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Обучение чтению литературы на английском языке по специальности «Гусеничные и колесные машины»

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В учебно-методическое пособие включены тексты из оригинальной научно-технической английской и американской литературы по специальности «Гусеничные и колесные машины» для аудиторной и самостоятельной работы студентов. Каждый урок включает задания по развитию навыков перевода с английского языка на русский и с русского на английский, ведению беседы по основным проблемам, затронутым в пособии, а также лексические и грамматические упражнения. Учебно-методическое пособие предназначено для студентов старших курсов, обучающихся по специальности «Гусеничные и колесные машины».
Смелкова, Е. А. Обучение чтению литературы на английском языке по специальности «Гусеничные и колесные машины» : учебно-методическое пособие / Е. А. Смелкова. - Москва : Изд-во МГТУ им. Баумана, 2008. - 34 с. - Текст : электронный. - URL: https://znanium.ru/catalog/product/2166536 (дата обращения: 08.09.2024). – Режим доступа: по подписке.
Фрагмент текстового слоя документа размещен для индексирующих роботов. Для полноценной работы с документом, пожалуйста, перейдите в ридер.
Московский государственный технический университет  
имени Н.Э. Баумана 

Е.А. Смелкова 
Учебно-методическое пособие 

М о с к в а  

Издательство МГТУ им. Н.Э. Баумана 

2 0 0 8  

УДК 802.0 
ББК 81.2 Англ-923 
Рецензент И.В. Стасенко  

Смелкова Е.А.   
       Обучение чтению литературы на английском языке по 
специальности «Гусеничные и колесные машины»: Учеб.метод. пособие. — М.: Изд-во МГТУ им. Н.Э. Баумана, 
2008. — 34 с. 
оригинальной научно-технической английской и американской 
литературы по специальности «Гусеничные и колесные машины» 
для аудиторной и самостоятельной работы студентов. Каждый урок 
включает задания по развитию навыков перевода с английского 
языка на русский и с русского на английский, ведению беседы по 
основным проблемам, затронутым в пособии, а также лексические и 
грамматические упражнения. 
Учебно-методическое пособие предназначено для студентов 
старших курсов, обучающихся по специальности «Гусеничные и 
колесные машины». 
УДК 802.0 
ББК 81.2 Англ-923 
© МГТУ им. Н.Э. Баумана, 2008 



1. New words and word combinations. 

take place   
быть, происходить 
combustion n  
occur v 
возникать, происходить 
arrange v  
располагать, организовывать 
converge v   
пересекать, пересекаться 
slide up and down v  
скользить вверх-вниз  
joint n  
шарнир, палец 
crank n  
колено (коленвала) 
bearing n  
clamp v  
закреплять, закрепляться, защелкиваться 
transmission n 
rotate v 
вращать, вращаться 
воспламенение, зажигание 
head n 
головка блока цилиндров 
throttle n  
дроссельная заслонка 
require v 
lean a 
бедный, ненасыщенный  
valve n 
manifold n  
pipe n 
water-cooled a 
2. Pay attention to the translation of the following terms and learn 
To convert energy of gasoline combustion into motion — 
преобразовать энергию горения бензина в механическую энергию. 
Internal combustion engine (ICE) — двигатель внутреннего 
сгорания (ДВС). 

Opposite cylinders — противоположно расположенные ци- 
Reciprocating (up-and-down) motions — возвратно-поступа- 
тельные движения. 
In-line engine — рядный двигатель. 
V-engine — v-образный двигатель (индукторный двигатель). 
W-engine — w-образный двигатель (трехрядный индукторный 
Opposed, pancake, flat, or boxer engine — двигатель с проти- 
воположным расположением цилиндров (оппозитный двигатель). 
Connecting rod — шатун. 
Crankshaft — коленчатый вал. 
Drive wheel — ведущее колесо. 
Engine speed — частота вращений. 
Spark plug — свеча зажигания. 
Threaded aperture — резьбовое отверстие. 
Intake port — впускной патрубок. 
Exhaust pipe — выхлопная труба. 
Noise muffler — глушитель. 
Coil spring — винтовая пружина. 
Camshaft — кулачковый вал (распределительный вал). 
Carburetor — карбюратор. 
Fuel injector — топливный инжектор. 
Exhaust port — выпускной патрубок. 
Idling speed — холостой ход. 
Diesel engine — дизельный двигатель. 
Diesel fuel — дизельное топливо. 
Compression ratio — степень сжатия. 
Wide open throttle — широко открытая дроссельная заслонка. 
Partly open throttle — частично открытая дроссельная заслонка. 
Closed throttle — закрытая дроссельная заслонка. 
3. Translate the following word combinations. 
The most common internal combustion engine. 
A single row with the centerlines of the cylinders vertical. 
A double row with the centerlines of opposite cylinders converging 
in a V. 
Two horizontal opposed rows. 
The mixture is rich at idling speed. 

Combustion chamber of the cylinder. 
Heavier petroleum oil. 
Air-gasoline mixture. 
The piston-type gasoline engine. 
Four-stroke cycle. 
Heavy truck. 
Tracked vehicle. 
Revolutions per minute. 
4. Find in text 1A the equivalents for the following Russian terms. 
воздушнотопливная смесь (свежий заряд, рабочая смесь), камера сгорания 
цилиндра, грузовик, гусеничная машина, степень сжатия, частота 
5. Read and translate the text.  
Engine structure 
Almost all cars currently use what is called a four-stroke cycle  
to convert energy of gasoline combustion into motion, so that the car 
can move. The easiest way to create motion from gasoline is to burn the 
gasoline inside an engine. Combustion taking place internally, a car 
engine is called an internal combustion engine (ICE). 
The most common internal combustion engine is the piston-type 
gasoline engine, used in most automobiles. The confined space in 
which combustion occurs is a combustion chamber that can be inside  
a cylinder. The cylinders are usually arranged in one of four ways:  
a single row with the centerlines of the cylinders vertical (in-line 
engine); a double row with the centerlines of opposite cylinders 
converging in a V (V-engine); a double zigzag row somewhat similar  
to that of the V-engine but with alternate pairs of opposite cylinders 
converging in two Vs (W-engine); or two horizontal, opposed rows 
(opposed, pancake, flat, or boxer engine). In each cylinder a piston 
slides up and down. One end of a connecting rod is attached to the 
bottom of the piston by a joint; the other end of the rod clamping 
around a bearing on one of the cranks. The reciprocating (up-and
down) motions of the piston rotate the crankshaft, which is connected 
to the drive wheels of the automobile by transmission. The number  
of crankshaft revolutions per minute is called the engine speed. The top 
of the cylinder is closed by a metal cover (called the head) bolted onto 
it. Into a threaded aperture in the head is screwed the spark plug, which 
provides ignition. 
Two other openings in the cylinder are called ports. The intake port 
admits the air-gasoline mixture; the exhaust port lets out the products  
of combustion. A valve is held tightly over each port by a coil spring, 
and a camshaft rotating at one-half engine speed opens the valves in 
correct sequence. A pipe runs from each intake port to a carburetor  
or injector, the pipes from all the cylinders joining to form a manifold. 
A similar manifold connects the exhaust ports with an exhaust pipe and 
noise muffler. A carburetor or fuel injector mixes air with gasoline  
in proportions of weight varying from 11 to 1 at the richest to a little 
over 16 to 1 at the leanest. The composition of the mixture is 
regulated by the throttle and an air valve in the intake manifold that 
varies the flow of fuel to the combustion chambers of the cylinders. 
The mixture is rich at idling speed (closed throttle) and at high speeds 
(wide-open throttle) and is lean at medium and slow speeds (partly 
open throttle). 
The other main type of reciprocating engine is known to be the 
diesel engine invented by Rudolf Diesel and patented in 1892. The 
diesel uses the heat produced by compression rather than the spark from 
a plug to ignite an injected mixture of air and diesel fuel (heavier 
petroleum oil) instead of gasoline. Diesel engines are heavier than 
gasoline engines because of the extra strength required to contain the 
higher temperatures and compression ratios. Because of the high 
temperatures of operation, a diesel engine must be water-cooled. Diesel 
engines are most widely used where large amounts of power are 
required: heavy trucks, locomotives, tracked vehicles and ships. 
6. Answer the following questions to the text. 
1. What makes any car move? 
2. What engine is used in most automobiles nowadays? 
3. What is the principle of operation of piston-type gasoline engine? 
4. How can cylinders be arranged in internal combustion engine? 
5. What is called the engine speed? 
6. What provides ignition? 

7. What do intake and exhaust ports do? 
8. What regulates air-gasoline mixture? 
9. What is the difference in operation of gasoline and diesel 
10. Why must a diesel engine be water-cooled? 
11. Why is diesel engine used in heavy trucks and tracked vehicles? 
7. Compare Participle I and Participle II: 
using — used 
clamping — clamped 
converging — converged 
varying — varied 
opposing — opposed 
regulating — regulated 
connecting — connected 
producing — produced 
reciprocating — reciprocated 
injecting — injected 
8. Translate the text paying attention to the highlighted words. 
Although diesel engine was designed to use coal dust as fuel, it 
now burns low-cost fuel oil. The diesel engine does not require a large 
water supply or a long warming-up period and is highly efficient in 
converting heat energy into work. The diesel engine differs from the 
gasoline engine in that the ignition of fuel is caused by compression of 
air in its cylinders instead of by a spark: the high compression ratio 
allows the air in the cylinder to become hot enough to ignite the fuel. 
Diesel engine is sure to be water-cooled because of the high 
temperatures of operation. 
The construction of the diesel engine is heavier than that of the 
gasoline engine; there are usually three or more cylinders, which are 
supported on a framework and bedplate and a heavy flywheel. The 
cylinders are set to work alternately to give a smooth-turning effect, 
and the flywheel contributes further to smooth action. The speed and 
power of the diesel are known to be controlled by varying the amount 
of fuel injected into the cylinder rather than the amount of air 
admitted as in the gasoline engine. 
9. Translate the sentences paying attention to Passive Voice. 
1. Tank classification can be done in a variety of ways: usually 
either by intended role, or by weight. 
2. Heavy tanks have usually been deployed to fulfill the need for a 
breakthrough tank, though in practice they have been more useful in the 
defensive role than in the attack. 

3. Cruise tank were designed to move fast, break through enemy 
lines, assault from the rear and destroy enemy tanks. 
4. It is generally accepted that battle tanks should be tracked and 
not wheeled. 
5. Tanks are often referred to by weight-based classification, such 
as “light”, “medium” or “heavy”. 
6. An entirely different approach to steering is represented by 
articulated tracked vehicles. 
7. The widely used M113 armoured carriers are fitted with what are 
variously called geared differential. 
8. Currently, when military budgets are being reduced everywhere, 
modernization is considered to be the most cost-efficient way towards 
extending the service life and improving the combat capability of 
military vehicles. 
10. Translate the sentences paying attention to the Absolute 
Participle construction. 
1. Combustion taking place internally, a car engine is called an 
internal combustion engine ICE. 
2. One end of a connecting rod is attached to the bottom of the 
piston by a joint; the other end of the rod clamping around a bearing on 
one of the cranks. 
3. A pipe runs from each intake port to a carburetor or injector, the 
pipes from all the cylinders joining to form a manifold 
4. With a supercharger attached directly to the engine, it spins the 
5. Engine being developed by the German engineer Felix Wankel in 
1965, it is called Wankel engine. 
11. Agree or disagree with the statement. 
1. The diesel uses the heat produced by compression rather than the 
spark from a plug to ignite an injected mixture of air and diesel fuel 
instead of gasoline. 
2. Gasoline engines are heavier than diesel ones because of the 
extra strength required to contain the higher temperatures and 
compression ratios. 
3. It is generally accepted that battle tanks should be wheeled and 
not tracked. 

4. Almost all cars currently use what is called a four-stroke cycle to 
convert energy of gasoline combustion into motion, so that the car can move. 
5. The easiest way to create motion from gasoline is to burn the 
gasoline outside an engine. 
6. The most common internal-combustion engine is the piston-type 
gasoline engine, used in most tanks. 
7. Because of the high temperatures of operation, a diesel engine 
mustn’t be water-cooled. 
8. Gasoline engines are most widely used where large amounts  
of power are required: heavy trucks, locomotives, tracked vehicles and ships. 
12. Translate the text with a dictionary, paying attention to the 
highlighted word combinations. 
Engines for military trucks 
The engines for military trucks are nowadays characterized by 
constantly increasing specific power values (power output/swept 
volume ratio of around 35–40 hp/dm3), mostly thanks to sophisticated 
solutions for turbocharging/inter-cooling and injection control injection 
pressures in excess of 1200 bar. Needless to say, these solutions were 
originally developed for commercial applications. The combination of 
high power densities with relatively small swept volumes produces high 
thermal loads, which demand high-efficiency cooling and heat 
dissipation systems. Furthermore, high performance must be 
accompanied by low specific consumption because of the increasingly 
severe emission control norms. 
Electronic control systems (EDC) are increasingly popular  
to monitor the working conditions of engine and exactly tailor the 
amount of fuel to be injected in order to obtain the required power 
output. In addition to traditional solutions such as fuel injection pumps 
and pump-injectors, it is to be expected that the new “Common Rail” 
technology will soon be adopted for military vehicle engines. In this 
system, fuel is pumped at very high pressure into a common chamber, 
from which tubes lead to the single injectors (electric valves). This 
allows for optimal control of all working parameters of engine, with 
significant fuel efficiency gains particularly under conditions of low 
rotation speeds and high torque. 

13. Translate the sentences from Russian into English. 
1. Основными характеристиками любых двигателей являются 
степень сжатия, мощность и экономичность. 
2. Автомобильный 
химическая энергия топлива превращается в механическую работу. 
Это происходит благодаря сгоранию топлива внутри цилиндров 
3, Современные гусеничные транспортные средства оснащаются 
либо дизельными, либо газотурбинными двигателями, но ни один 
серийный танк никогда не выпускался с роторным двигателем. 
4. Независимо от вида, легкие бронированные транспортные 
средства имеют достаточно малый вес, чтобы оснащаться 
двигателями массового производства для грузовиков и танков. 
5. У карбюраторного двигателя топливо и воздух поступают в 
цилиндр одновременно через открытый впускной клапан в виде 
горючей смеси, приготовленной карбюратором. 
14. Read and translate the following sentences paying attention to 
the Emphatic construction. 
1. It is the diesel engine, the main type of reciprocating engine that 
was invented by Rudolf Diesel and patented in 1892. 
2. It is a four-stroke cycle that converts energy of gasoline 
combustion into motion, so that the car can move. 
3. It is Wankel-type rotary engine that continues to be developed in 
the United States, but there is no evidence of further interest in using them 
in light armoured vehicles. 
4. It is academician E.A. Chudakov who was the founder of the 
“wheeled vehicles” department and who can be considered to be a father 
of Russian automotive engineering in Russia.  
5. It is a battle tank that should be tracked not wheeled. 
15. Translate the text without a dictionary and highlight 
terminological word combinations. 
Engines for light armourd vehicles 
Whatever their form, light armoured vehicles1 are generally light 
enough to be powered by engines mass produced by the automotive 

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