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Обучение чтению литературы на английском языке по специальности "Радиоэлектронные системы и комплексы"

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Данное учебное пособие предназначено для формирования у студентов умения продуктивно работать с оригинальной научной литературой на английском языке по своей специализации с целью извлечения наиболее значимой информации. Задания к текстам обеспечивают детальную проработку текстов и подводят обучающихся к составлению аннотаций и рефератов научных статей. Для студентов, обучающихся по специальности «Радиоэлектронные системы и комплексы».
Стасенко, И. В. Обучение чтению литературы на английском языке по специальности "Радиоэлектронные системы и комплексы" : учебное пособие / И. В. Стасенко, И. Г. Сафарова, Ю. А. Кальгин. - Москва : Издательство МГТУ им. Баумана, 2014. - 40 с. - ISBN 978-5-7038-4023-8. - Текст : электронный. - URL: https://znanium.ru/catalog/product/2166483 (дата обращения: 08.09.2024). – Режим доступа: по подписке.
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Московский государственный технический университет 
имени Н.Э. Баумана 

И.В. Стасенко, И.Г. Сафарова, Ю.А. Кальгин 

Обучение чтению литературы 
на английском языке по специальности  

«Радиоэлектронные системы и комплексы» 

Учебное пособие 


УДК 802.8 
ББК 81.2 Англ 
Издание доступно в электронном виде на портале ebooks.bmstu.ru 
по адресу: http://ebooks.bmstu.ru/catalog/238/book569.html 
Факультет «Лингвистика» 
Кафедра «Английский язык для приборостроительных специальностей» 
Учебно-методической комиссией Научно-учебного комплекса 
«Фундаментальные науки» МГТУ им. Н.Э. Баумана 
канд. пед. наук, доцент А.Г. Васильева 
 Стасенко, И. В. 
Обучение чтению 
на английском языке по
специальности «Радиоэлектронные системы и комплексы» : учебное 
пособие / И. В. Стасенко, И. Г. Сафарова, Ю. А. Кальгин. — Москва : 
Издательство МГТУ им. Н. Э. Баумана, 2014. — 35, [5] с.  
ISBN 978-5-7038-4023-8 

Данное учебное пособие предназначено для формирования у студентов 
литературой на английском языке по своей специализации с целью
обеспечивают детальную проработку текстов и подводят обучающихся к 
составлению аннотаций и рефератов научных статей. 
Для студентов, обучающихся по специальности «Радиоэлектронные
системы и комплексы».

                                                                                          УДК 802.8 
     ББК 81.2 Англ 

                                                                                  МГТУ им. Н.Э. Баумана, 2014 
                                                                                  Оформление. Издательство  
ISBN 978-5-7038-4023-8                                           МГТУ им. Н.Э. Баумана, 2014 



Основу данного учебного пособия составляют три урока, 
предназначенные для проработки студентами за один семестр. 
Каждый урок состоит из трех текстов (А, В, С), раскрывающих 
одну законченную тему. 
В конце каждого текста в скобках указан его объем (количество знаков). 
В первом уроке (Lesson 1) приведены общие сведения о 
радаре, его технические характеристики, представлена упрощенная схема радара с его основными функциональными составляющими (подсистемами). Разнообразные задания к тестам 
направлены как на извлечение информации о наиболее важных 
технических и функциональных деталях рассматриваемых систем 
и устройств, так и на понимание содержания текста. 
Во втором уроке (Lesson 2) рассматриваются радиолокационные передатчики и радиолокационные антенны. В заключительном тексте приведен обзор многочисленных видов современных радаров с выделением их специфических характеристик и 
областей применения. 
В текстах третьего урока (Lesson 3) подробно описываются 
основные функции радара, а именно: обнаружение объекта, 
определение расстояния до объекта, а также способы измерения 
скорости передвижения обнаруженного объекта и угловое 
наведение. Рассматривается вопрос наиболее эффективного 
использования диапазона рабочих частот. 
В заключительной части пособия представлены тексты на 
русском языке, раскрывающие такую сторону научных достижений 
в радиолокации, как применение радиолокационных устройств в 

системах навигационного позиционирования GPS и ГЛОНАСС. 
Студенты должны изложить эту дополнительную информацию на 
английском языке в краткой форме в виде свободного высказывания. 
Дополнительные тексты № 1 и № 2 предназначены для 
самостоятельного выполнения контрольного письменного перевода как основы для подготовки презентации. Текст № 2 представляет собой оригинальную научную статью, к которой в 
качестве образца приложены аннотация и реферат на русском 
языке, оформленные в соответствии с рекомендациями ВИНИТИ 
РФ и требованиями Международного стандарта ГОСТ 7.9—95. 
Единая структура уроков позволяет реализовать и закрепить 
лексико-грамматические навыки студента, а также сформировать 
коммуникативные компетенции, предусмотренные программой 
УМКД «Английский язык». 

Lesson 1 
Memorize the following basic vocabulary and terminology to 
text 1A: 
medium-range radar – РЛС средней дальности (среднего 
радиуса действия) 
palm – палм (внесистемная единица длины) 
precipitation – выпадение осадков  
clear-air-turbulence – турбулентность при ясном небе 
angular direction – угловое направление 
rate of change of the range measurement – диапазон измерения 
track – путь; зд. направление 

Read text 1A and answer the questions after it. 
Text 1A  
Radar in brief 
Radar is an electromagnetic sensor for the detection and location of 
reflecting objects. Its operation can be summarized as follows: 
 the radar radiates electromagnetic energy from an antenna to 
propagate in space; 
 some of the radiated energy is intercepted by a reflecting object, 
usually called a target, located at a distance from the radar; 
 the energy intercepted by the target is reradiated in many 
 some of the reradiated (echo) energy is returned to and received 
by the radar antenna; 
 after amplification by a receiver and with the aid of proper signal 
processing, a decision is made at the output of the receiver as to 
whether or not a target echo signal is present. At that time, the 
target location and possibly other information about the target is 

A common waveform radiated by a radar is a series of relatively 
narrow, rectangular-like pulses. An example of a waveform for a 
medium-range radar that detects aircraft might be described as a short 
pulse one millionth of a second in duration (one microsecond); the 
time between pulses might be one millisecond.  
Some radars have to detect targets at ranges as short as the distance 
from behind home plate to the pitcher's mound in a baseball park (to 
measure the speed of a pitched ball), while other radars have to operate 
over distances as great as the distances to the nearest planets. Thus, a 
radar might be small enough to hold in the palm of one hand or large 
enough to occupy the space of many football fields. 
Radar targets might be aircraft, ships, or missiles; but radar targets 
can also be people, birds, insects, precipitation, clear air turbulence, 
ionized media, land features (vegetation, mountains, roads, rivers, 
airfields, buildings, fences, and power-line poles), sea, ice, icebergs, 
buoys, underground features, meteors, aurora, spacecraft, and planets. 
In addition to measuring the range to a target as well as its angular 
direction, a radar can also find the relative velocity of a target either by 
determining the rate of change of the range measurement with time or 
by extracting the radial velocity from the Doppler frequency shift of 
the echo signal. If the location of a moving target is measured over a 
period of time, the track, or trajectory, of the target can be found from 
which the absolute velocity of the target and its direction of travel can 
be determined and a prediction can be made as to its future location. 
Properly designed radars can determine the size and shape of a target 
and might even be able to recognize one type or class of target from 
another.                                                                                         (2 149) 
Answer the following questions. 
1. What is a radar? 2. How can its operation be summarized? 3. How 
can a common waveform (radiated by a radar) be described? 4. What is 
the range of a radar? 5. How can a radar influence on the size and 
shape of a target? 
Task 1. Describe the operation of a radar. 

Task 2. Speak about radar targets. 

Task 3. Find some more information about radar. 

Memorize the following basic vocabulary and terminology to 
text 1B: 
duplexer – антенный переключатель 
spatial filter to – фильтр пространственных частот  
local oscillator – излучатель генератор  
lownoise amplifier – усилитель с низким уровнем собственных 
Read and translate text 1B. 
Text 1B  
Basic Parts of a Radar 
Very elementary basic block diagram shows the subsystems 
usually found in a radar (See the figure). The transmitter, which is 
shown here as a power amplifier, generates a suitable waveform for the 
particular job the radar is to perform. It might have an average power 
as small as milliwatts or as large as megawatts. (The average power is 
a far better indication of the capability of a radar's performance than is 
its peak power.) Most radars use a short pulse waveform so that a 
single antenna can be used on a time-shared basis for both transmitting 
and receiving. 
The function of the duplexer is to allow a single antenna to be used 
by protecting the sensitive receiver from burning out while the 
transmitter is on and by directing the received echo signal to the 
receiver rather than to the transmitter. 


The antenna is the device that allows the transmitted energy to be 
propagated into space and then collects the echo energy on receive. It 

is almost always a directive antenna, one that directs the radiated 
energy into a narrow beam to concentrate the power as well as to allow 
the determination of the direction to the target. An antenna that 
produces a narrow directive beam on transmit usually has a large area 
on receive to allow the collection of weak echo signals from the target. 
The antenna not only concentrates the energy on transmit and collects 
the echo energy on receive, but it also acts as a spatial filter to provide 
angle resolution and other capabilities. 
The receiver amplifies the weak received signal to a level where its 
presence can be detected. Because noise is the ultimate limitation on 
the ability of a radar to make a reliable detection decision and extract 
information about the target, care is taken to insure that the receiver 
produces very little noise of its own. At the microwave frequencies, 
where most radars are found, the noise that affects radar performance 
is usually from the first stage of the receiver, shown here in the figure 
as a low-noise amplifier.                                                               (1 817) 
Task 1. Give those radar technical characteristics that must be of 
interest for radar transmitter users. 

Task 2. Find sentences which give the main idea of each 
paragraph and put them down. 

Task 3. Write the plan of the text. 

Task 4. Write a summary of the text in Russian according to your 
Memorize the following basic vocabulary and terminology to 
text 1C: 
clutter – мешающие отраженные сигналы (помехи) 
adversely affect – неблагоприятно воздействовать 
saturate – насыщать  
tolerated – допускать; tolerance – допуск 
intermediate frequency – промежуточная частота 
matched filter – согласованный фильтр 
Doppler processing – доплеровская обработка данных 
predetermined threshold – установленный заранее порог 
excessive false alarms – избыточный ложный сигнал тревоги 
locus of target locations – местоположение мишени 

missile – реактивный снаряд  
bandwidth – диапазон рабочих частот (ширина полосы частот) 
degrade – искажать, ухудшать 
IF – intermediate frequency – промежуточная частота (ПЧ) 
Read text 1C with the dictionary. 

Text 1C  
Radar applications 
For many radar applications where the limitation to detection is the 
unwanted radar echoes from the environment (called clutter), the 
receiver needs to have a large enough dynamic range so as to avoid 
having the clutter echoes adversely affect detection of wanted moving 
targets by causing the receiver to saturate. The dynamic range of a 
receiver, usually expressed in decibels, is defined as the ratio of the 
maximum to the minimum signal input power levels over which the 
receiver can operate with some specified performance. The maximum 
signal level might be set by the nonlinear effects of the receiver 
response that can be tolerated (for example, the signal power at which 
the receiver begins to saturate), and the minimum signal might be the 
minimum detectable signal. The signal processor, which is often in the 
IF portion of the receiver, might be described as being the part of the 
receiver that separates the desired signal from the undesired signals 
that can degrade the detection process. Signal processing includes the 
matched filter that maximizes the output signal-to-noise ratio. Signal 
processing also includes the Doppler processing that maximizes the 
signal-to-clutter ratio of a moving target when clutter is larger than 
receiver noise, and it separates one moving target from other moving 
targets or from clutter echoes. The detection decision is made at the 
output of the receiver, so a target is declared to be present when the 
receiver output exceeds a predetermined threshold. If the threshold is 
set too low, the receiver noise can cause excessive false alarms. If the 
threshold is set too high, detections of some targets might be missed 
that would otherwise have been detected. The criterion for determining 
the level of the decision threshold is to set the threshold so it produces 
an acceptable predetermined average rate of false alarms due to 
receiver noise.  

After the detection decision is made, the track of a target can be 
determined, where a track is the locus of target locations measured 
over time. This is an example of data processing. The processed target 
detection information or its track might be displayed to an operator; or 
the detection information might be used to automatically guide a 
missile to a target; or the radar output might be further processed to 
provide other information about the nature of the target. The radar 
control insures that the various parts of a radar operate in a coordinated 
and cooperative manner, as, for example, providing timing signals to 
various parts of the radar as required. 
The radar engineer has as resources time that allows good Doppler 
processing, bandwidth for good range resolution, space that allows a 
large antenna, and energy for long range performance and accurate 
measurements. External factors affecting radar performance include 
the target characteristics; external noise that might enter via the 
antenna; unwanted clutter echoes from land, sea, birds, or rain; 
interference from other electromagnetic radiators; and propagation 
effects due to the earth's surface and atmosphere. These factors are 
mentioned to emphasize that they can be highly important in the design 
and application of a radar. 
            (2 685) 
Task 1. Read text 1C again and write headings to each 

Task 2. Find these words in the text. Write a short definition for 
each one.  
predetermined threshold  

Grammar exercise  
Translate into Russian the following sentences paying attention 
to Gerund constructions and their syntactic functions. 
1.   We know the Great Russian scientist Konstantin Tsiolkovsky 
(1857–1935) to have developed fundamentals of rocket design. 
He also predicted future space flights more than a century ago. 

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