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Обучение чтению и устной речи на английском языке по теме «Технологии ракетно-космического машиностроения»

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Издание содержит аутентичные тексты на английском языке, словарные терминологические блоки, предтекстовые и послетекстовые лексико-грамматические упражнения. При выполнении заданий, направленных на развитие и совершенствование умений и навыков устной речи по профессиональной тематике, предусмотрено использование возможностей информационно-коммуникационных технологий. Пособие может быть использовано как при самостоятельной работе обучающихся, так и на занятиях в аудитории под руководством преподавателя. Для студентов старших курсов и магистрантов факультета «Специальное машиностроение», изучающих технологии ракетно-космического машиностроения.
Алексеева, Е. Г. Обучение чтению и устной речи на английском языке по теме «Технологии ракетно-космического машиностроения» : учебное пособие / Е. Г. Алексеева, Л. В. Капранова, Д. В. Татьянушкин. - Москва : Издательство МГТУ им. Баумана, 2018. - 88 с. - ISBN 978-5-7038-4828-9. - Текст : электронный. - URL: https://znanium.ru/catalog/product/2166502 (дата обращения: 08.09.2024). – Режим доступа: по подписке.
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Е.Г. Алексеева, Л.В. Капранова, Д.В. Татьянушкин

Обучение чтению и устной речи
на английском языке по теме

«Технологии ракетно-космического  


Учебное пособие

ISBN 978-5-7038-4828-9 

© МГТУ им. Н.Э. Баумана, 2018
© Оформление. Издательство 
МГТУ им. Н.Э. Баумана, 2018

УДК 81:378(075)
ББК 81.2Англ

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Факультет «Лингвистика»
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канд. филол. наук, доцент И.Ф. Беликова

Алексеева, Е. Г. 
Обучение чтению и устной речи на английском языке по теме 
«Технологии ракетно-космического машиностроения» : учебное пособие / Е. Г. Алексеева, Л. В. Капранова, Д. В. Татьянушкин. — Москва : 
Издательство МГТУ им. Н. Э. Баумана, 2018. — 85, [3] с. :  ил.

ISBN 978-5-7038-4828-9 

Издание содержит аутентичные тексты на английском языке, 
словарные терминологические блоки, предтекстовые и послетекстовые лексико-грамматические упражнения. При выполнении заданий, 
направленных на развитие и совершенствование умений и навыков 
устной речи по профессиональной тематике, предусмотрено использование возможностей информационно-коммуникационных технологий. Пособие может быть использовано как при самостоятельной работе обучающихся, так и на занятиях в аудитории под руководством 
Для студентов старших курсов и магистрантов факультета «Специальное машиностроение», изучающих технологии ракетно-космического машиностроения.

УДК 81:378(075)
ББК 81.2Англ



Издание предназначено для самостоятельной и аудиторной работы студентов старших курсов, изучающих в МГТУ им. Н.Э. Баумана 
технологии ракетно-космического машиностроения. Учебный материал, впервые разработанный по этой теме, характеризуется новизной и актуальностью: содержание англоязычных текстов, включенных в тематические модули, охватывает новейшие технологии ракетно-космического машиностроения последнего десятилетия.
Учебное пособие состоит из четырех модулей и приложения. 
Каждый модульный блок содержит лексические упражнения, направленные на расширение активного и пассивного словаря студентов. Работа с лексикой нацелена на развитие умений определять 
контекстные значения слов и словосочетаний, подбирать синонимы 
и перефразировать. Предусмотрена также возможность работы с англоязычными источниками, результатом которой являются минипрезентации на основе текстовых материалов, непосредственно связанных с изученной темой.
Цель учебного пособия — развитие коммуникативной иноязычной компетенции у студентов технического вуза, специализирующихся в области ракетно-космического машиностроения. Издание 
имеет практико-ориентированную направленность, так как развивает активные навыки владения английским языком.
Каждый модуль — это логически завершенный раздел курса, входящего в образовательную программу студентов. В результате изучения курса студенты должны овладеть лексикой по данному направлению подготовки, освоить работу с текстом и приобрести навыки профессионального общения на английском языке. Достижение этих результатов оценивается при текущем контроле усвоения дисциплины.


Materials Processing Technologies

Learn the new words:
mould n, v
emboss v
premature adj
warp v
drape v
jig n
clamp n, v
pronounced adj
excessive adj
crease n, v
distortion n
expose v
die n
ram n
lubrication n
ductility n
auger n
billet n
mandrel n
align v

— литейная форма, формовать
— чеканить, выбивать
— преждевременный
— коробиться
— покрывать тканью
— сборочное приспособление
— зажим, скреплять
— явный, заметный
— чрезмерный
— складка, мять
— искажение
— подвергать
— пресс-форма, матрица
— силовой цилиндр, поршень
— смазка
— вязкость, пластичность
— бур
— заготовка
— балансировочная оправка, ползун
— выравнивать, обеспечивать взаимную

Exercise 1. Translate the following word combinations.

Temperature-related changes, infrared radiation, amorphous materials, 
rubbery elastic, thermoplastic behaviour, air convection, a vertical oven, 
inserted trays, individual sheet zones, a defined area, wall thickness 
distribution, dimensional stability, pressure forming, the shape of the 
embossing tool, premature cooling, lockable moulds, multi-cavity 

moulds, straight-line bending, angle bending, drape forming, a 
pronounced thickness reduction, a clamping device, excessive stress, 
optical distortion, good transparency, the resultant stress;
can be formed under pressure or by bending, to be heated as briefly 
as possible, to be suspended, can be adjusted to different temperatures, 
can be excluded, to be embossed, to avoid premature cooling, to avoid 
warping, can be clamped, to avoid stretching, to be bent or curved, to 
be rounded, to cause excessive stress, to achieve good transparency, 
should remain firmly clamped, to reduce the resultant stress, to expose 
them to air draughts.

Read and translate Text 1A.

Text 1A

Part 1

Plexiglas Forming

General remarks
PLEXIGLAS undergoes the temperature-related changes of state that 
are typical for amorphous materials: they become solid or show 
thermoplastic behaviour.
Of particular interest for thermoforming is the temperature range 
(120…180 °C) in which a thermoplastic becomes “rubbery-elastic” and 
can be formed under pressure or by bending. 
PLEXIGLAS is produced in the form of sheets, tubes and rods. 

It should be heated as briefly as possible by air convection in ovens or 
by infrared radiation at the lowest possible forming temperature (about 
150…160 °C) in order to avoid changes in the material. The heating 
period increases with the material thickness. 
Oven heating ensures a uniform temperature over the entire sheet 
surface, which is the first step towards good forming results. A vertical 
oven will normally be the most advantageous, because large sheets, rods 
and tubes are suspended in it contact-free for heating, while smaller 
sheets can be heated horizontally on inserted trays.

Infrared radiation for heating has the advantage of transferring 
a higher heat output per unit of time. The individual sheet zones can be 
adjusted to different temperatures when moulding complex shapes. By 
covering a defined area, the center of the sheet, for example, can be 
excluded by switching off the radiators above this area. 
1359 characters

Part 2

Forming techniques

The choice of forming technique depends on the following:
— size and shape of the moulding
— required wall thickness distribution
— number of units
— material grade used
— demands on the finished item in terms of appearance, dimensional 
— available equipment and tools
The most prevalent forming techniques for PLEXIGLAS are sure 
to be pressure forming and bending.

Pressure forming
Pressure forming is recommended where the number of units is not 
large enough to justify moulding. 
Embossing is a particularly important method for forming 
PLEXIGLAS under pressure. Typical in this case is relatively high 
pressure, which depends on the profile to be embossed, the shape of 
the embossing tool and percentage of material volume to be displaced 
during embossing. Prior to the actual forming process, it is common 
practice to heat the material and the mould to forming temperature in 
order to avoid premature cooling during embossing. It is advisable to 
use steel for the embossing tools which can be polished with ease. The 
most important fact is that air can escape from the deepest areas of 
mould. Cooling should occur uniformly all around in order to avoid 
warping or stress build-up.  Owing to the moderate thermal conductivity 
of plastics, thick-walled items cool down fairly slowly. In order to save 
time and make more effective use of the press, several lockable moulds 
or multi-cavity moulds should be used. 

Bend forming means straight-line bending, angle bending and drape 
forming, i.e. bending over positive (male) or into negative (female) 
moulds (Fig. 1). 

The main characteristic of this forming method is that the material 
thickness in the heated area is practically the same before and after 
forming. For line and angle bending sheets of PLEXIGLAS are heated 
linearly then bent or curved and held in place until the parts have 
cooled down. Line bending is performed with the aid of a jig (Fig. 2) or 
over an edge. 
When bending over an edge, the material can be clamped on one 
side only, in order to avoid stretching and thus a pronounced thickness 
reduction in the area of bending. Moreover, the edge of the clamping 
device has to be rounded in such a way that it does not touch the heated 
sheet area. Otherwise, unwanted mark-off will result. 
The bending radius should be at least twice the sheet thickness. 
Smaller radius causes excessive stress or even creasing on the inside. 
Optical distortion at the corners is known to be inevitable result of 
bending transparent plastics. The thicker the material and the smaller 
the bending radius, the more pronounced it becomes. In order to 
achieve good transparency in the formed area, the bending radius 
should therefore be as large as possible.

Figure 1. Drape forming: PLEXIGLAS sheet (1), mould 
covered with cloth (2), clamping strip (3)

When cooling down, mouldings of PLEXIGLAS should remain firmly 
clamped under the influence of the forming forces. Removal from the 
mould should only occur when adequate dimensional stability is 
guaranteed. It happens when the temperature is below 70 °C. Cooling 
is to occur gradually in order to reduce the resultant stress to 
a minimum. PLEXIGLAS being poor conductors of heat, thick parts 
cool very slowly and should therefore be covered with a soft or suitable 
heat-insulating material after removal from the mould in order not to 
expose them to air draughts.                                    3578 characters

Exercise 2. Answer the questions to Text 1A.

Part 1

1. What is PLEXIGLAS?
2. What form is PLEXIGLAS produced in?
3. How should it be heated?

Figure 2. Роssibilities of correcting the bending 
angle: PLEXIGLAS (1), bending jig (2), block 
bevelled at its lower end (3), packing piece for 
adjusting the angle (4), stop (5)

4. Why is a vertical oven the most advantageous?
5. How can smaller sheets be heated?
6. What is the advantage of heating by infrared radiation?

Part 2

1. What does the choice of forming technique depend on?
2. What are the most prevalent forming techniques for PLEXIGLAS?
3. What does pressure depend on?
4. Why is it necessary to heat the material and the mould to forming 

5. What material is used for the embossing tools? Why?
6. What kinds of bending do you know?
7. What is the main characteristic of bending?
8. How is line bending performed?
9. What should the bending radius be? Why?
10. What temperature should removal from the mould occur at?
11. How should cooling occur? Why?

Exercise 3. Complete the sentences using the information from Text 1A.

1. Of particular interest for thermoforming is…
2. PLEXIGLAS is produced in…
3. Oven heating ensures…
4. Infrared radiation for heating has…
5. The most prevalent forming techniques are…
6. Bend forming means…
7. Line bending is performed with…
8. The bending radius should be…
9. The thicker the material and…
10. In order to achieve good transparency…
11. Cooling is to occur gradually in order to…

Exercise 4. Write 8–9 sentences denoting the main ideas of the text.

Exercise 5. Complete the sentences with the following words:


1. There is a _____ defect on the surface.
2. The material should be heated as fast as possible to avoid _____.
3. You should _____ male or female _____.
4. _____ is an important method for forming PLEXIGLAS under 
5. You should not _____ _____ to _____ temperatures.
6. The _____ of this liquid is very high.

Exercise 6. Translate the sentences paying attention to the Complex 
Example: The disadvantages are supposed to have been eliminated.
Предполагают, что недостатки были устранены.

1. These methods of forming are considered to be the most effective 
2. The details happen to have been moulded.
3. The size is likely to have been increased.
4. Pressure, temperature and time are sure to be the most important 
parameters of any technological process.
5. Bending appears to have been chosen as a more prevalent method.
6. The time of cooling proves to depend on the material and its 
7. Distortion seems to have been inevitable. 
8. The defects are found to have been excluded.
9. Screwing is known to be a kind of mechanical fixing.
10. These items are reported to have been embossed recently.

Exercise 7. Translate the sentences paying attention to the Infinitive.
Example: There are some disadvantages to be eliminated.
Есть несколько недостатков, которые должны быть устранены.

1. You should think of the size to be reduced.
2. There is distortion to be taken into consideration.
3. He has found some defects to be excluded.
4. There are a few of details to be moulded.
5. The engineer told us about the method of forming to be used.

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