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Обучение чтению и устной речи на английском языке по специальности «Оборудование и технология сварочного производства. Часть 2. Контроль качества

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В методические указания включены тексты из оригинальной научно-технической английской и американской литературы для аудиторной и самостоятельной работы студентов. В каждый урок входят задания, способствующие развитию навыков перевода с английского языка на русский, ведения беседы по основным проблемам, затронутым в издании, задания по переводу с русского языка на английский, по отработке лексических и грамматических трудностей, встречающихся в текстах, а также материалы по подготовке презентации. Для студентов старших курсов машиностроительных специальностей. Рекомендовано Учебно-методической комиссией НУК ФН МГТУ им. Н.Э. Баумана.
Гурова, Г. Г. Обучение чтению и устной речи на английском языке по специальности «Оборудование и технология сварочного производства. Часть 2. Контроль качества : методические указания / Г. Г. Гурова, Н. С. Николаева. - Москва : Изд-во МГТУ им. Баумана, 2011. - 52 с. - Текст : электронный. - URL: https://znanium.ru/catalog/product/2166527 (дата обращения: 08.09.2024). – Режим доступа: по подписке.
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Московский государственный технический университет  
имени Н.Э. Баумана 

Г.Г. Гурова, Н.С. Николаева  

Часть 2 
Контроль качества 
Методические указания  

Издательство МГТУ им. Н.Э. Баумана 


УДК 802.0 
ББК 81.2 Англ-923 
Ре це нзе нт В.А. Ерофеева 

Гурова Г.Г. 
Обучение чтению и устной речи на английском языке по 
специальности «Оборудование и технология сварочного 
производства : метод. указания / Г.Г. Гурова, Н.С. Николаева. 
— Ч. 2 : Контроль качества. — М.: Изд-во МГТУ им.  
Н.Э. Баумана, 2011. — 49, [3] с.  
В методические указания включены тексты из оригинальной 
научно-технической английской и американской литературы для 
аудиторной и самостоятельной работы студентов. В каждый урок 
входят задания, способствующие развитию навыков перевода с 
английского языка на русский, ведения беседы по основным 
проблемам, затронутым в издании, задания по переводу с русского 
языка на английский, по отработке лексических и грамматических 
трудностей, встречающихся в текстах, а также материалы по 
подготовке презентации.  
Для студентов старших курсов машиностроительных специальностей. 
Рекомендовано Учебно-методической комиссией НУК ФН 
МГТУ им. Н.Э. Баумана. 
УДК 802.0 
ББК 81.2 Англ-923 

© МГТУ им. Н.Э. Баумана, 2011 



Методические указания состоят из двух уроков и дополнительного раздела, включающего тексты, в которых рассматриваются способы контроля качества сварных соединений.  
Целью методических указаний является профессиональноориентированное обучение английскому языку студентов машиностроительных специальностей, изучающих сварочные процессы.  
В методических указаниях представлены тексты из оригинальной научно-технической английской и американской литературы 
последних лет по специальности «Оборудование и технология 
сварочного производства», предназначенные для аудиторной и 
самостоятельной работы студентов. Каждый урок включает задания по развитию навыков перевода с английского языка на 
русский и с русского на английский, ведения беседы по основным 
проблемам, затронутым в пособии, а также задания по отработке 
лексических и грамматических трудностей, встречающихся в 
Методические указания предназначены для студентов старших 
курсов факультета «Машиностроительные технологии» МГТУ им. 
Н.Э. Баумана. 


Preview. In this unit you will get general knowledge about 

different types of destructive testing. 


1.1. Match the words in A with definitions in B. 


1) destructive 
a) involves placing a weld sample in a testing 
machine and pulling on the test sample until it 

2) free bend 
b) used to determine the quality of weld metal  
at the face and root of a welded joint  
in a specially designed machine 

3) guided bend 
c) carried out to the specimen’s failure, are 
generally easy to carry out, yield much 
information and are easy to interpret 

4) nick-break 
d) used to determine the soundness of a weld and 
also make visible the boundary between  
the base metal and the weld metal using some 

5) impact testing 
e) used to check the soundness of a fillet weld 

6) fillet welded 
joint testing 
f) used to determine if the weld metal of a 
welded butt joint has any internal defects by 
sticking with a heavy hammer 

7) etching 
g) used to check the ability of a weld to absorb 
energy under impact without fracturing 

8) tensile testing 
h) designed to measure the ductility of the weld 
deposit and the heat-affected area adjacent to 
the weld, the percentage of the weld metal 
elongation without a specially designed 

1.2. In pairs/groups discuss the following. 

The necessity of testing 1) after manufacturing the part and inprocess testing; 2) statistical techniques. 
1.3. Before you read the text answer the following questions. 

1. How can you define the term “destructive testing”? 2. Can you 
name the advantages and disadvantages of destructive testing? 3. In 
which cases in your opinion is destructive testing used? 4. What types 
of destructive tests do you know? 5. What is the purpose of destructive 
tests? 6. Do you have to prepare specimens for them? 7. What is the 
main principle of bend tests (and other destructive tests)? 
1.4. Read the text making use of the active terminological 
vocabulary to check if your predictions were correct. 

Destructive Testing. Bend Tests 

In destructive testing, sample portions of the welded structures are 
required. These samples are subjected to loads until they actually fail. 
The failed pieces are then studied and compared to known standards to 
determine the quality of the weld. The most common types of 
destructive testing are known as free bend, guided bend, nick-break, 
impact, fillet welded joint, etching and tensile testing. The primary 
disadvantage of destructive testing is that an actual section of a 
weldment must be destroyed to evaluate the weld. This type of testing 
is usually used in the certification process of the welder. 
Some of the testing requires elaborate equipment that is not 
available for use in the field. Three tests that may be performed in the 
field without elaborate equipment are the free-bend test, the guidedbend test, and the nick-break test.  
The free-bend test (Fig. 1) is designed to measure the ductility of 
the weld deposit and the heat-affected area adjacent to the weld. Also it 
is used to determine the percentage of elongation of the weld metal. 
Ductility, you should recall, is that property of a metal that allows it to 
be drawn out or hammered thin.  
The first step in preparing a welded for the free-bend test is to 
machine the welded reinforcement crown flush with the surface of the 

test plate. When the weld area of a test plate is machined, in the case of 
the guided-bend as well as in the free-bend test, perform the machining 
operation in the opposite direction that the weld was deposited.  

Fig. 1. Free-bend test specimen 
The next step in the free-bend test is to scribe two lines on the face 
of the filler deposit. These lines are located 1/16 inch from each edge of 
the weld metal. Measure the distance, in inches, between the lines to the 
nearest 0.01 inch and let the resulting measurement equal (X). Then 
bend the ends of the test specimen until each leg forms an angle of  
30 degrees to the original center line. With the scribed lines on the 
outside and the piece placed so all the bending occurs in the weld, the 
test piece is bent by using a hydraulic press or similar machine. When 
the proper precautions are taken, a blacksmith’s forging press or 
hammer can be used to complete the bending operation. If a crack more 
than 1/16 inch develops during the test, stop the bending because the 
weld has failed; otherwise, bend the specimen flat. After completing the 
test, you need to measure the distance between the scribed lines and call 
that measurement (Y). Minimum elongation of 15 percent is required 
for a satisfactory test area and no cracks greater than 1/16 inch on the 
face of the weld are tolerated. You use the guided-bend test (Fig. 2) to 
determine the quality of weld metal at the face and root of a welded 

joint. This test is made in a specially designed jig. The test specimen is 
placed across the supports of the die. A plunger, operated from above 
by hydraulic pressure, forces the specimen into the die. To fulfil the 
requirements of this test, you must bend the Specimen 180 degrees — 
the capacity of the jig. No cracks should appear on the surface greater 
than 1/8 inch. The face-bend tests are made in this jig with the face of 
the weld in tension (outside). The root-bend tests are made with the root 
of the weld in tension (outside).  

Fig. 2. Testing machine for a guided-bend test 
A machine for making the guided-bend test is used in many 
welding schools and testing laboratories for the daily testing of 
specimens. Simple in construction and easy to use, it works by 
hydraulic pressure and can apply a direct load up to 40,000 pounds, and 
even more on small specimens. If you keep your eye on the large gauge 
and watch the load increase, you will know the actual load under which 
the test piece bends by the position of an auxiliary hand that is carried 
along by the gauge pointer. The hand remains at the point of maximum 
load after the pointer returns to zero.  

1.5. Terms to be memorised. 

destructive [ÇfDëíê^âífî] testing — разрушающий контроль 
free-bend testing — испытание на загиб без оправки 
guided-bend testing — испытание на загиб с оправкой 
nick-break testing — испытание разрушением образца с двумя 
надрезами вдоль шва 
impact testing — испытание на удар, определение  
ударной вязкости 
fillet welded joint testing — испытание разрушением углового 
образца с одним угловым швом 
etching [DÉ`fk] testing — испытание травлением 
tensile [DíÉåEíFë~fä] testing — испытание на растяжение 
a sample [ëoãéä] n — образец, проба, выборка 
to evaluate [fDîñäàìÉfí] v — определять качество 
elaborate adj — сложный 
ductility n — пластичность, вязкость 
adjacent [èDdÉfëEÉFåí] adj — примыкающий 
to take precautions [éêfDâipEèFå] — принять меры  
elongation n — относительное удлинение образца при разрыве 
weld deposit [ÇfDélòfí] — наплавка 
percentage n — процентное соотношение 
a specimen n — образец 
to machine v — подвергать механической обработке 
flush with adj — находящийся на одном уровне, вровень с … 
a crown n — верхушка 
to scribe v — размечать 
a gauge [ÖÉfd] n — манометр 
a crack n — трещина 
a jig n — зажимное приспособление 
a plunger [Déä^ådè] n — плунжер, толкатель 
tension n — растяжение, растягивающее усилие 

Word Study 

1.6. Read the words correctly. Consult the dictionary if 

Structure, actually, determine, destructive, etching, disadvantage, 
certification, equipment, available, measure, percentage, allow, surface, 
area, guided, direction, deposit, angle, resulting, equal, degrees, 
hydraulic, otherwise, occur. 
1.7. Translate the following word combinations into Russian 
paying attention to the parts of speech underlined. 

Sample portions cut from the unit; the most common types of 
destructive testing known; the certification process of the welder used; 
the ductility desired; the percentage of elongation determined; an angle 
of 30 degrees formed; minimum elongation of 15 percent required; the 
quality of weld metal determined; the test made in a specially designed 
jig; the test specimen placed across the supports; a machine used for 
making the guided-bend test. 
1.8. Translate the following sentences into Russian paying 
attention to the underlined words (you can observe the grammar 
topic “The Infinitive” in any grammar reference book). 

1. An actual section of a weldment must be destroyed to evaluate 
the weld. 2. To measure the ductility of the weld deposit the free bend 
test is designed. 3. The horn and anvil contact the two materials to be 
welded. 4. It is used to determine the percentage of elongation of the 
weld metal. 5. The first step in preparing a welded specimen for the 
free-bend test is to machine the welded reinforcement crown flush with 
the surface of the test plate. 6. Surfaces to be joined by ultrasonic 
welding must be very clean and free of oxidation. 7. The next step in 
the free-bend test is to scribe two lines on the face of the filler deposit. 
9. When the proper precautions are taken, a blacksmith’s forging press 
or a hammer can be used to complete the bending operation. 10. You 
use the guided bend test to determine the quality of weld metal at the 
face and root of a welded joint. 11. To fulfil the requirements of this 
test, you must bend the specimen 180 degrees. 12. Heat from the electric 
arc melts both the end of the electrode and the pieces to be joined. 

1.9. Match the two halves of the sentence fragments to make 
logical statements. 


1) In destructive testing, 
а) that is not available for use in the 

2) The primary disadvantage 
of destructive testing  
b) is to machine the welded 
reinforcement flush with the 
surface of the test plate 

3) Some of the testing 
requires elaborate 

c) the distance between the scribed 
lines should be measured 

4) Ductility is that property of 
a metal  
d) to determine the quality of weld 
metal at the face and root of a 
welded joint. 

5)The 1st step in preparing a 
welded specimen for the 
free-bend test 

e) sample portions of the welded 
structures are required 

6) The 2nd step in the freebend test is  
f) by the position of an auxiliary 
hand that is carried along by the 
gauge pointer 

7) After completing the test, 
g) to scribe two lines on the face of 
the filler deposit 

8) You use the guided bend 
h) is that an actual section of a 
weldment must be destroyed to 
evaluate the weld 

9) Simple in construction and 
easy to use 
i) a specially designed jig 

10) You will know the actual 
load under which the test 
piece bends  

j) forces the specimen into the die 

11) The guided bend test is 
made in   
k) the machine works by hydraulic 

12) A plunger, operated from 
above by hydraulic 

l) that allows it to be drawn out or 
hammered thin 

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