Английская грамматика: модальные глаголы
Английский язык
ЛГПУ имени П. П. Семёнова-Тян-Шанского
Год издания: 2020
Кол-во страниц: 153
Возрастное ограничение: 16+
Вид издания:
Учебное пособие
Уровень образования:
ВО - Бакалавриат
ISBN: 978-5-907335-58-5
Артикул: 835313.01.99
Настоящее учебное пособие представляет собой сборник упражнений для аудиторной и самостоятельной работы студентов над формированием грамматических навыков и совершенствованием грамматических умений.
В пособие включены теоретические материалы и таблицы по функциональному использованию модальных глаголов в речи. Упражнения, представленные в пособии, дают возможность студентам прочно усвоить данное грамматическое явление и использовать его в речи.
Пособие предназначено для студентов 2 года обучения, обучающихся по направлениям подготовки 41.03.01 Зарубежное регионоведение (Регионоведение по странам Западной Европы), 45.03.02 Лингвистика (Перевод и переводоведение), 45.03.02 Лингвистика (Теория и методика преподавания иностранных языков и культур). Рекомендовано также слушателям программ дополнительного профессионального образования соответствующего направления подготовки.
- ВО - Бакалавриат
- 41.03.01: Зарубежное регионоведение
- 45.03.02: Лингвистика
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Министерство просвещения Российской Федерации Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего образования «Липецкий государственный педагогический университет имени П.П. Семенова-Тян-Шанского» Кафедра лингвистики и межкультурной коммуникации И.С. Николаенко, А.А. Прибыткова ENGLISH GRAMMAR: MODAL VERBS Учебное пособие Липецк – 2020
Министерство просвещения Российской Федерации Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего образования «Липецкий государственный педагогический университет имени П.П. Семенова-Тян-Шанского» Кафедра лингвистики и межкультурной коммуникации И.С. Николаенко, А.А. Прибыткова АНГЛИЙСКАЯ ГРАММАТИКА: МОДАЛЬНЫЕ ГЛАГОЛЫ Учебное пособие Липецк – 2020
Рекомендовано к печати кафедрой лингвистики и УДК 811.111 ББК 81.432.1я73-3 Н 63 межкультурной коммуникации ЛГПУ имени П.П. Семенова-Тян-Шанского. Протокол № 1 от 31.08.2020 Николаенко, И.С. Английская грамматика: модальные глаголы: учебное пособие / И.С. Николаенко, А.А. Прибыткова. – Липецк: ЛГПУ имени П.П. Семенова-Тян-Шанского, 2020. – 153 с. – Текст непосредственный. ISBN 978-5-907335-58-5 Настоящее учебное пособие представляет собой сборник упражнений для аудиторной и самостоятельной работы студентов над формированием грамматических навыков и совершенствованием грамматических умений. В пособие включены теоретические материалы и таблицы по функциональному использованию модальных глаголов в речи. Упражнения, представленные в пособии, дают возможность студентам прочно усвоить данное грамматическое явление и использовать его в речи. Пособие предназначено для студентов 2 года обучения, обучающихся по направлениям подготовки 41.03.01 Зарубежное регионоведение (Регионоведение по странам Западной Европы), 45.03.02 Лингвистика (Перевод и переводоведение), 45.03.02 Лингвистика (Теория и методика преподавания иностранных языков и культур). Рекомендовано также слушателям программ дополнительного профессионального образования соответствующего направления подготовки. УДК 811.111 ББК 81.432.1я73-3 Н 63 Рецензенты: Н.Н. Гладышева, канд. пед. наук, доцент, заведующий кафедрой романогерманских языков факультета Мировой политики ФГБОУ Государственный академический университет гуманитарных наук Е.А. Стурова, канд. пед. наук, доцент кафедры английского языка ФГБОУ ВО «Липецкий государственный педагогический университет имени П.П. Семенова-Тян-Шанского» ISBN 978-5-907335-58-5 © ФГБОУ ВО «Липецкий государственный педагогический университет имени П.П. Семенова-Тян-Шанского», 2020 © И.С. Николаенко, 2020 © А.А. Прибыткова, 2020
English Grammar: Modal Verbs 33 M MO OD DAALL VVEERRBBSS 1. What is a modal verb? The verb that doesn‟t express an action, but expresses the speaker‟s attitude to the action is called a modal verb. There are a lot of functions that modal verbs perform. They are: ability advice assurance certainty complain doubt instructions obligation invitation offer necessity order permission possibility probability prohibition promise reproach request suggestion threat volition warning uncertainty absence of necessity absence of obstacles asking for instructions criticism of a past action 2. What modal verbs do you know? There are 13 modal verbs in the English language. They are: can – could may – might shall – should will – would must to have to to be to ought to need 3. How do they differ from ordinary verbs? Modal verbs have some features that make them different from ordinary verbs: They have only one from (no ‘-s’ form for the 3d person singular of the present tense), though to have to has its form has to; They do not have non-finite forms (gerund, infinitive, participle); All, except ought to, to be to, to have to are followed by bare infinitives (can go, must speak, may stay; but have to go, ought to help, is to do); They are mostly used in 2 forms only (Present and Past Simple); They form negatives and questions without auxiliary verbs (except for to have to): cannot must not can‟t mustn‟t could not don‟t have to doesn‟t have to didn‟t have to They go in front of the subject in questions (Can I help you? Shall we go to the cinema tonight?)
English Grammar: Modal Verbs 44 4. What intonation is usually used with modals? in statements they are unstressed: 'I can,do it ['aı kǝn,dυ ıt]; in the beginning of the questions they are stressed: 'Can we,go now? ['kæn wı:,gǝυ naυ]; when they form a short negative they are stressed: He 'can‟t come. [hı: 'ka:nt k˄m]; if they are not followed by another verb they are stressed: 'Yes, you,can. ['jes ju:,kæn]; 5. How do they form Past Tense forms? ((oonnllyy iinn CCoonnccrreettee M Meeaanniinngg)) ((iinn IIm mppeerraattiivvee aanndd SSuuppppoossiittiioonnaall M Meeaanniinnggss)) can – could can/could do – can/could have done may – might may/might do – may/might have done must – had to must do – must have done have to – had to should do – should have done be to – was to/ were to needn‘t do – needn‘t have done will – would would do – would have done shall – should 6. In what meanings are they used? Each modal verb, depending on the context it is used in, can have several meanings: concrete, imperative and suppositional. Use appropriate modal verbs to complete the sentences. (Sometimes several variants are possible). Try to state the functions of the modals in the sentences. 1) _______ I help you? 2) I think I _______ go now, otherwise I‘ll be late. 3) You ________ do your homework. It‘s an order. 4) _______ I take this book, please? 5) ________ you show me the way to the railway station, please? 6) - _______ we retell the story? - No, you ________ not do this. Just read it. 7) You _______ go to the doctor, you look sick. 8) Don‘t eat too much ice-cream or you _______ be sick. 9) Don‘t even try! This door ________ not open. 10) _______ you like a cup of tea? 11) You ________ have told me about it earlier. Now it‘s too late. 12) I _______ not have gone to the station, it was unnecessary. 13) No, you _______ not take this. It‘s mine. 14) He is absent. He _______ be ill. 15) I waited for you for 2 hours yesterday. You _______ have told me that you wouldn‘t come. 16) When I was small I _______ eat a lot of sweets. But now I ________ not, I don‘t like them very much now. 17) He works very hard at his English. I think in half a year he will _______ speak very fluently. 18) Yesterday I _______ not to do my homework, because I did everything the day before yesterday. 19) _______ you show me where Mr. Smith‘s office is, please? 20) You _______ find him there, perhaps, but I am not sure. 21) You _______ do it. It‘s your job. Nobody will do it for you.
English Grammar: Modal Verbs 55 PPaarrtt 11 CCAAN N CCO OU ULLD D
English Grammar: Modal Verbs 66 CCoonnccrreettee IIm mppeerraattiivvee SSuuppppoossiittiioonnaall 1. Physical ability Can you move it? 2. Mental ability She could translate this text when she was at the 7th form. 3. Circumstantial ability How can I get to the railway station? 4. Possibility in the present or future (could do – МОГ БЫ …) I think I could help you now. I could come to you tomorrow 1. Asking for permission Can I go for a walk now? 2. Permission You can go home now. 3. Prohibition You can‟t smoke here. 4. Request Can (could) you pass the salt, please? 1. Strong doubt about the present (НЕУЖЕЛИ) Can smb do smth ? Could be doing Can (could) she know it for sure? Can (could) he be working now? 2. Strong doubt about the past (НЕУЖЕЛИ) Can smb have done smth ? Could have been doing Can (could) she have done it all by herself? Can (could) he have been working when you called him?
English Grammar: Modal Verbs 77 5. Incomplete possibility in the past (could have done – МОГ БЫ …) I could have helped you if you had told me about your problems earlier 5. Offer Can I help you? 6. Complaint Can‟t you turn the sound down! It‟s very loud. 3. Very strong doubt about the present (НЕ МОЖЕТ БЫТЬ) Smb can‟t do smth couldn‟t be doing She can‟t (couldn‟t) speak English so well. He can‟t (couldn‟t) be still sleeping. They can‟t (couldn‟t) fail to understand you. 4. Very strong doubt about the past (НЕ МОЖЕТ БЫТЬ) Smb can‟t have done smth couldn‟t have been doing She can‟t (couldn‟t) have said such a thing. He can‟t (couldn‟t) have been eating then. They can‟t have failed to understand you. 5. Astonishment How can (could) she have done it? What can (could) he be doing there now?
English Grammar: Modal Verbs 88 CCA AN N CCO OU ULLD D 1. We use the modal verbs can and could to express ability, possibility, permission, asking for permission, prohibition, request, offer, complaint, doubt, astonishment. 2. Can and could are interchangeable when they are used in imperative and suppositional meanings – they are equivalents. In concrete meaning could is a past form of the verb can. Could you give me a pen, please? Can you give me a book, please? I can swim well now. I could swim well when I was a child. 3. As an equivalent to the verb can – to be able to is also used. But it has its own peculiar meaning. Can usually denotes ability/possibility in general, while to be able to is used to show that a person is able to perform an action in a certain case. I can play tennis well, but I am not able to do it now, because my leg hurts. 4. To be able to is used to express ability in future. We can also use it in Perfect Tenses and with modal verbs. Can isn‘t used in such cases. I can't sing well, but I think I will be able to sing well soon, because I‟ve been practicing a lot recently. She has been able to add big numbers in her mind since childhood. I hope I might be able to join you a bit later. 5. Can and could are used to express doubt and in these cases they are used with different infinitives. When we want to express doubt about the present action we use simple and continuous infinitives, but to express doubt about the past action perfect and perfect continuous infinitives are used. She can‟t be studying now. It‟s too late. She can‟t have been studying then. It was too loud in the room.