Синергия языков и культур 2021: междисциплинарные исследования
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Общие вопросы. Лингвистика
Санкт-Петербургский государственный университет
Под ред.:
Рубцова Светлана Юрьевна
Год издания: 2022
Кол-во страниц: 596
Предлагаемый читателям сборник статей подготовлен по итогам одноименной международной конференции, проведенной в сентябре 2021 г. факультетом иностранных языков СПбГУ. В сборнике представлены последние разработки ученых России, стран ближнего и дальнего зарубежья в исследовании актуальных лингвистических процессов, современной методики преподавания языка и перевода, рассмотрен широкий спектр актуальных вопросов изучения роли перевода в условиях глобализации, широкого информационного обмена, взаимодействия языков и культур. Сборник является отражением позиций современных лингвистов на развитие традиционных проблем языка и межъязыковой коммуникации, звучание которых приобретает сегодня новые тона и оттенки.
Материалы сборника будут полезны всем исследователям в области лингвистики, перевода, межкультурной коммуникации, лингводидактики и методики преподавания иностранных языков для специальных целей, а также всем интересующимся современными тенденциями в этих областях.
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УДК 80; 81; 378 ББК 81 (81.1; 81.2; 81.21) С38 Редакционная коллегия: канд. филол. наук С. Ю. Рубцова (отв. редактор), канд. филол. наук И. В. Григорьев, канд. филол. наук Т. Е. Доброва, канд. филол. наук Е. К. Рохлина, д-р филол. наук Н. А. Трофимова Рекомендовано к публикации Научной комиссией в области изучения иностранных языков Санкт-Петербургского государственного университета С38 Синергия языков и культур 2021: междисциплинарные исследования: сборник статей / под ред. С. Ю. Рубцовой (отв. ред.). — СПб.: Изд-во С.-Петерб. ун-та, 2022. — 596 с. Предлагаемый читателям сборник статей подготовлен по итогам одноименной международной конференции, проведенной в сентябре 2021 г. факультетом иностранных языков СПбГУ . В сборнике представлены последние разработки ученых России, стран ближнего и дальнего зарубежья в исследовании актуальных лингвистических процессов, современной методики преподавания языка и перевода, рассмотрен широкий спектр актуальных вопросов изучения роли перевода в условиях глобализации, широкого информационного обмена, взаимодействия языков и культур. Сборник является отражением позиций современных лингвистов на развитие традиционных проблем языка и межъязыковой коммуникации, звучание которых приобретает сегодня новые тона и оттенки. Материалы сборника будут полезны всем исследователям в области лингвистики, перевода, межкультурной коммуникации, лингводидактики и методики преподавания иностранных языков для специальных целей, а также всем интересующимся современными тенденциями в этих областях. УДК 80; 81; 378 ББК 81 (81.1; 81.2; 81.21) Synergy of Languages & Cultures 2021: Interdiscipilinary Studies Svetlana Rubtsova, Ivan Grigoriev, Tatyana Dobrova, Elena Rokhlina, Nella Trofimova (eds). The collection of articles The Synergy of Languages and Cultures: Interdisciplinary Studies is a peer-reviewed scholarly publication that presents the results of the international conference held in September 2021. The conference was organized by the Faculty of Modern Languages of St Petersburg University. The collection includes papers from Russia, Japan, Belorussia, Italy, and Spain. The collection reflects the position of modern linguists on the development of traditional problems of language and cross-cultural communication, the role of translation in the context of globalization, extensive information exchange, and the interaction of languages and cultures. The collection may also attract the attention of researchers in intercultural communication, language methodology, particularly the methods of teaching foreign languages for special purposes, and of a wider audience interested in modern trends in these areas. © Санкт-Петербургский государственный университет, 2022
The authors and the editors express gratitude to all the colleagues who contributed to the review of this collection: O. L. Beinarovich, D. Dayter, R. N. Chizh, O. N. Kamshilova, V. N. Karpukhina, T. A. Kazakova, I. V. Kononova, A. A. Lipinskaya, I. S. Oblova, E. V. Petrova, O. V. Ramantova, E. A. Reznichenko, P. M. Shitikov, A. A. Shumkov, I. Shchemeleva, L. V. Sidorchenko, E. A. Varlakova, N. Yu. Zaitseva.
CONTENTS Akay O. M., Khashkhozheva Z. T. TRANSMITTING GRAMMATICAL MEANINGS OF CERTAIN GRAMMATICAL CATEGORIES IN TRANSLATION: MAJOR FEATURES................................................. 7 Andreeva E. G. AND AGAIN, ABOUT TRUTH: DISTRIBUTION OF RUSSIAN PRAVDA AND ISTINA IN ENGLISH TRUTH............................................................................................. 18 Auseichyk Yu. V. THE GRAMMATICALIZATION OF THE ITEM OR IN OLD AND MIDDLE FRENCH THROUGH THE CORPUS DATA. .................................................................... 27 Avrutina A. S. TRAITS OF LITERARY TRANSLATION FROM THE EASTERN LANGUAGE FROM THE POINT OF INTERCULTURAL COMMUNICATION (ON THE EXAMPLE OF TURKISH — RUSSIAN TRANSLATION). ............................ 36 Balakina K. D. FEATURES OF THE ITALIAN GASTRONOMIC DISCOURSE: TRANSLATION ASPECT. ................................................................................................... 45 Balezin A. S. EXTRA-RELIGIOUS ACTIVITY OF MISSIONARIES IN AFRICA AND THE ENCOUNTER OF CULTURES: GERMAN MISSIONARIES IN THE 19th — EARLY 20th CENTURIES. .................................................................................................... 56 Bashmakova A. Yu. THE SEMANTIZATION OF VOCABULARY IN MULTIMODAL DICTIONARIES. .... 69 Bogdanova-Beglarian N. V., Ryko A. I. XENO-MARKER AS AN INTERPRETER OF SILENCE OR SPEECH BEHAVIOR IN ORAL COMMUNICATION (DIFFICULTIES IN TRANSLATION AND TEACHING RUSSIAN AS A FOREIGN LANGUAGE)................................................... 80 Bugreeva Е. А. EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE FOR INTERPRETER’S SUSTAINABLE PROFESSIONAL SELF-DEVELOPMENT.......................................................................... 90 Carter E. V. “BUY A PIG IN A POKE”: TRANSLATION METAMORPHOSES OF ZOOMORPHIC METAPHORS (BASED ON NIKITA KHRUSHCHEV’S DISCOURSE)....................................................................................................................... 101 Chistova E. V. ECO-COGNITIVE MODEL OF TRANSLATION ACTIVITY: METHODOLOGICAL BOUNDARIES AND PERSPECTIVES. ....................................... 116 Dekterev S. B., Ryazanova E. V. MANIPULATION TECHNIQUES BASED ON COVID-19 VACCINE PREVENTION COVERAGE IN THE MEDIA. .................................................................. 129 Doludenko E. A. TRANSLATION OF REGIONAL TOURISM ADVERTISING TEXTS: PROBLEMS AND SOLUTIONS............................................................................................................... 139 Dubinina N. A., Ptiushkin D. V. RUSSIAN LANGUAGE ASSESSMENT AND BILINGUALS............................................ 154 Eleftheriou E., Frantzi K. T. FEMINIST DISCOURSE IN MAYA ANGELOU’S LITERARY WORK: DOUBLE PREJUDICE & BLACK FEMINISM.................................................................................... 168 Emelianova O. V. COGNITIVE OPPOSITION FRIEND — FOE / OTHER OR US VERSUS THEM IN SOVIET POSTER IMAGOLOGY. ....................................................................................... 181 4
Esquivel O. J. D. A SOCIOLINGUISTIC ANALYSIS OF TAGALOG PROFANITIES THROUGH VARIABLES: AGE, SEX, AND CONTEXT......................................................................... 189 Glukhova O. V. VACCINATION: FROM TERM TO CULTURAL CONCEPT.......................................... 204 Golubev V. Yu., Teplyashina A. N. CONCEPTUALISING PROPER NOUNS IN THE RUSSIAN MEDIA COVERAGE OF KEY POLITICAL EVENTS IN THE UK...................................................................... 217 Golubeva S. L., Rokhlina E. K. ANTHROPOCENTRIC APPROACH AS A SCAFFOLDING INTO DISTANCE LEARNING. .......................................................................................................................... 226 Goncharova E. A. SYNERGETIC POTENTIAL OF AUTHORIZATION MEANS IN THE GENRE OF MEMOIRS (BASED ON THE REMINISCENCES OF MODERN GERMAN POLITICIANS). .................................................................................................................... 237 Gorozhankina T. N. FEATURES OF PERSUASIVE COMMUNICATION IN TOURIST TEXTS AND ITS TRANSLATION FROM SPANISH INTO RUSSIAN. .................................................. 248 Gorokhova L. A. PRESERVING THE LITERARY SOUNDSCAPE IN TRANSLATION. ............................ 259 Grigoriev I. V., Rubtsova S. Yu. APPROACHING THE TAXONOMY OF THE MOVE STRUCTURE OF ABSTRACTS THROUGH THE LENS OF CROSS-LINGUISTIC ANALYSIS OF ENGLISH AND RUSSIAN MEDICAL ABSTRACTS........................................................ 276 Klimovskaia A. Ia. THE IMAGE OF ITALY IN THE NOVELS OF ANITA BROOKNER. ............................. 292 Koloskova E. M. MIDDLE EASTERN LITERARY AND RELIGIOUS ALLUSIONS IN AHҎMAD MURĀD’S NOVEL “THE BLUE ELEPHANT”................................................. 300 Latysheva S. I. RE-EVALUATING THE METHODS OF TEACHING RUSSIAN IN JAPANESE UNIVERSITIES.................................................................................................................... 312 Likhanova N. A. REGIONAL CULTURE MODELLING BASED ON ETHNOLINGUISTIC SOURCES (THE VOCABULARY OF TRANSBAIKAL DIALECTS). ............................. 322 Malakhovskaya M. L., Krasheninnikova N. N. ACADEMIC AND DISCIPLINARY LITERACY IN THE CONTEXT OF INTERNATIONALIZATION: A CASE STUDY OF A TEACHER PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME AT A RUSSIAN PEDAGOGICAL UNIVERSITY..... 333 Minchenkov A. G. INTERPRETATION POTENTIAL OF THE ENGLISH LEXEME UPPER CLASS........... 345 Morozova E. B. “NEW” GESTURES OF GREETING ACROSS THE GLOBE DURING THE PANDEMIC OF THE COVID-19. ...................................... 353 Neudachina L. V., Rubtsova S. Yu., Tananykhina A. Yu. CONCEPT ANALYSIS METHOD IN ESP TEACHING (THE CASE OF LINGUACULTURAL CONCEPT ‘AMERICAN DREAM’). ................. 363 Orlova O. A., Guseva L. V. FUNCTIONING OF ACRONYMS IN GERMAN-LANGUAGE PANDEMIC DISCOURSE......................................................................................................................... 375 Pumpian G. Z. CONTACTS AND MUTUAL INFLUENCES AS REFLECTED IN THE LANGUAGE OF THE WORK OF CHRISTIAN-ARABIC LITERATURE THE TRAVELS OF MACARIUS, PATRIARCH OF ANTIOCH.......................................... 384 5
Razumovskaya V. A. EXPANDING TRANSLATION BORDERS: FROM MONO- TO POLYSEMIOTIC NATURE OF A SECONDARY TEXT................................................................................. 397 Rokhlina E. K., Golubeva S. L. RATIONALE FOR ADAPTING SOME OF THE ESP MODULE TASKS TO ONLINE AND MIXED LEARNING. .................................................................................. 407 Rubtsova S. Yu., Dobrova T. E., Dudkina A. I., Grigoriev I. V. PRECEDENT NAMES IN THE FORMATION OF FOREIGN LANGUAGE COMPETENCE OF FUTURE TRANSLATORS. ................................................................ 417 Rumak N. G. SOME FEATURES OF TRANSLATING MANGA AND ANIME BEING LITERARY WORKS TRANSLATION.................................................................................................... 434 Sakharov Y. A. PRAGMATIC PECULIARITIES OF THE FRENCH TRANSLATION OF ELECTRIC VEHICLES AND ECOLOGICAL TERMS...................................................... 442 Shcherbak N. F. STRATEGIES OF CONTEMPORARY ANGLOPHONE WOMEN’S WRITING: EXAMPLE OF J. WINTERSON........................................................................................... 449 Shustova S. V. THE SPHERE OF “MIGRATION” CONCEPT IN THE GERMAN MIGRATION DISCOURSE................................................................................................ 461 Silanteva V. G. NARRATIVE STRATEGIES IN AN ENGLISH-LANGUAGE ART CRITICISM TEXT. . 469 Solntseva E. S. COHERENCE PRINCIPLE IN FAKE NEWS ANALYSIS.................................................. 483 Stepanov E. S. REALISATION OF CONCEPTUAL METAPHOR IMMUNANTWORT IST KAMPF IN GERMAN POPULAR SCIENCE MEDICAL DISCOURSE......................................... 494 Sytko A. W. SUBJECT OF DEONTICS IN SCIENTIFIC AND POLITICAL DISCOURSE (BASED ON RUSSIAN AND GERMAN LANGUAGES)................................................. 505 Tretyakova T. P. SOCIAL DIAGNOSIS OF COGNITIVE EXPERIENCE IN DISCOURSE: THEORETICAL ASPECT.................................................................................................... 515 Trofimova N. A., Kiseleva S. V. SEMIOTICS OF WOMAN’S SMELL IN LOVE DISCOURSE. .......................................... 522 Tsytsarkina N. N. WAYS OF EXPRESSING IDEOLOGICAL MODALITY IN THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE POLITICAL MEDIA DISCOURSE: THE CASE OF OBJECTIFYING THE “ ARMED CONFLICT” FRAME. .......................... 534 Ubozhenko I. V., Lefanov D. S. BLENDING PROCESSES IN TRANSLATION: MODELLING THE COGNITIVE MECHANISMS BEHIND TRANSLATION DECISION DIDACTICS............................. 548 Varlamova E. V., Tarasova F. Kh., Garipova E. V. NATIONAL IDENTITIES IN THE LINGUISTIC LANDSCAPE OF THE MULTILINGUAL CITY.............................................................................................. 561 Zonina N. V. THE EVOLUTION OF DIALOGUE SPEECH IN EARLY 17th CENTURY ENGLISH DRAMA ON THE EXAMPLE OF B. JOHNSON’S “EPICŒNE, OR THE SILENT WOMAN”. ..................................................................................................... 576 Contributors................................................................................................................................. 585 6
UDC 81.36 O. M. Akay St Petersburg State University Z. T. Khashkhozheva Kabardino-Balkarian State University named after H. M. Berbekov TRANSMITTING GRAMMATICAL MEANINGS OF CERTAIN GRAMMATICAL CATEGORIES IN TRANSLATION: MAJOR FEATURES The translation is recognized to be the transfer of conceptual and pragmatic meaning of a text, while formal literalness can be sacrificed (using the linguistic means available in the target language to adequately express the content). The author considers the variative cases of grammatical lacunar units elimination in the translation of texts with an artistic orientation. The purpose of the article is to observe and describe the manifestation of grammatical lacunarity in literature prose texts in the language pair English — Russian and find the optimal ways for transmitting the author’s artistic intentions to other languages. Similarities and differences of equivalent categories in different languages are revealed by means of the comparative-typological method as a synchronic and fundamentally pragmatic method. Various literature sources, demonstrating grammatical lacunarity in written discourse are used as illustrative and study material. We analyse theoretical substantiation of grammatical lacunarity and show the ways of translating the patterns with void units. The problem solution required a comparison of the grammatical forms’ semantics, pragma-semantic analysis of translational correspondences, taking into account the equivalence degree. Cultural discourse patterns are possible to be translated without dropping any contextual pragmatic colouring by means of various translating strategies, but in this case, formal literalness will be sacrificed. The findings of the article can be implemented in teaching theoretical and practical linguistic courses. Keywords: grammar, translation, grammatical categories, elimination, gender, number, temporality, intercultural communication. О. М. Акай, З. Т. Хашхожева ОСОБЕННОСТИ ПЕРЕДАЧИ ПРАГМАТИЧЕСКИХ ЗНАЧЕНИЙ ПРИ ПЕРЕВОДЕ ГРАММАТИЧЕСКИХ КАТЕГОРИЙ Перевод является проводником концептуального и прагматического смысла текста. В то же время формальная буквальность может быть принесена в жертву (использование языковых средств, доступных в языке перевода, для адекватного выражения содержания). Автор рас7
сматривает устранение различных грамматических лакун при переводе текстов художественной направленности. Цель статьи — наблюдение за проявлением грамматической лакунарности в литературных прозаических текстах в языковой паре английский — русский, ее описание и поиск оптимальных способов передачи художественных интенций автора на другие языки. Сходства и различия эквивалентных категорий в разных языках выявляются с помощью сравнительно-типологического метода как синхронного и принципиально прагматического. Различные литературные источники, демонстрирующие грамматическую лакунарность в письменном дискурсе, представлены в качестве иллюстративного материала исследования. Дано теоретическое обоснование грамматической лакунарности, представлены способы перевода структур с лакунарными единицами. Решение проблемы требует сопоставления семантики грамматических форм прагма-семантического анализа переводческих соответствий и степени эквивалентности. Культурные дискурсивные модели возможно перевести без потери контекстуальной прагматической окраски, используя различные переводческие стратегии, но в этом случае в жертву будет принесена формальная буквальность. Выводы статьи могут быть применимы в преподавании теоретических и практических лингвистических курсов. Ключевые слова: грамматика, перевод, грамматические категории, элиминация, гендер, число, темпоральность, межкультурная коммуникация. Introduction Foundations of the scientific theory of translation (and comparative linguistics) have been developed explicitly since the middle of the 20th century. Accepted only by this time, it became clear that translation as a type of speech activity is a full-fledged object of linguistics, doubts about the possibility of studying translation by linguistic methods have disappeared. Translation was treated as a particular type of speech activity, within which linguistic units of translation are selected depending on the linguistic units of the original. Specialists in translation began to study the correlation between the linguistic units of the original and translated texts. It was clear that investigations in the field of translation theory and practice give new information about the use of language as a means of intercultural communication, can identify the most usual ways of encoding thought means different structural languages, help in comprehension proper formal and internal, cognitive aspects of the text and discourse. It became evident that the excellence of translation depends on high competence in the systemic structure of the two languages and on comprehensive knowledge of the corresponding cultures of their ethnic communities. The theory of translation and contrastive grammar emphasises the 8
general and the individual in mentality, in cultural and moral priorities, since only grammar obligatory in a language is considered extremely important in a particular lingual culture [Jespersen, 2002]. The main task of translation is actual communication, and grammatical lacunae should be investigated in this aspect whether different conceptions of lacunarities are acceptable in the translation field, for example, about the identification complexity determining lacunas due to the lack of a cultural element in the translation theory methodology. There is no complete correlation of the functional potential of even identical grammatical forms and categories in languages. To be clear, a lacuna can be referred to when a cultural “code” is so distinctive that the “interlayer” of another culture is not achievable. The translation is impossible or only partially possible if the decoding sphere of the lingual culture associated with the translation does not include such semantic content, ensuring the element identification. In translation, the elimination of lacunas (de-lacunization) of a lacunized text can be interpreted as “decoding” the meanings of the units and then recoding them into the units of the target language, which are accompanied by elimination, de-lacunization. Materials and Methods The comparative-typological method was used for detecting and studying interlingual correspondences (similarities and differences of equivalent categories in different languages). In contrast to comparative analysis, the comparative approach aims to analyse linguistic phenomena in synchronicity. The comparative method is known to be “fundamentally pragmatic”; it is aimed at specific applied and practical goals, which by no means removes the theoretical aspect of the consideration of its problems. The experiential material included various text fragments demonstrating lacunas’ cognitive, pragmatic, lingua-cultural parameters and their elimination. The sources were predominantly selected from the relevant literature: the classical British, American, German, and Russian literature of the 20th–21st centuries. The choice is due to the presented patterns’ provision of a comprehensive understanding of the grammatical lacunarity in stable, pure, fixed national languages, without any linguistic deviations. Discussion Substandard units — slang, jargon, colloquialisms, phonetic deviations, which, in the presence of appropriate lacunar units in the recipient 9
language, maybe irretrievably lost, have always been problematic for the translation process. In this case, the interpreter compensates for the missing elements of the linguistic system with the available units, often reconstructing and modifying the entire structure of the utterance. It is impossible to translate the dialectal turns in Jim’s speech in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn into Russian because of the rich use of the AfricanAmerican dialect [Twain, 1984]: “Well, den, I reck’n I did dream it, Huck; but dog my cats ef it ain’t depowerfulest dream I ever see. En I hain’t ever had no dream b’fo’ dat’s tired me like dis one” . It is somewhat distant from the Russian mentality due to the absence of this sociocultural component in the Russian mentality. The impression that Jim speaks in a normative literary version is also wrong: it would create a false impression of the character. All sorts of conversions: substitutions, transpositions, omissions, and additions are an inseparable part of translation work. In general terms, a grammatical transformation is understood as a sentence transformation (changing its structure) and all kinds of replacements of both syntactic and morphological order. The most challenging class of transformations is grammatical since there are often no “net” analogues of grammatical forms and categories in this or that pair of languages. Moreover, even similar types are unequal in different languages. In addition, it is probably the use of communicatively irrelevant categories in the original text, the content of which cannot be conveyed in the translation and the forced use in the translation of classes absent in the original. The grammatical discrepancies in the two languages and the resulting inability to formally render the meaning of a particular grammatical form are constantly compensated for using various grammatical transformations. In addition, the translator is obliged not to miss the cases where a grammatical form is a stylistically significant phenomenon, the effect of which can be ruined by a specific interpretation. T. B. Radbil [Radbil, 2010] reviewed the irregularities in the structures of A. Platonov, whose texts are characterised by superfluous (and figurative) characterisation of the action/state of an uninspired item. To make the translation sound “Platonovian” in English, the tense form Continuous can be used instead of the normative Simple. In normative usage, the English Present / Past Continuous Tense is used only to predicate a subject that can be considered limited in time (the usual Present / Past Indefinite Tense forms are not marked in this regard). That is to say, and even the “strange-languaged” Platonov may well be adequately presented 10