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Я хочу говорить по-русски. Курс русского языка для иностранцев. = I want to speak Russian. A Russian Course for Beginners

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«Я хочу говорить по-русски / I want to speak Russian» — это пособие для тех, кто решил начать понимать русский язык на слух и говорить по-русски. Это трамплин в новый, интересный и загадочный мир русского языка, настоящее приключение, которое вы совершите с главными героями. Вместе с ними вы научитесь понимать русский, выражать свои мысли, задавать вопросы и отвечать на них. А аудиоприложение поможет не только сформировать правильное произношение, но и завоевать уважение собеседника. С таким курсом русского языка в кармане вам будет намного проще понимать русский, общаться и чувствовать себя уверенным в любой компании.
Чумаков, А.В. Я хочу говорить по-русски. Курс русского языка для иностранцев. = I want to speak Russian. A Russian Course for Beginners / А. В. Чумаков. — Москва : ФЛИНТА, 2024. — 192 с. - (Русский язык как иностранный). — ISBN 978-5-9765-5438-2. - Текст : электронный. - URL: https://znanium.ru/catalog/product/2159657 (дата обращения: 24.11.2024). – Режим доступа: по подписке.
Фрагмент текстового слоя документа размещен для индексирующих роботов

Александр Чумаков

Курс русского языка для иностранцев

A Russian Course for Beginners

Издательство «ФЛИНТА»

УДК 811.161.1(0.054.6)
ББК  81.411.2-99я7

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Чумаков А.В.
Ч-90      Я хочу говорить по-русски. Курс русского языка для иностран- 

цев. = I want to speak Russian. A Russian Course for Beginners / А.В. Чу- 
маков. — Москва : ФЛИНТА, 2024. — 192 с. + аудиоприложение. —  
(Русский язык как иностранный). — ISBN 978-5-9765-5438-2. 
— Текст : электронный.

«Я хочу говорить по-русски / I want to speak Russian» — это 
пособие для тех, кто решил начать понимать русский язык на 
слух и говорить по-русски. Это трамплин в новый, интересный и 
загадочный мир русского языка, настоящее приключение, которое вы совершите с главными героями. Вместе с ними вы научитесь понимать русский, выражать свои мысли, задавать вопросы 
и отвечать на них. А аудиоприложение поможет не только сформировать правильное произношение, но и завоевать уважение 
С таким курсом русского языка в кармане вам будет намного 
проще понимать русский, общаться и чувствовать себя уверенным в любой компании.

УДК 811.161.1(0.054.6)
ББК 81.411.2-99я7

ISBN 978-5-9765-5438-2 
© Чумаков А.В., 2024
© Издательство «ФЛИНТА», 2024


Hello everyone! My name is Alexander, but many people call 
me Alex for short. I would like to tell you how I can help you start 
speaking real, true, excellent Russian and feel absolutely relaxed 
during your study. I know what it takes to learn a foreign language, 
having people around you who don’t study this language or speak 
it very little — I myself learned English.
I was born in Russia and I grew up there. I am a teacher of both 
Russian and English, that is why I understand perfectly well your 
anxiety, your worry and your embarrassment about learning a new 
language. I want to help you become a strong, fantastic and confident 
Russian speaker. I have created this course called “I want to speak 
Russian” for you to succeed in speaking this language.
If you let me teach you, lead you and guide you through this tough, 
difficult and meandering process of acquiring Russian, together we will 
certainly take your language skills to a new level. I promise you will 
begin to understand and speak Russian the way you never did before.

Let me tell you a story from my childhood.
When I was in third grade, one day a new teacher came into the 
classroom. Everybody was sitting at their desks.
The teacher asked the class, “Children, what do you want to be, 
when you grow up?”
All the children raised their hands.
“Okay”, said the teacher, and pointed to Ivan.
Ivan said, “I want to be a pilot. I want to fly through the sky like 
a bird.”
“Very good”, the teacher said.
Then the other boy stood up and said, “I want to be a policeman. 
I want to shoot bad guys.”
“That’s great”, said the teacher.

And then Masha raised her hand and said, “I want to be a movie 
star. I want to live in Hollywood. I want to be famous and rich.”
The teacher said, “That’s nice.” Then he looked at me and asked me.
“What about you, Alex? What do you want to be, when you grow 
I said, “I want to be a teacher.”
“Why?” he asked.
“I want to help boys and girls to be what they want to be”, I said.

In other words, when I was 10 years old, I already wanted to be of 
help. I did not know what I was going to teach, but one thing I knew 
for sure: I wanted to be a teacher. I wanted to serve others.
As Doctor King said, “Not everyone can be famous, but everybody 
can be great, because greatness is determined by service.”
I decided to teach Russian, one of the most beautiful languages in 
the world. I went to University and got my diploma. Since that time, 
I became a willing student, very much interested in how I could help 
people to speak excellent Russian all over the globe.
Many years have passed since then, I’ve learned from the best, and 
I’ve found the method that I am going to share with you in this course.
I became a teacher of Russian for non-native speakers many years 
ago. But I am still committed to serving people. I am still excited and 
curious about what I am doing. Because I am devoted to my calling 
which is to teach you to speak true, real and excellent Russian.

Learning a foreign language is a tough, meandering and unbelievably 
hard process. It’s never easy to try something new. It’s always risky. 
And it takes a lot of money, a lot of time and of course, a lot of courage. 
As Maya Angelou, a real treasure of America and speaker of seven 
languages, used to say, “We need courage to speak languages.”

When you decide to learn a foreign language on your own, it feels 
like driving through the fog with one headlight out. You cannot see very 
far. And you get nervous. You feel quite uncomfortable and stressed. 

But if you look at the people who already did what you want to do, it 
will give an emotional boost. And you just go and face it.

Again, Maya Angelou once said, “Why do we think we can just 
press the magic button to get start speaking Russian or English, or 
any other foreign language like a native?” I’s just like trying to run 
before we can walk. As you understand that is not the way to learn 
and acquire any language. We have to go through the learning process 
in order to perfect it.
Another absolutely amazing and fantastic teacher, scientist and 
polyglot Steven Krashen says, “You can only acquire the language when 
you understand the message. Speaking is always the final product.”
If you remain curious about learning, if you are strong enough to 
fight procrastination, your gifts will make a room for you, and you 
will get the results you want. With the help of my course, you will 
certainly become a fantastic, remarkable and brilliant Russian speaker, 
even if you are just a beginner.

As soon as you begin to understand Russian, and once people 
around you begin to understand you, a new, fantastic and mysterious 
world of Russian soul opens up right in front of you. Isn’t it great 
to communicate with people, speaking confidently, powerfully and 
automatically? Respect and success immediately come to you! Having 
acquired Russian, you definitely acquire new friends. And you no longer 
have problems travelling across Russia. Now, you are in a perfect 
mood and capable of creating a marvelous archive of life experiences.

The digital MP3 format of audios will allow you to listen to them 
using any device you like. You may study the course whenever and 
wherever you want: while walking in the park, while running, or cooking, 
or driving your car. Isn’t it is easy and convenient?
Jim Rohn — an American successful businessman, famous writer 
and brilliant influencer used to say, “The Key to Success is You.” I 
totally agree with him.

To achieve success in Russian start with yourself. It is not a secret 
that we are emotional creatures. You must feel confident when speaking 
with other people in Russian. Why? Because if you feel confident, 
you notice how everything around you becomes better: people want 
to hear you and they want to talk to you. You stop being a so-called 
“invisible man”. Of course, in order to achieve this you have to practice 
a lot: think consciously, feel and live through every single word you 
hear, read and say. Only then success will come to you. Never fail to 
invest your effort in it.

How to do this Russian course

The name of the course speaks for itself. You already want to speak 
Russian. You are preoccupied with this fantastic idea and burning 
desire. What is the next step to take?
It is your vivid imagination that makes your dream to speak Russian 
more powerful, colorful and clear. It gives you energy, and, most 
importantly, hope that everything will come out perfectly fine. Imagine 
yourself speaking Russian. It is very easy, isn’t it? See yourself in your 
head speaking Russian wherever and whenever you want. Use that 
powerful instrument you have at your disposal, called imagination. 
This is your first step to make.

The second one is to believe that your desire to speak Russian 
can be real.
Look around and find a person who already speaks this language 
very well: in other words, find your role model. This person shows 
you that what you want to do is possible.
If you learned Russian before, I want you to remember some 
moments from your past where you already were successful. It may 
be a small victory: you successfully said a few sentences in Russian, 
or maybe you learned a little poem If you did it once — if you were  
successful — you can do it again. The difference is that this time you 
are going to do it much faster and far better.

The third step is to make everything real. Make it tangible — breathe 
life into it.
Every day you listen, read and say out loud one lesson. You do 
it as many times as you can. One time is never enough — it never 
works. As the Russian saying goes: repetition is a mother of learning. 
It means that practice makes perfect.
Don’t read and don’t repeat lessons in English — you are already 
a master of this language. Your next goal is to become a master of 

The final step is to be disciplined. This quality is the last piece of 
miracle: the bridge between your wish to speak Russian and your 
ultimate goal to begin speaking Russian. Every single day you have 
to build this bridge by listening to my voice and repeating everything 
after me in Russian.
Every day you train your brain and help yourself become better 
at this new language.
That’s it. This is a very easy but powerful formula that really works.
If you follow this system, I promise, you will certainly understand 
and speak Russian better than you are doing now.
At the end of the course there is going to be a surprise for you: a 
big, interesting and exciting story about the main characters of this 
course. All the lessons, including repetitions, will create a story for 
you. The more you listen, read and repeat the lessons during the 
course, the easier it is going to be for you to understand the story. 
As a result, you are going to enjoy it.
Now you know how to do this fantastic course and you know what 
you will have in the end. Go ahead and start speaking Russian. I am 
sure you will speak true, real and excellent Russian.
Good luck to you!

With love and respect,
Your Russian teacher


Часть 1. Текст

Я — Алекс.
Мне 40 лет.
Я — мужчина.

Часть 2. Вопросы и ответы

Я — Алекс.

Я — Алекс или я — Боб?

Алекс. Я — Алекс.

Кто я?

Алекс. Я — Алекс.

Я — Алекс?

Да. Я — Алекс.

Часть 3. Вопросы и ответы

Мне 40 (сорок) лет.

Мне двадцать лет?

Нет, мне не двадцать лет. Мне сорок лет.

Мне сорок?

Да, мне сорок.

Кому сорок лет?

Мне. Алексу. Мне сорок лет.


Part 1. Text

I am Alex.
I am 40 years old.
I am a man.

Part 2. Questions and answers

I am Alex.

Am I Alex or am I Bob?

Alex. I am Alex.

Who am I?

Alex. I am Alex.

Am I Alex?

Yes. I am Alex.

Part 3. Questions and answers

I am 40 (forty) years old.

Am I twenty years old?

No. I am not twenty years old. I am forty years old.

Am I forty?

Yes, I am forty.

Who is forty years old?

Me. Alex. I am forty years old.

Сколько мне лет?

Сорок. Мне сорок лет. Мне сорок.

Мне двадцать или сорок?

Сорок. Мне сорок. Мне не двадцать.

Кому сорок: мне или Бобу?

Мне. Алексу. Алексу сорок. Мне сорок, не Бобу.

Часть 4. Вопросы и ответы

Я — мужчина.

Я — женщина?

Нет, я — не женщина. Я — мужчина.

Я — мужчина или женщина?

Мужчина. Я — мужчина. Я — не женщина.

Кто мужчина?

Я. Алекс. Я — мужчина.

Часть 5. Новые идеи

Он Алекс.
Ему не двадцать лет. Ему сорок.
Он не женщина. Он мужчина.

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