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Computers and Automation: Professional Vocabulary Building

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This Study Guide is a set of flexible materials designed for undergraduate students who major in automation engineering, computer science and related fields. The Study Guide contains texts, glossaries and vocabulary exercises aimed to expand skills of oral and written communication in professional environment. The Study Guide focuses on professional vocabulary building which is consistent with the principles of content learning. The Study Guide has been developed at the Department of Foreign Languages for Professional Communica
Газизулина, Л. Р. Gazizulina, L. Computers and Automation: Professional Vocabulary Building : Study Guide / L. Gazizulina ; The Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, Kazan National Research Technological University. - Kazan : KNRTU Press, 2023. - 88 p.- ISBN 978-5-7882-3344-4. - Текст : электронный. - URL: https://znanium.ru/catalog/product/2172364 (дата обращения: 12.10.2024). – Режим доступа: по подписке.
Фрагмент текстового слоя документа размещен для индексирующих роботов
The Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation 
Kazan National Research Technological University 
L. Gazizulina
Study Guide 
KNRTU Press 

UDK 811.111(075) 
Published by the decision of the Editorial Review Board  
of the Kazan National Research Technological University 
PhD in Linguistics, Associate professor A. Zabolotskaya 
PhD in Linguistics, Associate professor N. Khayrullina 
Gazizulina L. 
Computers and Automation: Professional Vocabulary Building : Study 
Guide / L. Gazizulina; The Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, Kazan National Research Technological University. – 
Kazan : KNRTU Press, 2023. – 88 p. 
ISBN 978-5-7882-3344-4 
This Study Guide is a set of flexible materials designed for undergraduate 
students who major in automation engineering, computer science and related fields. 
The Study Guide contains texts, glossaries and vocabulary exercises aimed to expand skills of oral and written communication in professional environment. 
The Study Guide focuses on professional vocabulary building which is consistent 
with the principles of content learning.  
The Study Guide has been developed at the Department of Foreign Languages for Professional Communication. 
UDK 811.111(075) 
ISBN 978-5-7882-3344-4 
© L. Gazizulina, 2023 
© Kazan National Research Technological 
University, 2023 

Introduction .................................................................................................. 4 
Unit 1. COMPUTERS .................................................................................. 5 
................................................................. 12 
Unit 3. COMPUTER ENGINEERING ...................................................... 18 
.......................................................... 24 
Unit 5. INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES (IT) ..................................... 30 
Unit 6. INDUSTRIAL AUTOMATION .................................................... 36 
Unit 7. ENGINEERING SYSTEMS MANAGEMENT ............................ 42 
Unit 8. SYSTEMS ANALYSIS ................................................................. 48 
.................................................... 54 
Unit 10. ENGINEERING CONTROL SYSTEMS .................................... 62 
SUPPLEMENTARY READING ............................................................... 69 
.................................................................................................. 78 
Vocabulary ................................................................................................. 81 
Reference .................................................................................................... 87 

The present Study Guide is designed for the students who major 
in Engineering Systems Management, Systems Analysis, Computer Science 
and Information Technologies, Electric Power Industry and Electrical Engineering. They all are getting their Bachelor’s degrees in Engineering 
to ensure management and automation of manufacturing. Automation engineers must have an extensive set of skills: from programming 
to understanding the physical processes that occur on production lines. It is 
important for automation engineers to study English and build a professional 
vocabulary for several reasons: 
• Communication: English is widely used as a global language in
the technology industry. Being proficient in English allows automation engineers to effectively communicate with colleagues and clients from 
different countries and cultural backgrounds. 
• Technical Documentation: technical documents, manuals, and reports are written in english, and automation engineers need to be able 
to understand and write in English in order to effectively communicate their 
ideas, designs, and solutions. 
• Access to Information: the majority of the technical and scientific literature in the field of computer and manufacturing engineering is in English. 
By being proficient in English, automation engineers have access to a wealth of 
information that they can use to advance their knowledge and skills. 
• International Opportunities: many international companies and research organizations require a high level of English proficiency for 
employment. Being able to communicate effectively in English opens up 
a world of opportunities for automation engineers. 
In conclusion, studying English and building a professional vocabulary is essential for automation engineers as it enables them to communicate 
effectively, access information, and advance their careers in a rapidly changing and globalized industry. 

U n i t  1 .  C O M P U T E R S
Study the glossary 
• Computers: electronic devices that store, process, and retrieve information. 
• Central processing unit (CPU): the heart of a computer, responsible
for carrying out the instructions of a computer program. 
• Memory: the part of a computer where data and intermediate results are stored while the computer works. 
• Input devices: devices, such as a keyboard and mouse, that allow
us to interact with a computer. 
• Output devices: devices, such as a screen, that allow us to see
the results of our work on a computer. 
• Storage devices: devices, such as hard drives or solid-state drives,
used to store data and files for long-term use. 
• Email: a method of electronic communication used to send messages over the internet. 
• Internet: a global network of computers that allows people to access and share information. 
• Documents: files created for a specific purpose, such as writing
a report or creating a presentation. 

• Games: digital games played on computers. 
• Medicine: a field that uses computer technology to diagnose and 
treat diseases. 
• Finance: a field that uses computer technology to manage and invest money. 
• Science: a field that uses computer technology to analyze data and 
make new discoveries. 
Computers are electronic devices that are used to store, process, and 
retrieve information. They are an essential part of our daily lives, and we use 
them for a wide variety of tasks, such as sending emails, browsing the internet, working on documents, and playing games. 
At the heart of a computer is the central processing unit (CPU), which 
is responsible for carrying out the instructions that make up a computer program 
and processing data. The CPU works in conjunction with memory, which is 
where the computer stores data and intermediate results as it works. 
Computers also have input and output devices, such as a keyboard, a mouse, and a screen, which allow us to interact with them and 
see the results of our work. They also have storage devices, such as hard 
drives or solid-state drives, which are used to store data and files for longterm use. 
Overall, computers are incredibly powerful tools that have transformed the way we live and work. They have made it possible for us to 
communicate and access information from anywhere in the world, and 
they have opened up new possibilities in fields such as medicine, finance, 
and science. 
Vocabulary exercises 
Ex. 1. Answer the questions: 
1. What are computers and what are they used for? 
2. What is the central processing unit in a computer and what is its 
3. How does the CPU work with memory in a computer? 
4. What are input and output devices in a computer and what role do 
they play? 
5. What are storage devices in a computer and what are they used for? 
6. How have computers transformed our daily lives and work? 
7. How have computers impacted fields such as medicine, finance, 
and science? 

Ex. 2. Match the words with their definitions: 
1. Central Processing Unit 
a) Areas of study or work, such as medicine, 
finance, and science 
2. Memory 
b) The heart of a computer that is responsible 
for carrying out instructions in a computer 
3. Input devices 
c) Electronic messages that are sent and received via the internet 
4. Output devices 
d) Engaging in video or computer games for 
leisure or entertainment 
5. Storage devices 
e) Retrieving or obtaining information from 
a source 
6. Emails 
f) Devices such as a screen that show the results of our work on a computer 
7. Browsing the internet 
g) Devices such as hard drives or solid-state 
drives that are used to store data and files for 
long-term use 
8. Working on documents 
h) Creating, editing, and managing text-based 
or multimedia files on a computer 
9. Playing games 
i) The act of accessing and viewing information on the World Wide Web 
10. Accessing information 
j) The part of a computer where data and intermediate results are stored while the CPU 
11. Fields 
k) Devices that allow us to interact with computers 
Ex. 3. Choose the correct definition for the following words:  
1. Electronic devices: 
a) devices powered by electricity; 
b) devices powered by gas; 
c) devices powered by water. 

2. Store: 
a) to keep; 
b) to throw away; 
c) to give away. 
3. Retrieve: 
a) to get back; 
b) to put away; 
c) to give away. 
4. Memory: 
a) storing information; 
b) processing information; 
c) retrieving information. 
5. Variety of tasks: 
a) many different kinds of tasks; 
b) only one kind of task; 
c) no tasks. 
6. Emails: 
a) physical letters; 
b) electronic messages; 
c) phone calls. 
7. Browsing: 
a) searching; 
b) ignoring; 
c) looking. 
Ex. 4. Match the words with their synonyms:  
a) process;                                     1) strong;  
b) communicate;                           2) middle;  
c) powerful;                                  3) handle;  
d) access;                                      4) reach;  
e) intermediate.                             5) talk. 
Ex. 5. Fill in the blanks with the following words: CPU, data, longterm, interact, results, electronic. 
Computers are _________ devices that are used to store, process, 
and retrieve information. The _________ is responsible for carrying out 
the instructions of a computer program. Memory is where the computer 
stores _________ and intermediate results. Input devices, such as a keyboard, allow us to _________ with computers. Output devices, such as 
a screen, show the _________ of our work. Storage devices, such as hard 
drives, are used to store data and files for _________ use. 

Ex. 6. Fill in the blank: 
1. A computer has a CPU that is responsible for carrying 
out __________ in a computer program. 
2. We use computers for a wide variety of tasks, such 
as __________, browsing the internet, and playing games. 
3. Input devices, such as a keyboard and mouse, allow us 
to __________ with computers. 
4. Output devices, such as a screen, show the __________ of our 
work on a computer. 
5. Storage devices, such as hard drives, are used to store data and 
files for __________ use. 
6. The __________ is the part of a computer where data and intermediate results are stored while the CPU works. 
7. Electronic messages sent and received via the internet are 
called __________. 
8. The act of accessing and viewing information on the World Wide 
Web is called __________ the internet. 
9. __________such as medicine, finance, and science have been 
opened up with new possibilities due to computers. 
10. The heart of a computer is the __________. 
Ex. 7. Translate from Russian into English: 
Компьютер – это электронное устройство, которое может выполнять 
и извлекать информацию, играть в игры и подключаться к Интернету. 
Он состоит из аппаратных компонентов, таких как центральный процессор (ЦП), память и хранилище, а также программного обеспечения, 
такого как операционная система и приложения. С помощью компьютера люди могут выполнять многие задачи быстрее и эффективнее, чем 
без него. Компьютеры могут помочь автоматизировать и оптимизировать производственные процессы и задачи на заводе.  
Ex. 8. Match the questions to the answers: 
a) Memory is where the computer 
stores data and intermediate results 
as it works 
1. What is the role of the central processing unit (CPU) in a computer? 
2. What is the function of memory 
in a computer system? 
b) The central processing unit 
(CPU) is responsible for carrying 

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