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Выполнение практических работ по дисциплине «Иностранный язык в сфере профессиональной коммуникации»

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Пособие составлено в соответствии с Федеральным государственным образовательным стандартом, включает задания, которые, предлагается выполнить в определенной последовательности; приложения с текстами и диалогами по темам. Объем заданий рационально систематизирован указаны источники самостоятельной деятельности студентов по выполнению задания. Для студентов, обучающихся по специальности 43.02.10 «Туризм».
Выполнение практических работ по дисциплине «Иностранный язык в сфере профессиональной коммуникации» : методическое пособие / сост. Ж. П. Саркисян, О. Н. Кононова. - 2-е изд., стер. - Москва : ФЛИНТА, 2024. - 124 с. - ISBN 978-5-9765-5649-2. - Текст : электронный. - URL: https://znanium.ru/catalog/product/2179363 (дата обращения: 16.10.2024). – Режим доступа: по подписке.
Фрагмент текстового слоя документа размещен для индексирующих роботов
Методическое пособие 
2-е издание, стереотипное
Издательство «ФЛИНТА»

УДК 811.111(076)
ББК  81.432.1я73
М.Г. Черкасова, преподаватель высшей категории УЭТК СГУ
Ж.П. Саркисян 
О.Н. Кононова 
Выполнение практических работ по дисциплине «Иностранный
В92   язык в сфере профессиональной коммуникации» : метод. пособие / сост.:
Ж.П. Саркисян, О.Н. Кононова. – 2-е изд., стер. – Москва : ФЛИНТА,
2024. – 124 с. – ISBN 978-5-9765-5649-2. – Текст : электронный.
Пособие составлено в соответствии с Федеральным государственным 
образовательным стандартом, включает задания, которые, предлагается
выполнить в определенной последовательности; приложения с текстами
и диалогами по темам. Объем заданий рационально систематизирован
указаны источники самостоятельной деятельности студентов по выполнению 
Для студентов, обучающихся по специальности 43.02.10 «Туризм».
УДК 811.111(076)
ББК 81.432.1я73
© ФГБОУ ВО «СГУ», 2024
© Саркисян Ж.П., Кононова О.Н.,
    составление, 2024
ISBN 978-5-9765-5649-2                                   © Издательство «ФЛИНТА», 2024

Unit 1……………………………………..………..............................................5 
Unit 2……………………………………..………..............................................6 
Unit 3……………………………………..………..............................................7 
Unit 4……………………………………..………..............................................8 
Unit 5……………………………………..………..............................................9 
Unit 6……………………………………..………............................................10 
Unit 7……………………………………..………............................................11 
Unit 8……………………………………..………............................................13 
Unit 9……………………………………..………............................................14 
Unit 10…………………………………..………..............................................16 
Unit 11…………………………………..………..............................................18 
Unit 12…………………………………..………..............................................18 
Unit 13…………………………………..………..............................................20 
Список рекомендуемой литературы………………………………………..24 
Приложение 1………………………………………………………….……..25 
Приложение 2………………………………………………………………...44 

Методические рекомендации по выполнению практических работ по дисциплине 
«Иностранный язык в сфере профессиональной коммуникации» 43.02.10.   
Основное назначение МР – закрепить и активизировать языковой и речевой 
материал раздела «Профессионально-направленный модуль», автоматизировать лексикограмматические 
текстами. Лексико-грамматические упражнения нацелены на быстрое и качественное 
запоминание профессиональных терминов, повторение и практическое применение 
грамматических правил на базе профессионально-ориентированных текстов. 
МР состоит из 12 уроков (Units) и 2 приложений (Appendixes). Материал каждого 
урока предусматривает последовательное, поэтапное изучение определенной темы, 
связанной с будущей профессиональной деятельностью студентов. В основу каждого 
урока положен принцип развития речевой деятельности: чтения и устной речи. 
 Приложения включают образцы текстов и диалогов, словарь профессиональных 
терминов и сокращений и глоссарий. 
МР соответствует уровню подготовки студентов по дисциплине «Иностранный 
язык в сфере профессиональной коммуникации» для специальности 43.02.10 «Туризм» 
профессиональной коммуникации» студент должен: 
УМЕТЬ: общаться (устно и письменно) на иностранном языке на профессиональные и 
повседневные темы; переводить (со словарём) иностранные тексты профессиональной 
направленности; самостоятельно совершенствовать устную и письменную речи, 
пополнять словарный запас; 
ЗНАТЬ: Лексический (1200 – 1400 лексических единиц) и грамматический минимум, 
профессиональной направленности. 
Приложения 1, 2. Содержат образцы диалогов и текстов, способы получения и 
сообщения информации, проведения телефонных переговоров. Деловое общение, 
способствуют активному усвоению тематического материала и использованию его в 
устной и письменной речи в соответствии с потребностями данного вида деятельности и 
правилами ведения деловой беседы. 
Приложение 2. Содержит языковой комментарий, представляющий собой словарь 
с наиболее частотной лексикой и выражениями, встречающимися в сфере обслуживания и 
при деловом общении. Содержит лингвокоммерческий комментарий, объясняющий смысл 
основных профессиональных терминов. 

UNIT 1  
Сопоставьте слова: 
относящийся к туризму 
приготовления, мероприятия 
Переведите слова и выражения на русский язык: 
to plan out itineraries, to earn money, to afford travel, to accompany groups, pleasing 
personality, ability, treatment, lavish, to serve customers, accommodation 
Переведите слова и выражения на английский язык: 
туристическое агентство, удобное кресло, способствовать развитию, чартерная авиалиния, 
сезонная работа, работа относящаяся к туризму, постоянная работа, интересный отпуск, 
удачная карьера, хороший гид. 
Переведите предложения с английского на русский язык. 
1. Agency is a business or other organization providing a specific service. 
2. Foreign exchange is the system by which one currency is converted into another. 
3. Career is a profession or occupation chosen as one's life's work. 
4. Adventure is an exciting or unexpected event or course of events. 
5. Guide-book is a handbook with information for visitors to a place, as a historic building, 
museum, or foreign country. 
6. Travel is a journey from one place to another. 
7. Vacation is a period in which a break is taken from work or studies for rest, travel, or 
8. Itinerary is a plan or line of travel; route.  
9. Lavish treatment is an attitude, when people or organizations try to create the best 
conditions for the guest. 
10. Accommodation is a general term which includes all the places where a tourist can live: 
hotels, motels, etc. 
Переведите письменно текст с английского на русский язык.  
Careers in Tourism 
The travel and tourism industry is growing very fast. Today more people look for quality 
vacations where they can relax and also do something new and interesting. Unless tourist traffic 
grew, travel-related jobs would not increase. These relate to various related services facilitating 
travel, such as travel agencies, banking, hotels, guides, airlines and other services. Some of them 
may be seasonal, limited to the tourist season from September to March but others are permanent 
in nature. Travel-related jobs are best suited for individuals who enjoy meeting people and make 
them comfortable. They are for those who like adventure and travelling. True, some are desk 
jobs, but even these jobs entail understanding the needs of the traveler and making the best 
arrangements possible for him. 
Ответьте на вопросы к тексту. 
1. Is tourism industry growing very fast? 
2. What do people look for today? 
3. Why do travel-related jobs increase? 
4. Which services facilitate travel? 
5. How long does the tourist season last? 
6. What are two categories of jobs in tourism?  

7. Are travel-related jobs best suited for individuals who doesn’t enjoy meeting people? 
8. Do you have to like adventure and travel if you want to work in tourism? 
9. What does the job in tourism entail? 
UNIT 2  
Сопоставьте слова: 
conducted tour 
туристические направления 
to sell the concept 
tourist spots 
to do a course 
варианты путешествий 
to run a course 
местный турист 
учиться на курсе 
domestic tourist 
продавать путевку 
вести курс 
seasonal jobs 
тур с сопровождением 
travel options 
сезонные работы 
Переведите слова и выражения с английского языка на русский: 
to manage the travel, rock climbing, camping, pleasant personality, sales staff, purpose, 
reservation, budget, to prefer, to accompany groups. 
Переведите слова и выражения с русского языка на английский: 
агентство, готовый помочь, знания, качество, маршрут, краткосрочный, участвовать. 
Переведите предложения с английского на русский. 
1. Travel agencies have to offer the best possible travel option to the customer. 
2. River rafting, rock climbing and hang gliding enable tourists experience maximum joy. 
3. Tourists will stay in this hotel for several nights. 
4. John is going to do a course in management. 
5. This resort hotel is the most suitable place to stay in this area. 
6. The guide won’t accompany the group tomorrow. 
7. A new travel agency demands people with outgoing personality and good language skills.  
8. You cannot cross the border without vaccination certificates. 
9. Does the university train specialists in the sphere of tourism and hospitality? 
10. I do not want to buy this tour package.  
Переведите текст с английского на русский. 
Travel Agencies 
Travel agents assess the needs of tourists and businessmen and help them make the best 
possible travel arrangements from the many travel options available. Many resorts, travel groups 
use travel agents to promote their tour packages to travelers. They deal with almost everything 
connected with travel including the shortest route to the destination, travel mode, the important 
documents that will be required (visa, passport, vaccination certificates etc.), suitable places to 
stay, current exchange rates, tourist attractions to visit, climate and they will plan the trip 
keeping in mind the clients' preferences, budgets and special needs. In travel agencies there are 
openings for reservation and counter staff, Sales and Marketing staff, Tour escorts and tour 
operators, cargo and courier agencies etc. A short term course or a diploma in travel and 
ticketing of 3-6 months duration will help gain entry into an agency. Several large travel 
agencies also offer short-term training programs, and tend to absorb most of the 
candidates. Some agencies take in fresh graduates and train them on the job. Most travel 
agencies demand persons who have a pleasing personality and the ability to deal with customers. 
A knowledge of destinations and procedures help a great deal. 
Ответьте на вопросы к тексту. 
1. What do travel agencies assess? 
2. Why do many resorts and travel groups use travel agents? 

3. What activities are connected with travel? 
4. What important documents are required for traveling? 
5. What do travel agents have to keep in mind? 
6. What is the synonym for “vacant position”? 
7. Whom do travel agencies tend absorb? 
8. What do large travel agencies offer? 
9. What persons do travel agencies demand? 
UNIT 3  
Сопоставьте слова: 
primary importance 
агент по бронированию 
ground duties 
подходить под 
car hire agency 
кассир билетной кассы 
reservations agent 
работы на земле 
flight duties  
возможности карьеры 
service industry 
первостепенное значение 
ticket agent 
возможность карьеры 
career opportunities 
работы в воздухе 
added advantage 
агентство по прокату автомобилей 
come under 
индустрия обслуживания 
Переведите слова и выражения с английского языка на русский: 
basically, amount, institute, besides, hotel industry, exciting, advantage, allow, decade, variety. 
Переведите слова и выражения с русского языка на английский: 
безопасность, предлагать, ожидать, карьера, железная дорога, возможность, вероятность, 
полет, включать, гид. 
Переведите предложения с английского на русский. 
1. Front office department is in charge of the day-to-day operation of the hotel. 
2. Housekeeping department is responsible for the work of laundry, chambermaids, 
technical personnel, etc. 
3. Food and Beverages department deals with catering, restaurants and bars. 
4. Accounting department takes care of financial operations. 
5. Engineering and Maintenance department takes control over the buildings, premises, 
water removal and energy supply. 
6. Public relations department deals with promotion and advertising of the hotel.  
7. Security department is responsible for safety of guests and stuff. 
8. Transport for tourists can be divided into three main categories: journeys by air, journeys 
on water, and journeys on land. 
9. Hotel management courses are offered by many colleges, institutes, and universities. 
10. There’s a great variety of career opportunities in tourism and hospitality.  
Переведите текст с английского на русский. 
Hotels and Transport 
The hotel industry is basically a service industry providing food and accommodation to 
the visitors. It is one which requires a large amount of manpower, with a wide variety of skills. 
In India alone, about 180000 vacancies are expected to be filled within the next decade. Any 
hotel offers career opportunities in its various departments such as Front office, Housekeeping, 
Food and Beverages, Accounting, Engineering and Maintenance, Sales, Public relations and 
Security etc. One can enter this field through direct entry in some departments or through hotel 
management institutes. There are many institutes that offer hotel management courses. Many 
hotels also offer overseas training opportunities, which allow young people to gain promotions 
Besides airlines, travel facilities include rail services, coach operators, car hire 
companies, etc. Whatever that takes tourists from one place to another – by air, road, railway, 

sea, etc. comes under category of travel and tourism. Tourists use almost all these travel 
Ответьте на вопросы к тексту. 
1. What is the hotel industry? 
2. What does the service industry provide to the visitors? 
3. In which departments does any hotel offer career opportunities? 
4. What courses do many institutes offer? 
5. What training opportunities are offered by many hotel? 
6. What do ravel facilities include besides airlines? 
7. How can tourist get from one place to another? 
8. Do tourists use almost all travel facilities? 
UNIT 4  
Сопоставьте слова: 
car attendant 
управление отелем 
hotel management 
следует отметить 
the back of the house 
негативное отношение 
the front of the house 
курортные зоны 
formal education 
карьера в отеле  
hotel career 
служба переднего плана 
it should be noted 
персонал паркующий авто 
resort areas 
упомянутый выше  
negative attitude 
формальное образование 
mentioned above 
служба заднего плана 
Переведите слова и выражения с английского языка на русский: 
accident, in demand, regardless, to serve guests, to be in touch, to master language, personal 
qualities, regardless, to earn, wildlife. 
Переведите слова и выражения с русского языка на английский: 
опыт работы, утвержденный план маршрута, неотъемлемый, искренний, подлинный, 
наемный работник, международный язык, круглая сумма, преимущество, горничная, 
Переведите предложения с английского на русский. 
1. Some hotel management people have worked their way to the top without formal 
education in the field.  
2. They combined job experience with the special talents and personal qualities that are 
necessary for a successful hotel career. 
3. It should be noted that one necessary personal characteristic in hotel management is the 
desire to serve and please the guests.  
4. The hotel business is often called the hospitality industry because of the importance of 
genuine warmth in dealing with the guests. 
5. Contact with the public means that hotel employees should have a genuine desire to 
please and serve the public.  
6. Many resort areas suffered a sharp loss of business because of stories carried back home 
by visitors about a negative attitude on the part of employees in hotels where they stayed. 
7. In the age of international travel, language ability is also a definite aid in hotel work, 
sometimes it is indispensable.  
8. Most hotels now serve guests from many countries. 
9. Any employee who meets and talks to the customers has an advantage if he or she can 
communicate in the guests' language. 
10. Moreover, it is preferable that any employee knows one of the international languages 
like English or French.  

Переведите текст с английского на русский. 
   Hotel Jobs 
Regardless of the numbers of workers, hotel employment itself falls into two broad 
categories that are traditionally referred to as the front of the house and the back of the house. 
Jobs in the front of the house include management, the various jobs at the check-in desk 
(the front desk), accounting, sales and promotion, baggage handling, car attendants, and special 
services. It should be noted that some front-of-the-house employees – those in accounting or 
sales and promotion, have little or no contact with the public. 
Jobs in the back of the house include food and beverage preparation and service, 
housekeeping, laundry and valet service, engineering, and maintenance. Some of the employees 
in this group – restaurant or room-service waiters and chambermaids, for example – have 
frequent, although rather limited, contact with guests. 
The front desk is the term that designates the counter where the guests register, pick up 
their keys and mail, request information, deposit their valuables, and pay their bills. It is also 
called the reception area. 
Ответьте на вопросы к тексту. 
1. How many categories does the hotel management fall into? 
2. What are these categories? 
3. What do jobs in the front of the house include? 
4. Do some front-of-the-house employees have contact with public? 
5. What do jobs in the back of the house include? 
6. Who has frequent contact with the public? 
7. What does the term “the front desk” designate? 
8. What do guests do at the counter? 
9. How the counter called in other words? 
UNIT 5  
Сопоставьте слова: 
recreational facilities 
жесткая конкуренция 
sharp competition 
заправлять постели 
managerial personnel 
сдача номеров 
room rental 
быть хорошо оплачиваемым 
room service 
сеть гостиниц 
on a large scale 
гостиничное хозяйство 
hotel chains 
руководящий состав 
hotel industry 
места отдыха и развлечений 
be well paid 
в большом масштабе 
make beds 
обслуживание номеров 
Переведите слова и выражения с английского языка на русский: 
apprentice, bellman, benefit, captain, chambermaid, employee, doorman, training, income, suite 
Переведите слова и выражения с русского языка на английский. 
дополнительный, одарённость, зарплата (2 слова), покупать, управлять, чаевые, 
одаренность, повар, координировать, главное управление 
Переведите предложения с английского на русский. 
1. The economic benefits in hotel work can be very substantial. 
2. The top people in management, the staff in the chain headquarters, executive 
housekeepers, and food and beverage managers receive good salaries.  
3. Owner-managers of small hotels can make a comfortable living, combined with 
economic independence.  
4. Top chefs are also very well paid.  
5. There is often sharp competition in hiring them. 
6. Many hotel employees receive additional income from tips.  

7. Bellmen, waiters and waitresses, bartenders, captains, doormen and chambermaids 
customarily supplement their wages through tips. 
8. Besides salaries, wages and tips, some hotel employees also receive other benefits.  
9. The manager of a hotel, for instance, usually has a room or even a suite at his disposal; 
many managers live permanently in their hotels.  
10. For employees in the hotel-chain headquarters or on the promotional staff there are often 
frequent opportunities for travel. 
Переведите текст с английского на русский. 
   Hotel Personnel 
The executive staff of a hotel includes many people with special skills, experience or 
professional training. The promotion staff, for example, must know not only the hotel field, but 
also advertising and public-relations techniques. The head housekeeper runs a complex 
organization with many employees, they need to know the intricacies of purchasing on a large 
scale, as well as how to make beds and clean carpets properly. 
The members of the engineering and maintenance staffs need education, expertise, and 
experience which in a large hotel may be very diverse. 
The chefs and cooks, even though they are out of sight of the public, are important to the 
success of a hotel. Sometimes food and beverage department in some hotels brings in more 
income than room rentals. Good cooking is a skill that requires natural aptitude; indeed, many 
people consider cooking an art. In France and Switzerland, people who wish to become chefs 
often begin to work as apprentices at an early age. They are trained by an experienced chef in all 
aspects of kitchen work, cooking and restaurant management. A head chef must be an expert not 
only in cooking itself, but also in planning, purchasing and supervising other kitchen personnel. 
Ответьте на вопросы к тексту. 
1. What people does the executive stuff include? 
2. What must people in the promotion staff know? 
3. What does the head housekeeper do? 
4. What does the head housekeeper need to know? 
5. What do the members of the engineering and maintenance staffs need? 
6. Are the chefs and cooks important to the success of a hotel? 
7. Is it true, that sometimes food and beverage department in some hotels brings in more 
income than room rentals? 
8. What does good cooking as a skill require? 
9. What must a head chef be an expert in? 
UNIT 6  
Either … or                      
или … или 
On business                       
по делам  
For pleasure 
для удовольствия 
Book a ticket 
купить билет 
Single/return ticket 
билет в один конец/обратный билет 
In advance 
Railway station 
ж/д вокзал 
Inquiry office 
справочное бюро 
As soon as 
как только 

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170 ₽
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