English for it
Основная коллекция
Английский язык
Южный федеральный университет
Под ред.:
Краснощекова Галина Алексеевна
Год издания: 2023
Кол-во страниц: 185
Вид издания:
Учебное пособие
Уровень образования:
ВО - Бакалавриат
ISBN: 978-5-9275-4588-9
Артикул: 844237.01.99
Учебное пособие «ENGLISH FOR IT» предназначено для студентов направлений подготовки и специальностей, связанных со сферой информационных технологий. Цель учебного пособия - развитие профессиональной иноязычной коммуникативной компетенции студентов. Работа с предлагаемым учебным пособием даст студентам возможность совершенствовать профессиональную компоненту образования в области информационных технологий при изучении дисциплины «Иностранный язык для деловой коммуникации». Данное учебное пособие также может быть использовано студентами других направлений подготовки и специальностей, широким кругом лиц, имеющих достаточный уровень сформированности лингвистической компетенции, интересующихся проблемами информационных технологий.
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Unit 2. Programming Languages МИНИСТЕРСТВО НАУКИ И ВЫСШЕГО ОБРАЗОВАНИЯ РОССИЙСКОЙ ФЕДЕРАЦИИ Федеральное государственное автономное образовательное учреждение высшего образования «ЮЖНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ» Инженерно-технологическая академия О. А. ЗАБЛОЦКАЯ Э. А. СИДЕЛЬНИК А. А. ОПРЫШКО ENGLISH FOR IT Учебное пособие Ростов-на-Дону – Таганрог Издательство Южного федерального университета 2023 1
УДК 811.11(075.8) ББК 81.2 Англ-92 З-124 Печатается по решению кафедры иностранных языков Института управления в экономических, экологических и социальных системах Южного федерального университета (протокол № 10 от 15 мая 2023 г.) Рецензенты: кандидат филологических наук, доцент кафедры иностранных языков Института управления в экономических, экологических и социальных системах Южного федерального университета А. С. Трач заведующая кафедрой английского языка Таганрогского института имени А. П. Чехова (филиала) ФГБОУ ВО «РГЭУ (РИНХ)», кандидат филологических наук, доцент О. В. Кравец Заблоцкая, О. А. З-124 ENGLISH FOR IT : учебное пособие / О. А. Заблоцкая, Э. А. Си- дельник, А. А. Опрышко ; под общей редакцией Г. А. Краснощековой ; Южный федеральный университет. – Ростов-на-Дону ; Таганрог : Издательство Южного федерального университета, 2023. – 183 с. ISBN 978-5-9275-4588-9 Учебное пособие «ENGLISH FOR IT» предназначено для студентов направлений подготовки и специальностей, связанных со сферой информационных технологий. Цель учебного пособия – развитие профессиональной иноязычной коммуникативной компетенции студентов. Работа с предлагаемым учебным пособием даст студентам возможность совершенствовать профессиональную компоненту образования в области информационных технологий при изучении дисциплины «Иностранный язык для деловой коммуникации». Данное учебное пособие также может быть использовано студентами других направлений подготовки и специальностей, широким кругом лиц, имеющих достаточный уровень сформированности лингвистической компетенции, интересующихся проблемами информационных технологий. УДК 811.11(075.8) ББК 81.2 Англ-92 ISBN 978-5-9275-4588-9 © Южный федеральный университет, 2023 © Заблоцкая О. А., Сидельник Э. А., Опрышко А. А., 2023 © Оформление. Макет. Издательство Южного федерального университета, 2023 2
Unit 1. Computer Architecture and Software СОДЕРЖАНИЕ ПРЕДИСЛОВИЕ …………………………………………..…………... 4 Unit 1. COMPUTER ARCHITECTURE AND SOFTWARE ……….. 5 Unit 2. PROGRAMMING LANGUAGES ……………………………. 21 Unit 3. GRAPHIC DESIGN …………………………………………… 39 Unit 4. MULTIMEDIA ………………………………………………… 52 Unit 5. TELECOMMUNICATION ……………………………………. 67 Unit 6. ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE ...…………………….………. 81 Unit 7. CLOUD COMPUTING ………………………………….…….. 99 Unit 8. BIG DATA ...…………………………………………….…….. 116 Unit 9. THE INTERNET OF THINGS .……………………………… 132 Unit 10. INFORMATION SECURITY …...…………………………… 149 APPENDIX …………………………………………………………….. 166 181 СПИСОК ЛИТЕРАТУРЫ .…………………………………………… 3
ПРЕДИСЛОВИЕ Учебное пособие «ENGLISH FOR IT» призвано обеспечить формирование и развитие профессионально ориентированной иноязычной коммуникативной компетенции студентов направлений подготовки и специальностей, связанных со сферой информационных технологий. Разработанное авторами учебное пособие написано с учетом рабочей программы дисциплины «Иностранный язык для деловой коммуникации» и предназначено как для индивидуальной и групповой работы в аудитории, так и для самостоятельной работы студентов. Пособие содержит десять тематических разделов (Units): COMPUTER ARCHITECTURE AND SOFTWARE, PROGRAMMING LANGUAGES, GRAPHIC DESIGN, MULTIMEDIA, TELECOMMUNICATION, ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE, CLOUD COMPUTING, BIG DATA, THE INTERNET OF THINGS, INFORMATION SECURITY. Каждый раздел состоит из следующих подразделов: Lead In – вводная часть, знакомящая студентов с проблематикой раздела. Useful vocabulary – работа с определениями основных терминов раздела. Useful Grammar – тренировка основных грамматических явлений раздела. Specialist Reading – чтение оригинальных текстов по теме раздела. Все тексты являются аутентичными, они сокращены, но не адаптированы. Language in Use – выполнение лексических упражнений. Подразделы Speaking и Writing содержат упражнения для развития навыков устной и письменной речи, целью которых является развитие творческого мышления студентов, которые получат мотивацию для дальнейшего изучения и критического осмысления обсуждаемых проблем. Авторы пособия благодарят рецензентов – кандидата филологических наук, заведующую кафедрой английского языка Таганрогского института имени А. П. Чехова (филиала) ФГБОУ ВО «РГЭУ (РИНХ)» О. В. Кравец, кандидата филологических наук, доцента кафедры иностранных языков ИУЭС ЮФУ А. С. Трач, коллектив кафедры иностранных языков Института управления в экономических, экологических и социальных системах Южного федерального университета в лице заведующей кафедрой иностранных языков Г. А. Краснощековой за ценные предложения и методические рекомендации. Авторы с благодарностью примут все замечания и пожелания и учтут их в дальнейшей работе. 4
Unit 1. Computer Architecture and Software UNIT 1 COMPUTER ARCHITECTURE AND SOFTWARE LEAD-IN 1. Follow the link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-M6lANfzFsM to watch “The History of Computing” and learn about the evolution of computing. While watching the video pick out the main steps in the history of computing. 2. Watch the video again and match the scientists with their contributions to the development of computing and the period when these contributions took place. Scientists or Companies Contributions Period 1 Herman Hollerith Chinese abacus 1958 1642 2 Blaise Pascal First mechanical adding machine (The Pascaline) 3 Gottfried Lienniz Binary arithmetic 1660 – early 1700s 4 Charles Babbage Mechanical calculating engines 1800s The difference engine The late 1800s The Analytical calculating engine 1830 1954 5 The algorithm that calculates Bernoulli numbers Data analysis, looping and 1800s memory addressing 6 Bell Labs The census tabulator 3000BC 1936 7 Jay Forrester The concept of a universal machine 8 IBM The first programmable computer 1800s The Z4 1971 The Mark 1 1937 9 Alan Turing with colleagues 10 Intel The first computer bug The late 1930s The first computer compiler 1950s 5
Unit 1. Computer Architecture and Software Scientists or Companies Contributions Period 11 John Atanasoff The first digital computer 1937–1942 12 Jack Kilby Colossus 1943 13 Alan Turing ENIAC 1946 14 Douglas Engelbart EDVAC 1936 Computer virology 1950s 15 IBM The TRADIC 1954 16 Howard Aiken The random-access magnetic core store 1820 17 Von Neumann The first hard driver 1957 18 John Backus Fortran 1950 19 Ada Lovelace The integrated circuit 1971 20 Konrad Zuse The mouse 1964 21 Grace Hopper The floppy disc 1951 22 DRAM 1942 USEFUL VOCABULARY 3. To be able to discuss the main features, peculiarities and types of computer hardware and software we need to study the following terminology and professional vocabulary. Adware (n) [ˈædweə(r)] – software that automatically puts advertisements onto a computer screen when a person is using the internet. Algorithm (n) ['ælg(ə)rɪð(ə)m] – a series of mathematical steps, especially in a computer programme, which will give you the answer to a particular kind of problem or question. Bug (n) [bʌg] – an error in a computer program or system. Bus (n) [bʌs] – a distinct set of conductors carrying data and control signals within a computer system, to which pieces of equipment may be connected in parallel. Chassis (n) [ʃæ'si:] – the frame, base of a device, equipment or a vehicle onto which the metal covering is fixed. Component (n) [kəm'pəunənt] – a part or element of a larger whole, especially a part of a machine or vehicle. Computer (n) [kəm'pjuːtə] – an electronic device (machine) which is used for storing data, organizing and finding words, numbers and pictures, for doing calculations and for controlling other machines. Computer programmer (n) ['prəugræmə] – a person whose job involves writing programs for computers. 6
Unit 1. Computer Architecture and Software CPU [ˌsiːpiːˈjuː] (Central processing unit (n) ['sentr(ə)l] ['prəusesɪŋ] ['juːnɪt]) – the part of a computer in which operations are controlled and executed. Debugging (n) [ˌdiː'bʌgɪŋ] – is the process of identifying and removing errors from computer hardware or software. Digitization (n) [dɪʤɪtaɪ'zeɪʃ(ə)n] – the process of putting information into digital form, usually so that it can be processed by a digital computer. DOS [dɒs] (disk operating system) (n) – a computer operating system that controls and manages files and programs stored on disk; DOS is a shorthand term for several closely related operating systems (MS-DOS, PC DOS, DR-DOS, etc.) that dominated the IBM PC compatible market. Eliminate (v) [ə'lɪmɪneɪt] – completely remove or get rid of something. File (n) [faɪl] – holder, cover, case, box, etc. for keeping data. Firmware (n) – a set of instructions that form part of an electronic device and allow it to communicate with a computer or with other electronic devices. Flowchart (n) [ˈfləʊ.tʃɑːt] – a graphical representation of a computer program in relation to its sequence of functions. Freeware (n) [ˈfriːweə(r)] – software that is offered to customers for free, especially as a download from the internet. Groupware (n) [ˈɡruːpweə(r)] – software that is designed to help groups of people work together more effectively. GUI [ˈɡuː.i] (graphical user interface) (n) – a visual way of interacting with a computer using items such as windows, icons, and menus, used by most modern operating systems. Hardware (n) ['hɑːdwɛə] – the machines, wiring and other physical components of a computer or other electronic system: processing hardware, storage hardware. Input device (n) ['ɪnput] [dɪ'vaɪs] – a piece of computer equipment such as a keyboard which enables you to put information into a computer. Output device ['autpʊt] [dɪ'vaɪs] – are used to get responses from the computer in the form of a hard copy (printer), a video (monitor), sound (speakers), or media devices (CD or DVD drives). The function of these output devices is to translate the machine’s response into a form clearly understandable by the computer user. Integrated circuit (n) ['ɪntɪgreɪtɪd] ['sɜːkɪt] – an electronic circuit formed on a small piece of semiconducting material: circuit board, circuit diagram, printed circuit (board). 7
Unit 1. Computer Architecture and Software LINUX (n) [ˈlɪn.əks] – an operating system modeled on Unix, whose source code is publicly available at no charge. Mainframe (n) [ˈmeɪnfreɪm] – a large high-speed computer, especially one supporting numerous workstations or peripherals. Malware (n) [ˈmælweə(r)] – software that is designed to damage the information on other people's computers and prevent the computers from working normally. Memory-storage device (n) ['mem(ə)rɪ 'stɔːrɪʤ] [dɪ'vaɪs] – the part of a computer in which data or program instructions can be stored for retrieval. Microprocessor (n) [ˌmaɪkrə(u)'prəusesə] – an integrated circuit that contains all the functions of a central processing unit of a computer. Motherboard (n) ['mʌðəbɔːd] – a printed circuit board containing the principal components of a computer or other device, with connectors for other circuit boards to be slotted into. Operating system (n) [ˈɒpəreɪtɪŋ ˌsɪstəm] – the system software that allows all the hardware and software components to work together. It consists of a set of programs that manages all the computer's resources, including the data in main memory and in auxiliary storage. Program (n) ['prəugræm] – a set of instructions that a computer follows in order to perform a particular task. Quantum computer [ˌkwɒn.təm kəmˈpjuː.tər] – a computer which makes use of the quantum states of subatomic particles to store information; a computer that does certain types of complicated calculations much faster than a traditional computer, using qubits (= units of computer information that have quantum characteristics ) instead of bits (= units of computer information that must be either 0 or 1). RAM (Random Access Memory) [ræm] – the part of a computer in which information is stored while you are using it. ROM (Read-only memory) [rɔm] – the permanent part of a computer's memory. The information stored there can be read but not changed. Schedule (n) ['ʃedjuːl] – a plan for carrying out a process or procedure, giving lists of intended events and times. Semiconductor (n) [semɪkən'dʌktə] – a material, such as silicon, which allows electricity to move through it more easily when its temperature increases, or an electronic device made from this material. 8
Unit 1. Computer Architecture and Software Server (n) ['sɜːvə] – a computer or computer program which manages access to a centralized resource or service in a network. Shareware (n) [ˈʃeəweə(r)] – software that is available to use and which you pay for only if you wish to continue using it after a particular length of time. Software (n) ['sɔftweə] – the collection of computer programs and related data that provide the instructions telling a computer what to do: system software, application software. Spyware (n) [ˈspaɪweə(r)] – software that is designed to collect information about how someone uses the internet, or personal information such as passwords, without the user knowing about it. Ubiquitous (adj) [juː'bɪkwɪtəs] – present, appearing, or found everywhere. If you describe something or someone as ubiquitous, you mean that they seem to be everywhere. UNIX (n) [ˈjuːnɪks] (Uniplexed Information and Computing System) – an operating system analogous to DOS and Windows, supporting multiple concurrent users. This computer operating system was developed in 1969 by Ken Thompson and Dennis Ritchie. Today is used to describe any operating system that conforms to Unix standards, meaning the core operating system operates the same as the original Unix operating system. Wetware (n) – a term drawn from the computer-related idea of hardware or software, but applied to biological life forms. 4. Think about the Russian equivalents of the terms given above. 5. Match the following definitions with the terms. DEFINITIONS TERMS 1 An electronic device (machine) which is used for storing data, flowchart organizing and finding words, numbers and pictures, for doing calculations and for controlling other machines. 2 The part of a computer in which operations are controlled and mainframe executed. 3 A computer operating system that controls and manages files and programs stored on disk. memory-storage device 4 A graphical representation of a computer program in relation RAM to its sequence of functions. 5 Visual way of interacting with a computer using items such as computer windows, icons, and menus, used by most modern operating systems. 9
Unit 1. Computer Architecture and Software DEFINITIONS TERMS integrated circuit 6 An electronic circuit formed on a small piece of semiconducting material: circuit board, circuit diagram, printed circuit (board). DOS 7 A large high-speed computer, especially one supporting numerous workstations or peripherals. CPU 8 The part of a computer in which data or program instructions can be stored for retrieval. program 9 An integrated circuit that contains all the functions of a central processing unit of a computer. operating system 10 A printed circuit board containing the principal components of a computer or other device, with connectors for other circuit boards to be slotted into. quantum com11 The system software that allows all the hardware and software puter components to work together. It consists of a set of programs that manages all the computer's resources, including the data in main memory and in auxiliary storage. GUI 12 A set of instructions that a computer follows in order to perform a particular task. ROM 13 A computer which makes use of the quantum states of subatomic particles to store information. microprocessor 14 The part of a computer in which information is stored while you are using it. motherboard 15 The permanent part of a computer's memory. The information stored there can be read but not changed. 6. Match the words in A with their synonyms in B. A B 1 input a rail 2 output b virus 3 schedule c element 4 component d remove 5 eliminate e timetable 6 chassis f outturn 7 bug g machine 8 bus h procedure 9 device i frame 10 algorithm j contribution 10