – Kazan : KNRTU Press, 2023. – 124 p. ISBN 978-5-7882-3429-8 The teaching visual aid outlines the main issues of the General Physics course (sections Classical Mechanics and Molecular Physics). The presentation of material in the form of various information blocks ‒ text, formulas, graphs ‒ allows you to improve the quality of teaching, the level of understanding and mastering of the material by students. The teaching visual aid is intended for students studying in the bachelor's degree program 18.03.01 “Chemical Technology” in all areas of preparation of mechanical and technological profiles in order to consolidate the theoretical foundations of the course “General Physics“. It is prepared by the Department of Physics. UDC 531(075) ISBN 978-5-7882-3429-8 © V. Arkhipov, 2023 © Kazan National Research Technological University, 2023 2
Introduction If I have seen further than others, it is by standing upon the shoulders of giants / Isaac Newton The basic concepts and laws of classical mechanics have been formulated in the works of Galileo, Descartes, Leibniz during the scientific revolution of the 16‒17th centuries. Descartes establishes the law of conservation of linear momentum (amount of movement): “If one body collides with another, it cannot inform it of any other movement, except for the one that it will lose during this collision, as it cannot and take away from it more than it simultaneously acquires itself”. Galileo formulated the principle of relativity: “Laws of motion are the same in all inertial frames of reference”. Leibniz laid the foundations of the doctrine of movement – dynamics, using the concepts of “dead” and “living” forces. Newton formulated the basic concepts of mechanics and establishes its laws. Newton's first law: “An object at rest remains at rest, or if in motion, remains in motion at a constant velocity unless acted on by a net external force”. Newton's second law of motion states that F = ma, or the product of the mass of a body and its acceleration equals the force acting on the body. A larger net force acting on an object causes a larger acceleration, and objects with larger mass require more force to accelerate. Newton's third law: “If two bodies exert forces on each other, these forces have the same magnitude, but in opposite directions”. Academician S. I. Vavilov wrote: “We thought about Newton's language, spoke for a long time, and only now attempts are being made to invent a new language. That is why it can be argued that on all physics lay the imprint of his thought, without Newton, science would develop differently”. 3
This teaching visual aid “Basics of Classical Mechanics and Molecular Physics”, made in the form of a presentation in PowerPoint format, reflects the main fundamental topics and issues of these sections of physics in a concise form. The main topics of classical mechanics are considered ‒ kinematics and dynamics of translational and rotational motions of a material point and a rigid body, the laws of conservation of momentum, angular momentum, mechanical energy. The topics of oscillatory and wave motions, separated in a distinct block, include questions of the addition of harmonic oscillations, patterns of damped and forced oscillations, patterns of wave processes and the phenomenon of wave interference. It is recommended to carefully study this block of questions, which will be further connected with the theory of an electric oscillatory circuit and the laws of wave optics. When studying the issues of molecular physics, pay attention to how a combination of two independent methods: molecular-kinetic (statistical) and thermodynamic, based on the laws of conservation and transformation of energy, allows you to describe the properties, phenomena and processes of ideal and real gases. A block method of presenting the material is used, which allows focusing on fundamental physical laws, principles and models, supported, if necessary, by mathematical calculations in order to develop logical thinking skills. The course of general physics is traditionally divided into three main sections, determined by the nature of the phenomena being studied, the methods of their description, and the models used. In the section “Mechanics and Molecular Physics” the regularities of the mechanical motion of bodies, atoms and molecules in bodies are considered. Models of a material point, an absolutely rigid body, an ideal gas are used, the basic laws are Newton's laws and conservation laws. 4
KINEMATICS I do not know what I may appear to the world, but to myself I seem to have been only like a boy playing on the sea-shore, and diverting myself in now and then finding a smoother pebble or a prettier shell than ordinary, whilst the great ocean of truth lay all undiscovered before me / Isaac Newton Space and time in classical mechanics All physical processes take place in space and time. Space reflects the order of coexistence of individual objects, time ‒ the order of change of phenomena In classical mechanics, space and time: 1) are not related to each other; 2) do not depend on objects and ongoing processes The space is: 1) isotropic ‒ all directions are equal; 2) homogeneous ‒ all points are equal; 3) three-dimensional and Euclidean; 4) bodies do not affect the properties of space United absolute universal time: 1) flows equally and evenly in all reference frames; 2) does not depend on the state of motion of bodies 5
Reference frame The problem of kinematics is to describe the motion of a body, that is, to determine the position, velocity, accelaration of a body in space at any time Mechanical motion ‒ a change in the relative position of bodies or their parts in space over time Trajectory Radius-vector Reference frame – the clock, coordinate system and some set of bodies, in relation to which the movement is considered Law of motion of a material point A material point or point mass (point-like mass) is a body, the size and shape of which can be neglected under the conditions of a given motion At a sufficiently large distance, any body of finite size will look Is it possible to consider the Earth as a material point? and behave like a point mass Radius-vector connects coordinate system origin Law of motion with a given material point r f (t ) x = x(t) 1 r 2 r z o y = y(t) z = z (t) 3 r x y 6
Radius-vector r x i y j z k i, j, k unit vectors of the Cartesian Z coordinate system z i j k 1 r k y O j Y i x 2 2 2 r x y z x X Velocity Instantaneous velocity 1 Z Velocity ‒ the rate 2 r of change in a body position r(t ) k r(t t ) V dr O j Y Velocity is always i directed tangentially to the trajectory X 7
Velocity Z V Vz V V V k Vy O j Y Vx i x X V V ( ) x y z V V ,V ,V 1 x y z dx dy dz V ; V ; V dt dt dt = x y z V V i V j V k – unit vector, directed tangentially to the trajectory Acceleration ‒ acceleration 2 a is the rate of change of a body's velocity 2 0 t V dV d r a lim t dt dt Z ( ) x y z a a ,a ,a 2 aZ x x 2 2 a y y 2 k 2 aY z z 2 Y о dV d x a dt dt dV d y a dt dt dV d z a dt dt j i aX X y x z dV dV dV a i j k dt dt dt 8
Tangential and normal acceleration Let us decompose the acceleration vector into two directions - along and perpendicular to the velocity vector: a n a a a V a n a V ; a V According to the Pythagorean theorem: n a a 2 2 n a a a Tangential and normal acceleration Let's use unit vectors directed along and perpendicular 1 n to the velocity vector n a a a n V a dV a dt 2 n V a R n a 2 dV V a n dt R n a 9
V Normal acceleration a 2 n V a R n a Normal or centripetal acceleration Tangential acceleration directed perpendicular to the trajectory. Characterizes the rate of change in the direction of the velocity vector. Directed always towards the center dV a dt of curvature of the trajectory It characterizes the rate of change R – radius of curvature of the module of the velocity vector of the trajectory, radius of a circle (the rate of change of the velocity value). inscribed in the trajectory Directed tangential to the trajectory in a given area Kinematic characteristics of rotational motion angle of rotation, [Δφ ] = rad d dt angular velocity, [ω] = rad/s 2 2 d d dt dt angular acceleration, [ε] = rad/s2 ‒ axial vectors directed along the axis of rotation , , in accordance with the rule of the right gimlet 10