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Обучение говорению на английском языке по направлениям подготовки на факультете «Машиностроительные технологии»

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В издании впервые приводится базовый материал, направленный на обучение разным видам разговорной практики по тематике всех основных направлений подготовки на факультете «Машиностроительные технологии» (МТ). Пособие содержит текстовую информацию из оригинальной англоязычной научно-технической литературы, активную лексику, упражнения для отработки навыков монологической и диалогической речи по тематике специальностей и направлений подготовки, осуществляемых на факультете МТ, а также материал для подготовки презентации по специальности обучающегося. Для студентов старших курсов, магистрантов и аспирантов, обучающихся на факультете «Машиностроительные технологии» МГТУ им. Н.Э. Баумана.
Лысенко, И. В. Обучение говорению на английском языке по направлениям подготовки на факультете «Машиностроительные технологии» : учебное пособие / И. В. Лысенко, Н. С. Николаева. - Москва : Издательство МГТУ им. Баумана, 2016. - 44 с. - ISBN 978-5-7038-4397-0. - Текст : электронный. - URL: https://znanium.ru/catalog/product/2166498 (дата обращения: 08.09.2024). – Режим доступа: по подписке.
Фрагмент текстового слоя документа размещен для индексирующих роботов. Для полноценной работы с документом, пожалуйста, перейдите в ридер.
Московский государственный технический университет 
имени Н. Э. Баумана 

И. В. Лысенко, Н. С. Николаева 
Обучение говорению на английском языке 
по направлениям подготовки на факультете 
«Машиностроительные технологии» 

Учебное пособие 


УДК 802 
ББК 81.2 Англ-923 
Издание доступно в электронном виде на портале ebooks.bmstu.ru 
по адресу: http://www.ebooks.bmstu.ru/catalog/107/book1419.html 
Факультет «Лингвистика» 
Кафедра «Английский язык для машиностроительных специальностей» 

Рекомендовано Редакционно-издательским советом  
МГТУ им. Н.Э. Баумана в качестве учебного пособия 

Лысенко, И. В. 
 Обучение говорению на английском языке по направлениям 
подготовки на факультете «Машиностроительные технологии» : 
учебное пособие / И. В. Лысенко, Н. С. Николаева. — Москва : 
Издательство МГТУ им. Н. Э. Баумана, 2016. — 41, [3] с. 

ISBN 978-5-7038-4397-0 

В издании впервые приводится базовый материал, направленный на 
обучение разным видам разговорной практики по тематике всех основных направлений подготовки на факультете «Машиностроительные технологии» (МТ). Пособие содержит текстовую информацию из оригинальной 
лексику, упражнения для отработки навыков монологической и диалогической речи по тематике специальностей и направлений подготовки, 
осуществляемых на факультете МТ, а также материал для подготовки 
презентации по специальности обучающегося. 
Для студентов старших курсов, магистрантов и аспирантов, обучающихся на факультете «Машиностроительные технологии» МГТУ  
им. Н.Э. Баумана. 
УДК 802 
ББК 81.2 Анг-923 
 МГТУ им. Н.Э. Баумана, 2016 
 Оформление. Издательство  
ISBN 978-5-7038-4397-0                             
      МГТУ им. Н.Э. Баумана, 2016 




Данное учебное пособие подготовлено для студентов старших 
курсов, магистрантов и аспирантов, обучающихся по направлениям 
подготовки и специальностям факультета «Машиностроительные 
технологии» (МТ) в техническом вузе. Издание содержит базовую 
информацию из оригинальных текстов англоязычной научнотехнической литературы для аудиторной и самостоятельной работы 
студентов при подготовке к экзаменам в VI–VII семестрах по тематике основных специальностей, приобретаемых на факультете МТ 
МГТУ им. Н.Э. Баумана. 
Принципиальная новизна учебного пособия заключается в том, 
что в нем приводится материал, направленный на обучение разным 
видам разговорной практики — профессионально-ориентированной монологической и диалогической речи студентов, магистрантов 
и аспирантов по основным специальностям факультета МТ. 
Пособие включает краткое введение и четыре блока. Первый, 
третий и четвертый блоки предназначены для обучающихся на 
всех специальностях факультета МТ. В первом блоке приведены 
некоторые ключевые фразы о том, где обучается студент, чтобы он 
смог представиться. В третьем блоке предложены вопросы на общетехнические темы, на которые студентам необходимо самостоятельно подготовить ответы. В четвертом блоке даны совет и ключевые фразы, полезные при подготовке презентации.  
Согласно числу направлений подготовки и специальностей факультета МТ, второй блок содержит 10 подразделов, в каждый из 
которых включены тексты по специальности обучающегося и 
упражнения. Эти материалы способствуют закреплению соответствующей терминологии, понятий и фактических данных, необходимых для развития монологической и диалогической речи по заданной теме. 


Engineering is one of the oldest occupations in the history of mankind. It is the activity of applying scientific knowledge in such disciplines as physics and mathematics to the design, building and control of 
machines, roads, bridges, electrical equipment, etc. There are different 
kinds of engineering. They are: chemical, electrical, civil, mechanical, 
genetic, social, etc.  
Mechanical engineering separated as a specific field during the industrial revolution in Europe in the 18th century. And since then it has 
become the backbone of all areas of human’s activity as provides them 
with various types of equipment. 
Mechanical engineering is the discipline that applies the principles 
of physics, engineering and materials science fundamentals for the design, manufacturing, and maintenance of different mechanical systems 
in industry. This branch requires an understanding of core concepts of 
many theoretical sciences such as mechanics and kinematics, thermo- 
and aerodynamics, as well as computer-aided design, product lifecycle 
management, robotics and automation. 
Degrees in mechanical engineering are offered at various universities all over the world. 



I study at Bauman Moscow State Technical University or BMSTU 
for short. I’m a third (fourth) year student of the Faculty of Mechanical 
Engineering Technologies. My specialized department is … . (See the 
names in the table below).  
The department trains specialists in the field of ... . 

Specialized Departments 

Number of 
the Department 
Russian name 
English name 

Металлорежущие станки 
Machine Tools 

Инструментальная техника и технологии 
Tool Engineering  

Технологии машиностроения 
Industrial Processes 

Метрология и взаимозаменяемость 
Metrology and Interchangeability 

Литейные технологии 
Casting Technologies 

Технологии обработки 
металлов давлением 
Metal-forming Technologies 

Технологии сварки и диагностики 
Welding Technologies 

Materials Science  

Оборудование и технологии прокатки 
Rolling Technologies 

Электронные технологии 
в машиностроении 
Electronic Technologies 

Лазерные технологии в 
Laser Technologies 

Технологии обработки 
Material Processing Technologies 


UNIT 2.1. Machining (MT-1, 2, 3) 

Exercise 1. Read and translate the text. 

Machining is the use of machines to cut pieces of materials, called 
workpieces and shape them into components. The tools are used in machining to make holes, grooves, threads, etc. So a machine tool is any 
power-driven mostly non-portable machine designed primarily for 
shaping and sizing metal parts by the progressive removal of chips or 
by abrasion, from raw materials in the form of castings, forgings, bars, 
tubes, plates and stamping. 
In manufacturing, machining is usually guided by computer numerical control (CNC) systems. Often, design information (on shapes and 
sizes of components) is fed directly into CNC systems from computer 
aided design/computer aided manufacturing (CAD/CAM) soft-ware. 
The most common machining techniques which cutting tools use 
are: milling, turning, sawing, drilling and grinding.  
Milling is cutting done by a milling machine, often using toothed 
cutting disks. When a workpiece is milled, it is held in a fixed position 
on the machine, and is shaped by cutting tools which rotate while being 
moved over the surface of the workpiece. 
Turning is a technique for cutting components that have a circular 
cross-section. The workpiece is turned by a machine called a lathe, 
which rotates the workpiece.  
Sawing is cutting using a blade which has teeth to remove a thickness 
of material slightly wider than the blade. The gap left by the blade, along 
the line of the cut, is called a kerf. Saws may also use abrasive wheels — 
that is, thin, circular cutting wheels with rough, hard surfaces — often 
made of industrial diamond. 
Drilling is a technique for cutting circular holes. A machine called 
a drill is fitted with a tool called a drill bit (or bit). The bit rotates and 

drills into the material. Usually, drilling refers to making new holes. In 
machining, enlarging a hole is called boring. 
Grinding is removing material across a surface area, using abrasive 
wheels. The machines used to grind materials with abrasive wheels are 
called grinders.  
Machine tools are the backbone of the metalworking industry without which no other machines could be made. They are the only manmade objects capable of reproducing themselves. 

Exercise 2. Try to memorize the following word combinations: 

power-driven non-portable machine — стационарный станок с 
механическим приводом 
removal of chips — удаление стружки 
raw-materials — сырье 
toothed cutting discs — диски с острыми режущими кромками 

Exercise 3. Match the two parts (column A and column B) to make 
correct sentences. 


1 A drill bit is an example of … 

2 Material being machined is called … 
b a CNC system 

3 The waste metal produced during machining is called … 
a machine tool 

4 A computer that guides a machining process is called … 
d a workpiece 

5 Drawings can be produced and transferred 
to the machining process using … 

Exercise 4. Complete the sentences using the words in italic below. 

Drill, grind, mill, turn, saw 

1. Lathes are designed to ____________ workpieces. 
2. Different bits are designed to ____________ into different types 
of material. 
3. When you _____________ a workpiece, the cutting blade removes a thickness of material to form a kerf. 
4. Abrasive wheels _____________ material. 

5. On some machines, toothed cutting wheels can be used to 
______________ any part of a workpiece, in order to form its final 

Exercise 5. Answer the following questions on your branch of engineering. 

1. What is a machine tool? 
2. In manufacturing, what does CNC stand for? 
3. How is design information fed into CNC systems? 
4. What do CAD/CAM stand for? 
5. What are the most common machining techniques which use cutting tools? Give a description of each one. 
6. Why are machine tools considered to be the backbone of the 
metalworking industry? 
7. What machining operations are often used in manufacturing involving metalworking? 
8. What ways of material joining do you know? 
9. What factors does the most suitable method of joining components depend on? 
10. What should be taken into account while choosing different cutting techniques? Give examples. 
11. Will you compare advantages and disadvantages of mechanical 
fixings and non-mechanical joints? 

Exercise 6. Speak on your branch of engineering. 

UNIT 2.2. Metrology and Interchangeability (MT-4) 

Exercise 7. Read and translate the text.  

Metrology is the science of measurement and its application. Metrology is, probably, one of the oldest sciences in the world and has become a natural part of our everyday life. We find it almost impossible 
to describe anything without referring to weights and measurements. 
Dm. Mendeleev, the great Russian scholar said, “Science begins when 
we start to measure.”  

Metrology is a very broad field and may be divided into the subfields: 
1)  scientific or fundamental metrology concerns the establishment of quantity systems, units of measurement, the development of 
new measurement methods, realization of measurement standards and 
the transfer of traceability from the standards to users in society; 
2)  applied or industrial metrology concerns the application of 
measurement science to manufacturing and other processes and their 
use in society, ensuring the suitability of measurements, their calibration and quality control of measurements; 
3)  legal metrology concerns regulatory requirements of measurements and measuring instruments for the protection of health, public 
safety, the environment, enabling taxation protection of consumers and 
fair trade.  
Systematic measurements are one of the foundations of industrial 
quality control. Quality has become an important means of the world 
market. A strategy based on management commitment to continuous 
quality improvement has to be applied systematically in any organization. Otherwise, large shares of the market will be lost to those competitors who are more aware of the importance of quality. High standards of quality in products and services are essential factors in 
determining a company’s ability to compete on international markets. 
The ISO 9000 series of standards has been developed in response to 
this need. The standards set out procedures for ensuring that the effective quality system is established and maintained. 

Exercise 8. Try to memorize the following words and word combinations: 

unit of measurement — единица (физической) величины измерения 
traceability — единство измерений 
suitability — соответствие измерений 
taxation — налогообложение 
management commitment — обязательство руководства 

Exercise 9. Match the two parts (column A and column B) to make 
correct sentences. 


The standards 
set out 
management commitment to continuous quality 
improvement has to be applied in any organization. 

Applied or industrial metrology concerns 

regulatory requirements of measurements and 
measuring instruments for the protection of 
health, public safety, the environments, etc. 

A strategy 
based on 
the establishment of quantity systems, units of 
measurement, the development of new measurement methods, etc. 

Legal metrology concerns 
the application of measurement science to manufacturing and other processes and their use in society. 

Scientific or 
metrology concerns 

procedures for ensuring that the effective quality 
system is established and maintained. 

Exercise 10. Give Russian equivalents for the following word combinations and use them in the sentences of your own: 
in the field of; metrology, standardization and certification; refer to 
weights and measurements; scientific or fundamental metrology; applied or industrial metrology; legal metrology, industrial quality control; important means of competition; large shares of the market; be 
aware of something; quality assurance. 
Exercise 11. Answer the following questions on your branch of engineering. 
1. What kind of specialists does the department train? 
2. What is metrology? 
3. What subfields is metrology divided into? Give the definition of 
4. Why has quality become an important means of competition on 
the world market? 
5. What are the essential factors in determining a company’s ability 
to compete on international markets? 
6. What do the standards set out? 
Exercise 12. Speak on your branch of engineering. 

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