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Обучение разговорной речи по профессиональной и страноведческой тематике

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Методические указания состоят из пяти уроков. Каждый урок объединен одной тематикой и содержит: терминологический словарь, несколько текстов, первый из которых является основным и подлежит тщательной проработке и анализу, а остальные — дополнительными, предназначенными для ознакомительного чтения; коммуникативные упражнения, направленные на активизацию лексического материала и развитие монологической речи. Для студентов старших курсов приборостроительных специальностей. Рекомендовано Учебно-методической комиссией НУК ФН МГТУ им. Н.Э. Баумана.
Дикова, О. Д. Обучение разговорной речи по профессиональной и страноведческой тематике : методические указания / О. Д. Дикова, А. А. Забровская, Е. А. Рублева. - Москва : Изд-во МГТУ им. Баумана, 2011. - 36 с. - Текст : электронный. - URL: https://znanium.ru/catalog/product/2166525 (дата обращения: 08.09.2024). – Режим доступа: по подписке.
Фрагмент текстового слоя документа размещен для индексирующих роботов. Для полноценной работы с документом, пожалуйста, перейдите в ридер.
Московский государственный технический университет  
имени Н.Э. Баумана 

О.Д. Дикова, А.А. Забровская, Е.А. Рублева  

Методические указания  

Издательство МГТУ им. Н.Э. Баумана 

УДК 802.0 
ББК 81.2 Англ-923 
Ре це нз е нт И.Ф. Беликова 

Дикова О.Д. 
Обучение разговорной речи по профессиональной и 
страноведческой тематике : метод. указания / О.Д. Дикова, 
А.А. Забровская, Е.А. Рублева. — М.: Изд-во МГТУ им.  
Н.Э. Баумана, 2011. — 33, [3] с.  
Методические указания состоят из пяти уроков. Каждый урок 
объединен одной тематикой и содержит: терминологический словарь, 
несколько текстов, первый из которых является основным и подлежит тщательной проработке и анализу, а остальные — дополнительными, предназначенными для ознакомительного чтения; коммуникативные упражнения, направленные на активизацию лексического 
материала и развитие монологической речи. 
Для студентов старших курсов приборостроительных специальностей. 
Рекомендовано Учебно-методической комиссией НУК ФН МГТУ 
им. Н.Э. Баумана. 
УДК 802.0 
ББК 81.2 Англ-923 

© МГТУ им. Н.Э. Баумана, 2011 



Целью методических указаний, предназначенных для студентов старших курсов приборостроительных специальностей, является формирование навыков разговорной речи и подготовка к 
сдаче устной части экзамена. Методические указания состоят из 
пяти уроков, каждый из которых соответствует устной теме, 
включенной в программу экзамена по английскому языку на четвертом курсе. Уроки посвящены профессиональной и страноведческой тематике: Россия и Великобритания, высшее образование в 
этих странах, специализация факультетов РЛ, ФН и БМТ.  
Дадим несколько рекомендаций по работе с методическими 
Перед чтением основного текста предлагается изучить несколько высказываний известных людей с целью их обсуждения и 
выражения собственного мнения в форме согласия или несогласия 
и комментариев, а также обсудить основные вопросы, касающиеся 
заданной тематики. Этот этап работы способствует введению обучающихся в тему урока и дает предпосылки для ее последующего 
развития. Затем следует изучить основную лексику, имеющую 
отношение к тексту, т. е. прочитать и запомнить слова, необходимые для понимания текста, отработать произношение интернациональных слов и усвоить типичные словосочетания, что 
позволяет развить навыки перевода и говорения. Таким образом, 
предтекстовая работа дает возможность снять лексические трудности и создать коммуникативную базу для дальнейшей работы. 
После прочтения основного текста необходимо оценить и переосмыслить прочитанное, закрепить в памяти слова, не прибегая 
к переводному методу, и высказаться по теме, используя усвоенную лексику. К такой деятельности позволяют подготовиться задания на контроль понимания прочитанного с помощью обсужде
ния вопросов, данных после текста, упражнения по подбору 
определений к словам, выявлению основных идей текста и последующему обобщению их в единое высказывание.  
Заключительный этап включает работу над дополнительными 
текстами с предварительным обсуждением того, что студенты уже 
знают по данной теме, и подтверждением собственных мыслей в 
процессе чтения текстов, а также нахождением новой информации, которую в итоге предполагается использовать при обсуждении всей темы урока.  
Надеемся, что предлагаемые методические указания дадут 
возможность студентам осуществлять устное общение и связно 
высказываться о прочитанном и ранее известном, выражая при 
этом свое отношение к воспринятой информации.  

Unit 1  

Task 1. What do you think of the following statements? Read 
and comment.  
1. Teachers open the door. You enter yourself (Chinese proverb).  
2. Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. 
Anyone who keeps learning stays young (Henry Ford, american 
automobile engineer and manufacturer). 
Task 2. Discuss the ideas on the topic.  
Say what you know about universities and institutes in Russia; what 
opportunities Russian school-leavers have; how important higher 
education is in the life of young people; if the role of education in our 
country and abroad has changed. 

Key Vocabulary 

meet the needs — удовлетворять требованиям 
graduation — окончание вуза 
skills — навыки 
PhD (abbr. Doctor of Philosophy, equivalent to Candidate  
of Science) — кандидат наук 
curriculum — учебный план 
Bachelor’s degree — степень бакалавра  
Master’s degree — степень магистра  
signatory country — страна, подписавшая договор 
to take a commitment — взять обязательство 
appropriate — соответствующий 
a two-level pattern — двухуровневая система 
competitiveness — конкурентоспособность 
result in — иметь следствием 

Task 3. Read the following word-combinations and explain in 
English what they mean.  
To offer wide-ranging programs; to meet the needs of both Russian 
and foreign students; skilled labor; thorough professional knowledge; to 
master and apply skills; to develop the academic abilities; in the field of 
specialization; to enhance employability; increase competitiveness. 
Task 4. Read Text A and answer the questions after it.  

Text A. Bauman Moscow State Technical University 

Russian universities offer a wide-ranging curriculum that meets the 
needs of both Russian and foreign students. Its aim is to prepare 
students for successful careers, enable graduates to work in leading 
companies all over the world. Graduates of Bauman Moscow State 
Technical University (BMSTU) receive all-round education and after 
graduation they continue to develop their academic abilities in their 
relevant areas.  
The mission of BMSTU is to advance knowledge and educate 
students in science, technology, and other areas of scholarship that will 
best serve the country and the world in the 21st century. BMSTU is 
dedicated to providing its students with an education that combines 
rigorous academic study and the excitement of discovery with the 
support of the whole University community. 
BMSTU admitted its first students in 1830. The opening marked an 
effort to establish a new kind of independent educational institution 
relevant to increasingly industrialized Russia. 
At the beginning of the 19th century Russia’s developing industry 
needed skilled labor in many areas. Thus, the aim of Bauman MHTS 
(Moscow Higher Technical School) was to train qualified specialists 
with considerable professional knowledge, so that they could master 
and apply skills in various fields. By 1868 the School achieved good 
results in chemical and textile industries, metal and wood processing.  
In 1930 some faculties branched off from the MHTS and new 
institutions of higher learning were established on their basis, among 
them — Moscow Aviation Institute, Moscow Power Engineering 
Institute, the Military Chemical Academy, the Textile Institute and 
Moscow Civil Engineering Institute. 

In 1989 the MHTS got a new name: Bauman Moscow State 
Technical University. 
Today BMSTU is a well-known educational institution. Teaching 
and research — with relevance to the practical world as a guiding 
principle — continue to be its primary purpose. Its 18 faculties 
encompass numerous academic departments, divisions, and degreegranting programs, as well as interdisciplinary centers and laboratories. 
The 18 faculties provide effective teaching according to diverse 
academic syllabuses. The faculties include Fundamental Sciences; 
Radioelectronics and Laser Technologies; Biomedical Engineering; 
Informatics and Control Systems; Engineering Business and 
Management; Materials and Technology; Special Machinery; Robotics 
and Complex Automation; Power Engineering and others. 
BMSTU training programs combine the experience of both Russian 
and international scientific schools to satisfy the current demands of 
modern science. BMSTU offers various training programs leading to 
scientific degrees, thus attracting students from other countries. 
In September 2003 Russia signed the Bologna Declaration. It is a 
commitment freely taken by each of 29 signatory countries to reform its 
own higher education system in order to meet the demands of 
educational standards. The goal of this document is to enhance 
employability and mobility of citizens and to increase the international 
competitiveness. Now in accordance with this declaration a two-level 
pattern has been developed, and students can be awarded the degrees of 
Bachelor and Master. 
BMSTU is committed to providing students with strong scientific 
and technical foundation, and to encouraging them to develop creativity 
in defining problems and seeking solutions. For the Bachelor of Science 
degree, students must complete a core requirement that includes 
studying chemistry, biology, physics, and calculus, as well as 
laboratory work. For the Bachelor degree students must complete a 
four-year course, which results in Bachelor’s diploma.  
Currently two types of diplomas are officially recognized as ones of 
completed higher education. They are a diploma of a Specialist and a 
diploma of a Master. Both degrees enable graduates to start research 
and write a dissertation.  
It is common knowledge that a person having higher education can 
contribute more to further accomplishments in the field of his or her 

professional activity. Higher education gives a person unlimited 
prospects for professional progress.  
Task 5. Answer the questions to the text.  
1. What is the aim of the curriculum in most Russian 
universities? 2. When did BMSTU admit its first students? 3. What 
was the aim of training at MHTS in the 19th century? Why? 4. What 
results did Bauman MHTS achieve by 1868? 5. What branches 
appeared in 1930? 6. What name did MHTS get in 1989? 7. What 
faculties are there at your university? What faculty are you studying 
at? 8. What do you know about the Bologna Declaration? What is its 
goal? 9. What degrees can students at BMSTU be awarded? 
10. What is your opinion about the importance of getting higher 
education for young people in Russia? Do you think its role in 
modern society is decreasing? Why (not)? 
Task 6. Match the words and their definitions: 

1) degree 
a) the ability to do something well 

2) career 
b) make or become better 

3) skill 
c) a person who holds a first degree  

4) labor force  
d) something known by most people 

5) a graduate 
e) a person who holds a second or further 

6) to improve 
f) an occupation undertaken for a significant 
period of a person’s life and with 
opportunities for progress 

7) Bachelor 
g) an academic rank conferred by a university 

8) Master 
h) a person who has successfully completed  
a course of study or training 

9) common 
i) all the members of a particular organization 
or population who are able to work 

Task 7. Compose a plan to the text. 
Task 8. Discuss the ideas about the faculties at BMSTU and say: 
what year you are in; what faculty you are studying at; what you know 
about your faculty and your major; why you chose it; if it was difficult 
for you to enter this faculty, why (not); how your program differs from 
the program in the first two years. 
Task 9. Read about the faculties and compare the information 
with the ideas you expressed. 

Text B. The Faculty of Fundamental Sciences 

The faculty is an important generator of knowledge. It provides 
each of its undergraduates with an understanding of the basic 
mathematics and physics, and the teaching staff are devoted to doing 
this well. 
The students are provided with the very best introduction to their 
chosen field, as well as the opportunity to participate in forefront 
research. On the other hand education in applied mathematics prepares 
one for many careers. Some graduate students pursue distinguished 
careers in research and education. However, others enjoy equally 
satisfying careers in business, industry, and government. Many 
combine their PhD degrees in applied mathematics with medical, law, 
or business degrees and are well prepared to make creative 
contributions to the modern world. 
Established in 1964, the Faculty of Fundamental Sciences has 
always provided an integrated approach to the training of students 
combining theoretical subjects with research done by students under the 
guidance of the teaching staff.  
The curriculum includes a wide variety of subjects that could be 
useful for future graduates. Students master algebra, analyses, the 
theory of differential equations, higher mathematics, strength of 
materials, instrument design.  
Graduates of the faculty can apply their knowledge working in 
various fields, as their skills are always demanded.  

Text C. The Faculty of Radioelectronics  
and Laser Technologies  

Everything is changing, and the people making these changes are 
engineers: they make things, and they make things better. The 
collective challenges are of global character. Improved systems and 
tools for generating energy, protecting the fragile environment, and 
protecting people from disease have the potential to improve the life of 
people. By welcoming a wide range of knowledge, experience, and 
expertise under a single intellectual roof, the teachers, researchers, and 
students of the RL faculty attack and solve various problems.  
Founded in 1929, the “RL” faculty has a proud history of being 
involved in the technical community of the country through 
technological leadership and research innovation. Its task is to train 
highly-qualified specialists in the fields of Optoelectronics, Applied 
Optics, Radioelectronics. The course provides students both with the 
knowledge of general engineering subjects basic to all engineering 
professions and with the knowledge of specialized subjects.  
All senior students master such subjects as elements of machines, 
fundamentals of electronics, radio engineering, informatics, theory of 
optoelectronic systems. 
Students take an active part in research in various areas of science. 
They develop new technologies which are applied in different spheres 
of industry. ”RL” faculty is a distinguished faculty due to its profound 
academic programs, cutting-edge research and a longstanding 
commitment to modern technical development.  

Text D. The Faculty of Biomedical Engineering  

Advances in basic biology at the molecular and cellular levels 
during recent decades have dramatically increased the knowledge about 
biological systems. It is widely agreed that a crucial challenge for the 
coming decades is how to integrate information from the genomic level 
to higher levels of system organization, for both fundamental scientific 
understanding and development of innovative biotechnologies. Thus, a 
new discipline of biomedical engineering is emerging. It is directed 
toward analysis of biological systems and synthesis of technologies that 

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