Зоологический журнал, 2024, № 2
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Российская академия наук ЗООЛОГИЧЕСКИЙ ЖУРНАЛ том 103 № 2 2024 Февраль Основан в 1916 г. акад. А.Н. Северцовым Выходит 12 раз в год ISSN 0044-5134 Журнал издается под руководством Отделения биологических наук РАН Главный редактор Ю.Ю. Дгебуадзе Редакционная коллегия: В.Н. Большаков, Р.Д. Жантиев, Э.В. Ивантер, Е.А. Коблик, М.Р.-Д. Магомедов, К.В. Макаров, М.В. Мина, Д.С. Павлов, О.Н. Пугачёв, А.В. Суров (зам. главного редактора), Д.Ю. Тишечкин, Н.А. Формозов (ответственный секретарь), А.Б. Цетлин, С.Ю. Чайка, Н.С. Чернецов, А.В. Чесунов Зав. редакцией Л.Л. Случевская Адрес: 119334, Москва, ул. Вавилова, 34, комн. 346 Тел. 8-499-135-71-39 e-mail: zoozhurn@mail.ru © Российская академия наук, 2024 © Редколлегия “Зоологического журнала” (составитель), 2024
СОДЕРЖАНИЕ Том 103, Номер 2, 2024 Three new species of oribatid mites of the superfamily Oripodoidea (Acari, Oribatida) from Vietnam S. G. Ermilov, V. M. Salavatulin, J. Kontschán 3 Новый вид щетинохвосток рода Allopsontus Silv. (Microcoryphia, Machilidae) из западного Крыма В. Г. Каплин 14 Новый вид рода Thinodromus Kraatz 1857 (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae, Oxytelinae) с Сулавеси (Индонезия) М. Ю. Гильденков 21 Успешность размножения серых журавлей (Grus grus, Gruiformes, Aves) в условиях изменения среды обитания: влияние климатических и гидрометеорологических тенденций С. В. Волков, О. С. Гринченко, Т. В. Свиридова, А. В. Шариков 25 Сверхдальняя миграция обыкновенной кукушки (Cuculus canorus, Cuculiformes, Cuculidae): от Камчатки до Намибии Л. В. Соколов, А. Ю. Синельщикова, М. Ю. Марковец 37 Освоение пространства и сезонные перемещения лесного северного оленя (Rangifer tarandus fennicus (Lönnb. 1909)) в Республике Карелия Д. В. Панченко, К. Ф. Тирронен, П. И. Данилов 48 Некоторые особенности экологии и структуры поселений обыкновенного хомяка (Cricetus cricetus, Cricetidae, Rodentia) в парке города Симферополя при разном уровне комфортности среды Е. А. Зайцева, А. Ю. Целлариус, А. В. Купцов, Ф. А. Целлариус, А. В. Суров 63 Зависимость состояния популяции полуденной песчанки (Meriones meridianus, Rodentia, Gerbillidae) от обеспеченности кормовыми ресурсами в различные сезоны года в Северо-Западном Прикаспии Р. Р. Омаров, К. З. Омаров 77 Методика зоологических исследований Использование малакофаунистического метода для реконструкции палеоэкологических условий конца позднего неоплейстоцена – голоцена по материалам местонахождения “Пещера Тетюхинская” (юг Дальнего Востока, Россия) Е. М. Осипова, Г. А. Данукалова, М. П. Тиунов 90 A numerical analysis of the variation and correlation of crown elements in the upper cheek teeth of the European beaver, Castor fiber (Rodentia, Castoridae), based on geometric morphometrics Igor Ya. Pavlinov 111
Contents Volume 103, № 2, 2024 Three new species of oribatid mites of the superfamily Oripodoidea (Acari, Oribatida) from Vietnam S. G. Ermilov, V. M. Salavatulin, J. Kontschán 3 A new species of bristletail of the genus Allopsontus Silv. (Microcoryphia, Machilidae) from western Crimea V. G. Kaplin 14 A new species of the genus Thinodromus Kraatz 1857 (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae, Oxytelinae) from Sulawesi, Indonesia M. Yu. Gildenkov 21 Breeding success of Eurasian cranes (Grus grus, Gruiformes, Aves) in the conditions of a changing environment: the impact of climatic and hydrometeorological trends S. V. Volkov, O. S. Grinchenko, T. V. Sviridova, A. V. Sharikov 25 Ultra-long-distance migration of the common cuckoo (Cuculus canorus, Cuculiformes, Cuculidae) from Kamchatka to Namibia Leonid V. Sokolov, Aleksandra Yu. Sinelschikova, Mikhail Yu. Markovets 37 Space use and seasonal migrations of the wild forest reindeer (Rangifer tarandus fennicus (Lönnb. 1909)) in the Republic of Karelia D. V. Panchenko, K. F. Tirronen, P. I. Danilov 48 Some traits of ecology and demography in settlements of the common hamster (Cricetus cricetus, Cricetidae, Rodentia) under different levels of environmental comfort in a Simferopol city park E. A. Zaytseva, A. Y. Tsellarius, A. V. Kuptsov, Th. A. Cellarius, A. V. Surov 63 Dependence of the population state of the midday gerbil (Meriones meridianus, Rodentia, Gerbillidae) on the provision of forage resources in different seasons of the year in the North-Western Caspian R. R. Omarov, K. Z. Omarov 77 Methods of Zoological Investigations The use of the malacofaunistic method for reconstructing the palaeoecological conditions of the late Late Pleistocene to Holocene based on material from the Tetyukhinskaya Cave site, southern Far East, Russia E. M. Osipova, G. A. Danukalova, M. P. Tiunov 90 A numerical analysis of the variation and correlation of crown elements in the upper cheek teeth of the European beaver, Castor fiber (Rodentia, Castoridae), based on geometric morphometrics Igor Ya. Pavlinov 111
ЗООЛОГИЧЕСКИЙ ЖУРНАЛ, 2024, том 103, № 2, с. 3–13 УДК 595.4 THREE NEW SPECIES OF ORIBATID MITES OF THE SUPERFAMILY ORIPODOIDEA (ACARI, ORIBATIDA) FROM VIETNAM © 2024 S. G. Ermilova, *, V. M. Salavatulina, b, **, J. Kontschánc, d, *** aTyumen State University, Tyumen, 625003 Russia bJoint Russian-Vietnamese Tropical Research and Technological Center, Southern Branch, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam cPlant Protection Institute, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, H-1025 Hungary dSzéchenyi István University, Mosonmagyaróvár, 9026 Hungary *e-mail: ermilovacari@yandex.ru **e-mail: v.salavatulin@gmail.com ***e-mail: kontschan.jeno@atk.hu Received August 1, 2023 Revised September 14, 2023 Accepted October 4, 2023 Three new species of oribatid mites (Oribatida) of the superfamily Oripodoidea – Phauloppia differens sp. n. (Oribatulidae), Oripoda operta sp. n. (Oripodidae) and Pirnodus concavus sp. n. (Oripodidae) – are described, based on adults collected from the bark and tree branches of Dipterocarpus alatus and Haldina cordifolia in southern Vietnam. Keywords: arboreal mites, Phauloppia, Oripoda, Pirnodus, taxonomy, morphology, Cat Tien National Park, Oriental region DOI: 10.31857/S0044513424020011, EDN: VXUQQE MATERIAL AND METHODS The arboreal fauna of oribatid mites (Acari, Oribatida) in Vietnam is insufficiently studied (Corpuz-Raros, Ermilov, 2020; Salavatulin et al., 2022). The main goal of our paper is to describe three new species of the superfamily Oripodoidea belonging to the genera Phauloppia Berlese 1908 (family Oribatulidae), Oripoda Banks 1904 and Pirnodus Grandjean 1956 (family Oripodidae), based on materials collected from trees in the Cat Tien National Park, southern Vietnam. Phauloppia and Oripoda comprise 25 and 38 species (Subías, 2022; Ermilov, Salavatulin, 2023), respectively, which have a cosmopolitan distribution except the Antarctic region (Subías, 2022). Pirnodus comprises six species (Ermilov, Salavatulin, 2023) which are distributed in the Afrotropical, Australasian, Neotropical, and southern Palaearctic regions (Subías, 2022; Ermilov, Salavatulin, 2023). Presently, two species of Phauloppia – P. adjecta Aoki et Ohkubo 1974, P. dilatata Ermilov et Salavatulin 2023; four species of Oripoda – O. canagaratnami (Balogh 1970), O. excavata Mahunka 1988, O. luminosa (Hammer 1979), O. pinicola Aoki et Ohkubo 1974; and one species of Pirnodus – P. partiarus Ermilov et Salavatulin 2023 are registered in Vietnam (Corpuz-Raros, Ermilov, 2020; Salavatulin et al., 2022; Ermilov, Salavatulin, 2023). S p e c i m e n s . Samples of bark and branches were collected via climbing trees (using spikes and other special equipment). Mites were subsequently extracted by high-pressure flushing and further heptane flotation in laboratory conditions. Detailed descriptions of arboreal acarofauna collection and extraction techniques are presented in Salavatulin (2019). O b s e r v a t i o n a n d d o c u m e n t a t i o n . For measurement and illustration, specimens were mounted in lactic acid on temporary cavity slides. All measurements are in micrometers (μm). Body length was measured in lateral view, from the tip of the rostrum to the posterior edge of the notogaster; other structures were oriented to avoid parallax errors. Notogastral width refers to the maximum width in dorsal aspect. Setal lengths were measured perpendicular to their long axes, accounting for curvature. Formulas for leg solenidia are given in square brackets according to the sequence genu-tibia-tarsus. Drawings were made with a camera lucida using a Leica DM 2500 light microscope. T e r m i n o l o g y a n d c o n v e n t i o n s . Morphological terminology used herein mostly stems from the following papers on Oribatulidae and Oripodidae: Grandjean (1950, 1956); Ermilov, Salavatulin (2023). 3
ERMILOV Leg setal nomenclature follows Norton (1977); for overview see Norton and Behan-Pelletier (2009). A b b r e v i a t i o n s a n d n o t a t i o n s . Prodorsum: lam = lamella; slam = sublamella; tlam = translamella; tu = tutorium; kf = keel-shaped ridge; ro, le, in, ex, bs = rostral, lamellar, interlamellar, exobothridial, bothridial setae, respectively; Ad = dorsosejugal porose area; D = dorsophragma. Notogaster: c, da, la, dm, lm, dp, lp, h, p = setae; Aa, A1, A2, A3 = porose areas; Sa, S1, S2, S3 = sacculi; ia, im, ip, ih, ips = lyrifissures; gla = opisthonotal gland opening. Gnathosoma: a, m, h = subcapitular setae; or = adoral seta; acm = palp seta; ω = palp solenidion; cha, chb = cheliceral setae; Tg = Trägårdh’s organ. Epimeral and lateral podosomal regions: 1a, 1b, 1c, 2a, 3a, 3b, 3c, 4a, 4b, 4c = epimeral setae; z = aperture of supracoxal gland; Am = humeral porose area; PdI, PdII = pedotecta I, II, respectively; dis = discidium; cir = circumpedal carina. Anogenital region: g, ag, an, ad = genital, aggenital, anal, adanal setae, respectively; iad = adanal lyrifissure; Amar = marginal porose area. Legs: Tr, Fe, Ge, Ti, Ta = trochanter, femur, genu, tibia, tarsus, respectively; pa = porose area; e = famulus; d, l, v, ev, bv, ft, tc, it, p, u, a, s, pv, pl = setae; ω, σ, j = solenidia. Phauloppia differens Ermilov, Salavatulin et Kontschán sp. n. (Figs 1, 2) Ty p e m a t e r i a l . Holotype (♀) and two paratypes (2 ♀♀): Vietnam, Dong Nai Province, Dong Nai Biosphere Reserve, Cat Tien National Park, 11°25′– 11°26′N, 107°25′–107°26′E, about 130 m a. s. l., bark (holotype and one paratype) and branch (one paratype) of Haldina cardifolia at the height of 25 m above ground, November 20, 2022 – December 10, 2022 (collected by V. M. Salavatulin and A. A. Kudrin). Two paratypes (2 ♀♀): same location but both from the bark of Dipterocarpus alatus. The holotype is deposited in the collection of the Senckenberg Museum of Natural History, Görlitz, Germany; four paratypes are deposited in the collection of the Tyumen State University Museum of Zoology, Tyumen, Russia. All specimens are preserved in 70 % solution of ethanol with a drop of glycerol. D i a g n o s i s . Body length: 240–255. Surface of body with slight microgranulate sculpturing; subcapitular mentum foveolae. Rostrum pointed. Lamella present. Rostral and lamellar setae long, setiform, barbed; interlamellar seta long, dilated mediodistally, heavily barbed; bothridial seta long, clavate, barbed; exobothridial seta medium-sized. Thirteen pairs of notogastral setae; of them, c, h2, p1–p3 short, setiform, roughened, others long, thick, narrowed distally, heavily barbed. Four pairs of very small, rounded porose areas. Epimeral setal formula: 3–1–3–3. All epimeral and anogenital setae comparatively short. Two pairs of adanal setae. Marginal porose area represented by one or two, or three pairs of posterolateral rounded porose areas. Number of setae on leg tarsi I–III: 19–15–15; genu IV with one seta (d). D e s c r i p t i o n . Measurements. Body length: 240 (holotype), 240–255 (paratypes); notogaster width: 165 (holotype), 165–180 (paratypes). Integument. Body light brown. Surface of body with slight microgranulate sculpturing (visible in dissected specimens under high magnification, ×1000); subcapitular mentum with small sparse foveolae. Prodorsum. Rostrum pointed. Lamella well developed, about 1/4 length of prodorsum. Rostral (45–49) and lamellar (56–58) setae setiform, barbed; interlamellar seta (45–49) dilated mediodistally, heavily barbed; bothridial seta (45–49) clavate, barbed; exobothridial seta (22–26) setiform, thin, slightly barbed. Dorsosejugal porose area present but poorly visible. Notogaster. Anterior margin distinctly convex medially. Thirteen pairs of setae: c, h2, p1–p3 (11–15) setiform, thin, roughened; da, la, dm, lm, h1 (56–64), dp (94–105), lp, h3 (82–86) thick, narrowed distally, heavily barbed. Four pairs of very small, rounded porose areas (Aa, A1: 2–4; A2, A3: 2). Opisthonotal gland opening and all lyrifissures well visible. Gnathosoma. Subcapitulum size: 63–67×45–49; seta a (13–15) setiform, unilaterally barbed in mediodistal part; m (15) and h (15) setiform, roughened; all setae similar in thickness; both adoral setae (7) setiform, barbed. Palp length: 41–45; postpalpal seta (4) spiniform, slightly roughened. Chelicera length: 71–75; setae (cha: 22; chb: 15) setiform, barbed. Epimeral and lateral podosomal regions. Epimeral setal formula: 3–1–3–3; all setae (1a, 2a, 3a, 4a, 4b: 11–15; others: 19) setiform, thin, roughened. Discidium triangular. Circumpedal carina distinct. Anogenital region. Genital, aggenital, anal, and adanal setae (11–15) setae setiform, thin, roughened. Adanal lyrifissure diagonal or transverse, close and anterolateral to anal aperture. Marginal porose area represented by one or two, or three pairs of posterolateral rounded porose areas (4–6). Legs. Median claw thicker than lateral claws, all slightly barbed on dorsal side; lateral claw with tubercle distoventrally. Dorsal porose area on tarsus I, proximoventral porose area on tarsi I–IV, ventral porose area on tibiae I–IV and on genua I–IV, and dorsoparaxial porose area on femora I–IV and on trochanters III, IV distinct; proximoventral porose area on tarsi and ventral porose area on tibiae often represented by two areas. Formulas of leg setation and solenidia: I (1–4–2–4– 19) [1–2–2], II (1–4–2–4–15) [1–1–2], III (2–3–1– 3–15) [1–1–0], IV (1–2–1–3–11) [0–1–0]; homology of setae and solenidia indicated in Table 1; solenidia ω1 on tarsus I, ω1, ω2 on tarsus II and σ on genua III slightly bacilliform, j1 on tibia I and j on tibiae II–IV subflagellate, other solenidia rod-like. 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three new species of oribatid mites 5 Рис. 1. Phauloppia differens sp. n., adult: a – dorsal view (legs not shown), b – ventral view (gnathosoma and legs not shown). Scale bar 50 µm. C o m p a r i s o n . Phauloppia differens sp. n. is similar to P. dilatata Ermilov et Salavatulin 2023 from Vietnam (see Ermilov, Salavatulin, 2023) in having dilated mediodistally interlamellar setae. However, the new species differs from P. dilatata in: pointed (versus rounded) rostrum; presence (versus absence) of marginal porose areas; distinctly longer rostral, lamellar, interlamellar, and exobothridial setae; morphology of bothridial seta (clavate versus globular); almost rounded (versus elongate oval) notogaster; number, length and morphology of some notogastral setae (13 pairs, with one pair of c; da, la, dm, dp, lm, lp, h1, h3 long, thick, narrowed distally, heavily barbed versus 14 pairs, with two pairs of c; da, la, dm, dp, lm, lp, h1, h3 short, setiform, slightly roughened); ornamentation of subcapitular mentum (foveolate versus striate); presence (versus absence) of epimeral seta 3c; presence of two pairs (versus three pairs) of adanal setae; and reduced chaetome of leg tarsi I–III (19–15–15 versus 14–13–11). E t y m o l o g y. The specific epithet differens is Latin for “difference” and alludes to the different lengths of notogastral setae in the new species. ЗООЛОГИЧЕСКИЙ ЖУРНАЛ том 103 № 2 2024
ERMILOV Рис. 2. Phauloppia differens sp. n., adult: a – right lateral view (gnathosoma and legs not shown); b – posterior view (part of left half not shown); c – subcapitulum, ventral view; d – palp, right, antiaxial view; e – chelicera, left, paraxial view; f – leg I (trochanter not shown, femur turned), left, paraxial view; g – leg IV, right, paraxial view. Scale bar (μm): a, b – 50; c, e–g – 20; d – 10. ЗООЛОГИЧЕСКИЙ ЖУРНАЛ том 103 № 2 2024
three new species of oribatid mites 7 Table 1. Leg setation and solenidia of adult Phauloppia differens sp. n. Leg Tr Fe Ge Ti Ta I v' d, l', bv", v' (l), σ (l), (v), j (ft), (tc), (it), (p), (u), (a), s, (pv), v', (pl), ɛ, ω1, ω2 II v' d, l', bv", v" (l), σ (l), (v), j (ft), (tc), (it), (p), (u), (a), s, (pv), ω1, ω2 III l', v' d, l', ev' l', σ l', (v), j (ft), (tc), (it), (p), (u), (a), s, (pv) IV v' d, ev' d l', (v), j ft", (tc), (p), (u), (a), (pv) Notes. Roman letters refer to normal setae, Greek letters – to solenidia (except e = famulus). Single prime (') marks setae on the anterior and double prime (") – setae on the posterior side of a given leg segment. Parentheses refer to a pair of setae. Oripoda operta Ermilov, Salavatulin et Kontschán sp. n. (Figs 3, 4) Ty p e m a t e r i a l . Holotype (♀) and six paratypes (3 ♂♂, 3 ♀♀): Vietnam, Dong Nai Province, Dong Nai Biosphere Reserve, Cat Tien National Park, 11°26′N, 107°26′E, about 130 m a. s. l., branches of Dipterocarpus alatus at the height of 25 m above ground, November 20, 2022 – December 10, 2022 (collected by V. M. Salavatulin and A. A. Kudrin). The holotype is deposited in the collection of the Senckenberg Museum of Natural History, G rlitz, Germany; six paratypes are deposited in the collection of the Tyumen State University Museum of Zoology, Tyumen, Russia. All specimens are preserved in 70 % solution of ethanol with a drop of glycerol. D i a g n o s i s . Body length: 210–300. Rostrum sparsely tuberculate in males (versus not tuberculate in females); epimeral region striate; anogenital region foveolate. Rostrum rounded. Prolamella and translamella absent; sublamella and keel-shaped ridge present. Rostral and lamellar setae long, setiform, barbed; interlamellar seta medium-sized, robust, acute, barbed; bothridial seta comparatively short, globular, slightly barbed, completely covered by anterior margin of notogaster. All notogastral setae short, setiform, slightly roughened. Epimeral setal formula: 3–1–2–1. All epimeral and anogenital setae comparatively short. Marginal porose area represented by one pair of posterolateral sacculi. D e s c r i p t i o n . Measurements. Body length: 270 (holotype), 210–240 (male paratypes), 270–300 (female paratypes); notogaster width: 150 (holotype), 135–143 (male paratypes), 150–165 (female paratypes). Integument. Body light brown. Rostrum sparsely tuberculate in males (fig. 4a) versus tubercles absent in females (fig. 3a); epimeral region longitudinally striate; anogenital region and anal plates sparsely foveolate but narrow region between genital and anal apertures without foveolae; adanal region and region of keel-shaped ridge with indistinct striae; paraxial part of leg femora III, IV with some transverse striae. Prodorsum. Rostrum broadly rounded. Lamella about 1/2 length of prodorsum; prolamella and translamella absent; sublamella and keel-shaped ridge present. Rostral and lamellar setae (30–34) setiform, barbed; interlamellar seta (22–26) robust, acute, barbed; bothridial seta (17–19) with short stalk and globular, slightly barbed head; bothridial seta completely covered by anterior margin of notogaster in dorsal view; exobothridial seta and dorsosejugal porose area not observed. Notogaster. Anterior margin almost straight. All notogastral setae (13–15) setiform, thin, slightly roughened. Four pairs of sacculi with drop-like channels. Opisthonotal gland opening and all lyrifissures well visible. Gnathosoma. Subcapitulum size: 64–67×45–49; seta a (15) setiform, unilaterally barbed in mediodistal part; m (11) and h (20) setiform, roughened; m thinner than a and h; both adoral setae (7–9) setiform, barbed. Palp length: 45–49; postpalpal seta (4) spiniform, smooth. Chelicera length: 77–79; seta cha (22) setiform, barbed; chb absent. Epimeral and lateral podosomal regions. Epimeral setal formula: 3–1–2–1; all setae (1a, 1c, 2a, 3a: 11–15; 1b: 22; 4a, 4b: 19) setiform, thin, slightly roughened. Discidium broadly tubercle-like. Circumpedal carina distinct. Anogenital region. Genital (9–11) and aggenital (11– 15) setae setiform, thin, roughened; anal and adanal setae (17–19) setiform, slightly barbed. Adanal lyrifissure close and parallel to anal plate. Marginal porose area represented by one pair of posterolateral sacculi. Legs. Median and lateral claws thick, slightly different in thickness, slightly barbed on dorsal side. All tarsi with well developed pulvillus. Proximoventral porose area on tarsi I–IV and dorsoparaxial porose area on femora I–IV and on trochanters III, IV distinct; distoventral porose area present only on tibia I (versus not observed on tibiae II–IV). Formulas of leg setation and solenidia: I (1–5–2–4–15) [1–2–2], II (1–5–2– 4–13) [1–1–2], III (2–3–1–3–11) [1–1–0], IV (1– 2–2–3–10) [0–1–0]; homology of setae and solenidia indicated in Table 2; solenidia ω1, ω2 on tarsi I, II and slightly bacilliform, slightly swollen distally, σ on genua III slightly bacilliform, j1 on tibia I and j on tibiae II–IV subflagellate, terminating in flattened disc, other solenidia rod-like. C o m p a r i s o n . Oripoda operta sp. n. is similar to O. obliqua Aoki et Yamamoto 2007 from Japan (see ЗООЛОГИЧЕСКИЙ ЖУРНАЛ том 103 № 2 2024
ERMILOV Fig. 3. Oripoda operta sp. n., adult: a – dorsal view (legs not shown), b – ventral view (gnathosoma and legs not shown). Scale bar 50 µm. Aoki, Yamamoto, 2007) in: the presence of tuberculate rostrum in males; comparatively long rostral, lamellar and interlamellar setae, with ro and le setiform, in robust; bothridial seta completely covered by anterior margin of notogaster; short notogastral setae; and medium-sized, setiform adanal setae. The new species differs from O. obliqua in: smaller body size (length of males 210–240, length of females 270–300 versus length of males 305–320, length of females 310–415); absence (versus presence) of rugosities on the rostrum and on the pteromorph in females; almost rounded (versus elongate oval) notogaster; and the morphology of anterolateral margin of the pteromorph (broadly rounded versus largely cut obliquely). E t y m o l o g y. The specific epithet operta is Latin for “hidden” and alludes to the bothridial seta being completely covered by the anterior margin of the notogaster in the new species. Table 2. Leg setation and solenidia of adult Oripoda operta sp. n. Leg Tr Fe Ge Ti Ta I v' d, (l), bv", v" (l), σ (l), (v), j (ft), (tc), (it), (p), (u), (a), s, pv', ɛ, ω1, ω2 II v' d, (l), bv", v" (l), σ (l), (v), j (ft), (tc), (it), (p), (u), (a), s, ω1, ω2 III l', v' d, l', ev' l', σ l', (v), j (ft), (tc), (p), (u), a', s, pv" IV v' d, ev' d, l' l', (v), j ft", (tc), (p), (u), a', s, pv" Notes. See Table 1 for explanations. ЗООЛОГИЧЕСКИЙ ЖУРНАЛ том 103 № 2 2024
three new species of oribatid mites 9 Fig. 4. Oripoda operta sp. n., adult: a – right lateral view (gnathosoma and legs not shown); b – posterior view (part of left half not shown); c – subcapitulum, ventral view; d – palp, right, antiaxial view; e – chelicera, left, paraxial view; f – leg I, right, antiaxial view; g – leg IV, left, antiaxial view. Scale bar (μm): a, b – 50; c, e–g – 20; d – 10. Pirnodus concavus Ermilov, Salavatulin et Kontschán sp. n. (Figs 5, 6) T y p e m a t e r i a l . Holotype (♀) and three paratypes (1 ♂, 2 ♀♀): Vietnam, Dong Nai Province, Dong Nai Biosphere Reserve, Cat Tien National Park, 11°26′N, 107°26′E, about 130 m a. s. l., bark of Dipterocarpus alatus at the height of 25 m above ground, November 20, 2022 – December 10, 2022 (collected by V. M. Salavatulin and A. A. Kudrin). The holotype is deposited in the collection of the Senckenberg Museum of Natural History, Görlitz, Germany; three paratypes are deposited in the collection of the Tyumen State University Museum of Zoology, ЗООЛОГИЧЕСКИЙ ЖУРНАЛ том 103 № 2 2024