Грамматика русского языка для начинающих: пособие для студентов-иностранцев
Основная коллекция
Русский язык как иностранный
Год издания: 2025
Кол-во страниц: 178
Вид издания:
Учебное пособие
Уровень образования:
Профессиональное образование
ISBN: 978-5-16-020171-9
ISBN-онлайн: 978-5-16-112706-3
Артикул: 835706.01.01
В учебном пособии представлена грамматика русского языка в виде таблиц с комментариями к темам программы учебной дисциплины «Русский язык как иностранный». Пособие содержит перевод на английский язык теоретического материала и примеров.
Адресовано иностранным студентам учреждений высшего образования, обучающимся на английском языке. Данный материал может быть использован студентами, начинающими изучать русский язык как самостоятельно, так и под руководством преподавателя для повторения, закрепления и систематизации знаний грамматического материала по темам дисциплины «Русский язык как иностранный».
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y^K 811.161.1’36’243(075.8) BBK 81.411.2.052-99^73 B90 P e ^ e h 3 e h m m: g;i<|>egp;i. goBy3OBCKoft nogromoBKu u npo^opueHmaguu roMeabcKoro rocy-gapcTBeHHoro yHUBepcumema uMeHu 0. CkopuHM; BoroMonvHUKoea H.A., iggig iigam ^uaoaorugecKux HayK, go geum, gogeam g;i<|>(g|)i>i negaroruKu u gacmHMx MemoguK loMcabcgoro ooggcmgoro uhctu-Tyma paaBumua o6pa3oBaHua ByatKOBa E.A. E90 IpaMMamuKa pyccKoro a3MKa gaa HaguHaro^ux: noco6ue gaa cmvgeg Tog-ggocmpaggeg : vge6Hoe noco6ue / E.A. EyabKoBa, O.E. Mopo3oBa, O.M. CneKmop. — MocKBa : HH®pA-M ; FoMeab : FoMFMy, 2025. — 178 c. ISBN 978-5-16-020171-9 (HHOPA-M, print) ISBN 978-5-16-112706-3 (HHOPA-M, online) ISBN 978-985-588-348-8 (FoMFMy) B yge6HoM noco6uu npegcmaeaeHa rpaMMamuKa pyccKoro a3MKa b Buge ma6-agg c KoMMeHmapuaMu k meMaM nporpaMMM yge6Hoft ggcggn/igHH «PyccKuft H3MK KaK uHocmpaHHMft». noco6ue cogepxum nepeBog Ha anrauftcKuft a3MK meopemugecKoro Mamepuaaa u npuMepoB. AgpecoBaHo uHocTpaHHMM cmygeHmaM ygpexgeHuft bbicmero o6paaoBa-Hua, o6ygaro^uMca Ha aHrauftcKoM a3MKe. ^aHHMft Mamepuaa Moxem 6mtb ucnoab3oBaH cmygeHmaMu, HaguHaro^uMu u3ygamb pyccKuft a3MK KaK caMo-cmoameabHo, maK u nog pyKoBogcmBoM npenogaBameaa gaa noBmopeHua, 3a-KpenaeHua u cucmeMamu3aguu 3HaHuft rpaMMamugecKoro Mamepuaaa no meMaM gu^unauHM «PyccKuft a3MK KaK uHocTpaHHbift». y^K 811.161.1’36’243(075.8) EEK 81.411.2.052-99a73 ISBN 978-5-16-020171-9 (HHQPA-M, print) ISBN 978-5-16-112706-3 (HHQPA-M, online) ISBN 978-985-588-348-8 (FoMFMy) © FoMeabcKnft rocygapcTBeHHbift MegnunncKHn ynnBepcnTeT, 2024
OE-IABJEI11 IE / TABLE OF CONTENTS BBegeHue / Preface..............................................12 CnucoK ycaoinibix o6o3iiaⁱieiiiiii / The list of abbreviations.....13 PA3flE^ 1. Ociioinibie ocofieiniocni (|)oneT'ii'iecKoii ciicmeMbi pyccKoro H3biKa / Main features of the phonetic system of Russian language ............................................14 1.1. PyccKUH ai^aBUT / The Russian alphabet..................14 1.1.1. OcHOBHaa uH^opMamua o pyccKOM aa(|iaBHTC / Basic information about the Russian alphabet ...................14 1.1.2. ByKBM u 3ByKM / Letters and Sounds...................16 1.1.3. OcHOBHtie npaBuaa npou3HomeHua u aTCHaa / Basic rules of pronounciation and reading .........................18 1.1.4. MHTOHaUHOHHbie KOHcmpy kuhh / Intonational constructions ........................................21 PA3flE^ 2. OcHOBHbie ocOSeHHOcmu rpaMMamuHecKon ciicieMbi pyccKoro H3bii<a / Main features of the system of Russian language ............................................23 2.1. Hmh cyinecrinn'eabiioe. nxieinn'eabiibiii nage>i< (Oagea; 1) / The Noun. The Nominative Case (Case 1)........23 2.1.1. Pog umch cy^ecTBHTeabHbix / The Gender of Nouns.........23 2.1.2. EgftHCTBeHHoe u MHo>i<ecTBeHHoe gucao umch cy^ecTBHTeabHbix / Nouns in the Singular and Plural Form......27 2.2. MeciouMeHue / The Pronoun..................................31 2.2.1. ^uHHbie MecTouMeHua / The Personal Pronouns.............31 2.2.2. npHTa’/KaTcabHbie MecTouMeHua / The Possessive Pronouns.32 2.2.3. yKa3areabHbie MecrouMeHHa / The Demonstrative Pronouns......................................34 2.3. Hmh iipiiaaraT'eabiioe / The Adjective.....................35 2.3.1. Pog umch npuaarareabHiix / The Gender of Adjectives.....35 2.3.2. Tumi ochob umch npuaaraTeabHiix / Types of Stems of Adjectives.......................................36 2.3.3. noaHaa u KpaTKaa $opMa umch npuaaraTeabHiix / Long and short forms ofAdjectives .................................39 3
2.4. Faai'da / The Verb.........................................40 2.4.1. HaLia.ibHa;i $6pMa raaroaa (uh^uhutub) / The Infinitive form ............................................40 2.4.2. Hacmoa^ee BpeMM raaroaa / The Present Tense of the Verb ....41 2.4.3. npomegmee BpeMa raaroaa / The Past Tense of the Verb...47 2.4.4. Eygy^ee BpeMa raaroaa. Cao>KHaa $6pMa 6ygy^ero BpeMeHu / The Future Tense of the Verb. The complex form ofFuture Tense ................................48 2.4.5. Bright raaroaa / Verb Aspects.......................50 2.4.6. raaroati c nocm^ukcoM -ca / Verbs with Postfix -ca..52 2.5. Hapc'iue / The Adverb......................................53 2.5.1. KanecTBeHHBie Hapenua / Adverbs of quality.............53 2.5.2. Hapenua 66pa3a gencTBua / Adverbs of way of action.....55 2.5.3. Hapeaaa Mepa u cmeneHu / Adverbs of measure and degree.55 2.5.4. Hapenua Mecma / Adverbs denoting place.................56 2.5.5. Hapenua BpeMeHu / Adverbs denoting time.............57 2.6. Hmh uuciuTeibHoe / The Numeral.............................58 2.6.1. Paapaga umch nucarimeatHbix / Categories of Numerals...58 2.6.2. CkaoHeHue KoauHecmBeHHax HucaumeatHax / The declension of Cardinal Numerals ...............................60 2.6.3. CkaoHeHue nopagKOBtx HucaumeatHax / The declension of Ordinal Numerals ................................64 2.6.4. CkaoHeHue co6upameatHax HucaumeatHax / The declension of Collective Numerals .............................65 PA3flE^ 3. n|)eg.i6>Kiio-iiage>Kiian cucmewa pyccKoro H3biKa / Prepositional-case system of the Russian language ........................................66 3.1. HMeHUTeibHbin naaea; (naae>i< 1) / The Nominative Case (Case 1) ......................................66 3.1.1. 3HaaeHHa uMeHumeatHoro nage>i<a (nagc>i< 1) / Meanings of the Nominative Case (Case 1)...........................66 3.2. npeg.io>Kiibiii nagm (nagm 6) / The Prepositional Case (Case 6) ................................67 3.2.1. 3HaneHua npegao>KHoro nage>i<a (nage>i< 6) / Meanings of the Prepositional Case (Case 6) .......................67 4
3.2.2. HMeHa cy^ecTBHTeabHbie b npegao^HOM nage>Ke (nage>K 6) eguHCTBeHHoro h MHO^ecTBeHHoro HHcaa. npeg.iO’/KHbiH nage>K (nagc>K 6) b 3HaneHHH Mecma / The Singular and Plural Nouns in the Prepositional. The Prepositional denoting the place ............................68 3.2.3. Oc66tie OKornaHHa cy^ecTBHTeatHMx b npeg.TO>KHOM nage>Ke (nage>K 6) eguiHCTBeHHoro nucaa My>KCK6ro poga / Special endings of Masculine Nouns in the Prepositional (Case 6) Singular ..........................69 3.2.4. npegao^HMH nage>i< (nagc>K 6). YnoTpeGaeHHe npegaoroB b h Ha / The Prepositional Case (Case 6). Use of Prepositions b (in) and Ha (on)...........................70 3.2.5. raaroati + HMeHa cy^ecTBuneatHbie b npeg.TO>KHOM nage>i<c (nagc>i< 6) (b, Ha) / Verbs + Nouns in the Prepositional (Case 6) (b, Ha) .............72 3.2.6. npeg.TO>KHbiH nage>K (nage>K 6) b 3HaneHHH oGteKTa Mtican h penn / The Prepositional (Case 6) denoting the object ofspeech or thought .........................72 3.2.7. raaroati + HMeHa cy^eciBHreatHtie b npeg.TO>i<HOM nage^e (nage>i< 6) (o, 06, 66o) / Verbs + Nouns in the Prepositional (Case 6) (o, 06, 66o).........74 3.2.8. ^HHHtie MecTOHMeHHa b npeg.TO>KHOM nage^e (nage>i< 6) / Personal Pronouns in the Prepositional (Case 6) ...................................74 3.2.9. npegTO’/KHbiH nage>i< (nagc>K 6) hmch npHaarareatHtix h yKa3aTeatHtix MecTOHMCHHH / Adjectives and Demonstrative Pronouns in the Prepositional (Case 6) ...................................75 3.2.10. npHur/KaTC.ibHbie MecTOHMeHHa h MecTOHMCHHe «cbgh» b npegTO>KHOM nage^e (nage>i< 6) / Possessive Pronouns and Pronoun «cbgh» (your) in the Prepositional (Case 6)..........76 3.2.11. npeg.TO>KHbiH nage>i< (nagc>K 6) b 3Ha^eHHH BpeMeHH / The Prepositional (Case 6) denoting time.........................78 3.2.12. npegao^HtiH nagc>i< (nagc>i< 6). O6o6^cHHe / The Prepositional (Case 6). The Generalization ..................79 3.3. BuHJime^bHMH na.'ie>i< (nagm 4) / The Accusative Case (Case 4).....................................81 3.3.1. OcHGBHtie 3HaneHHa BHHuneabHoro nage>Ka (nagc>K 4) / Main meanings of Accusative (Case 4) ............................81 5
3.3.2. BuHUTentHMH nage>K (nagc>i< 4) b 3HaneHuu o6ieKTa gencTBua. HeogymeBaeHHbie u ogymeBaeHHbie uMeHa cy^ecTBftme.ibHbie / The Accusative (Case 4) denoting the object of action. Inanimate and Animate Nouns ........................82 3.3.3. raaroabi + uMeHa cymecTBftTeabHbie b BuHHTeabHOM nage>Ke (nagc>i< 4) / Verbs + Nouns in the Accusative (Case 4) ......................84 3.3.4. .nuqHbie MecTouMeHua b BuHneabHoM nage>Ke (nagc>K 4). 3HaKOMCTBO, npegcTaBaeHue / Personal Pronouns in the Accusative (Case 4). Introduction ......................85 3.3.5. npuTa^aTeabHbie u yKaaaTeabHbie MecTouMeHua b BuHHTeabHOM nage>Ke (nagc>i< 4) eguHCTBeHHoro aucaa / Possessive and Demonstrative Pronouns in the Accusative (Case 4) Singular ...........................85 3.3.6. HMena npuaaraTeabHbie b BuHuTeabHoM nage>Ke (nagc>i< 4) eguHCTBeHHoro aucaa / Adjectives in the Accusative (Case 4) Singular ...........................86 3.3.7. MHo>i<ecTBeHHoe aucao umch cymecTBftTeabHbix b BuHHreabHoM nage>Ke (nagc>i< 4) / Plural of Nouns in Accusative (Case 4) ........................................88 3.3.8. HMeHa npuaaraTeabHbie b BumiTeabHoM nage>Ke (nagc>i< 4) MHoi^ecTBeHHoro aucaa / Adjectives in Accusative (Case 4) Plural ......................89 3.3.9. BuHHTeabHbm nage>i< (nagc>i< 4) b 3HaaeHuu HanpaBaeHua gBu^Hua / Accusative (Case 4) in the meaning of the direction of movement ..................................90 3.3.9.I. ^Bu^eHue nemK3M / Movement on foot.............90 ^Bu^eHue Ha TpaHcnopTe /Movement on transport...91 3.3.10. BuHHTeabHbm nage>i< (nagc>i< 4) c raaroaaMu «cTaBuTb - nocTaBuTb», «KaacTb - noao>K'ftTb». «BemaTb - noBecuTb» / The Accusative (Case 4) with Verbs «cTaBuTb - nocTaBuTb». «KaacTb - noao>KbiTb». «BemaTb - noBecuTb».....................92 3.3.11. BuHbiTeabHbiH nage>i< (nage>i< 4) b 3Ha^eHuu BpeMeHu / Accusative (Case 4) denoting time .............................93 3.3.12. O6o6meHue. BuHbiTeabHMH nage>i< (nagc>i< 4) / Generalization. The Accusative (Case 4) .......................94 6
3.4. flame^bHbin nage® (nage® 3) / The Dative Case (Case 3) ....................................97 3.4.1. OcHOBHtie 3HaneHua gaTentHoro nage®a (nage® 3) / Main meanings of the Dative (Case 3) .........................97 3.4.2. MjweHa cy^ecTBUTentHtie b gaTentHOM nage®e (Hage® 3) egnHCTBeHHoro h MHO®ecTBeHHoro nncnai / Nouns in The Dative (Case 3) Singular and Plural Form .......98 3.4.3. EnarcinM + uMeHa cy^ecTBUTentHtie b gaTentHOM nageKe (Rage® 3) / Verbs + Nouns in the Dative (Case 3).......99 3.4.4. ^HHHtie MecTOHMeHua b gaTentHoM nage®e (nage® 3). ^aTentHMH nage® (nage® 3) b 3HaneHuu BO>3pacTa / Personal Pronouns in the Dative (Case 3). The Dative (Case 3) denotihg age.............................100 3.4.5. HMena npunaraTentHtie, npuTa®aTentHMe u yKa’iaTenbHbie MeciouMeHua b gaTentHoM nage®e (Hage® 3) egHHcTBeHHoro u MHC>®ecTBeHHoro Mucna / Adjectives, Possessive and Demonstrative Pronouns in the Dative (Case 3) Singular and Plural ..................101 3.4.6. ^aTentHtiH nage® (nage® 3) c rnarOnaMu «HpaBHTtca - noHpaBHTtca» / The Dative (Case 3) with the Verbs «HpaBUTtca - noHpaBUTtca».....................102 3.4.7. ^aTentHbifi nage® (nage® 3) b 6e3nuHHbix npegno®eHHax / The Dative (Case 3) in Impersonal Sentences...103 3.4.8. KoHCTpyKann c cy^ecTBurentHMMH (MecTOHMeHuaMH) b gaTentHoM nage®e (nage® 3) / Constructions with Nouns (Pronouns) in the Dative (Case 3) .....................105 3.4.9. ^aTentHbifi nage® (nage® 3). O6o6^eHue / The Dative (Case 3). Generalization .........................105 3.5. PoguiTegbHbin nage® (nage® 2) / The Genitive Case (Case 2) ..................................109 3.5.1. 3Ha^eHua poguTentHoro nage®a (nage® 2) / Meanings of the Genitive (Case 2) ...........................109 3.5.2. PoguTentHtiH nage® (nage® 2) co cnc>BOM «HeT» / The Genitive (Case 2) in the Sentences with the Negative Particle «HeT» (no) .........................................110 3.5.3. PoguTentHtiH nage® (nage® 2) b 3HaneHuu npuHagne®HocTu / The Genitive (Case 2) expressing possession.112 7
3.5.4. PogiiTenbHtH nage>K (nage>K 2) cyTOeciBHrentHtix c npegnoroM y / The Genitive (Case 2) with the Preposition y..113 3.5.5. PogHTentHtiH nage>K (nage>K 2) b 3HaneHHH HecoraacoBaHHoro onpegeneHHa / The Genitive (Case 2) denoting an attribute of an object .............................114 3.5.6. PogHTentHtiH nage>K (nage>K 2) c KonriHecTBeHHtiMH HHcnUrrentHBiMH «gBa (gBe)», «TpH», «neTtipe» / The Genitive (Case 2) with the Cardinal Numerals «gBa (gBe)», «TpH», «neTtipe».................................115 3.5.7. PogHTentHtiH nage® (nage® 2) npu o6o3HaneHHH gaTti / The Genitive (Case 2) denoting date.........116 3.5.8. PogHTentHtiH nage® (Rage® 2) c npegaoraMH npu o6o3HaneHHH BpeMeHH / The Genitive (Case 2) with Prepositions denoting time ................................116 3.5.9. PogHTentHtiH nage® (Rage® 2) c npegnoraMH npu o6o3HaneHHH MecTa / The Genitive (Case 2) with Prepositions denoting place ...............................117 3.5.10. PogHTentHtiH nage® (nage® 2) hmch npHnaraTentHtix b egHHcTBeHHoM nucne / Adjectives in the Genitive (Case 2) Singular...............................117 3.5.11. PogHTentHtiH nage® (nage® 2) MecTOHMeHHH / Pronouns in the Genitive (Case 2) ..............................118 3.5.12. PogHTentHtiH nage® hmch cy^ecTBHTentHtix (nage® 2) bo Mno®ecTBennoM nucne / Nouns in the Genitive (Case 2) Plural ..........................120 3.5.13. PogHTentHtiH nage® hmch npHnaraTentHtix (Hage® 2) h npHTa®aTentHtix h yKaaarentHtix MecTOHMeHHH bo MH€»KecTBeHHoM nucne / The Genitive (Case 2) Plural of Adjectives and Possessive and Demonstrative Pronouns .121 3.5.14. PogHTentHtiH nage® (nage® 2). O6o6^CHHe / The Genitive (Case 2). Generalization ..........................122 3.6. TBopUimentHMM nage® (Oa'ie® 5) / The Instrumental Case (Case 5) .................................124 3.6.1. OcHoBHtie 3HaneHHa TBopHTentHoro nage®a (Hage® 5) / Main meanings of the Instrumental (Case 5) .....................124 3.6.2. TBopHtentHtiH nage® (nage® 5) b 3HaneHHH coBMecTHocTH / Instrumental (Case 5) denoting jointness.......125 8
3.6.2.I. MjweHa cy^ecTBuTentHtie b TBopuTentHOM nage>Ke (najc>i< 5) egurncTBeHHoro u MHO®ecTBeHHoro Hucna / Nouns in the Instrumental (Case 5) Singular and Plural ...........125 3.6.3. TBopuTentHtin nage>K (nagc>i< 5) nuiHHMx MecTOHMeHHH / Instrumental (Case 5) of Personal Pronouns...........126 3.6.4. rnaronti + uMena cy^eciBuTentHtie b TBopuTentHOM nage>i<e (nagc>i< 5) / Verbs + Nouns in the Instrumental (Case 5).126 3.6.5. npnra^aTentHtie u yKa3aTentHtie MecmoHMeHHa b TBopurrentHOM nage>Ke (Hage® 5) / Possessive and Demonstrative Pronouns in the Instrumental (Case 5) ............................128 3.6.6. npunaraTentHtie u nopagKOBtie HucnuTentHtie b TBopUrrentHOM nage®e (najc>i< 5) eguHcTBeHHoro u MHO>KecTBeHHoro Hucna / Adjectives and Ordinal Numerals in the Instrumental (Case 5) Singular and Plural .................129 3.6.7. TBopuTentHtiH nage>i< (najc>i< 5) b 3Hanenuu MecTa / Instrumental (Case 5) denoting place .............................130 3.6.8. O6o6^enue. TBopuTentHtin najc>i< (najc>i< 5) / Generalization. The Instrumental (Case 5) ........................130 PA3flE^ 4. Hmh iipii.iai'iime.ibiioe / The Adjective...............134 4.1. CmeneHu cpaiMieiiiiu npu^arame^EHMx / Degrees of comparison of Adjectives ...............................134 4.1.1. O6pa3OBaHue cTenenen cpaBHeHua KaHecTBeHHtix npunaraTentHtix / Formation of degrees of comparison of qualitative Adjectives .........................................134 4.1.2. Hau6onee ynornpeCnaeMtie ^opMti cpaBHHTentHon cTcneHu / The most used forms of the comparative degree...........135 4.1.3. OcO6tie cnynau o6pa3OBanua cTenenen cpaBHeHua npunaraTentHtix / Special cases of formation ofAdjectives degree of comparison ................................136 4.1.4. Cnoco6ti ynoTpe6neHHa cpaBHuTentHOH cTeneHu npunaraTentHtix / Ways to use the comparative degree of Adjectives.137 4.2. KpaTKaH (|)0pMa npu^arame^EHMx / Short form of Adjectives ..........................................137 4.2.1. CpaBHuTentHaa xapaKTepucTuKa KpaTKnx u nonHtix umch npunaraTentHtix / Comparative characteristics ofshort andfull Adjectives .......................................137 9
4.2.2. O6pa3OBaHue KpamKOH ^opMti KanecmBeHHtix npHnarameatHbix / Formation of short form of qualitative Adjectives....138 4.2.3. HMeHa npuaarameatHtie, KomOptie nacre ucnc>at3yKmcM b KpaTKOH $OpMe / Adjectives that are often used in short form.........139 4.2.4. OcO6tie caynau o6pa3OBaHua KpaTKOH $OpMti npuaarameatHtix / Special cases of formation of short-form Adjectives ......................................139 PA3flE^ 5. Eiaroti / The Verb..........................................142 5.1. Bi'igbi riaroia / Verb Aspects.................................142 5.1.1. raaroati HecoBepmeHHoro Buga u coBepmeHHoro Buga / Imperfective and Perfective Verbs................142 5.2. r.iaio. ibi c ii6ct'(|)iikcom -ch / Verbs with the Postfix -ch.145 5.2.1. Eaaroati «yHumt» (nmo?) u «yHumtc_a» (rge?) / Verbs «ynumt» (what?) and«yHumtca» (where?)....................145 5.2.2. VnpaBaeHue raaroaoB c hcict^ukcom -ch / Control of Verbs with the Postfix -ch .........................146 5.2.3. raarOati, KomOptie He ynompe6aaromca 6e3 -ch / Verbs that are not used without -ch............................146 5.2.4. HeKomoptie 3HaneHua raarOaoB c hOct^ukcom -ch / Some meanings of Verbs with the Postfix -ch ...................148 5.2.5. AkmuBHtie u naccuBHtie KOHcmpyKpuu / Active and passive constructions ......................................150 5.3. noBeiuiTeibHoe HaKiOHeHne riarOiOB / The Imperative Form of the Verbs ..............................151 5.3.1. 06pa3OBaHue raarOaoB b HOBeaiimeatHOM HaKaoHeHuu / Formation of Imperative Form of the Verb..........151 5.4. r.iaro.ibi gBii>i<einiH / Verbs of motion......................152 5.4.1. 3HaneHua u ynompe6aeHue raarOaoB ^bu^hum 6e3 npucmaBOK / The meanings and usage of the unprefixed Verbs of motion ...............................................153 5.4.2. npegTO>KHO-nage>KHtie KOHcmpyKpuu c raarOaaMu gBu^eHua / Prepositional-case constructions with Verbs of motion.......156 5.4.3. raaroati ^bu^hum c npucmaBKaMu / Prefixed Verbs ofmotion .......................................164 10