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Обучение чтению и устной речи на английском языке по специальности «Теплофизика»

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Издание состоит из трех модульных блоков (Units), содержит современные оригинальные тексты на английском языке по изучаемой специальности, лексико-грамматические и коммуникативные задания и упражнения, позволяющие развивать навыки чтения, аннотирования научно-технической литературы, а также профессионально-ориентированного общения и устной речи. Для студентов старших курсов, магистрантов и аспирантов, обучающихся по специальности «Теплофизика» на факультете «Энергомашиностроение» МГТУ им. Н.Э. Баумана.
Захарова, С. С. Обучение чтению и устной речи на английском языке по специальности «Теплофизика» : учебное пособие / С. С. Захарова. - Москва : Издательство МГТУ им. Баумана, 2016. - 58 с. - ISBN 978-5-7038-4618-6. - Текст : электронный. - URL: https://znanium.ru/catalog/product/2166500 (дата обращения: 08.09.2024). – Режим доступа: по подписке.
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Московский государственный технический университет 

имени Н.Э. Баумана


С.С. Захарова 

Обучение чтению и устной речи 

на английском языке по специальности 


Учебное пособие

УДК  802.0
ББК  81. Англ.-923

Захарова, С. С.

Обучение чтению и устной речи на английском языке по специ
альности «Теплофизика»  :  учебное пособие / C. C. Захарова. —  
Москва : Издательство МГТУ им. Н. Э. Баумана, 2016. — 55, [5] с.

ISBN 978-5-7038-4618-6

Издание состоит из трех модульных блоков (Units), содержит 

современные оригинальные тексты на английском языке по 
изучаемой специальности, лексико-грамматические и коммуникативные задания и упражнения, позволяющие развивать навыки чтения, аннотирования научно-технической литературы, а 
также профессионально-ориентированного общения и устной 

Для студентов старших курсов, магистрантов и аспирантов, 

обучающихся по специальности «Теплофизика» на факультете 
«Энергомашиностроение» МГТУ им. Н.Э. Баумана.

УДК  802.0
ББК  81. Англ.-923

© МГТУ им. Н.Э. Баумана, 2016
© Оформление. Издательство 
МГТУ им. Н.Э.Баумана, 2016

Издание доступно в электронном виде на портале ebooks.bmstu.ru

по адресу: http://ebooks.bmstu.ru/catalog/107/book1606.html

Факультет  «Лингвистика»

Кафедра «Английский язык для машиностроительных 



Редакционно-издательским советом МГТУ им. Н.Э. Баумана 

в качестве учебного пособия


ISBN 9978-5-7038-4618-6



Учебное пособие состоит из трех модульных блоков (Units), со
держит учебные материалы: тексты из оригинальной научно-технической литературы на английском языке; словарные блоки,  
в которые включены термины и общетехническая лексика; лексико-грамматические упражнения, а также речевые упражнения, 
разговорные модели и клише, направленные на формирование у 
студентов навыков и умений вести профессионально-ориентированную беседу на английском языке и выступать с презентацией 
по соответствующей тематике.

Целью работы является развитие и закрепление навыков чте
ния, говорения, аннотирования научно-технической литературы 
на английском языке по изучаемой специальности.

Пособие предназначено для студентов старших курсов, ма
гистрантов и аспирантов факультета «Энергомашиностроение» 
МГТУ им. Н.Э. Баумана, обучающихся по специальности «Теплофизика».


Heat Transfer and Thermodynamics

New words and word combinations to be memorized:

equilibrium n     — равновесие
heat transfer  
   — теплопередача

flow n   
   — поток; расход

uninhabitable adj — необитаемый
tempt v              — искушать
erroneous adj     — ошибочный, неправильный
restrict v  
  — ограничивать

primarily adv    — главным образом
variable n  
  — переменная (величина)

uniform adj  
  — единообразный; однородный, постоянный

devise v  
  — разрабатывать, придумывать

experience n,v    — опыт; испытывать, знать по опыту
sole adj  
  — единственный; исключительный

gross adj  
  — общий

generalize v  
  — обобщать, делать общие выводы

identify v  
  — распознавать, устанавливать

quantify v  
  — определять количество 

1. Match the words in column A with their definitions in column B.


1  equilibrium
a      the act or process of changing sth from one form 

to another

2  thermodynamics b     the detailed study or examination of sth in order  

to understand more about it

3  hypothesis
c    a source of power 

4    heat 
d    heat, energy that is sent out in the form of rays 

5    transfer 
e    a number or quantity that can vary or be varied

6    energy
f    a state of balance, especially between opposing  

forces or influences

7    radiation
g    the quality of being hot 

8    analysis
h   the process of becoming slowly mixed with the  


9    variable
i    the act of moving sb/sth from one place to  


10  diffusion
j    an idea or explanation of sth that is based on a  

few known facts but has not yet been proved to be 
true or correct; gueses and ideas that are not based  
on certain knowledge.

11  сonversion
k                 the  science that deals with the  relations  

between  heat and other forms of energy

2. Read the following nouns derived from Latin and Greek; mind the 

pronunciation in the singular and plural forms.
Hypothesis — hypotheses; basis — bases; datum — data; symbiosis —  
symbioses; medium — media; spectrum — spectra; phenomenon — 
phenomena; axis — axes; analysis — analyses.

3. Translate the following words both as nouns and verbs.

Effect, contact, finish, pass, force, place, use, work, size, house, help, 
stop, cut, result, attempt, drive, range, design, form, experience, 
process, transport, transfer.

4. Give Russian equivalents to the following words and word 

Net transfer of heat, energy transport, at first glance, conclusion would 
be erroneous, initial energy, heat flow, a lack of equilibrium, in terms 
of gross characteristics.

5. You are going to read the introductory Text 1A. Before reading try 

to answer the following questions. Share your answers with your fellow  
1. What do you know about the subject of heat transfer? 2. Were you 
given lectures on the laws of thermodynamiсs? 3. Do you agree that the 

sun is the initial source of energy? 4. What do you know about radiation?  
5. What would happen if we were to cut off the radiation from the sun?  
6. What does classical thermodynamics deal with?


Heat Transfer and Thermodynamics

The subject of heat transfer, or more generally the transport of energy, 
is of importance to all engineers and scientists, for it is energy, initially 
derived from the sun, on which the world runs. If we were to cut off 
the radiation from the sun we would soon find the world to be an 
uninhabitable sphere, and if we misuse the energy that is currently 
available to us a similar result may occur for other reasons.

The branch of science that deals with the relation between heat and 

other forms of energy, including mechanical work in particular, is called 
thermodynamics. Its principles, like all laws of nature, are based on 
observations and have been generalized into laws that are believed to 
hold for all processes occurring in nature because no exceptions have 
ever been found. For example, the first law of thermodynamics states 
that energy can be neither created nor destroyed but only changed from 
one form to another. It governs all energy transformations quantitatively, 
but places no restrictions on the direction of the transformation. It is 
known, however, from experience that no process is possible whose sole 
result is the net transfer of heat from a region of lower temperature to 
a region of higher temperature. This statement of experimental truth is 
known as the second law of thermodynamics.

Whenever a temperature gradient exists within a system, or whenever 

two systems at different temperatures are brought into contact energy 
is transferred. The process by which the energy transport takes place 
is known as heat transfer. The thing in transit, called heat, cannot be 
observed or measured directly. However, its effects can be identified and 
quantified through measurements and analysis. The flow of heat, like 
the performance of work, is a process by which the initial energy of a 
system is changed.

All heat transfer processes involve the exchange and/or conversion 

of energy. They must, therefore, obey the first as well as the second 
law of thermodynamics. At first glance, one might therefore be tempted 
to assume that the principles of heat transfer can be derived from the 
basic laws of thermodynamics. This conclusion, however, would be 

erroneous, because classical thermodynamics is restricted primarily 
to the study of equilibrium states including mechanical, chemical, 
and thermal equilibriums, and is therefore, by itself, of little help in 
determining quantitatively the transformations that occur from a lack 
of equilibrium in engineering processes. Since heat flow is the result of 
temperature nonequilibrium, its quantitative treatment must be based 
on other branches of science. The same reasoning applies to other types 
of transport processes such as mass transfer and diffusion.

Classical thermodynamics deals with the states of systems from 

a macroscopic view and makes no hypotheses about the structure of 
matter. To perform a thermodynamic analysis it is necessary to describe 
the state of a system in terms of gross characteristics, such as pressure, 
volume, and temperature, that can be measured directly and involve no 
special assumptions regarding the structure of matter. These variables (or 
thermodynamic properties) are of significance for the system as a whole 
only when they are uniform throughout it, that is, when the system 
is in equilibrium. Thus, classical thermodynamics is not concerned 
with the details of a process but rather with equilibrium states and the 
relations among them. The processes employed in a thermodynamic 
analysis are idealized processes devised to give information concerning 
equilibrium states.

6. Answer the questions.

1. What is the subject of heat transfer? 2. What does the world run on? 
3. What branch of science is called thermodynamics? 4. How many 
laws of thermodynamics are described in the text? 5. What does the 
first law of thermodynamics state? 6. What statement is known as the 
second law of thermodynamics? 7. What kind of process is known as 
heat transfer? 8. Сan heat be observed or measured directly? 9. How 
can the effects of heat be identified and quantified? 10. What do all heat 
transfer processes involve? 11. What must all heat transfer processes 
obey? 12. What is classical thermodynamics primarily restricted to?  
13. What kinds of equilibrium are mentioned in the text?

7. Сhoose the correct option: a, b or c.

1. Classical thermodynamics deals with

a) condition in which the body temperature is much lower than 


b) an idea or explanation of something that is based on a few known 

facts but has not yet been proved to be true or correct; 

c) the states of systems from a macroscopic view and makes no 

hypotheses about the structure of matter.
2. Heat flow is a result of

a) measurements and analysis; 
b) temperature nonequilibrium; 
c) temperature equilibrium.

3. Heat transfer processes involve

a) fundamental equations; 
b) reduction of difficulties; 
c) the exchange and conversion of energy.

4. If we were to cut off the radiation from the sun

a) we would soon find the world to be an inhabitable sphere; 
b) we would soon find the world to be an uninhabitable sphere; 
c) we would soon find the world to be full of the new inhabitants.

8. Speak about the laws of thermodynamics, using the information 

obtained from Text 1A.

9. Put the words in the correct order to make up questions in writing; 

answer the questions.
1. Heat transfer / is / what / concerned / with? 2. State / what / 
thermodynamics / the first law of / does? 3. Be identified / can / heat 
effects / and quantified?

10. Translate the following sentences paying attention to the meanings 

of ‘since’.
1. It’s such a long time since we’ve seen you. You must come up to 
the house soon. 2. In ordinary heat transfer on the Earth, it is difficult 
to quantify the effects of convection since it inherently depends upon 
small nonuniformities (неоднородности) in an otherwise fairly 
homogeneous medium (однородная среда). 3. Since convection 
also accomplishes transmission of energy from regions of higher 
temperature to regions of lower temperature, the term “heat transfer by 
convection” has become generally accepted. 4. He graduated from the 
university and we have not seen him since. 5. Since the introduction  
of faster processors cooling devices became essential in every computer.

11. Translate the Conditional sentences; mind three types of 

1. If we knew the temperature gradient and the thermal conductivity 
at this interface, we could calculate the rate of heat transfer. 2. If there 

were more time, I could finish my article. 3. If we don’t miss the bus, 
we’ll be in time for the lecture on thermodynamics. 4. If the decision 
had been taken two years ago, the problem would have been solved.  
5. If I were you, I would study computer science. 6. If the device is tested 
successfully, it will be produced at our plant. 7. If we place a hot body in 
an evacuated cavity (полость с выкаченным воздухом) having walls 
at a lower temperature than the body, the body will steadily lose energy 
until its temperature is the same as that of the surrounding cavity. 8. If 
heat is transferred from an object to the surroundings, then the object 
can cool down and the surroundings can warm up. 9. I would be grateful 
if you could send me some additional information concerning new heat 

12. Complete the sentences about yourself in the first, second and 

third conditional and indicate the type of the conditional used. Finish each 
sentence in the most interesting way you can.

For example: If I spent more time practising, I could become very good 

at English. (2).

1. If I knew… . 2. If I had attended all seminars,… . 3. If I hadn’t spent… . 
4. I would have gone… . 5. I could read… . 6. If the weather is fine, I… .  
7. Had I made an experiment on heat transfer,… . 8. I would have tried  
to … . 9. I would do research into thermodynamics, if … . 10. If I hadn’t 
found… . 11. If I had more free time,… . 12. If I wrote the report,… .  
13. I would have chatted on the Internet yesterday, if… . 14. If I really 
make an effort,… .

13. Translate the following sentences paying attention to the Subjunctive 

1.    I’ve got a book on Heat Transfer. — Could I have a look at it?  
2. I am offered a job in Canada. What would you do in my position?  — 
I would go there. 3. We are going to the conference. Mike would 
like to join us. It is desirable that he should be present there.  
4. I am not sure where to go for my holidays, but I might go to 
Italy. 5. The engineer demanded that the test should be repeated.  
6. I wish you wouldn’t interrupt me. 7. The students must be attentive 
lest they should make mistakes. 8. He speaks English as if he were an 
Englishman. 9. He would have helped with your experiment, but he 
couldn’t come. 10. You could have done this work. Why didn’t you try?  
11. I wish the teacher could come to my presentation, but he 
is at the conference in the USA. 12. Repeat these words so that 

you should remember them. 13. It is essential that we should 
reduce our expenditure on scientific experiment. 14. The Tubular 
Exchanger Manufacturers Association recommends that tubes be 
spaced with a minimum center-to-center distance of 1.25 times 
the outside diameter of the tube. 15. The fluids may be liquids or 
gases, and in some heat exchangers more than two fluids might flow.  
16. Gases transfer heat by direct collisions between molecules, and as 
might be expected, their thermal conductivity is low compared to most 
solids since they are dilute (разбавлять) media.

14. Read the following extracts with the Subjunctive Mood given 

in bold. Define the main idea of each extract. Could you continue the 
author’s idea? While speaking use as many sentences with the Subjunctive 
Mood as you can.
1. The average kinetic energy of the hot water particles gradually 
decreases; the average kinetic energy of the cold-water particles 
gradually increases; and eventually, thermal equilibrium could be 
reached at the point where the particles of the hot water and the cold 
water have the same average kinetic energy. At the macroscopic level, 
one would observe a decrease in temperature of the hot water and an 
increase in temperature of the cold water.
2. What would happen if the heat were transferred from hot water 
through glass to cold water? What would happen if the heat were 
transferred from hot water through Styrofoam to cold water? Answer: 
the rate of heat transfer would be different. Replacing the inner metal 
can (металлическая банка) with a glass jar would change the rate of 
heat transfer.

15. Read the text paying attention to the sentences with the Subjunctive 

Mood. Could you suggest your own heading to this text? Think of as many 
questions to the text as you can and let your fellow students answer them.

Heat Transfer Calculations and the Typical Design Cycle

The engineer must gather sufficient information so that some 
basic heat transfer calculations could be made. This phase would 
involve consideration of the basic heat transfer modes - conduction, 
convection and radiation and a quantitative assessment of heat transfer 
modes which need to be considered on the basis of their significance. 
The calculations would most likely involve the classical equations for 
describing heat transfer and could be simple linear equations or more 
complex differential equations using a math program. From this series 

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