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Обучение студентов чтению и устной речи на английском языке по страноведческой тематике. Часть 2. Кембридж

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Содержание методических указаний соответствует учебному фильму «Кембридж». Представлен скрпит фильма, приведены упражнения для освоения лексики и развития навыков устной речи. Методические указания могут быть использованы как для аудиторной, так и для самостоятельной работы. Для студентов всех курсов, изучающих английский язык. Рекомендовано Учебно-методической комиссией Научно-учебного комплекса «Фундаментальные науки» МГТУ им. Н. Э. Баумана. Рекомендовано Учебно-методической комиссией Научно-учебного комплекса "Фундаментальные науки" МГТУ им. Н. Э. Баумана.
Беликова, И. Ф. Обучение студентов чтению и устной речи на английском языке по страноведческой тематике. Часть 2. Кембридж : методическое пособие / И. Ф. Беликова, Л. И. Иванова. - Москва : Изд-во МГТУ им. Баумана, 2013. - 36 с. - ISBN 978-5-7038-3756-6. - Текст : электронный. - URL: https://znanium.ru/catalog/product/2160676 (дата обращения: 08.09.2024). – Режим доступа: по подписке.
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Московский государственный технический университет  
имени Н. Э. Баумана 

И. Ф. Беликова, Л. И. Иванова 
Обучение студентов  
чтению и устной речи 
на английском языке  
по страноведческой тематике  
Часть 2 
Методические указания 


Издательство МГТУ им. Н. Э. Баумана 

УДК 802.0 
ББК 81.2 Англ-923 

Рецензент И. В. Стасенко  

Беликова И. Ф.   
       Обучение студентов чтению и устной речи на английском языке по страно- 
ведческой тематике : метод. указания. — Ч. 2 : Кембридж / И. Ф. Беликова, Л. И. 
Иванова. — М.: Изд-во МГТУ им. Н.Э. Баумана, 2013. — 32, [4] c. : ил.  

ISBN 978-5-7038-3756-6 

«Кембридж». Представлен скрпит фильма, приведены упражнения для освоения 
лексики и развития навыков устной речи. Методические указания могут быть 
использованы как для аудиторной, так и для самостоятельной работы. 
Для студентов всех курсов, изучающих английский язык. 
Рекомендовано Учебно-методической комиссией Научно-учебного комплекса 
«Фундаментальные науки» МГТУ им. Н. Э. Баумана. 
УДК 802.0 
ББК 81.2 Англ-923 















ISBN 978-5-7038-3756-6 
© МГТУ им. Н.Э. Баумана, 2013 



Методические указания разработаны в дополнение к учебному фильму 
«Кембридж». Представлены скрипт фильма, разбитый на части, а также 
упражнения, направленные на изучение лексики и развитие навыков устной речи. 
Страноведческая тематика включена в экзаменационный материал по курсу 
английского языка. 
Целью авторов методических указаний является ознакомление российских 
студентов с жизнью и учебой в старейшем университете Великобритании, а также 
развитие коммуникативных навыков на базе изучения лексического материала. 
Методические указания предназначены для студентов всех курсов, изучающих 
английский язык. 


Remember new words and word combinations: 

The University of Cambridge 

To millions of people King’s College Chapel is Cambridge but to the visitor the city 
offers much more than that. Shopping bides with the colleges, with the visitor’s 
attention, while the latest fashions rub shoulder pads with memorials to Cambridge’s 
past and its many famous characters.  
Washington’s coat of arms here in 
the middle of St. Maria’s Church 
went on to form the American flag. 
The city has many museums.  
The Cambridge Folk museum will 
show you what life was like in  
the past. And modern scientific 
industries with their striking new 
recent growing economic success.  
For 2 weeks each July Cambridge 
plays host to an internationally 
renowned festival of Music and Art. Bowler-hatted chauffeurs are there to provide  
the balance of muscle power for the faint-hearted. 
(700 characters) 
The words to the text: 

to bide (bade, bided) —– ждать,  выжидать, зд. cоседствовать 
to rub shoulder pads — зд. cуществовать бок о бок 
chauffeur — шофер, зд. блюститель порядка 
bowler  hat — котелок (шляпа)  
Exercise 1. This part of the film tells you about old and modern Cambridge. 
Your task is to answer the questions, using the  new words. 
1. What is King’s College Chapel to people? 
2. What can you see in St. Maria’s Church? 
3. What will The Cambridge Folk museum show you? 
4. What happens in Cambridge each July? 

chapel [‘`ñéEèFä]=
часовня, церковь 
сoat of arms 
folk museum 
музей народного творчества 
to play host 
являться хозяином 
известный, знаменитый 
cлабый, слабонервный 

Exercise 2. Let’s focus on the new words. Find synonyms for the given words. 
Write them down, please. 
1) chapel 

2) renowned  

3) fain-hearted 

4) to play host 

5) to provide the balance 

a) weak, b) to be a master, c) to make order, help, d)  church,  e) famous, well-known 


Exercise 3. Complete the following sentences. 
1. To million of people King’s College Chapel is … 
2. The latest fashions rub shoulders pads with … 
3. The stars and strips on Washington’s coat of arms went on … 
4. ... with their striking new architecture reflect growing economic success. 
5. … will show you what life was like in the past. 
6. … plays host to an internationally renowned festival of music and art. 


Remember new words and word combinations: 
mound [′ã~såÇ] 
холм, насыпь, курган 
castle [}âoëEèFä] 
замок, дворец 
домашний, семейный 
scholar [}ëâmäè] 
ученый (гуманитарий) 
мастерство, умение 
stained glass 
витраж, цветное стекло   
longstanding tradition 
давняя традиция 
мода, стиль, модель 
to provide a catalogue of styles 
сделать каталог стилей 
высокое качество, выдающееся 
мастерство, превосходство 
Let’s watch and listen to the second раrt of the film. 
Nodling Bridge marks the original Roman forting point of the river Cam. But  
the earliest buildings surviving in Cambridge is the Saxon Tower of the Southbury 
Church. Later the Normans built a castle on the hill overlooking the crossing place.  

The mould still remains the panoramic view of the city. The tiny 13th century Church of 
St. Peter still sits in the shadow of the castle mound. 

The Church of the Holy Sepulcher (the Round Church) is one of only four round Norman church 
 in England. It was built by the Knights Templar (рыцари Ордена тамплиеров) 
The Roman round church across the river is one of only five round churches in  
the country. 
The circular design is based on 3the church’s the heaviest sepulcher in Jerusalem. 
The School of Isagulus is the oldest domestic building in Cambridge and is still in use 
by St. John’s College to this day. The first scholars did not appear in the city until  
the 13th century.   
Colleges are still being funded by today’s benefactors and craftsmanship displayed in 
stained glass of Robinson College continues a longstanding tradition of excellence. College 
architecture has followed fashion providing a catalogue of styles over the centuries.  

The first college Peterhouse was founded by Hugo de Balsham, 
 the bishop of Ely in 1284 

The words to the text: 

Sepulcher  — гробница, могила. склеп 
Benefactor [?ÄÉåfDÑñâíè] — благодетель. спонсор 
Proper names: 
Nodling Bridge 
Saxon Tower 
Southbury Church 
The Normans 
St. Peter Church 
The School of Isagulus 
St. John’s College 
Peterhouse College 
Robinson College 
Exercise 1. This part of the film tells you of the oldest architecture in 
Cambridge. Answer the following questions, try to use the new words. 

1. What is the earliest building surviving Cambridge? 
2. Who built a castle on the hill? 
3. How many round churches are there in the country? 
4. What is the oldest domestic building in Cambridge? 
5. When did the first schools appear in Cambridge? 
6. Who founded the first college Peter House? 
7. Who are colleges still founded by? 
8. What continues a longstanding tradition of excellence? 
Exercise 2. Replace the parts in bold with the new synonymic words: 

a) longstanding, b) castle, c) domestic, d) mound, e) stained glass, f) scholar, 
g) xcellence, h) to provide a catalogue of styles. 
1. Later the Normans built a palace on the hill. 
2. The hill still remains and gives the view of the city.  
3. The School of  Isagulus is the oldest home building in Cambridge. 
4. The first scientists didn’t appear in the city until the 13th century. 
5. Mastership displayed in coloured glass  continues an old tradition of high quality. 
6. College architecture has followed model of making a set of styles.  


Exercise 3. Translate the sentences from Russian into English, using the new words. 

1. Нормандцы построили на холме замок с видом на окрестности. 
2. Римская круглая церковь является одной из оставшихся пяти круглых церквей в 
3. Самое старое домашнее строение в Кембридже до сих пор используется в 
качестве колледжа. 
4. Первые ученые появились в городе только в XIII веке. 
5. Колледжи до сих пор финансируются спонсорами. 
6. Мастерство, воплощенное  в витражах колледжа Робинсон, продолжает давнюю 
Exercise  4. Speak about the oldest buildings of Cambridge 


The oldest surviving college Court Yard is near Corpus Christi. Clair is one of  
the original colleges founded along the banks. Its beautifully balustraded stone bridge is 
the oldest of the many college bridges crossing 
the river. The classical faсade presented today  
a courtyard is the heights of the 14th century 
foundation. The grandest and the most famous of 
the Cambridge’s colleges is King’s. 
Spectacular chapel built by five kings over  
a century is Cambridge’s crowning glory.  
The precious jewels of stained glass in  
the interior marry happily with the soaring fanvaulting above the rich English oak of the carved 
The largest college Trinity has a relatively modest chapel. But it has the catalogue of 
famous past students, including Tennyson and Newton. The Great Court dwarfs all  
the others in a fitting testament to its founder Henry the VIII. 
The words to the text: 
facade [ÑèDëoÇ] — фасад, внешний вид 
soaring  — высокий, возвышающийся 
fan-vaulting [ÑñåDîiäífk] — веерный свод 
carved screw — витиеватая резьба 
dwarf [ÇïiÑ] — карлик, гном 
testament — завещание 
Proper names: 
Corpus Christi College 
Claire College 
King’s College 
Trinity College 
Tennyson — английский поэт (1809–1892) 
Newton — английский ученый (1643–1727) 
Henry the 8th — король Англии с 1485 по 1509 год 
Exercise 1. This part of the film tells you of the colleges in Cambridge. Answer 
the following questions, try to use the new words. 
1. What is the name of the oldest Cambridge surviving college? 
2. What is the most famous college in Cambridge? 
3. What is Cambridge crowning glory? 
4. How is King’s College decorated ? 
5. Who is the founder of Trinity College? 
6. What kind of catalogue  does Trinity College have? 

Exercise 2. Match the words with their definitions: 
1) founder 
being unharmed 
2) height 
big, huge 
3) surviving 
effective, overwhelming 
4) grand 
King’s proud 
5) spectacular 
precious stones 
6) crowning glory 
f) to be connected 
7) jewels 
a person who was an initiator 
8) to marry 
the utmost point 


Exercise 3. Fill in the gaps with the proper words 

a) stained glass, b) chapel, c) the grandest, d) Tennyson and Newton, e) original,  
f) surviving, g) spectacular, h) famaus. 

1. The oldest … College is Corpus Christi. 
2. Claire is one of the … colleges founded along the banks. 
3. The … and the most … of Cambridge’s colleges is King’s. 
4. … chapel built by five kings is Cambridge’s crowning glory. 
5. The precious jewels of … in the interior marry with the rich English oaks. 
6. The largest college Trinity has a relatively modest … . 
7. It has the catalogue of famous past students including … . 


Exercise 4. Imagine that you are a guide, tell the tourists about the city colleges.  


Remember new words and word combinations:  
великолепный, прекрасный 
superb [ëEàFìW′ébWÄ] 
величественный, прекрасный 
великолепный, роскошный 
treasure [DíêÉwè] 
eminent scholar 
выдающийся ученый 
pet bear 
ручной медведь 
to retain 
to boast [′Äèsëí] smth 
гордиться чем-либо 
to pursue [éèDëàìW] 
проводить, выполнять 
timbered [DífãÄèÇ]  
sophisticated [ëèDÑfëífâÉfífÇ]   

Let’s watch and listen to the forth part of the film. 
The Christopher Wren’s magnificent classical design gave Trinity a superb library 
overlooking the river, a splendid setting of the priceless treasures inside.  The exquisite 
lime wood carving is done by Gibbs. Among the eminent scholars who used Trinity 
Library is the poet Lord Byron ( who by introducing a pet bear to the college infuriated 
the students and his tutor). Byron went to the unlucky door bell doomed to daily cares by 
pugilistic pupils and by bears. 
Another of  Wren’s buildings is the Chapel of Emmanuel College, a  famous scholar 
of Emmanuel Harvard was John Harvard. He went on to provide the foundation of 
Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachusetts. In 1497 Joan Alcock,  a  bishop of 
Ely, founded Jesus College from an existing nunnery. Many of the convent buildings 
were retained including the chapel and the castle. An Alcock symbol of  black cockerel 
is a reputing feature within the college cluster. 
Queen’s college boasts the unique half-timbered president’s lounge and the sophisticated 
sundial dating from the 17th century. The Mathematical bridge constructed originally 
without nails now links Queen’s old and new buildings across the river.  
St. John’s College was founded about 50 years after Queen’s. The colourful heraldry 
displayed on the Gate House including the Tudor Rose,  portcullis, mythical swales and 
marguerites, symbolizes the name of the family of the founders: Lady Margaret and  
Although most students live in colleges, lectures and academic work are pursued in 
the university faculty buildings which are spread throughout the city 
The words to the text: 
to infuriate — разозлить, привести в ярость 
to doom to —  определять, предопределять 
pugilistic  — драчливый 
heraldry — геральдика, гербоведение 
convent — женский монастырь 
nunnery — женский монастырь 
cockerel — петушок 
college cluster — зд. братство колледжа 
sundial [Dë^åÇ~fèä] — солнечные часы 
portcullis [éiíDâ^äfë] — опускная решетка (в крепостных воротах) 
marguerite [?ãoÖèDêgí] — маргаритка 
reputing — известный 
Proper names: 
Chapel of Emmanuel College  
Harvard University — Гарвардский университет в Америке, в г. Бостоне, штате 
Массaчусетс, основан в 1636 году 
Ely [‘i:li] — английский остров 
Jesus College 
Christopher Wren — английский архитектор (1632–1723) 

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