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Term X. Global Issues = Понятие Икс. Глобальные проблемы

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Пособие состоит из одиннадцати разделов, включающих учебный материал и задания, направленные на совершенствование лексических навьжов, навыков письменной речи, умений говорения, чтения и аудирования; списка использованной литературы, как для аудиторной, так и самостоятельной работы. Для студентов гуманитарных вузов по дисциплинам «Практикум по культуре речевого общения первого иностранного языка» (английский), «Коммуникативный практикум первого иностранного языка» (английский), обучающихся по образовательной программе «Иностранный язык», «Иностранный язык» по направлению подготовки 44.03.05 Педагогическое образование (с двумя профилями подготовки).
Белозерцев, А. В. Term X. Global Issues = Понятие Икс. Глобальные проблемы : учебное пособие / А. В. Белозерцев, О. С. Долганова. - 2-е изд., стер. - Москва : ФЛИНТА, 2024. - 95 с. - ISBN 978-5-9765-5551-8. - Текст : электронный. - URL: https://znanium.ru/catalog/product/2178944 (дата обращения: 06.11.2024). – Режим доступа: по подписке.
Фрагмент текстового слоя документа размещен для индексирующих роботов
Издательство «ФЛИНТА

УДК 811.111(075.8) 
ББК 81.432.1я73  -  
Б435  --–– ---- 
  ---ISBN 978-5-9765-5551-8 (ФЛИНТА) 
ISBN 978-5-87818-670-4 (ШГПУ)  
© Белозерцев А.В.,  
    Долганова О.С., 2024 
, 2024

ВВЕДЕНИЕ ..................................................................................................... 4 
UNIT 1 .......................................................................................................... 5 
UNIT 2 ........................................................................................................ 13 
UNIT 3 ........................................................................................................ 22 
UNIT 4 ........................................................................................................ 29 
UNIT 5 ........................................................................................................ 36 
UNIT 6 ........................................................................................................ 44 
UNIT 7 ........................................................................................................ 52 
UNIT 8 ........................................................................................................ 62 
UNIT 9 ........................................................................................................ 70 
UNIT 10 ...................................................................................................... 78 
UNIT 11 ...................................................................................................... 86 
ЗАКЛЮЧЕНИЕ ............................................................................................. 94  

Учебное пособие предназначено для студентов 5 курса, 
обучающихся по образовательной программе «Иностранный язык», 
Педагогическое образование (с двумя профилями подготовки). Цель 
учебного пособия – сформировать у студентов социокультурную 
компетенцию на основе приобщения к культуре англоязычных стран 
для общения с носителями изучаемого языка, а также знакомство с 
национально-специфическими явлениями, которые находят своё 
отражение в языковых единицах.  
Учебное пособие составлено с использованием аутентичных 
материалов и позволяет формировать универсальную компетенцию – 
компетенцию осуществлять деловую коммуникацию в устной и 
письменной формах на иностранном языке. Предусмотрена работа 
над всеми видами речевой деятельности. 
Для решения образовательных задач пособие организовано в 11 
мини-тематических разделов, каждый из которых имеет типовую 
структуру из пяти частей. Части “Reading” и “Video” акцентированы 
на перцептивные виды речевой деятельности. Части “Speech” и 
деятельности. Часть “Vocabulary” ориентирована на расширение 
лингвокогнитивного и лексематического уровней языковой личности 
вариативно-избирательное использование предложенных упражнений 
в соответствии конкретным задачам текущего образовательного 
Такое построение учебного пособия позволяет преподавателю 
более гибко подходить к организации занятий, исходя из объема 
времени, отведенного на изучение каждой темы, и условий процесса 
обучения в конкретной группе студентов. 

https://www.ucsusa.org/resources/does-air-pollution-affect-globalwarming, https://www.vedantu.com/english/pollution-essay 
In recent years, the climate on Earth has been noticeably changing: 
some countries suffer from abnormal heat, others from too harsh and 
snowy winters, unusual for these places. And humanity is also concerned 
about the problem of environmental pollution. What will this lead us to? 
Let's figure it out. 
Why do you think temperature goes too high in summers and too low 
in winters? Well, such a phenomenon is known as Global Warming. 
 Global Warming is the extreme rise or increase in the temperature of 
the surface of the Earth. Global warming is a phenomenon due to which 
the temperature of the earth’s surface; land, water, and atmosphere, is 
rising year-by-year due to many natural and human-made causes. 
Global warming will impact life on Earth in many ways, but the 
extent of the change is largely up to us. Scientists have shown that human 
emissions of greenhouse gases are pushing global temperatures up. 
Greenhouse gases are long-lived, so the planet will continue to warm and 
changes will continue to happen far into the future, but the degree to which 
global warming changes life on Earth depends on our decisions now. 
If we talk about pollution, then pollution is the introduction of 
harmful materials into the environment. These harmful materials are called 
pollutants. Pollutants can be natural, such as volcanic ash. They can also be 
created by human activity, such as trash or runoff produced by factories. 
Pollutants damage the quality of air, water, and land. 
In a nutshell, every kind of pollution leaves a huge negative impact 
on our environment, human lives, animals etc. We, as responsible citizens, 

must take steps towards a better tomorrow. We must join hands to take 
various initiatives and fight against this problem. A lot of innocent lives 
are put in danger due to pollution every day. If we don’t do anything from 
now on or take a stand to make the earth pollution-free, then the doomsday 
will be upon us very soon. 
1. Look at the title of the text and speculate about which words 
can refer to the topic. Give at least 10 words. 
2. Read the text and deduce its message. Make 4 statements. 
3. Comment upon the meaning of the highlighted words in your 
own words. 
4. Match the given words with the definitions. 
11. extent 
12. emission 
abnormal heat 
13. greenhouse gas 
14. long-lived 
15. harmful material 
16. pollutant 
global warming 
17. runoff 
extreme rise 
18. damage 
surface of the Earth 
19. initiative 
20. doomsday 
10. impact 

a new plan for dealing with a particular problem or for achieving 
a particular purpose 
b) a substance that pollutes something, especially air and water 
a substance that things can be made from and that causes 
damage or injury to somebody/something, especially to a person’s health 
or to the environment 
d) a very great in degree increase in an amount, a number or a level 
any of the gases that are thought to cause the greenhouse effect, 
especially carbon dioxide 
created or caused by people, rather than occurring naturally 
g) gas, etc. that is sent out into the air 
h) having a long life; lasting for a long time 
hot weather different from what is usual or expected, especially 
in a way that worries somebody or is harmful or not wanted 
how large, important, serious, etc. something is 
k) in a way that is easy to see or notice; clearly or definitely 
the contamination of the. physical and biological components of 
the earth/atmosphere system to such an extent that. normal environmental 
processes are adversely affected 
m) the increase in temperature of the earth’s atmosphere that is 
caused by the increase of particular gases, especially carbon dioxide 
n) the last day of the world when Christians believe that everyone 
will be judged by God 
o) the outermost level of the land or sea 
p) to affect somebody/something; to involve somebody/something 
q) to be badly affected by a disease, pain, sad feelings, a lack of 
something, etc. 
to harm or spoil something 
to have an effect on somebody/something 

water that flows away from high areas to low areas; also 
chemicals and animal excrement that flow into rivers and lakes and pollute 
the environment 
5. Read the text again and discuss the questions below. 
1. How could we control gas emissions caused by our cars? 
2. If recycling plastic runoffs can make a profitable business why 
aren’t there enough start-ups to reduce pollution? 
3. Nowadays there’s a belief that global warming is a regular climate 
change that is usually followed by temperature decreases which takes a 
longer period to observe. Are you ready to forget about the problem and 
not care about global warming? 
4. Should people destroy parts the ozone layer deliberately to let out 
greenhouse gases into the space? 
6. Make collocations with the highlighted words from the text. 
7. Think of related words to 10 highlighted words in the text and 
create word webs. 
8. Complete the sentences using the highlighted words in the text. 
“The initial Hib vaccine was a polysaccharide vaccine, but it did 
not induce _______ antibody levels, so we don't even use it now,” said Dr. 
Gregory Poland, an infectious disease expert who studies how the immune 
system responds to vaccines at the Mayo Clinic in Minnesota. 
All steps will help the development of the scientific component 
of the national Arctic program to a greater _______, the Foreign Ministry 
spokes woman said. 

Authorities often strip regional communities from valuable 
resources or treat them as storage facilities for environmentally 
__________ while failing to divvy up the profits fairly. 
China recorded declines in the density of all major air ________ 
apart from ozone in the first four months of this year, and forecasts show 
that the hazardous gas will remain a primary air pollutant in many areas 
across the country.  
Commenting on the report, the Kazakh leader gave a number of 
constructive instructions in all the areas ________. 
Dr. Allaberdi Ilyasov raised the problematic issues of 
_________ and pointed out possible ways of solving them.) 
HELLA lighting solutions S-Series, Floodlight and High Bay 
are energy-efficient and reduce CO2 _________. 
In recent years, the list of domestic products supplied to Russia 
has _______ expanded. 
Mangrove restoration projects in Africa helps reduce negative 
effect of _______. 
10. New government _________ aims to protect tenants from 
extortionate rents. 
11. News is circulating in the media that a Texas couple is suing 
Apple for _________ their 12-year-old son's hearing with AirPods Pro. 
12. Omicron is already causing record-breaking case numbers. But 
_______ are likely to skew admissions and deaths figures to such a point 
that they may become largely useless in helping to drive policy, writes 
science editor. 
13. On July 27 and 28, in the capital of Turkmenistan, the 
Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe held a virtual 
seminar on the protection of oil and gas infrastructure from natural or 
__________ hazards. 

14. Pollution sources include fertilizer ________ from cropland and 
manure _______ from factory farms, fouling waterways with pesticides, 
phosphorus, nitrogen, and fecal bacteria.  
15. The _________ scenario describes a world in which COVID-19 
is endlessly mutating, because rich countries hoard vaccines, and health 
systems are overwhelmed. 
16. The established _________ in July-August was replaced by 
prolonged rains, which ultimately affected both the volume of the 
harvested crop and its quality. 
17. These governments have been heavily subsidizing their own 
fossil-fuel industries even as they exhorted much poorer countries to do 
more to reduce __________ emissions. 
18. This is all free water that exists in all three states of aggregation 
in the atmosphere, on the ________ and in the earth’s crust, up to a depth 
of 2 thousand meters. 
19. This may result in customers finding our custodial services more 
risky and less attractive and any failure to increase our customer base, 
discontinuation or reduction in use of our platform and products by 
existing customers as a result could adversely ________ our business, 
operating results, and financial condition. 
20. Tom Cruise at the premiere of Top Gun: Maverick at the Cannes 
Film Festival told about a terrible near-death experience that he ________ 
as a child. 
9. Work in pairs and take turns. Put all possible types of 
questions to four of the sentences from task 8 and answer them. 
10. Have a spontaneous conversation with a partner using a new 
highlighted word in the text in every new sentence/phrase. 

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