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Английский язык для профессионального общения. Строительство = English for Professional Communication. Building Construction

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Учебное пособие включает профессионально ориентированные тексты и тематический словарь, упражнения и задания, направленные на развитие навыков чтения и перевода, говорения и письма. Содержит ссылки для работы с интерактивными заданиями и просмотра видеоматериалов, тексты для дополнительного чтения. Предназначено для учащихся учреждений образования, реализующих образовательные программы среднего специального образования по специальностям направления образования «Архитектура и строительство».
Полоз, Т. П. Английский язык для профессионального общения. Строительство = English for Professional Communication. Building Construction : учеб. пособие / Т. П. Полоз, Е. В. Наумчик. - Минск : РИПО, 2024. - 201 с. - ISBN 978-985-895-176-4. - Текст : электронный. - URL: https://znanium.ru/catalog/product/2174109 (дата обращения: 22.11.2024). – Режим доступа: по подписке.
Фрагмент текстового слоя документа размещен для индексирующих роботов
Т. П. Полоз 
Е. В. Наумчик
(с электронным ресурсом)
Министерством образования Республики Беларусь
в качестве учебного пособия для учащихся учреждений 
образования, реализующих образовательные программы среднего 
специального образования по специальностям направления 
образования «Архитектура и строительство»

УДК 	811.111:69(075.32)
ББК 	81.2Англ.:38я723
А в т о р ы:
преподаватели филиала «Молодечненский 
государственный политехнический колледж» УО «Республиканский 
институт профессионального образования» 
Т. П. Полоз, Е. В. Наумчик.
Р е ц е н з е н т ы:
цикловая комиссия гуманитарных предметов УО «Гродненский 
государственный политехнический колледж» (Т. В. Сидоровская); 
доцент кафедры «Английский язык № 1» Белорусского 
национального технического университета кандидат 
филологических наук, доцент Т. И. Васильева.
Все права на данное издание защищены. Воспроизведение всей книги или любой ее части не может быть осуществлено без разрешения издательства.
Выпуск издания осуществлен при финансовой поддержке Министерства 
образования Республики Беларусь.
Полоз, Т. П.
Английский язык для профессионального общения. Строительство = 
English for Professional Communication. Building Construction : учеб. пособие / Т. П. Полоз, Е. В. Наумчик. – Минск : РИПО, 2024. – 201 с.
ISBN 978-985-895-176-4.
Учебное пособие включает профессионально ориентированные тексты и тематический словарь, упражнения и задания, направленные на развитие навыков 
чтения и перевода, говорения и письма. Содержит ссылки для работы с интерактивными заданиями и просмотра видеоматериалов, тексты для дополнительного 
Предназначено для учащихся учреждений образования, реализующих образовательные программы среднего специального образования по специальностям направления образования «Архитектура и строительство».
УДК 811.111:69(075.32)
ББК 81.2Англ.:38я723
ISBN 978-985-895-176-4 	
© Полоз Т. П., Наумчик Е. В., 2024
© Оформление. Республиканский институт
профессионального образования, 2024

Учебное пособие по учебному предмету «Иностранный язык 
(профессиональная лексика)» предназначено для учащихся учреждений образования, реализующих образовательные программы 
среднего специального образования по специальностям направления образования «Архитектура и строительство». 
Материал учебного пособия подобран с целью помочь учащимся в развитии и совершенствовании навыков чтения и перевода 
профессионально ориентированных текстов, а также для формирования навыков говорения и стимулирования навыков письма.
Учебное пособие состоит из девяти разделов. Каждый раздел содержит разнообразные языковые и речевые задания для ознакомления с тематической лексикой и формирования навыка ее употребления и тексты, раскрывающие тему и взятые из современных 
аутентичных источников с определенной адаптацией к уровню 
языковой подготовки учащихся. К текстам подобраны упражнения, которые позволяют проверить общее понимание содержания, 
закрепить приобретенные лексические навыки и сформировать навыки говорения на основании прочитанных текстов. Учебное пособие включает задания для групповой, парной и индивидуальной 
работы. Кроме того, каждый раздел содержит видеоматериалы, которые позволяют активизировать лексику, развить навыки аудирования, говорения и письма; и тексты для дополнительного чтения 
с заданиями, целью которых является совершенствование навыков 
чтения, перевода, реферирования и монологической речи. Тексты 
для дополнительного чтения могут использоваться как для работы 
в группе, так и для самостоятельной работы учащихся, обеспечивая индивидуальный и дифференцированный подход к обучению 
иностранному языку.

English for Professional Communication. Building Construction
В конце каждого раздела предлагается выполнение проектной 
работы, которая способствует развитию творческого потенциала 
учащихся, стимулирует поиск новых источников информации, развивает навык монологической речи во время презентации результатов работы в классе.
Учебное пособие содержит контрольно-измерительные материалы. Для каждого раздела предусмотрены тестовые задания, которые помогают проверить усвоение учащимися пройденного материала.
Англо-русский словарь включает  строительные термины и лексику, встречающуюся в текстах учебного пособия, способствует 
пониманию и переводу профессионально ориентированных текстов.
Сведения по грамматике и технике перевода учащиеся могут 
найти в приложениях.
Учебное пособие обладает интерактивным свойством, включая 
в себя QR-коды для перехода к видеоматериалам, упражнениям 
для тренировки тематической лексики и комплексу интерактивных заданий.

1. Use the QR-code and learn the words and word combinations.
Alteration, bellwether, carpenter, civil engineer, 
construct, electrician, facility, glazier, groundbreaking, 
labourer, mason, occupant, plumber, plasterer, repair.
2. Read the international words, guess their meanings and check 
the pronunciation.
Activity [ækˈtɪvətɪ]; architecture [ˈɑ:kɪtektʃə(r)]; associate [əˈsəʊʃɪeɪt]; 
construction [kənˈstrʌkʃn]; climate [ˈklaɪmət]; decade [ˈdekeɪd]; economy 
[ɪˈkɒnəmɪ]; effect [ɪˈfekt]; form [fɔ:m]; global [ˈɡləʊbl]; functional 
[ˈfʌŋkʃənəl]; fundamental [ˌfʌndəˈmentl]; idea [aɪˈdɪə]; infrastructure 
[ˈɪnfrəstrʌktʃə(r)]; national [ˈnæʃnəl]; period [ˈpɪərɪəd]; process [ˈprəʊses]; 
organization [ɔ:ɡ(ə)naɪˈzeɪʃ(ə)n]; population [pɒpjʊˈleɪʃ(ə)n]; product 
[ˈprɒdʌkt]; result [rɪˈzʌlt]; service [ˈsɜ:vɪs]; structure [ˈstrʌktʃə(r)]; symbol 
[ˈsɪmbɒl]; transport [ˈtrænspɔ:t]; university [ju:nɪˈvɜ:sɪtɪ]. 
3. Give Russian equivalents to the derivatives. Pay attention to 
the prefixes and suffixes.
To construct – construction – reconstruction – constructor; to build – 
to rebuild – building – builder; to manufacture – manufacturing – 
manufacturer; to develop – development – developer; function – 
functional; structure – infrastructure – structural; to separate – 
separation; to transport – transportation; to transform – transformation; 

English for Professional Communication. Building Construction
to reduce – reduction; to improve – improvement; to develop – 
4. Match the words to their Russian equivalents.
1) to appear
a) значение, показатель
2) to engage 
b) служить
3) to implement 
c) вовлекать
4) storage
d) занимать
5) value
e) улучшать, повышать
6) serve
f) хранение
7) occupy 
g) редкий
8) improve
h) появиться
9) scarce
i) внедрять
5. Give Russian equivalents to the compound words.
City-planning, healthcare, cutting-edge, groundbreaking, eco-efficient, 
timetable, milestone, fiberglass, drywall, thermoplastic, well-organized, 
hard-working, award-winning, deadline, cost-effective, innovative-based, 
6. A. Work in pairs. Discuss the questions.
1. Where did ancient people live? 2. How did the first buildings differ 
from the modern ones? 3. Is the construction industry important today? 
Why? 4. What is the present state of the construction industry in Belarus? 
5. Will the construction industry take any changes in the nearest future? 
B. Read the text Building Construction and check if your answers are 
Construction is an ancient human activity. It began with the purely 
functional need for a controlled environment to moderate the effects of 
climate. Constructed shelters were one means by which human beings 

Unit 1. Construction Industry
were able to adopt themselves to a wide variety of climates and become 
a global species.
Human shelters were at first very simple and perhaps lasted only 
a few days or months. They were made mostly of wood and stone. 
Gradually these temporary structures evolved into more refined forms. 
Over the time, more durable structures began to appear, particularly 
after the advent of agriculture, when people began to stay in one place 
for long period. The first shelters were dwellings, but later other 
functions, such as food storage and ceremony, were housed in separate 
buildings. Some structures began to have symbolic as well as functional 
value, marking the beginning of the distinction between architecture and 
Today building construction is a complex, significant, and rewarding 
process. It begins with an idea and culminates in a structure that may 
serve its occupants for several decades, even centuries. It comprises 
a wide range of complex activities involving construction, alteration, and 
repair. Like the manufacturing of products, building construction 
requires an ordered and planned assembly of materials. It is, however, far 
more complicated than product manufacturing. 
Modern construction industry touches the lives of virtually everyone 
on a daily basis and occupies a fundamental position in national 
economies. It is regarded as the bellwether of economic growth, and 
periods of prosperities are usually associated with high levels of 
construction activity. It serves almost all other industries, as all economic 
value creation occurs within or by means of buildings or other 
“constructed assets”.
At present, the construction industry is the largest in the Republic of 
Belarus and holds an important place in the National Economy of 
the country. It comprises more than 10,000 architectural, city-planning 
and construction organizations of various forms of ownership. Many 
highly educated civil engineers, who have been trained at Belarusian 
universities, skilled and unskilled workers are engaged in construction. 
The Belarusian construction industry provides services in industrial 
and civil construction, construction of healthcare institutions and 
agricultural organizations, sports facilities, residential districts. 

English for Professional Communication. Building Construction
Construction and installation organizations apply cutting-edge 
technologies to implement the boldest architectural solutions, erect 
unique buildings, renovate and repair existing facilities. 
The building industry has always been paid much attention in our 
country and abroad as it affects greatly the general level of living. Yet 
the world constantly moves on. Today it is changing faster than ever 
before. The population of the world’s urban areas is increasing by more 
than 200,000 people per day, all of whom need affordable housing as 
well as social, transportation and utility infrastructure. In the face of 
such challenges, the industry will surely undergo substantial 
transformations. These changes will have groundbreaking effects 
elsewhere: on the wider society, by reducing construction costs; on the 
environment, by improving the use of scarce materials or by making 
buildings more eco-efficient over the time; and on the economy, by 
narrowing the global infrastructure gap and boosting economic 
development in general. 
7. A. Match the words to their definitions.
1) shelter
2) dwelling
3) occupant
4) agriculture
5) bellwether
6) ownership
a) a person who lives or works in a room or building
b) someone or something that shows how a situation 
will develop or change
c) the practice or work of farming
d) a place giving temporary protection from bad 
e) the right or state of being an owner
f) a place or house in which a person lives
B. Choose three words from ex. 7. A and make up sentences with 
8. Put the parts of the sentences in the correct order. Give them 
Russian equivalents in written form.
1.	 to moderate the effects of the climate / Construction began with / 
for a controlled environment / the purely functional need.
2.	 Today building construction / and rewarding process / is a complex, 

Unit 1. Construction Industry
3.	 the bellwether of economic growth, / are usually associated with / 
and periods of prosperities / Construction is regarded as / high levels of 
construction activity.
4.	 Many highly educated civil engineers, / who are trained at 
Belarusian universities, / are engaged in construction / skilled and 
unskilled workers.
5.	 the construction industry / In the face of modern changes / 
substantial transformations / will surely undergo.
9. Make up a short summary of the text Building Construction according to the plan. Retell it using your notes.
1.	 The title of the text is….
2.	 The text is devoted to….
3.	 The main idea of the text is….
4.	 It consists of….
5.	 The first part is about….
6.	 The second (third, fourth, etc.) part deals with….
7.	 The conclusion is ….
10. A. Choose two jobs from the list of jobs in building construction 
you would like to do. Then choose two jobs you would not like to do.
Carpenter, plumber, electrician, glazier, mason, plasterer, architect, 
roofer, contractor, painter, supervisor, labourer.
B. Work in small groups and discuss your choice.
11. Read the text Jobs in the Construction Industry. Say what 
information about the jobs involved in building process is new for 
you. Exchange your opinion with your groupmates.
The construction industry is very large and employs millions of 
people worldwide. Specialists involved in building process carry out 
a wide range of jobs such as engineering and technical staff to skilled 
tradespeople and operatives. It is therefore important that students and 
young people understand the sector so that they can make good career 

English for Professional Communication. Building Construction
Construction is usually done or coordinated by a general constructor, 
also known as a construction manager. General constructors plan all 
phases of a construction project. They estimate the costs of materials, 
staffing and the cost for equipment that must be purchased. They also 
prepare a timetable that establishes milestones for phases of the project 
to ensure completion dates are met. They take full responsibility for 
the complete job, except for specified portions of the work that may be 
omitted from general contract. Although general constructors can do 
a portion of the work with their own crew, they often need to work with 
other professional construction specialists or construction trade 
Construction trade workers are employed in a large variety of 
occupations that are involved in all aspects of the construction industry. 
Brick masons build and repair walls, floors, partitions and other 
structures with bricks, panels, concrete blocks, stones, and other masonry 
materials. They use different hand tools, troweling machinery and other 
power tools to mix, spread, compact, finish and cure concrete for 
buildings, bridges, tunnels and roads. Carpenters are one of the most 
versatile construction occupations, with workers usually doing many 
different tasks. Rough carpenters focus on building things that need to 
be simple and structural. This includes framing for houses, or crates for 
shipping. Finish carpenters focus on things that are detailed and artistic. 
For example, they can be furniture builders or cabinet makers. Carpenters 
use many different hand and power tools to cut and shape wood, plastic, 
fiberglass, or drywall, including squares, levels, and chisels, as well as 
many power tools, such as sanders, circular saws, nail guns, and welding 
machines. Plumbers are responsible for installing, maintaining and 
repairing many different types of pipe systems. Plumbers assemble pipe 
sections, tubing, or fittings and measure, cut, thread, or bend pipe to 
required angle, using couplings, clamps, screws, bolts, cement, plastic 
solvent, caulking, or soldering, brazing, or welding equipment. They 
also install heating and cooling equipment and mechanical control 
systems. Electricians install, connect, test, and maintain building 
electrical systems which can also include lighting, climate control, 
security, and communications. Glaziers are responsible for selecting, 

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