Синергия языков и культур 2022: междисциплинарные исследования
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Санкт-Петербургский государственный университет
Под ред.:
Рубцова Светлана Юрьевна
Год издания: 2023
Кол-во страниц: 575
В сборнике представлены последние разработки ученых России и зарубежных стран в исследовании актуальных лингвистических процессов, современной методики преподавания языка и перевода, рассмотрен широкий спектр актуальных вопросов изучения роли перевода в условиях глобализации, широкого информационного обмена, взаимодействия языков и культур. Сборник является отражением позиций современных лингвистов на развитие традиционных проблем языка и межъязыковой коммуникации, звучание которых приобретает сегодня новые тона и оттенки.
Материалы сборника будут полезны всем исследователям в области лингвистики, перевода, межкультурной коммуникации, лингводидактики и методики преподавания иностранных языков для специальных целей, а также всем интересующимся современными тенденциями в этих областях.
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УДК 80; 81; 378 ББК 81 (81.1; 81.2; 81.21) С38 Редакционная коллегия: канд. филол. наук С. Ю. Рубцова (отв. ред.), канд. филол. наук И. В. Григорьев, канд. филол. наук Т. Е. Доброва, канд. филол. наук Е. К. Рохлина Рекомендовано к публикации Научной комиссией в области изучения иностранных языков Санкт-Петербургского государственного университета С38 Синергия языков и культур 2022: междисциплинарные исследования: сборник статей / под ред. С. Ю. Рубцовой (отв. ред.). — СПб.: Изд-во С.-Петерб. ун-та, 2023. — 573 с. https://doi.org/10.21638/2782-1943.2022 В сборнике представлены последние разработки ученых России и зарубежных стран в исследовании актуальных лингвистических процессов, современной методики преподавания языка и перевода, рассмотрен широкий спектр актуальных вопросов изучения роли перевода в условиях глобализации, широкого информационного обмена, взаимодействия языков и культур. Сборник является отражением позиций современных лингвистов на развитие традиционных проблем языка и межъязыковой коммуникации, звучание которых приобретает сегодня новые тона и оттенки. Материалы сборника будут полезны всем исследователям в области лингвистики, перевода, межкультурной коммуникации, лингводидактики и методики преподавания иностранных языков для специальных целей, а также всем интересующимся современными тенденциями в этих областях. УДК 80; 81; 378 ББК 81 (81.1; 81.2; 81.21) Synergy of Languages & Cultures 2022: Interdiscipilinary Studies Svetlana Rubtsova, Ivan Grigoriev, Tatyana Dobrova, Elena Rokhlina (eds). The collection of articles The Synergy of Languages and Cultures: Interdisciplinary Studies is a peerreviewed scholarly publication. The collection includes papers from Russia, Belorussia, Vietnam and Japan. The collection reflects the position of modern linguists on the development of traditional problems of language and cross-cultural communication, the role of translation in the context of globalization, extensive information exchange, and the interaction of languages and cultures. The collection may also attract the attention of researchers in intercultural communication, language methodology, particularly the methods of teaching foreign languages for special purposes, and of a wider audience interested in modern trends in these areas. © Санкт-Петербургский государственный университет, 2023
The authors and the editors express gratitude to all the colleagues who contributed to the review of this collection: M. Yu. Avdonina, S. D. Bagdasaryan, A. M. Dudina, N. V. Gabdreeva, N. E. Gorokhova, T. V. Gretskaya, M. I. Ibragimov, A. Yu. Khomenko, S. V. Kirilenko, E. G. Kulikova, S. V. Lavrova, N. E. Lisichkina, V. A. Mendelson, Mitsunori Sagae, V. A. Mityagina, O. B. Moisova, I. S. Parina, V. V. Posidelova, N. L. Shamne, T. A. Shiryaeva, S. M. Tiploeva, M. M. Tonkova, E. A. Varlakova
CONTENTS Andreeva E. G., Grebenuyk A. V. BI-DIRECTIONAL APPROACH TO ANALYZING DIALOGICAL SPEECH IN JOHN STEINBECK’S NOVELS..................................................................................... 7 Arkhipova E. I., Kamasheva O. A., Repina T. Yu., Somova K. D. CLIL TECHNOLOGY IN IMPLEMENTING SUPPLEMENTARY EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMMES AT A TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY. ........................................................ 17 Auseichyk Yu. V. DISTRIBUTION OF THE FRENCH COORDINATION UNIT DONC IN DIACHRONY . ............................................................................................................... 32 Bochegova N. N., Satina D. D. THE CONCEPT-SPHERE “GAME” IN THE ENGLISH-LANGUAGE FICTION TEXT.................................................................................................................. 45 Bochkova L. A., Puzikov Y. Yu. VISUAL PERCEPTION ACTS: SOME ASPECTS OF LINGUISTIC REPRESENTATION IN LANGUAGES WITH DIFFERENT CODING STRATEGIES OF CHARACTERIZATION SEMES................................................................................... 58 Bredikhin S. N., Marchenko T. V., Burov A. A. COGNITIVE GENERATIVE PRAGMATICS OF TRANSDISCIPLINART INTERMEDIARY TERMS .................................................................................................. 70 Bugreeva E. A. GO FURTHER AND BEYOND: PERSONIFICATION AND INDIVIDUALISATION IN LEARNING AND TEACHING MASTER’S STUDENTS. ............................................ 80 Carter E. V. SOMATIC METAPHORS OF NIKITA KHRUSHCHEV’S SECRET SPEECH IN TRANSLATION. ................................................................................................................. 95 Dediukhina A., Lanskikh D. SPECIFICITY OF MODUS MEANINGS AS SEEN ON THE EXAMPLE OF INTERACTION BETWEEN THE CATEGORIES OF PERSUASIVENESS AND PARTITIVITY. ............................................................................................................ 112 Denisenko E. N. CATEGORIZATION OF THE REALITY FRAGMENT “ORNAMENTS” IN EAST SLAVIC AND ANGLO-SAXON WORLD PICTURES...................................................... 125 Erofeeva I. V., Faizullina N. I., Usmanova L. A., Sabirova A. I. ACTUALIZATION OF THE LEXEMES “MASTER” , “MASTERICA” IN SPEECH AS A REFLECTION OF MODERN REALITIES............................................................... 139 Fedulenkova T. N. ADJECTIVAL CONSTRUCTIONS IN BUSINESS ENGLISH TERMINOLOGY............ 146 Galimullina A. F., Galimullin F. G. NATIONAL AND CULTURAL CODES IN THE WORKS OF MODERN TATAR POETS RENAT HARIS AND RAVIL FAYZULLIN. ........................................................... 162 Gich O. N. RETHINKING THE CONCEPT OF A NATIVE SPEAKER. ............................................. 174 Glukhova O. V. THE ONOMASTIC VOCABULARY AS THE CULTURAL LACUNARITY MARKER. ................................................................................................... 184 4
Goncharova T. N. F. V. BULGARIN’S NOVEL “PYOTR IVANOVICH VYZHIGIN” COMMENTED BY FRENCH LITERARY CRITIC E.-J. HÉREAU. .............................................................. 197 Grigoriev I. V., Rubtsova S. Yu. THE CONTRASTIVE RHETORIC OF METADISCOURSE MARKERS IN L1 AND L2 RESEARCH PAPERS: A CROSS-CULTURAL COMPARISON OF ABSTRACTS AND DISCUSSION SECTIONS OF MEDICAL RESEARCH PAPERS............................ 211 Grigoryeva L. L., Zakirova R. R. ARABISMS IN SPANISH..................................................................................................... 228 Huang Bingbing, Kamensky M. V. STEREOTYPES OF FEMALE FAMILY ROLES IN CHINESE AND ENGLISH.............. 240 Kaplunova M. Ya. LANGUAGE ACTIVISM IN RUSSIA: PREREQUISITES AND FORMS OF EXISTENCE. ................................................................................................................... 256 Kayumova A. R., Pakhomova E. G. PRAGMATEMES IN THE SITUATION OF EDUCATIONAL BILINGUALISM............ 266 Kharina O. A., Kostyukov A. L. USING DIGITAL TOOLS IN ORIENTAL LANGUAGES LEARNING (THE SAMPLE OF THE HINDI LANGUAGE)................................................................ 276 Latysheva S. I. JAPANESE VERB “NARU”: KEY TO UNDERSTANDING JAPANESE MENTALITY. ..... 284 Makarycheva A. V., Kuznetsova N. I. THE ROLE OF LEXICAL MEANS TO CREATE EXPRESSIVENESS IN THE LANGUAGE OF ADVERTISING ON THE INTERNET. .................................................. 293 Marchenko T. V., Vartanova L. R., Ashuba A. E. SYSTEM-FUNCTIONAL FEATURES OF SEMIOTIC MECHANISMS ORGANIZING INTERNET MEMES ABOUT CORONAVIRUS..................................... 304 Markovina I. Yu., Matyushin A. A., Lenart I. HOSPITALITY FROM THE RUSSIAN AND VIETNAMESE PERSPECTIVES: WEB CORPORA ANALYSIS............................................................................................... 316 Mikhalkova N. V. MOTIVATION OF THE CHINESE CHARACTERS WITH OBJECT SEMANTICS. ...... 323 Mikulinskiy A. D. FUNCTIONAL MODELS OF ELEMENTARY DISCURSIVE UNITS IN RUSSIAN ESPORTS COMMENTARY................................................................................................. 335 Oberemchenko E. Yu., Samarina I. V., Dunina A. A., Hussein Ahmed Mohamed Abdelhafiz TRANSLATOLOGICAL ASPECT OF THE SOCIO-CULTURAL ARCHETYPE AS A TOOL OF IMAGE BUSINESS POLICY OF REGIAONAL TOURISM......................... 352 Obolenskiy A. A. THE ROLE OF TRANSLATION ANALYSIS IN TEACHING POETRY TRANSLATION................................................................................................... 367 Pavlova E. B. LINGUISTIC AND PRAGMATIC POTENTIAL OF ENGLISH-LANGUAGE ENVIRONMENTAL INTERNET MEMES. ........................................................................ 379 Pesina S. A. CLASSIFICATION OF METAPHORS ACCORDING TO THE LEVELS OF DECODING. ................................................................................................................... 393 5
Piven (Nikitina) I. V. “LEAVES OF GRASS” BY WALT WHITMAN: FREE VERSE PRINCIPLES AND THEIR ROLE IN RAISING ACCURACY OF RUSSIAN TRANSLATIONS. .......... 406 Pogrebnyak Yu. V. CONCEPTUALIZATION OF THE REAL AND POSSIBLE WORLDS IN F. M. DOSTOEVSKY’S NOVEL “THE BROTHERS KARAMAZOV” . ............................. 424 Razumovskaya V. A. “STRONG” LITERATURE TEXT: CULTURAL PRESERVATION AND CULTURAL DYNAMICS.......................................................................................... 435 Rokhlina E. K., Golubeva S. L., Grigoriev I. V. ADAPTIVE SYSTEMS AS MEANS FOR IMPLEMENTING ANTHROPOCENTRIC APPROACH TO TRANSITION BETWEEN FORMATS.................................................. 447 Rubtsova S. Yu. PRAGMATIC FEATURES OF PRECEDENT UNITS WITH MYTHOLOGICAL ALLUSION IN MEDIA DISCOURSE................................................................................. 461 Shaimardanova M. R., Akhmetova L. A. EVALUATIVE SEMANTIC GENDER-MARKED PAREMIAS THAT EXPLICATE STERIOTYPES (BASED ON ENGLISH AND RUSSIAN PROVERBS)............................ 471 Shcherbak N. F. POST-COLONIAL LITERATURE, INTERACTION OF LANGUAGE AND CULTURE................................................................................................................... 482 Shumkov A. A., Fatullaeva A. O. THE FUNCTIONING OF RELATIVE PRONOUNS QUI AND QUE IN FRENCH SENTENCES......................................................................................................................... 495 Stepanov E. S. HOW LEXICAL MEANS OF GRADUATION CONTRIBUTE TO EVALUATION IN RUSSIAN AND GERMAN SCIENTIFIC TEACHING PRACTICE............................ 512 Sverdlova N. A., Mariasova E. P. HETEROGENEITY OF BILINGUAL LINGUISTIC CONSCIOUSNESS: NATURE AND CRITERIA.................................................................................................. 523 Vasileva A. P. REFLECTION OF THE NATIONAL MENTALITY IN THE CORE OF THE SAKHA AND RUSSIAN LINGUISTIC CONSCIOUSNESS. .............................. 532 Zonina N. V. CATHARSIS THERAPY IN THE 17th CENTURY ENGLISH DRAMA A CASE STUDY OF R. BROME’S COMEDY “THE ANTIPODES”. ................................. 549 Contributors. .................................................................................................................................. 560
UDC 81-13: 821.111 10.21638/2782-1943.2022.01 E. G. Andreeva, A. V. Grebenyuk St. Petersburg University BI-DIRECTIONAL APPROACH TO ANALYZING DIALOGICAL SPEECH IN JOHN STEINBECK’S NOVELS The paper presented aims at linguistic and stylistic analysis of the direct speech of fictious characters along with the examination of some pragmalinguistic features of the communicative situation as such. Language-based approach can be viewed as an ‘enquiry going from the text to the characters’ , while pragmatic analysis unfolds in the opposite direction, ‘from the pragmatic intentions to the literary text’ . Such a ‘dualistic’ approach can bring to light the correlation between communicative situations portrayed in novels and specific stylistic/textual characteristics of the dialogue. Besides that, it helps to unveil the author’s idea and message of a book. Therefore, the primary aim of the paper is to reveal the interrelation between the pragmatic parameters of a communication situation and stylistic/textual features of a dialogue. The methods used are pragmalinguistic analysis of communicative situations, linguistic analysis of the characters’ speech with the elements of stylistic analysis. The application of the bi-directional approach is demonstrated on the material of dialogues from John Steinbeck’s books. Keywords: pragmatics, dialogical speech, communicative situation, speech strategies, self-disclosure of characters. Е. Г. Андреева, А. В. Гребенюк ДВУНАПРАВЛЕННЫЙ ПОДХОД К АНАЛИЗУ ДИАЛОГИЧЕСКОЙ РЕЧИ (НА МАТЕРИАЛЕ ПРОИЗВЕДЕНИИЙ ДЖОНА СТЕЙНБЕКА) В настоящей работе предложена методика исследования художественных диалогов, включающая лингвостилистический анализ прямой речи персонажей и прагмалингвистический анализ коммуникативной ситуации как таковой, в которой происходил конкретный диалог. Первое направление анализа идет «от текста к персонажам», тогда как учет прагматических установок коммуникантов и имплицитных компонентов семантики их высказываний дает возможность двигаться «от персонажей к тексту» и выявить связь коммуникативной ситуации со стилистическими и текстуальными характеристиками диалога. Подобный двунаправленный метод дает возможность установить связь между авторским замыслом, прагматическими установками персонажей и языком произведения. Материалом, на котором демонстрируется применеhttps://doi.org/10.21638/2782-1943.2022.01 7
ние такого двунаправленного анализа, стали диалоги из произведений Дж. Стейнбека. Ключевые слова: прагматика, диалогическая речь, коммуникативная ситуация, речевые стратегии, самораскрытие героев. Introduction Though hardly a new issue in linguistics, dialogical speech and its role in literary characters’ representation (their personal features, background, motifs, etc.) is addressed with the help of a variety of controversial approaches. Of special interest is the task to determine, identify and compile a set of linguistic tools and devices used by an author in building up their characters’ self-disclosure as well as to look upon the structure of a dialogue through the lens of social communicative practice within the framework of anthropocentric paradigm adopted in modern linguistics [Kubrjakova, pp. 144–168; Dayter, pp. 38–39]. When working on a book/story/play, the author employs specific techniques in constructing dialogues which, if interpreted correctly, help the reader to come to the right understanding of a plot and the author’s message [Fernández, p. 43]. The paper presented focuses on linguistic tools used by John Steinbeck to describe his characters in dialogues, and also aims to demonstrate the capacity and efficiency of pragma-linguistics in analyzing samples of dialogical speech in fiction and human communication in general. Several dialogues from John Steinbeck’s “Grapes of Wrath” and “Of Mice and Men” underwent linguistic examination serving as practical material for this study. Methods and material It seems safe to claim that the most important aspects/levels of any literary work are its language (both the author’s and that of his/her characters) and a fictional world created in literature (which is a secondary sign system) [Lotman, p. 6]. Therefore, any artistic text is a sort of dualistic entity, on the one hand, it is a form of language existence, on the other, it plays a metalinguistic role, being a tool to create and reveal the artistic fictional world of the book to the reader. This fact poses a certain difficulty for a researcher making it necessary to differentiate between the two sides, their characteristics and elements. In this way, stylistic devices, syntax of sentences, register (to name a few) belong to the “language/speech” level, while plots, characters, chronotopes are the components of the fictional world [Arnold, p. 25]. 8
At the same time, any ‘independent’ analysis of each of the two levels inevitably turns out to suffer from serious limitations. A dialogue perfectly illustrates drawbacks of such approach, as it is a multifaceted linguistic material being simultaneously a text (in a narrow sense, of course), a component of a plot, a device making ‘the artistic world’ develop and move. Therefore, one of the essential tasks in analyzing any literary work lies in revealing connections between the elements of the two levels. The ‘traditional’ analysis of the language of literary works goes from bottom to top, from characters’ speech to the world of a novel allowing to unveil the characters’ relations to one another and their relationships, motifs, personal features and their places in a plot. In other words, being a significant part of the characters’ exposition, a dialogue provides us with their speech portraits, so the ‘bottom-to-top’ analysis aims at a proper reconstruction of these portraits. The reverse movement — from top to bottom, from characters to their speech — is no less important, and pragmatics proves to be an effective tool in the task of understanding the characters’ reasons and intentions underlying their particular remarks with their hidden meanings given in a particular verbal form [for more detail see: Sinha]. It is the characters’ goal setting as a reflection of the author’s goal setting answers the question about the structure and form of a dialogue. The results of the two proposed approaches serve as a sort of ‘mutual verification’ proving each other’s reliability [Arnold, p. 28]. The aims of the paper are: (1) to determine the type of a dialogue, the extent of its coherence and symmetry; (2) to characterize their speech on all the levels (phonetics, grammar, lexis and style); (3) to analyze possible deviations from standard literary language as the most informative elements of speech; (4) to describe a communication situation, its context, communicants, their intentions, conflicts of interests and remarks, as knowing these makes it possible to understand what is implied by each remark, to assess its role in the development of a dialogue and contribution to the success or failure of communication [Dolgorukov et al, p. 13–59]; (5) to reveal the interrelation between the pragmatic parameters of a communication situation with stylistic and textual features of a dialogue. The material analyzed includes passages with the characters’ direct speech, while the author’s remarks, the narrative itself and the reported speech are referred to only when otherwise it is hard/impossible to understand the role of a particular dialogue in the overall composition of a novel. 9
Linguistic and Stylistic Analysis The characters of the two novels are from the state of Oklahoma and their speech is typical of South Midland Americans. J. Steinbeck demonstrates this on the phonetical level focusing on transformations of sound images of words in speech rather than on individual accents of the characters or peculiarities of their speech. Dialogues abound with the cases of substitution velar nasal [ŋ] for alveolar [n]: gettin’, goin’, doin’, nothin’, drivin’, drinkin’, puttin’, settin’, sneakin’, thinkin’ and the like. Another typical feature is a regular dropout of alveolar stops [t] и [d] primarily at the end of the words: win’shild, an’, ol’, jus’, use’, didn’, thousan’, las’. Besides these, there are some other kinds of sound and even syllable dropouts as in ‘course, ‘cause, ‘less, ‘em, ‘Preciate it, su’prised, ever’thing, ‘im, ‘F, ‘bout. Finally, not infrequently the author uses non-standard word forms, such as tomorra, wanta, twicet, idear, git, ain’t, ast ta (= ask to), somepin. As for their grammar, the dialogues demonstrate that the characters are inclined to use double and sometimes even triple negations: you oughtn’ to take no walk; I never was no hand to write, nor my old man neither; I don’t mean nothin’ neither; A guy that never been a truck skinner don’t know nothin’; Well, it ain’t no goddamn cinch; But it ain’t none of my business; Nothin’ ain’t none of your affair; I never asked you nothin’ about it; и т. д. Another unconventional grammatical feature is the defective or inadequate subject-verb agreement as well as atypical usage of the articles: I’d a walked her if my dogs wasn’t pooped out; They was two fellas. Moreover, the characters’ speech is highly elliptical with multiple cases of omitted subjects (expressed by personal pronouns I, you) and auxiliary verbs (to be, to have): Sure, I seen it; Didn’t have no other shoes; Goin’ far? Lookin’ for a job? I seen your hands. Been swingin’ a pick or an ax or a sledge. 10