Term X. Community = Понятие Икс. Общество
Английский язык
Год издания: 2024
Кол-во страниц: 93
Вид издания:
Учебное пособие
Уровень образования:
ВО - Бакалавриат
ISBN: 978-5-9765-5552-5
Артикул: 846341.01.99
Пособие состоит из одиннадцати разделов, включающих учебный материал и задания, направленные на совершенствование лексических навыков, навыков письменной речи, умений говорения, чтения и аудирования, как для аудиторной, так и самостоятельной работы. Для студентов гуманитарных вузов по дисциплинам «Практикум по культуре речевого общения первого иностранного языка» (английский), «Коммуникативный практикум первого
иностранного языка» (английский), обучающихся по образовательной программе «Иностранный язык», «Иностранный язык» по направлению подготовки 44.03.05 Педагогическое образование (с двумя профилями подготовки).
- ВО - Бакалавриат
- 44.03.05: Педагогическое образование (с двумя профилями подготовки)
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Фрагмент текстового слоя документа размещен для индексирующих роботов
А.В. Белозерцев О.С. Долганова TERM X COMMUNITY ____________________________________________ ПОНЯТИЕ ИКС ОБЩЕСТВО Учебное пособие Москва Издательство «ФЛИНТА 2024
УДК 881.111.1(075.8) ББК 81.432.1я73 - --–– ISBN 978-5-9765-5552-5 (ФЛИНТА) ISBN 978-5-87818-654-4 (ШГПУ) © Белозерцев А.В., Долганова О.С., 2024 © ШГПУ , 2024 2
CONTENTS INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................... 4 UNIT 1 ................................................................................................... 5 UNIT 2 ................................................................................................. 11 UNIT 3 ................................................................................................. 19 UNIT 4 ................................................................................................. 27 UNIT 5 ................................................................................................. 35 UNIT 6 ................................................................................................. 44 UNIT 7 ................................................................................................. 53 UNIT 8 ................................................................................................. 61 UNIT 9 ................................................................................................. 69 UNIT 10 ............................................................................................... 77 UNIT 11 ............................................................................................... 85 CONCLUSION ........................................................................................ 92 3
ВВЕДЕНИЕ Учебное пособие предназначено для студентов 5 курса, обучающихся по образовательной программе «Иностранный язык», «Иностранный язык» по направлению подготовки 44.03.05 Педагогическое образование (с двумя профилями подготовки). Цель учебного пособия – сформировать у студентов социокультурную компетенцию на основе приобщения к культуре англоязычных стран для общения с носителями изучаемого языка, а также знакомство с национально-специфическими явлениями, которые находят своё отражение в языковых единицах. Учебное пособие составлено с использованием аутентичных материалов и позволяет формировать универсальную компетенцию – компетенцию осуществлять деловую коммуникацию в устной и письменной формах на иностранном языке. Предусмотрена работа над всеми видами речевой деятельности. Для решения образовательных задач пособие организовано в 11 мини-тематических разделов, каждый из которых имеет типовую структуру из пяти частей. Части “Reading” и “Video” акцентированы на перцептивные виды речевой деятельности. Части “Speech” и “Writing” акцентированы на продуктивные виды речевой деятельности. Часть “Vocabulary” ориентирована на расширение лингвокогнитивного и лексематического уровней языковой личности обучающихся. Сохранение типовой структуры предполагает вариативно-избирательное использование предложенных упражнений в соответствии конкретным задачам текущего образовательного процесса. Такое построение учебного пособия позволяет преподавателю более гибко подходить к организации занятий, исходя из объема времени, отведенного на изучение каждой темы, и условий процесса обучения в конкретной группе студентов. 4
UNIT 1 SOCIAL GROUPS: THE MEANING, CHARACTERISTICS, CLASSIFICATION AND OTHER DETAILS https://www.yourarticlelibrary.com/society/social-groups-themeaning-characteristics-classification-and-other-details-7041-words/8510 Man’s life is a group life to a large degree. If a person lives in society, he typically is also a member of a number of groups which may themselves be considered as existing in a society. A group is a number of people involved in a pattern of association with one another. Typical groups are a clique of friends, a political party, and a sports club. The key to the nature of human grouping is the concept of association. Groups are created and supported because they let individual members to achieve certain goals or interests which they hold in common. Our social behavior and personalities are shaped by the groups to which we belong. Throughout his life, individual is a member of various groups, some are chosen by him, others are assigned to him at birth. Groups constitute the complex pattern of the ‘social stucture’. Groups are a part of society. Meaning of Social Groups: Two or more persons in interaction constitute a social group. It has common aim. In its strict sense, group is a collection of people interacting together in an orderly way on the basis of shared expectations about each other’s behavior. As a result of this interaction, the members of a group feel a common sense of belonging. A group is a collection of individuals but all collectivities do not constitute a social group. A group is distinct from an aggregate (people waiting at railway station or bus stand) members of which do not interact with one another. The essence of the social group is not physical closeness or contact between the individuals but an understanding of joint interaction… 5
Reading 1. Look at the title of the text and speculate about which words can refer to the topic. Give at least 10 words. 2. Read the text and deduce its message. Make 4 statements. 3. Comment upon the meaning of the highlighted words in your own words. 4. Match the given words with the definitions. 1. group life 8. constitute 2. involve 9. interaction 3. pattern 10. orderly 4. association 11. expectation 5. clique 12. distinct 6. social behavior 13. essence 7. assign 14. joint a) a belief that something will happen because it is likely b) a connection or relationship between people or organizations c) a small group of people who spend their time together and do not allow others to join them d) arranged or organized in a neat, careful and logical way e) clearly different or of a different kind f) involving two or more people together g) the act of communicating with somebody, especially while you work, play or spend time with them 6
h) the experience and activities that are typical of a number of people that are together in the same place or that are connected in some way i) the most important quality or feature of something, that makes it what it is j) the regular way in which something happens or is done k) the way a person functions in a particular situation connected with society l) to be the parts that together form something m) to give somebody something that they can use, or some work or responsibility n) to make somebody take part in something 5. Read the text again and discuss the questions below. 1. Social grouping is the key tool to make conflicts, isn’t it? Why? 2. Why do contemporary people tend to change their social group? 3. What is convenient about social grouping to follow its patterns? 4. Should it be a matter of each country’s policy how to classify its communities? Why? Vocabulary 6. Make collocations with the highlighted words from the text. 7. Think of related words to 10 highlighted words in the text and create word webs. 8. Complete the sentences using the highlighted words in the text. 1. The work to find a solution will continue at pace, time is of the _______ and it is in our interests. 7
2. How did the outbreak of Ebola change social_________? 3. Plans have been put forward for a _________ police and fire station. 4. Plans to search for oil and gas could ________ drilling below several villages in East Yorkshire. 5. Cameras in space reveal the stories behind Earth’s most remarkable ________ and shapes. 6. Colston’s School is to change its name amid slave trader ________. 7. The Chinese Communist Party acknowledged the existence of dangerous ________. 8. Students at a university in southern China are being ________ degree majors using a lottery system, it's reported. 9. According to the United Nations High Commission for Refugees, Afghan refugees _________ the highest number of asylum seekers in the world. 10. From fitness classes to singing lessons, online pubs to yoga, social _________ has gone digital with the coronavirus pandemic. 11. Sometimes the life we believed we should be living and the ________ of the person we would become, no longer matches reality. 12. Scottish regional accents are keeping their ________ identity and not changing as quickly as many regional dialects in England. 13. Republican Senate leader Mitch McConnell has insisted there will be an ________ power transition. 9. Work in pairs and take turns. Put all possible types of questions to four of the sentences from task 8 and answer them. 10. Have a spontaneous conversation with a partner using a new highlighted word in the text in every new sentence/phrase. 8
Video 11. Comment upon the meaning of the words given below. Institution, influence, society, primary, relationships, co-worker, interact, community, neighbourhood, identify, government, affect, law, religion, decision, job, career. 12. Watch the video and deduce its message. Make 4 statements. 13. Report what has been said in the video. 14. Work in pairs. Discuss what you have learned from the video. 15. Watch the video again and answer the questions below. Give reasons for your opinions. 1. What is your primary social group like? 2. What factors have formed your secondary social group? 3. What are your current activities and status in GREEF segments? 4. What criteria of social grouping are predominant in your life? Speech 16. Express your own opinion on the unit topic. 17. Agree with your partner’s opinion on the unit topic. 18. Disagree with your partner’s opinion on the unit topic. 19. Work in groups. Expand the unit topic with your own opinions. Ask follow-up questions and give extra information. 9
20. Make a report on the suggested issue. Anti-social behaviour incidents. Writing 21. Complete the sentence structures using a few words from the text. 1. As … as … 2. Although … might be we … 3. But for … James … 22. Report your groupmate’s opinion on the unit topic he/she has expressed (task 16). 23. Make up an exercise to recycle the prepositions of time and place you have learned in the course using the vocabulary of the unit. 24. Interact with each other by sending text chat messages. Ask for more information regarding the unit topic. 25. Write an essay on the suggested issue. Am I in the right social class? 10