Учебник английского языка. = English Language Coursebook. Уровень B2—B2+
Английский язык
Будникова Алина Александровна, Кинденова Ксения Юрьевна, Молчанова Екатерина Сергеевна, Стырина Елена Вячеславовна, Хованова Светлана Юрьевна
Год издания: 2024
Кол-во страниц: 411
Вид издания:
Уровень образования:
ВО - Бакалавриат
ISBN: 978-5-9765-5495-5
Артикул: 849753.01.99
В учебнике поступательно совершенствуются языковые навыки (фонетический, грамматический, лексический), развиваются речевые умения (чтения и аудирования, говорения и письма) и интегративные умения, позволяющие студентам успешно использовать английский язык как средство общения в межкультурной академической среде на уровне В2+ и создавать собственные коммуникативные продукты: самопрезентацию, академический имейл, информационное письмо-приглашение. Учебник включает семь текстов, дополненных обширным комплексом авторских тренировочных и коммуникативных упражнений, а также раздел, содержащий систематизированный
теоретический материал по фонетике и грамматике английского языка, списки лексических единиц с коллокациями, примерами употребления и лингвистическим комментарием, а также практические задания для их усвоения.
Для развития иноязычной коммуникативной компетенции студентов бакалавриата, обучающихся по гуманитарным направлениям.
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УДК 811.111(075.8) ББК 81.432.1я73 У91 Авто р ы: А. А. Будникова, К. Ю. Кинденова, Е. С. Молчанова, Е. В. Стырина (Национальный исследовательский университет «Высшая школа экономики»); С. Ю. Хованова (ГАОУ ВО «Московский городской педагогический университет») Ре це нзе нты: Пол Саймон Ньюсон — PGCE, доктор филологии, преподаватель английского языка, руководитель собственной онлайн-школы; С. Ю. Степанова — канд. филол. наук, доцент кафедры фонетики и лексики английского языка им. В. Д. Аракина Института иностранных языков Московского педагогического государственного университета Учебник английского языка. = English Language Coursebook. У91 Уровень B2—B2+ / А. А. Будникова, К. Ю. Кинденова, Е. С. Молчанова, Е. В. Стырина, С. Ю. Хованова; под ред. А. А. Будниковой. — Москва : ФЛИНТА, 2024. — 411 с. — ISBN 978-5-9765-5495-5. — Текст : электронный. В учебнике поступательно совершенствуются языковые навыки (фонетический, грамматический, лексический), развиваются речевые умения (чтения и аудирования, говорения и письма) и интегративные умения, позволяющие студентам успешно использовать английский язык как средство общения в межкультурной академической среде на уровне В2+ и создавать собственные коммуникативные продукты: самопрезентацию, академический имейл, информационное письмо-приглашение. Учебник включает семь текстов, дополненных обширным комплексом авторских тренировочных и коммуникативных упражнений, а также раздел, содержащий систематизированный теоретический материал по фонетике и грамматике английского языка, списки лексических единиц с коллокациями, примерами употребления и лингвистическим комментарием, а также практические задания для их усвоения. Для развития иноязычной коммуникативной компетенции студентов бакалавриата, обучающихся по гуманитарным направлениям. УДК 811.111(075.8) ББК 81.432.1я73 ISBN 978-5-9765-5495-5 © Коллектив авторов, 2024 © Издательство «ФЛИНТА», 2024 2
‘TO HAVE ANOTHER LANGUAGE IS TO POSSESS A SECOND SOUL.’ Charles the Great PRODUCTS: SELF-INTRODUCTION, ACADEMIC EMAIL, EVENT INVITATION Ö GRAMMAR FOCUS: nouns, articles, category of case Ö VOCABULARY FOCUS: working with a dictionary, general vs academic meanings, British and American variations, personality adjectives, transferable skills, topic-related vocabulary Ö PRONUNCIATION FOCUS: English sounds, syllable, word stress, sentence stress, rhythm, Low Fall, Low Rise Ö LISTENING SKILLS: identifying listening purposes, determining the speaker’s purpose and attitude, recognising literal meaning, understanding vocabulary, note-taking Ö READING SKILLS: scanning Ö SPEAKING SKILLS: giving extended answers to questions, talking about personal strengths, skills, talents, and abilities, talking about educational and professional background Ö WRITING SKILLS: describing a location, person, event 3
GETTING TO KNOW 1. Do you have experience of introducing yourself in a formal academic setting (school conference, panel discussion, education championship)? If yes, what challenges did you come across? In what way does a formal self-introduction differ from an informal one? 2. Record an audio self-introduction sharing information about yourself and your expectations for this course. Elaborate on what you found diffi cult / easy when completing the task. THE BENEFITS OF A BILINGUAL BRAIN LEAD-IN 1. Look at the famous people in the photos. Do you recognise all of them? What do you think they all have in common? 5
2. Discuss how language acquisition affects your cognitive, personal, professional development. LISTENING PRACTICE: IDENTIFYING LISTENING PURPOSES 3. Work in groups and discuss the questions below. 1) Why do people learn foreign languages? 2) What meaning do prefi xes mono-, bi-, and multi- have? 3) How profi cient one should be in a language to be called a ‘bilingual’? 4) Do you consider yourself bilingual or multilingual? 5) Have you ever heard of ‘neurolinguistics’? What does it study? 4. Watch the video about the benefi ts of a bilingual brain. Do NOT take any notes. Link: https://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=MMmOLN5zBLY&t=40s. Answer the questions below. 1) What is the purpose of the video? a. To inform the audience about the advantages and disadvantages of bilingualism. b. To persuade listeners to learn more foreign languages. c. To detail the three types of bilingual brains. d. To demonstrate the impact of bilingualism on one’s brain. 6
2) Why does the narrator talk about Gabriella’s family that immigrated to the US from Peru? a. To show the distinction between the three types of bilingualism. b. To indicate that immigration demands one to acquire the local language. c. To give an example of bilingual speakers. d. To demonstrate the interrelation of the types of bilingualism and the level of language profi ciency. 3) What is the video mainly about? a. The types of bilingualism. b. The advances in neurolinguistics. c. The benefi ts of bilingualism. d. The controversies associated with bilingualism. 4) What does the speaker say about bilingualism? a. It makes people smarter. b. It makes people healthier. c. It makes people more rational. d. It makes people more emotional. 5. Watch the video again and make notes to answer the questions below. 1) How is language ability measured? 2) Balanced bilingualism is a common linguistic phenomenon. a. True b. False 3) Match the types of bilingualism (compound, coordinate, subordinate) with their defi nitions: a. a learner who acquires the second language by streaming information through their primary language; b. an individual who learns two linguistic codes simultaneously and in the same environment, with a single set of concepts; 7
c. a person who works with two sets of concepts, learning the second language independently from the fi rst and within a different contextual environment. 4) All three types of bilinguals can demonstrate profi cient language abilities. a. True b. False 5) The brain imaging technology has shown that: a. people’s left and right hemispheres have different functions; b. people use both hemispheres in language acquisition; c. only one hemisphere is responsible for language acquisition; d. language acquisition involves both types of functions. 6) What can be inferred from the phrase: “It’s well known that the brain’s left hemisphere is more dominant and analytical in logical processes, while the right hemisphere is more active in emotional and social ones, though this is a matter of degree, not an absolute split.”? a. Scientists still argue whether such a distinction does exist. b. The distinction between two types of functions is not completely fi xed. c. The distinction between two types of functions depends on the individual’s brain structure. d. Some people tend to be more emotional and some more analytical. 7) What is the critical period hypothesis? 8) What can be inferred from the phrase: “If this is true, learning a language in childhood may give you a more holistic grasp of its social and emotional contexts.”? a. If you learn a language in adulthood, you will miss the language’s social and emotional contexts. b. It is better to learn foreign languages in childhood. c. The idea has not yet been proved to be fully trusted. d. Adults unlike children have a purely analytical approach to language acquisition. 8
9) Which word does the speaker use synonymous to ‘disability’? 10) Name one reason or example stated by the author that supports the claim that children learn languages more easily and one that refutes it. What discourse marker does the speaker use to highlight that the reason or example counters the claim? LISTENING PURPOSES Listening for university studies is typically done with the intent and purpose to: ● Determine the speaker’s attitude — questions asking to identify the speaker’s purpose, stance, and attitude. ● Identify the main idea(s) — questions asking to identify the central idea or gist. ● Recognise literal meaning — questions about facts, details, or explicitly stated information. ● Analyse reasoning and fi nd evidence — questions asking to analyse reasons that back a claim and search for specifi c statements or details that provide evidence to support the reasons. ● Draw conclusions and make inferences — questions asking to come to conclusions by synthesising information and to interpret what is said by going beyond the literal meaning. ● Understand vocabulary — questions about the meanings of familiar and unfamiliar words and terms as they are used in the context. Match the questions from exercise 2 to the purposes of listening discussed above. Some purposes can be used more than once. Explain your choice. Do you think you will use different comprehension strategies when listening for different purposes? Why (not)? 9
(a). Is the speaker’s attitude towards bilingualism mostly positive, negative, or neutral? Do you agree with the speaker? Why (not)? 6 (b). State which reasons from the list below mentioned by the speaker support the benefi ts of multilingualism and which refute them. Be attentive, some reasons have NOT been stated in the video. ● better chances of getting a job ● no need to watch fi lms with subtitles ● delay of diseases, like Alzheimer’s ● increased number of lan guage errors ● decreased mathematical literacy ● slower pubertal develop ment ● increased reaction times ● higher density of the grey matter ● enhanced executive func tion ● better social skills ● language mixing ● easier travelling 6 (c). Discuss with a partner which of the reasons you fi nd convincing and which you do not. Explain why. GRAMMAR FOCUS: NOUNS 7 (a). Read the excerpt below and say which of the nouns in bold cannot form plurals. Bilingualism is a fascinating phenomenon that has been the subject of much research in the fi eld of linguistics. The study of bilingualism involves the examination of data from various corpora, as well as the analysis of the acoustics of speech and the contents of written texts. Researchers have developed numerous hypotheses about the cognitive and social effects of bilingualism and have formed teams to conduct experiments and gather evidence to test these hypotheses. 10