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Методические указания по обучению чтению на английском языке научно-технической литературы по специальности «Электронные технологии в машиностроении. Изготовление печатных плат»

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Пособие состоит из ряда текстов для чтения, перевода и аннотирования. Каждый текст является описанием одного из этапов процесса изготовления печатных плат. Тексты сопровождаются терминологическими словарями и заданиями. Задания направлены на закрепление и активизацию грамматического материала, усвоение специальной лексики и умение работать с оригинальным текстом на английском языке. Для студентов IV курса, обучающихся на факультете МТ по специальности «Электронные технологии в машиностроении».
Маргарян, Т. Д. Методические указания по обучению чтению на английском языке научно-технической литературы по специальности «Электронные технологии в машиностроении. Изготовление печатных плат» : методические указания / Т. Д. Маргарян, Т. М. Свободина. - Москва : Изд-в МГТУ им. Баумана, 2006. - 28 с. - ISBN 5-7038-2845-7. - Текст : электронный. - URL: https://znanium.ru/catalog/product/2166478 (дата обращения: 08.09.2024). – Режим доступа: по подписке.
Фрагмент текстового слоя документа размещен для индексирующих роботов. Для полноценной работы с документом, пожалуйста, перейдите в ридер.

Т.Д. Маргарян, Т.М. Свободина

 Методические указания по обучению чтению
на английском языке
научно-технической литературы
по специальности
«Электронные технологии в машиностроении.
Изготовление печатных плат»

М о с к в а
Издательство МГТУ им. Н.Э. Баумана
2 0 0 6

УДК 802.0
ББК  81.2Англ-923

Рецензент  Т.И. Кузнецова

Маргарян Т.Д. Свободина Т.М.
Методические указания по обучению чтению на английском языке научно-технической литературы по специальности «Электронные технологии в машиностроении. Изготовление печатных плат».  – М.: Изд-во МГТУ им. Н.Э. Баумана,
2006. – 28 с.: ил.
ISBN 5-7038-2845-7
Пособие состоит из ряда текстов для чтения, перевода и аннотирования. Каждый текст является описанием одного из этапов процесса изготовления печатных плат. Тексты сопровождаются терминологическими словарями и заданиями. Задания направлены на закрепление и активизацию
грамматического материала, усвоение специальной лексики и умение работать с оригинальным текстом на английском языке.
Для студентов IV курса, обучающихся на факультете МТ по специальности «Электронные технологии в машиностроении».

                                                                                              УДК 802.0
                                                                                                 ББК 81.2Англ-923

Методическое издание

Татьяна Дмитриевна Маргарян
Татьяна Михайловна Свободина

Методические указания по обучению чтению на английском языке
научно-технической литературы по специальности «Электронные
технологии в машиностроении. Изготовление печатных плат»

Корректор М.А. Василевская
Компьютерная верстка О.В. Беляевой

Подписано в печать  06.02.2006.  Формат 60×84/16. Бумага офсетная.
Печ. л. 1,75. Усл. печ. л. 1,63. Уч.-изд. л. 1,55. Тираж 300 экз.
Изд. №  138. Заказ

Издательство МГТУ им. Н.Э. Баумана.
105005, Москва, 2-я Бауманская, 5.

ISBN 5-7038-2845-7                                                   © МГТУ им. Н.Э. Баумана, 2006


§ 1. Introduction

Preliminary exercises

I. Learn the words below.
acquaint – знакомить, информировать
ambiguity [æmbı'gju(:)ıtı] – двусмысленность, неясность
depart from – сворачивать в сторону, отступать
manual – пособие, справочник
glossary – глоссарий, толковый словарь к тексту
industry-wide standards – крупносерийные образцы
outline  – план, схема
silk screen – трафарет
soldermask – слепок припоя, паяльная маска
take into account – принимать во внимание
screening – экспонирование

II. Read and translate the text.
The purpose of the manual is to acquaint the reader with the manu
facture of printed circuit boards in general. It is written for someone
having a basic understanding of how PC boards are made but lacking
the detailed knowledge. It contains a glossary of terms, which occasionally raise questions or lead to ambiguities. You can find detailed
information on different aspects of PC board fabrication.

Let us start with the description of how a double-sided printed cir
cuit board with plated through holes is manufactured. Multilayers will
be discussed later. To correctly produce the circuits a sufficiently complete set of documents is required. This means that the manufacturer
must know the number of layers, what printed circuit board material
and lamination thickness are to be used, where to drill all the holes,
what the various hole sizes are, which holes are plated through and
which are not. We must obtain or be able to produce a photographic
image of the printed circuitry to be produced on each layer of the board
as well as photos for the soldermask and silk screen, if required. The
documentation must define the shape and size of the finished circuits.

 Other features of the boards, which depart from industry-wide

standards, must be defined if they are to be taken into account during
fabrication. Rather than by beginning with a complete description of the
many ways in which this information can be provided, it will be better
to go through a discussion of the various processing steps.


I.  Find in the text, analyze and translate the sentences with

modal verbs and their equivalents.

II. Find and translate the words with the suffix -er in the fol
lowing words:

Reader, customer, cover, later, number, layer, further, rather, better,


III. Find in the text and write out pairs of words with Partici
ples I and II. Translate them.

IV. Answer the following questions.
1. What is the purpose of the manual?
2. What must the manufacturer know to produce a circuit?
3. Does the documentation have to define the shape and size of the

finished circuits?

4. It will be better to go through a discussion of the various proc
essing steps, won't it?

V. Get ready to discuss the main points of the text.

§ 2. Materials

Preliminary exercises

I. Learn the words below.
Сopper-clad laminate – плакированный  медью слоистый мате

specify (v) – точно определять
procurement [pre`kjuəment] – получение, приобретение, закупка
short run – небольшая партия
in-house – местный, собственного производства
ероху – эпоксидный
П. Translate the following verbs:
a)   arrange – rearrange; build – rebuild; group – regroup; place – re
place; use – reuse;   b)   recognize, remember, require.

III. Read and translate the text.
First, a material is selected. Most often the choice will be a copper
clad laminate of the following thickness: .031", .062", .093" or .125".
Occasionally, a thickness of  .047" or  .055" will be specified. These are
the standard thicknesses; anything else will require the procurement of
special material. In the case of short runs the manufacturer can make inhouse whatever special thickness is required. The standard material is
referred to as FR-4 (flame retarded), which meets the highest flamma
bility rating. The considered PC boards meet this standard. FR-4 material is basically fiberglass with copper cladding laminated to it. Fiberglass is a mixture of glass cloth and epoxy. It used to be called G-10
until the FR-4 (flame retarded) version virtually replaced it entirely.
Some folks however still refer to it as G-10.

Other material types are sometimes required for specific reasons.

Teflon based materials can be used as well as FR-4 ones. The Teflon
based materials are chosen for their special dielectric constants, a
measure of the electric field density within the material. The dielectric
constant of FR-4 is somewhere between 4.5 and 5.4. Vacuum is 1.0.
Teflon glass allows for much lower and much higher values and for the
low loss, which customers may require in their products. Teflon glass is
generally employed for very high frequency circuits.

Polyamides or special high temperature epoxy materials are occa
sionally requested as the customers boards will be subjected to sustained temperatures above the 135° C which FR-4 is rated for. Polyamides will work at temperatures up to 225° C.


I. Give the corresponding English equivalents from the text:
нижеследующий; иногда; какая бы дополнительная толщина ни

потребовалась; относится к таким, как; соответствовать требованиям; так же, как; из-за; тефлоновое стекло учитывает; будут  непрерывно (длительное время) подвергаться воздействию температурам выше…

II. Form new words with the help of suffixes:
a)  -ment:  to measure, to move , to improve, to require, to agree, to

settle, to establish;

b)  -ness:   thick, cold, sound, damp, fit, happy, hard, sharp.
III. Read abbreviations and translate them:
a) etc., i.e., e.g., viz., lb, ft, in, via;
b) 225° C, 0,75 %; 3,000 psi; 18.000 lb/in; 25 ft; 0,5'; .031"
IV.   Look through the text and find word combinations with

"for" and "as", translate them.

V. Make a written translation without a dictionary (10 min

Flex circuits are most often used as a replacement for wired cabling.

Hard-flex circuits are a combination of two hard boards interconnected
via a flex circuit. More popular is the use of Bendflex, which is a material that is processed flat and then, once assembled with components

and permanently bent into a precise three-dimensional shape.

Bendflex is gaining popularity for use in matching the shape of the

assembled PC board with severe spatial limitations of the mechanical
enclosure, which is to contain the circuitry.

As multilayers will be discussed later on, suffice it to say that virtu
ally any specific thickness can be produced within the capability defined by the number of layers and various copper weights specified.
The different possible lay-ups for making multilayers have resulted in a
large number of available thickness for FR-4 materials thinner than
.031" so that nearly any thickness less than  .031" can be found for a
double sided board or for building up a multilayer.

enclosure – корпус
lay-up – наслаивание
process – обрабатывать; перерабатывать
spatial [speıSl] – занимающий пространство

suffice it to say – достаточно сказать
virtually – фактически, практически, в сущности
gain – получать, приобретать
VII.   Answer the questions:
1.  What are the standard thicknesses?
2. What boards meet the standard?
3. FR-4 material is basically fiberglass, isn't it?
4. What does the fiberglass consist of?
5. Why are Teflon based materials preferable?
6. Where are flex circuits often used?
7. Is Bendflex or FR-4 material gaining popularity now?
VIII. Speak about different materials used in the circuit board fabri

§ 3. Drilling

Preliminary exercises

I. Learn the words below.
assume – принимать; допускать
artwork – оригинал фотошаблона
bushing – втулка, вкладыш, бушинг
align – располагать по одной линии; выравнивать
sink – углубление, выемка
elaborate tooling – тщательно разработанная, усовершенство
ванная тех. обработка

incorporate – объединять, включать, соединять
subsequently – впоследствии, затем, потом
stacks  – множество одинаковых предметов; груда; партия
profiling – обшив по фотошаблону
II. Translate the words with the suffix -ing:
Engineering the job, fabricating the circuit, the drilling machine, the

engineering group, the quality of the drilling, to act as a bushing, to prevent heating, the drilling can be done using more elaborate tooling, tooling holes, the screening of soldermask.

III. Read and translate the text.
After engineering the job, the first step in actually fabricating cir
cuits is to drill the cut and pinned panels of material. FR-4 epoxy glass
is assumed as standard. The panels to be drilled are cut to size and
pinned to the table of the drilling machine. Generally, the panels are
drilled 3high unless*, for reasons of small hole size, the engineering group
specifies stacks of only two or even one panel. The pinned stacks include
entry and exit material in order to improve the quality of drilling. Aluminum entry material reduces the burr from drilling, acts as a bushing to
hold better the drill bit straight and also as a heat sink to prevent excessive heating the epoxy within the hole. All the drilling machines have
automatic drill change; the drilling programs provide operator prompts,
which assure that drills are replaced after a chosen number of hits so to
maintain drill sharpness and thus drilling quality. The largest panels that
can be conveniently drilled are .18"×.24", drilling of larger panels is
rare but can be done using more elaborate tooling and drill programs.

Drilling programs are made such as to provide test holes along the

panel border, which are used to check hole quality and drill size and
sharpness. Part of the drilling programs include the drilling of the
various tooling holes which will subsequently be used to assure correct
registration of the printed image, the screening of soldermask and the
final routing( profiling) of the individual circuits. The accuracy of drilling is usually specified to be about  .005" or  .003". Each hole size requires a specific speed and feed of the drill tool. These feeds and
speeds are incorporated into the drilling program by engineering.

Plated through holes are drilled approximately .005" larger than the

specified size to compensate for the decrease in hole diameter due to
the electroplating of copper and solder. Customer artworks should take
into account the feet that the drilled holes, to which the artwork will be
aligned, will be larger than the specified hole diameter by this amount.

*3high unless – не более трех в высоту


I. State the function of the Infinitive in the underlined sentences

and translate them into Russian.

II. Insert the proper Infinitive out of those given: to provide, to be

drilled, to improve, to drill.

1. The first step in fabricating the circuit is ... the cut and pinned

panels of material.

2. The panels ... are cut to size.
3. The pinned stacks include entry and exit material in order ... the

quality of the drilling.

4. Such drill programs are made ... test holes along the panel bor

III. Translate the words with the suffix -ing:
Engineering the job, fabricating the circuit, the drilling machine, the en
gineering group, the quality of the drilling, to act as a bushing, to prevent
heating; the drilling can be done using more elaborate tooling.

V. Answer the questions:
1. What is the first step in fabricating the circuits?
2. How are panels drilled?
3. Why do the pinned stacks include entry and exit materials?
4. Does the aluminum entry material reduce the burr from drilling?
5. All new drilling machines have automatic drill change, haven't


6. What do some drill programs include?
7. What does each hole size require?
VI. Write an annotation of the text in Russian.

§ 4.  Deposition

Preliminary exercises

I. Words and word combinations to be remembered.
back-up – резервное устройство
deposition – отложение, осаждение
ample – достаточный
familiarity – знание, ознакомленность, осведомленность
compliance – соответствие
turnaround – цикл, оборот
call upon – взывать, призывать

II. Read and translate the text.
After drilling, a fabrication step is required which will coat the inside

wall of the holes with a stable conductive material so that in a subsequent
processing step the required thickness of copper can be electroplated
within the  hole. Normally, a minimum of ~1" of copper wall thickness is
specified. Very occasionally, a customer will request a greater thickness of
copper than that. There are currently two means of producing this initial
layer of conductive material on the hole wall.

The conventional method is called electroless copper deposition. As its

name suggests it is a technique which deposits a thin layer of copper without the use of electricity – by chemical means only. Whereas electroplating, done later on with an electric current, is able to add as much copper to
the board as desired, electroless copper deposition will produce only a very
thin copper layer of about 50 to 100 micro inches. While this is insufficient
as a final  copper thickness it is ample for the intervening processing steps
until the electroplating phase is reached and a full one mil (.001') or more
is added to the board and hole interiors.

Electroless copper deposition is a well established process. Unfortu
nately electroless copper deposition has certain disadvantages when it
comes to waste water treatment and other environmental factors. As a
result, various direct metallization processes have been developed as a replacement. CFC has been at the forefront of these developments and, after
years of familiarity with several of these processes,  settled on the Shadow

The Shadow process is a graphite based process, which is completely

environmentally friendly, and yields totally reliable plated through holes in
the finished boards. Environmental compliance is of course essential for any
PC board supplier who wishes to be a sure and reliable source for its
customers. As a further advantage the Shadow cycle is roughly eight
minutes as compared to the two hour cycle for electroless copper deposition. This can be extremely important in cases where CFC's very quick
turnaround capability is called upon to spin a board around in a single day.
Additionally, the Shadow process is both chemically simple to operate,
and is done using automatically loaded and unloaded, conveyor equipment
that virtually eliminates defects arising from excessive handling. CFC still
has both processes – principally Shadow but some electroless copper deposition – for reasons of back-up and for cases where electroless deposition is
favored either for certain technical reasons or simply because all new
processes are phased in at CFC in a carefully monitored manner so that
reliability can be assured and fully documented.


I.  Give  the corresponding English equivalents from the


Требуются этапы производства; так как само название предпо
лагает; на последующем этапе производства; традиционный метод;
к сожалению; когда приходится очищать отработанную воду; был
в авангарде; экологически безопасны; тщательно контролируемый
метод; все новые процессы включены (введены в действие).

II. Speak about two main techniques of deposition.
III. Read and translate the text without a dictionary. Give the

title to the text.

 Once the panels are depositioned or "shadowed", they are lami
nated with a dry film photoresist. This film is photosensitive and allows
the panels to be printed and developed using the phototools that define
the image of printed wires on the surfaces of the boards. The printing is
done by exposing the panels to ultraviolet light through phototools
pinned to the panel during exposure. The light intensity and time are
chosen to provide a faithful copy of the phototool image and to assure
the complete polymerization of the photoresist so that it will not develop away and will resist the acidic nature of the plating baths to be
used later in plating copper, solder, and/or nickel and gold. The developed pattern of traces appear on the panel as areas of copper uncoated
by the photoresist. Those portions of the panel which remain coated
with photoresist will not allow electroplating to take place so that the
only areas which will later be plated with additional copper and with
solder are those areas where the photoresist has been developed away.

§ 5.  Photos

Preliminary exercises

I. Read the words and define by their suffixes what parts of

speech they are, what parts of speech they are formed from and
translate them:

variety, occasionally, unambiguous, fabrication, opposite, back
wards, error, emulsion, additional, acidic, exposure, subsequent,
largely, polarity, reversal.

II. Learn the words  below.

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