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Oбучение чтению экономической литературы на английском языке. Часть 2

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Учебно-методическое пособие предназначено для обучения переводу и пониманию экономической литературы на английском языке. Пособие состоит из трех уроков. Каждый урок объединен одной тематикой и содержит: основной текст, назначением которого является обучение чтению экономической литературы, дополнительные тексты для поискового чтения, упражнения на активизацию лексического и грамматического материала, англо-русские предтекстовые словари. Для студентов младших курсов факультета ИБМ.
Oбучение чтению экономической литературы на английском языке. Часть 2 : учебно-методическое пособие / Л. А. Иванова, Т. И. Кузнецова, З. Р. Лазарева, Л. И. Можайко. - Москва : Изд-во МГТУ им. Баумана, 2009. - 52 с. - Текст : электронный. - URL: https://znanium.ru/catalog/product/2166579 (дата обращения: 08.09.2024). – Режим доступа: по подписке.
Фрагмент текстового слоя документа размещен для индексирующих роботов. Для полноценной работы с документом, пожалуйста, перейдите в ридер.
Московский государственный технический университет
имени Н.Э. Баумана


В четырех частях

Часть 2

Учебно-методическое пособие

Издательство МГТУ им. Н.Э. Баумана

УДК 802.0
ББК 81.2 Англ-923


Р е ц е н з е н т И.Ф. Беликова

Oбучение чтению экономической литературы на английском языке: учеб.-метод. пособие / Л.А. Иванова, Т.И. Кузнецова, З.Р. Лазарева, Л.И. Можайко: В 4 ч. – Ч. 2. – М.: Изд-во
МГТУ им. Н.Э. Баумана, 2009. – 52 с.

Учебно-методическое пособие предназначено для обучения переводу и пониманию экономической литературы на английском языке. Пособие состоит из трех уроков. Каждый урок объединен одной
тематикой и содержит: основной текст, назначением которого является обучение чтению экономической литературы, дополнительные
тексты для поискового чтения, упражнения на активизацию лексического и грамматического материала, англо-русские предтекстовые
Для студентов младших курсов факультета ИБМ.
УДК 802.0
ББК 81.2 Англ-923
Учебное издание

Иванова Людмила Андреевна
Кузнецова Тамара Ильинична
Лазарева Зоря Русланoвна
Можайко Лидия Ивановна

Часть 2

М.А. Василевская
Компьютерная верстка В.И. Товстоног

Подписано в печать 06.07.2009. Формат 60×84/16.
Усл. печ. л. 2,79. Тираж 300 экз. Изд. № 60.

Издательство МГТУ им. Н.Э. Баумана.
Типография МГТУ им. Н.Э. Баумана.
105005, Москва, 2-я Бауманская ул., 5.

c⃝ МГТУ им. Н.Э. Баумана, 2009


Настоящее учебно-методическое пособие представляет собой
вторую часть пособия «Обучение чтению экономической литературы на английском языке». В совокупности с первой частью оно
включает основной грамматический и лексический материал, предусмотренный программой для студентов первого курса неязыковых вузов.
Пособие составлено на материале оригинальной британской
экономической литературы. Оно состоит из трех уроков (Units). В
каждый урок входят основной текст, грамматические и лексические упражнения, дополнительные тексты, словарь.
Упражнения составлены в соответствии с требованиями отечественной и зарубежной методики преподавания и контроля языковых знаний. Имеются упражнения, направленные на развитие
навыков устного и письменного перевода экономической литературы как с английского языка на русский, так и с русского языка
на английский. Основной и дополнительные тексты служат цели
развития навыков чтения и понимания оригинальной литературы.
Текстовый материал содержит много информации, представляющей интерес для студентов, изучающих бизнес и менеджмент.
Вторая часть пособия предназначена для студентов второго семестра факультета «Инженерный бизнес и менеджмент».


The Object. Object Clauses

The Sequence of Tenses

The Attribute. Attributive Clauses

Phrasal verbs: coincide with; lead to/up; place on/in/with/; follow
on/out; throw up/out/ of; throw away/ on.


1. Make up indirect questions.

Every person wanted to know
1. Does a growing economy mean
a developing economy?
2. Are many changes in economy
an integral part of growth?
3. Will firms decline as their profit
becomes obsolete?
been producing new goods for
development of businesses?
6. Could governments help promote
their own expenditure?
7. Have small enterprises got any
support from the government at the
time of financial default?

2. Open the brackets, use the proper tense.

Мг. S arrived at the border by train. A porter саme into the
compartment and asked if he (wish) to remove the luggage from the
rack and whether he (have got) anything mоге in the luggage-van.
The next came a customs officer and asked what he (have) to declare.


Mr S. answered that he (not know) what he (be allowed). The officer
gave him а list of prohibited and duty-free articles and ordered him (to
open) а trunk. The next question was how much foreign currency he
(to be carrying). At last the officer took out some stamps and pasted
on the suit-case. Не explained that he did it to show that the luggage
(have been cleared) at the Customs.

3. Look at the list of things Rachel said to you, then tell another
person what she said. Use reported speech.

1. I’m going to work in Spain next year.
2. I work for a small publishing company.
3. I’m their marketing manager.
4. The company has opened the subsidiary in Barcelona.
5. It’s been very successful.
6. I’ve been chosen to run a new office in Madrid.
7. I don’t have much time to enjoy myself.
8. I haven’t had lunch with a friend for ages.
9. I’m studying Spanish in the evenings.
10. I hope my friends will come and visit me in Madrid.
11. I went there last week with my secretary.
12. We didn’t have much time for sightseeing.
13. I have to get back to work now.

4 a) Tony is being interviewed for a job. Look at the interviewer’s
notes and Tony’s answers, then put questions.

1. Age? How old are you?
2. Live locally?
3. Address?
4. When/leave school?
5. Which /school/go?
6. Work/now?
7. Who/work for?
8. How long?
9. Enjoy/present job?
10. Why/want/leave?


b) After the interview Tony told his friends what he had been
asked. Mind the correct word order in the clause.

1. She asked me how old I was.
2. She asked me . . .

Change the sentences 2 – 10.

5. Rewrite the sentences beginning in the way shown.

1. “Which company is looking for a good salesman?” asked
Tom. Tom asked (me) which company was looking for a good
2. “Does your organization need people for a short period of time?”
asked Ann.
Ann asked
3. “What do the customers like in the company: prices or service?” –
asked Jenifer.
Jenifer asked
4. “How often do you take part in the International Trade Fairs?”
asked the company’s guest.
The guest wanted to know
5. “Do you have an appointment?” said the clerk.
The clerk asked
6. “Have you seen the file with our new contract?” asked the
manager his secretary.
The manager wondered
7. “What kinds of advertisements do you consider to be the most
effective? ” asked a reporter.
A reporter asked
8. “Is the full set of goods displayed in the company?” asked
Richard a travel agent.
Richard asked
9. “When can I see the production manager?” Charles asked the
Charles asked


6. Most of the following sentences contain one mistake. Correct it.

1. When I asked Joan about her work she said she had lost her job
and is short of money.
2. The production director explained that the Rover car company
invested 1400 million to manufacture a new car model named
3. The lecturer explained the student that a partnership is a business
formed for profit by two or more co-owners.
4. When a company services the machinery after it has sold the
product, it provides after-sales service.
5. We were disappointed when the receptionist told that the hotel
was fully booked that week.
6. The sales manager announced that the new model goes on sale
next spring..
7. The manager told to call him if the front-desk cashiers had any
8. Many businessmen are usually holding press conferences to
promote their activity.

7. Translate into Russian.

1. I like people who have a good sense of humor and don’t take
themselves too seriously.
2. The novel I have read recently is about a woman who fell madly
in love with her master.
3. My friend, who is a very pessimistic person, never believes in
the success of any new company headed by not a professional
4. The man with whom I made friends not long ago escaped
suddenly and was never seen anywhere.
5. There is a company, whose name is unknown to me, that sells
different computer facilities.
6. Computer programming is something about which I know much.
7. I found in the newspaper everything which would interest me.
8. The computers, which had been selling for the last two months,
proved to be unreliable.


9. He said that the company didn’t make profit at all, which was
not true.
10. There was nobody left in the hall, which was strange and unusual.

8. Complete the sentences with a word or a phrase from the box
and your own ideas.

to whom


1. I bought the newspaper which had a lot of job vacancies.
2. I like meeting people who have traveled widely.
3. Most of my friends are people
4. I feel sorry for children
5. I never wear clothes
6. My best friend is someone
7. I avoid going to restaurants
8. Yesterday I had a job interview

9. Choose the correct phrasal verb in an appropriate form to
complete each sentence (coincide with; lead to/up; place on/in/with;
follow on; throw up/out of/ away on).

1. The students in this college are taking courses______________
a degree.
2. The government _____________ another tax _____________
3. If you don’t keep your accounts straight – serious debt could
4. Don’t _____________ you education by leaving now.
5. The opening ceremony ____________ the worst storm in this
6. I wish _____________ some money_____________ this bank.
7. The newspapers faithfully reported the events that ____________
the Minister’s dismissal.


8. I have had my order _____________ this bookstore for 3 months,
but there is still no sign of the books.
9. The serious fire at the factory _____________ 2,000 men and
women ___________ work.
10. Why did you __________ your money__________ such a risky
way to get interest?

Read and translate the text using Essential Vocabulary and any
necessary dictionary.

Text 4A. Economic Growth

As a nation’s economy grows it is able to produce more goods and
services each year. The value of national output is measured by the
national income. Therefore, economic growth is usually termed as the
rate at which the national income of a country grows in real terms.
This means the rate of growth of national income, after allowance
has been made for inflation. Governments seek the fastest possible
economic growth without incurring undesirable side – effects such as
inflation. Increases in those factors which create injections into the
circular flow (export sales, investment and government expenditure)
increase the level of economic activity which, if sustained, leads
to economic growth. It follows from this that governments can
help promote economic growth by increasing their own expenditure
when appropriate. They can also do so by attempting to create an
environment where exports can flourish and businesses consider
investment worthwhile.
Such economic growth is a major objective of governments since
a rise in the standard of living of the country’s people should follow.
This is, however, only true if national income has risen even when
inflation has been allowed for, otherwise it means that the price of the
nations output has increased rather than quantity. It is also important that
the growth of the population has not exceeded the growth of national
income, otherwise the additional output will have been swallowed up
amongst the extra people. It is necessary for real national income per
head to rise to increase the general standard of living. And even under
these circumstances some groups in society (for example, pensioners)


may not share in the increased prosperity because their incomes rise
less quickly than those of other groups, notably those in full – time
A growing economy means a developing economy: change is an
integral part of growth. Some firms will decline as their products
become obsolete or go out of fashion while others thrive as their
goods or services become popular and as they innovate new advanced
ideas. Opportunities are regularly thrown up as markets are created by
the additional spending power that is placed in hands of the public.
Talented and perceptive managers can take advantage of the chances
created -growth provides a frame work for success.
As with all opportunities, some businesses will benefit more than
offers the favourable economic environment. All products have a life
cycle, though the length of the cycle may vary. Firms with products at
the end of their cycle may benefit little from rising styles. In contrast,
new product which coincides with a strong period of economic growth
has a distinct advantage. It is this factor which partly explains the rapid
increase in popularity and sales of Compact Disc players in the late
1980s, Most businesses prefer periods of economic growth not only
because of buoyant sales but also because tax rates can fall. Since
governments have to support less unemployed at a time when tax
revenues are booming they can afford to cut rates. It also offers the
opportunities to improve the infrastructure of the economy by building
new roads, rail links, airports, etc. Both factors can encourage the
development of all businesses.


1. Answer the questions to the text.
1. What is measured bу the national income?
2. What is necessary for the growth of the national income?
3. What сап increase the level of economic activity?
4. Economic activity leads to economic growth, doesn’t it?
5. How саn government promote economic growth?
6. Is the growth of the population important for national economy?
7. What does the expression “standard of living” mean?
8. А growing economy means а developing economy, doesn’t it?


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