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Английский язык. 10 класс. Базовый уровень

Артикул: 815780.02.99
Учебник является центральным элементом учебно-методического комплекта серии «Английский в фокусе» для 10 классов общеобра- зовательных организаций. Отличительной особенностью УМК является модульное построение учебника, наличие аутентичного материала о России, заданий, соответствующих требованиям международных экзаменов, готовящих постепенно к Единому государственному экзамену по английскому языку. Материалы учебника способствуют достижению личностных, метапредметных и предметных результатов обучения.
Английский язык. 10-й класс. Базовый уровень : учебник / О. В. Афанасьева, Д. Дули, И. В. Михеева [и др.]. — 13-е изд., стер. — Москва : Express Publishing : Просвещение, 2024. — 248 с. : ил. — (Английский в фокусе). — ISBN 978-5-09-112197-1. - Текст : электронный. - URL: https://znanium.ru/catalog/product/2157212 (дата обращения: 28.06.2024). – Режим доступа: по подписке.
Фрагмент текстового слоя документа размещен для индексирующих роботов. Для полноценной работы с документом, пожалуйста, перейдите в ридер.

10 класс


13-е издание, стереотипное

Express Publishing

З © АО «Издательство «Просвещение» для коллекции ООО «ЗНАНИУМ »

УДК  373.167.1:811.111+811.111(075.3)
Серия «Английский в фокусе» основана в 2006 году.

На учебник получены положительные заключения научной (заключение РАО № 914 от 21.11.2016 г.), педагогической 
(заключение РАО № 685 от 21.11.2016 г.) и общественной (заключение РКС № 393-ОЭ от 22.12.2016 г.) экспертиз.

Авторы: О. В. Афанасьева, Д. Дули, И. В. Михеева, Б. Оби, В. Эванс
Authors: Virginia Evans, Jenny Dooley, Bob Obee, Olga Afanasyeva, Irina Mikheeva
Authors’ Acknowledgements
We would like to thank all the staff at Express Publishing who have contributed their skills to producing this book. Thanks for their support and 
patience are due in particular to: Megan Lawton (Editor-in-Chief); Mary Swan and Sean Todd (senior editors); Michael Sadler and Steve Miller 
(editorial assistants); Richard White (senior production controller); the Express Publishing design team; Warehouse (recording producers); 
and Kevin Harris, Kimberly Baker, Steven Gibbs and Christine Little. We would also like to thank those institutions and teachers who piloted the 
manuscript, and whose comments and feedback were invaluable in the production of the book.
Colour Illustrations: Stone, Chris. Music Compositions & Arrangement by Ted and Taz.
While every effort has been made to trace all the copyright holders, if any have been inadvertently overlooked 
the publishers will be pleased to make the necessary arrangements at the first opportunity.
Английский язык : 10-й класс : базовый уровень : учебник / О. В. Афанасьева, Д. Дули,  
И. В. Михеева [и др.]. — 13-е изд., стер. — Москва : Express Publishing : Просвещение, 2024. —  
248 с. : ил. — (Английский в фокусе).
ISBN 978-5-09-112197-1.
Учебник является центральным элементом учебно-методического комплекта серии «Английский в фокусе» для 10 классов общеобразовательных 
организаций. Отличительной особенностью УМК является модульное построение учебника, наличие аутентичного материала 
о России, заданий, соответствующих требованиям международных экзаменов, готовящих постепенно к Единому государственному 
экзамену по английскому языку. Материалы учебника способствуют достижению личностных, метапредметных и предметных 
результатов обучения.
Аудиоприложение: https://prosv.ru/audio-spotlight10-1/
УДК 373.167.1:811.111+811.111(075.3)
ББК 81.432.1я721

Учебное издание

Серия «Английский в фокусе»

Афанасьева Ольга Васильевна
Дули Дженни
Михеева Ирина Владимировна
Оби Боб
Эванс Вирджиния

Английский язык
10 класс

Базовый уровень


Центр лингвистического образования
Ответственный за выпуск О. А. Шитикова
Редактор А. А. Каплина
Редактор карт М. А. Григорьева
Художественный редактор Н. В. Дождева
Корректор И. Б. Окунева

Подписано в печать 17.11.2023. Формат 60x90/8. Гарнитура Прагматика. Уч.-изд. л. 28,19. Усл. печ. л. 31. 
Тираж          экз. Заказ №        

Акционерное общество «Издательство «Просвещение». Российская Федерация, 127473, Москва, ул. Краснопролетарская, д. 16,  
стр. 3, помещение 1Н.

Адрес электронной почты «Горячей линии» — vopros@prosv.ru.

Express Publishing. Liberty House, New Greenham Park, Newbury, Berkshire RG19 6HW. Tel.: (0044) 1635 817 363. Fax: (0044) 1635 817 
463. e-mail: inquiries@expresspublishing.co.uk http://www.expresspublishing.co.uk

ISBN 978-5-09-112197-1 
© Express Publishing, 2014, 2017
© АО «Издательство «Просвещение», 2014, 2019
    Все права защищены


З © АО «Издательство «Просвещение» для коллекции ООО «ЗНАНИУМ »


Module 1 – Strong ties (pp. 9-26)
  1a     Reading Skills ...............................  pp.10-11
  1b     Listening & Speaking Skills ....  pp.12-13
   1c     Grammar in Use ..........................  pp.14-15
  1d     Literature .......................................  pp.16-17
  1e     Writing Skills ................................  pp.18-20

Module 2 – Living & Spending (pp. 27-44)
  2a     Reading Skills ...............................  pp.28-29
  2b     Listening & Speaking Skills ....  pp.30-31
   2c     Grammar in Use ..........................  pp.32-33
  2d     Literature .......................................  pp.34-35
  2e     Writing Skills ................................  pp.36-38

Module 3 – Schooldays & Work (pp. 45-62)
  3a     Reading Skills ...............................  pp.46-47
  3b     Listening & Speaking Skills ....  pp.48-49
   3c     Grammar in Use ..........................  pp.50-51
  3d     Literature .......................................  pp.52-53
  3e     Writing Skills ................................  pp.54-56

Module 4 – Earth Alert! (pp. 63-80)
  4a     Reading Skills ...............................  pp.64-65
  4b     Listening & Speaking Skills ....  pp.66-67
   4c     Grammar in Use ..........................  pp.68-69
  4d     Literature .......................................  pp.70-71
  4e     Writing Skills ................................  pp.72-74

Module 5 – Holidays (pp. 81-100)
  5a     Reading Skills ...............................  pp.82-83
  5b     Listening & Speaking Skills ....  pp.84-85
   5c     Grammar in Use ..........................  pp.86-87
  5d     Literature .......................................  pp.88-89
  5e     Writing Skills ................................  pp.90-94

Module 6 – Food & Health (pp. 101-120)
  6a     Reading Skills ...............................  pp.102-103
  6b     Listening & Speaking Skills ....  pp.104-105
   6c     Grammar in Use ..........................  pp.106-107
  6d     Literature .......................................  pp.108-109
  6e     Writing Skills ................................  pp.110-114

Module 7 – Let’s have fun (pp. 121-138)
  7a     Reading Skills ...............................  pp.122-123
  7b     Listening & Speaking Skills ....  pp.124-125
   7c     Grammar in Use ..........................  pp.126-127
  7d     Literature .......................................  pp.128-129
  7e     Writing Skills ................................  pp.130-132

Module 8 – Technology (pp. 139-156)
  8a     Reading Skills ...............................  pp.140-141
  8b     Listening & Speaking Skills ....  pp.142-143
   8c     Grammar in Use ..........................  pp.144-145
  8d     Literature .......................................  pp.146-147
  8e     Writing Skills ................................  pp.148-150

Word Perfect & Grammar Check.......  pp.157-181
Spotlight on Russia ................................  pp.1-10
Song Sheets ..............................................  pp.SS1-SS4
Grammar Reference Section ..............  pp.GR1-GR18
Irregular Verbs .........................................  p.   GR19
Word List ....................................................  pp.WL1-WL28


задание рекомендуется выполнять
в личной тетради учащегося

З © АО «Издательство «Просвещение» для коллекции ООО «ЗНАНИУМ »

Table of Contents

Module 1 – Strong ties

  1a    (pp. 10-11)
Teen activities

 1b    (pp. 12-13)
Character qualities; Idioms related to
parts of the body; Words confused

  1c    (pp. 14-15)
Present tenses, Phrasal verbs (look), Adverbs of frequency,
Dependent prepositions, Forming adjectives

 1d    (pp. 16-17)

  1e    (pp. 18-20)

Culture Corner 1 (p. 21) Teenage Fashion in the UK; Across the Curriculum (Citizenship) (p. 22) Put an end to
discrimination!; Going Green 1 (p. 23) The recycling loop; Spotlight on Exams (pp. 24-25), Progress Check 1 (p. 26)


Module 2 – Living & Spending

  2a    (pp. 28-29)
Spending money

 2b    (pp. 30-31)
Free-time activities & personalities,
Idioms with play

  2c    (pp. 32-33)
Words often confused
-ing form, (to) infinitive, Forming abstract nouns, Phrasal verbs
(take), Dependent prepositions

 2d    (pp. 34-35)

  2e    (pp. 36-38)

Culture Corner 2 (p. 39) Great British Sporting Events!; Across the Curriculum (PSHE) (p. 40) How responsible are you with
your money?; Going Green 2 (p. 41) Clean Air at Home; Spotlight on Exams (pp. 42-43), Progress Check 2 (p. 44)

Module 3 – Schooldays & Work

  3a    (pp. 46-47)
Types of school & school life

 3b    (pp. 48-49)
Jobs, Idioms related to work

  3c    (pp. 50-51)

Words often confused

Future tenses, Comparative/Superlative degree, Phrasal verbs
(pick), Forming nouns (persons), Dependent prepositions

 3d    (pp. 52-53)

  3e    (pp. 54-56)

Culture Corner 3 (p. 57) American Senior High Schools; Across the Curriculum (Citizenship) (p. 58) We need teachers!; 
Going Green 3 (p. 59) Endangered Species; Spotlight on Exams (pp. 60-61), Progress Check 3 (p. 62)

Module 4 – Earth Alert!

  4a    (pp. 64-65)
Environmental protection

 4b    (pp. 66-67)
Environmental issues
Idioms related to weather

  4c    (pp. 68-69)
Words often confused
Modals, Forming negative adjectives, Dependent
prepositions, Phrasal verbs (run)

 4d    (pp. 70-71)

  4e    (pp. 72-74)

Culture Corner 4 (p. 75) – The Great Barrier Reef; Across the Curriculum (Science) (p. 76) Photosynthesis; 
Going Green 4 (p. 77) Tropical Rainforests; Spotlight on Exams (pp. 78-79), Progress Check 4 (p. 80)


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enquiring about/expressing likes, dislikes
a paragraph about what you like doing

a dialogue
socialising, expressing sarcasm/anger,
identifying speakers, talking about a photo

a list/paragraph

an extract from Little Women
a conversation

a letter to a friend
understanding rubrics, making
suggestions, giving advice

an informal letter

Britain’s Young Consumers
enquiring about/answering how teens earn
and spend their money

a paragraph about yourself and your
spending habits

enquiring about/expressing preferences,
enrolling for a class, suggesting/replying

a list/paragraph
a letter

extract from The Railway Children
a diary entry

a letter to a friend
understanding rubrics
a short message

Schools Around the World
an interview about your school
a short article about your school

asking about & expressing wants/intentions;
note taking; giving & reacting to news

Hairdressers Happiest at Work
a short paragraph

extract from The Darling
a short dialogue

CV; letter of application
understanding rubrics
formal letters – a letter of application; CV

Use Less Stuff
talking about the 3 Rs
a quiz

expressing concern/hope, listening for
specific information (gap fill), discussing the

environmental awareness day
explain signs

extract from The Lost World
a letter

Should cars be banned from city

expressing agreement/disagreement
a for-&-against essay


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Module 5 – Holidays

  5a    (pp. 82-83)

 5b    (pp. 84-85)
Holidays – problems & complaints,
Travel idioms

  5c    (pp. 86-87)
Words often confused
Articles (a/an, the), Past tenses, Forming compound nouns,
Phrasal verbs (get), Dependent prepositions

 5d    (pp. 88-89)
Adjective – noun collocations

  5e    (pp. 90-94)
Adjectives/Adverbs, Linkers, Present/Past participles

Culture Corner 5 (p. 95) The River Thames; Across the Curriculum (Geography) (p. 96) Weather; 
Going Green 5 (p. 97) Marine Litter; Spotlight on Exams (pp. 98-99), Progress Check 5 (p. 100)

Module 6 – Food & Health

  6a    (pp. 102-103)
Food, Cooking methods, Healthy/
Unhealthy foods

 6b    (pp. 104-105)
Problems related to diet; Health idioms

  6c    (pp. 106-107)
Words often confused
Conditionals type 1-3, Wishes, Forming words using prefixes,
Dependent prepositions, Phrasal verbs (give)

 6d    (pp. 108-109)
Ways of looking, Idioms related to food

  6e    (pp. 110-114)
Clauses and Phrases of concession

Culture Corner 6 (p. 115) Burns Night: A Night For All Scots!; Across the Curriculum (Science) (p. 116) Teeth; 
Going Green 6 (p. 117) Why Organic Farming?; Spotlight on Exams (pp. 118-119), Progress Check 6 (p. 120)

Module 7 – Let’s have fun

  7a    (pp. 122-123

 7b    (pp. 124-125)
Types of performances, Idioms

  7c    (pp. 126-127)
Words often confused
Passive voice, Forming compound adjectives, Phrasal verbs
(turn), Dependent prepositions

 7d    (pp. 128-129)

  7e    (pp. 130-132)

Culture Corner 7 (p. 133) Madame Tussauds; Across the Curriculum (Music) (p. 134) Modern Music Making; 
Going Green 7 (p. 135) Paper; Spotlight on Exams (pp. 136-137), Progress Check 7 (p. 138)

Module 8 – Technology

  8a    (pp. 140-141)
High-tech gadgets

 8b    (pp. 142-143)
Electronic equipment & problems,

  8c    (pp. 144-145)
Words often confused
Reported speech, Reported questions, Relative clauses, Phrasal
verbs (bring), Forming verbs

 8d    (pp. 146-147)

  8e    (pp. 148-150)

Culture Corner 8 (p. 151) The Best of British Inventions; Across the Curriculum (Science) (p. 152) Heating things up; 
Going Green 8 (p. 153) Alternative Energy; Spotlight on Exams (pp. 154-155), Progress Check 8 (p. 156)



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Beautiful Nepal
visualising a scene
a postcard

dialogue (a disastrous holiday)
describing a bad experience,
sympathising; talking about holidays;
multiple choice

a short account of a bad travel experience

extract from Around the World in
80 days

listening for specific information
an ending to a story

A Perfect Day for a Carnival
setting the scene; expressing feelings
a story

Rainbow of Food
healthy/unhealthy eating
a healthy menu

a dialogue about health
advising, agreeing/disagreeing;
talking about health; listening for
specific information (multiple choice) 

expressing regrets, wishes

extract from Oliver Twist
a paragraph continuing a story

a report on an Asian food court
Reports (making assessments), a report
evaluating a place

Teens Today ... A Square-Eyed

summarising a longer text
a survey

dialogue (at the opera)
making/accepting/declining invitations,
listening for specific information
(matching), expressing opinions

BFI London Imax Cinema

extract from The Phantom of the

an account of the Phantom’s life

types of reviews
a review

3 Things I Couldn’t Live Without
an interview
an article about your favourite gadgets

dialogue (a faulty product)
reporting technical problems,
responding, polite requests, listening for
specific information (multiple choice)

an email to your pen-friend about a faulty
gadget you bought

a text about funding

extract from The Time Machine
a short description of a journey in a time machine

Mobile Phones in Schools ...
expressing opinions
an opinion essay


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З © АО «Издательство «Просвещение» для коллекции ООО «ЗНАНИУМ »

◆   Before you start …

        •    How did you spend your summer holiday?
        •    How do you feel now that school is starting?

◆   Look at Module 1

        Find the page numbers for pictures 1-4.

◆   Find the page numbers for

        •    a list of things to do                            

        •    an author’s biography                       

        •    a single dictionary entry                   

        •    a letter                                                     

◆   Listen, read and talk about …

        •    teen activities
        •    qualities in a friend
        •    teen fashion in the UK
        •    recycling

◆   Learn how to …

        •    express likes/dislikes
        •    socialise
        •    express sarcasm/anger
        •    make suggestions
        •    give advice

◆   Practise …

        •    words often confused: 
supporting/supportive, careful/caring,
respected/respectful, mean/well-meaning
        •    Present Simple – Present Continuous
        •    Present Perfect Simple/Continuous
        •    phrasal verbs: look
        •    word formation: adjectives

◆   Write / Give …

        •    a short paragraph about what you like doing
        •    a two-minute talk about friends
        •    informal letters
        •    a short paragraph about teenage fashion in
your country
        •    a talk on discrimination

Module 11

Strong ties






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Reading Skills


What’s it like being 16?

     Fiona, 16 
     Galway, Ireland

“I’ve got lots of friends and we’re all into the
same kind of things. We like watching TV,
especially comedies and my all-time favourite
is Father Ted. We love music too, and I’m really
into bands like Coldplay and Arctic Monkeys.
I try to go to as many gigs* as I can. I’m not
really into fashion. I can’t stand shopping and
I couldn’t care less about designer labels.”

     Josie, 16
     Glasgow, Scotland

“I really like shopping. I think it’s a relaxing,
enjoyable pastime. So much so, I can spend
hours window-shopping in the city centre
with my friends. H&M is my favourite
clothes shop because you can always find
great bargains there. I also like going to the
cinema and I try to catch a film at least once
a fortnight with my friend, Tom. Everyone
my age is crazy about mobile phones and
texting has become a national pastime!”

     Jamie, 16
     Crystal Brook, Australia

“I live with my family on a farm near a small
town in South Australia. The countryside is
beautiful around here and I go walking and
horse riding a lot, but life is generally boring.
I don’t fancy living here when I’m older and
dream of going to live in a big city. My






Look at the title and the introduction in the
text. What do you expect to read? Listen, read
and check. 

study skills

Reading for specific information
Find key words in the instructions, questions, etc.
Read the text(s) and try to find sentences, phrases,
etc that match the key words. The matching
sentences, phrases, etc are usually paraphrased.
Using this information, answer the questions.

    Read again. Answer questions 1-6. Who …

          1    would rather live somewhere else?
          2    enjoys watching funny programmes on
          3    likes buying clothes but not spending too
much money on them?
          4    prefers to spend his/her free time doing
unusual activities?
          5    enjoys spending some of his/her weekend
with  their family?
          6    gets angry with members of his/her family?
 * live performances

We spoke to six 16-year-olds from around
the world to find out what they and their
friends like to do in their free time. Here’s
what they had to say.

Teen activities


    Which of these activities do teens in your
country enjoy doing? What about you? Use:
most, a few, some, not many.

▶    Most teens enjoy hanging out with friends.
       I enjoy chatting online.  etc

• hang out with friends  • go clubbing  • send emails 
• play computer games  • go window shopping
• send text messages on their mobiles  • chat online
• listen to music • watch TV/DVDs  • surf the Net
• do extreme sports • spend time with their families 
• go on trips to the countryside • do voluntary work
(plant trees, run errands for the elderly, etc)

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friends and I spend a lot of time on the Internet
playing games and chatting and we watch
DVDs. Of course, like all teenagers, we always
have homework to do.”

    Kim, 16
     Vancouver, Canada

“During the week I don’t do much in the
evenings apart from my homework, so I really
look forward to the weekends.
On Saturdays, I usually hang out with my
friends down at the shopping centre where we
check out the shops for new clothes, grab a bite
to eat and watch a film. 
On Sundays, I usually go on a trip to the
countryside with my parents. I love that.”

     Brandon, 16
     Seattle, USA

“I’m an active person. I hate TV. I find sitting in
front of a TV screen a waste of time. I’m
fascinated by the great outdoors. 
I’m a skateboard fanatic and get to and from
school every day on one. At the weekends, I try
to get out of the city and go rock climbing or
Extreme sports are my passion! I think it’s
important to look good, too. That’s why I go for
the sporty look.”

     Emily, 16
     London, England

“I like keeping fit, buying expensive clothes and
dance music!
I love going out clubbing with my friends at the
weekends – we dance all night. I have two
younger sisters, but we fight a lot because they
always want to wear my clothes. That’s so
annoying – I hate it when they do that!”






Portfolio: Imagine you are a TV
reporter and your partner is one of the
teenagers in the text on pp. 10-11. Find out
what he/she likes/doesn’t like doing.

Everyday English 
Expressing likes/dislikes


Use the language in the box to discuss
your likes/dislikes. Use the phrases in Ex. 1 and
your own ideas.

▶    A: Do you like chatting online?
       B: Yeah ... I love it.
       A: Really? I don’t enjoy it very much. I like listening to
music. etc



Portfolio: Write a paragraph about what you
like/do not like doing. Use the texts on pp. 10-
11 to help you (60-70 words).


In two minutes, think of ten new words/
phrases you have learnt in this lesson. Make
sentences using them. Close your book and tell
your partner.

Enquiring about likes and dislikes

•    Do you like/enjoy ... (-ing)?
•    What sort of thing(s) do you like ... (-ing)?
•    What do you like/dislike about ... (-ing)?
•    What do you think of ... (-ing)?

Expressing likes
Expressing dislikes

•    I like/love it.
•    It’s cool/great/
•    I find it relaxing/
•    I’m crazy about it.
•    I’m really into it.
•    I like/love ...

•    It’s terrible.
•    I don’t like/enjoy it
(very much/at all).
•    I hate it. I find it really
•    I hate/can’t stand ...
•    I don’t fancy it.
•    It’s awful/boring.

The best substitute for experience is being sixteen.
Raymond Duncan (American author)

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Look at the dictionary entries of the
qualities below. Which do you look for in a
friend? Which do you try to avoid? Discuss.

loyal (adj) − firm in their support for a person

selfish (adj) − caring only about themselves

aggressive (adj) − angry and violent

patient (adj) − calm, not easily annoyed

respected (adj) − admired and considered

dedicated (adj) − devoted and enthusiastic

mean (adj) − unkind to another person

jealous (adj) − angry or bitter because sb has sth you want

caring (adj) − affectionate, helpful and sympathetic

creative (adj) − able to invent and develop original ideas

▶    A: To me a good friend should be honest. What do
you think?
       B: I agree … and patient, too … but a good friend
shouldn’t be aggressive or …

trusting (adj) − honest and sincere

dishonest (adj) − not truthful, cannot be trusted

supportive (adj) − kind and helpful during difficult or
unhappy times

moody (adj) − angry or depressed without any

well-meaning (adj) − unsuccessful when trying
to be helpful or kind

Listening & Speaking Skills



Read the first two exchanges and answer
the questions. Listen, read and check.

          1    What’s the relationship between Kim and Julie?
          2    Why is Kim angry? 
          3    What is the dialogue about? 

 Laura:   What’s the matter, Kim?
     Kim:   I’ve had enough!
 Laura:   What do you mean?
     Kim:   It’s Julie − my so-called friend − she’s
cancelled our plans again. She’s always doing
it and it hurts my feelings.
 Laura:   But she looks so sweet and caring ...
     Kim:   That’s what most people think ... but she only
cares about herself and she only goes out with
me when she has nothing better to do.
 Laura:   Oh, come on! Aren’t you being a bit mean?
     Kim:   No ... she might be nice to you, but she keeps
letting me down.
 Laura:   Oh well ... forget about it. Why don’t we rent a
     Kim:   Alright. Any ideas?
 Laura:   There’s that comedy – you know ... what’s it
called? “Forever Friends”.
     Kim:   Oh, perfect!

          b  Which expression does Kim use to tell Laura
she is annoyed?

▶    Kim feels angry with Julie.

Character qualities


Read the poem. Think of your best
friend. What makes him/her special to you?


angry with Julie
Julie is nice
Kim isn’t being fair
to rent a DVD
Julie is selfish

a   Read again. Use the words/phrases in the
columns to make as many true statements
as possible.

“A memory lasts forever. 
Never does it die. 
True friends stay together. 
And never say goodbye” 

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    a   Read the list of statements. Which do you
agree with? Give reasons.

1    I can make friends easily.
2    Friends should never be selfish.
3    Friends help us to express ourselves.
4    Friends will always help out with money. 
5    I’m never bored with friends.
6    I’ve experienced a lot with friends.
7    Friends should keep some things private
from each other.

You will hear 6 statements.
Match each speaker’s statement A-F with the
statements (1-7) given in Ex. 6a. Each
statement can only be used once. One of the
statements is extra. You will hear the recording
twice. Put your answers into the table.

          In your talk, remember to speak about:  • when
you took the photo.  • what/who is in the photo
• what is happening  • why you took the photo
• why you decided to show the picture to your
friend. You have to talk continuously, starting
with: ‘I’ve chosen photo number ... .’

Say it right 


Choose the correct response to the
statements. Listen and check.

a    Yeah, fine. 
b   Bye. 
c    Not too bad. And you?
d   Thanks, so are you. 
e    Nothing much.

          1    What’s up?
          2    How’s it going?
          3    You’re looking well.
          4    Everything alright?
          5    See you later.

Expressing sarcasm/anger


Listen and repeat. Which exclamations
express sarcasm/anger? What could the other
speaker say?

          1    Oh, perfect!
          2    Unbelievable!
          3    That’s it!
          4    Really!

          5    That’s crazy!
          6    I don’t believe it!
          7    I’m sick and
tired of it.

Words  confused


Choose the correct word. Check in the Word
List. Then, make a sentence with the other word.

          1    Amy is very supporting/supportive. You can
rely on her to help you if she can.
          2    Josh is a really careful/caring person − he’s
always ready to listen to my problems.
           3    He wasn’t respected/respectful by his students.
          4    Angela always tries to do the right thing −
she’s really mean/well-meaning.



Your friend is always
borrowing things from you and never gives
them back. Complain to your partner. Use the
dialogue in Ex. 1 as a model. Record yourselves.






Complete with: nerves, back, eye, shoulder,
neck, head. Check in the Word List. Are there
similar idioms in your language?

           1    They never agree with each other. They don’t
see eye to ..... .
          2    What’s wrong with Sam? He’s like a bear with
a sore ..... .
          3    They gave me the cold ..... when I arrived.
          4    He drives me crazy. He’s a pain in the ..... .
          5    Get off my ..... . I’m in a bad mood today.
          6    I’m fed up with him. He really gets on my ..... .



 Imagine that you are looking at photos of you
and your friends. Choose one photo to present
to your friend.


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Grammar in Use

          1    A:  ..... (you/do) anything interesting this
                B:   No, I ..... (not/think) so. I ..... (stay) in. .....
(you/go) out?

          2    A:  How long ..... (he/know) Kathy? 
                B:   Since they met at university.

          3    A:  My friend ..... (forget) to buy me something
for my birthday.
                B:   Never mind.

          4    A:  ..... (you/read) the book I bought you yet?
                B:   I ..... (read) it now actually.

          5    A:  Why are you in such a hurry?
                B:   Because the film ..... (start) at 8 o’clock.

          6    A:  What ..... (you/do) for your holidays this
                B:   We ..... (think) of going to Spain for a

          7    A:  The weather ..... (get) colder since last
                B:   I ..... (know). It ..... (get) colder and colder
as the days go by. 

          8    A:  ..... (you/like) tennis?
                B:   Yes, I ..... (be) a member of the local club
for years. 

          9    A:  What ..... (you/do)?
                B:   I ..... (taste) the soup to see if it’s OK.

        10   A:  The room ..... (smell) awful.
                B:   Why ..... (not/you/open) the window?


Complete the sentences with been or gone.

          ▶   Have you ever been to Portugal?
          ▶   Jane has gone out for the evening. She won’t
be back until late.

          1    Ann’s away. She has ..... to Spain.
          2    We’ve just ..... to the supermarket. Look at
what we’ve bought.
          3    Laura has ..... out. She’ll be back in an hour.
          4    Are you going to the gym? 
No, I’ve already ..... .


    Use the verbs and the table below to make
sentences about yourself.

• see  • meet  • travel  • talk  • eat out  
• buy  • read  • write  • change  • go  

▶   I haven’t seen my uncle since 1998.

      •    go window shopping/clubbing/surfing/
dancing/skating/swimming, etc
      •    surf the Net/chat online/send emails
      •    watch documentaries/listen to jazz music

▶    A: How often do you go window shopping?
       B: Not very often. I usually go window shopping
once a month.

Make a list of things to do today.
Swap papers. Ask questions to find out what
your partner has already done/hasn’t done yet.

for        a week/a month/a year/a long time, etc
since   1998/last week/last month/last May, etc 

Present tenses


Put the verbs in brackets into the
Present Simple, Present Continuous, Present
Perfect or Present Perfect Continuous.

          b  How is each tense in Ex. 1a used? Look at
the Grammar Reference section and say.

▶    1
Present Continuous: fixed future arrangement
(Are you doing etc)

          c   Which of the verbs in Ex. 1a are stative
verbs? Find an example where a stative verb
is in a continuous form. What does it mean?


Ask and answer, as in the example.
Use: always, usually, often, sometimes, rarely,
seldom, never. How often do you ... 

Grammar Reference

• go to the gym (✓)
• have lunch (✓)  
• do the shopping (✗)  
• fix bike (✓)  
• do housework (✗)  


Look at Ann’s list. Ask and answer
questions. Use yet or already.

▶    A: Has Ann been to the gym yet?
       B: Yes, she’s already been there. Has she ...

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Ask and answer using for or since.

          1    The ground is wet. (rain) 
                ▶   A:   Has it been raining?
                       B:   Yes, for two hours./Yes, since 8:00.
          2    You look tired. (work hard)
          3    Your clothes are dirty. (play in the garden)
          4    You are sunburnt. (sit in the sun)
To form adjectives from nouns, we use: 
-able (comfort – comfortable), -ese (China – Chinese), 
-ful (beauty – beautiful), -(ic)al (economy – economical),
-al (brute – brutal), -ish (self –selfish), 
-ous (fame – famous), -y (fun – funny), 
-ed (talent – talented).

To form adjectives from verbs, we use: 
-ive (act – active), -ing (care – caring),
-ent (differ – different), -ed (confuse – confused),
-less (count – countless).

Forming adjectives

          1    Don’t tell me that the concert has been
cancelled. I was really ..... it. 
          2    My grandmother ..... my baby sister while my
mother works.
          3    When you travel abroad, you should .....
          4    My cousin is really arrogant. I hate the way he
..... everyone.
          5    When I don’t know what a word means, I look
it ..... in a dictionary.

Word formation


 Read the theory box. Form adjectives from the
words in brackets to complete sentences (1-4).

▶    I’m good at giving advice, but I’m bad at receiving it.

Key word transformations


Complete the second sentence so that it
means the same as the first. Use the word in
bold. Use two to five words.

          1    I last travelled abroad two years ago.
                been         I ..... two years.
          2    I haven’t met him before.
                time          It’s the ..... him.
          3    He started work in 1999.
                working  He ..... 1999.
          4    It’s a long time since we ate out.
                for             We ..... a long time.
          5    I’ve never read such a good story.
                best          It’s the ..... read.


Answer questions 1-5. Use just, already or

          1    “How about a sandwich?” “No, thanks. 
I ▶’ve just had lunch.”
          2    “Is Jane here?” “I’m afraid not. She ..... .”
          3    “Have you posted the letter?” “Sorry. I ..... .”
          4    “Is dinner ready?” “Sure. I ..... .”
          5    “How about some coffee?” “No, thanks. I ..... .”

Dependent prepositions


Use Appendix 1 to complete the paragraph
with: at, with, on, about. Use the phrases to make
sentences about yourself and your friends.

           In teams, make sentences using a phrasal verb
from Ex. 8. Each correct sentence gets one point.

My best friend, John, is very good 1) ▶ at solving other
people’s problems, but very bad 2) ...... finding
solutions for his own problems. For instance, he tells
me to be careful 3) ...... my money, but then, he is
careless 4) ...... his own. He’s keen 5) ...... the idea of
other people saving money for a rainy day, but he’s
not so enthusiastic 6) ...... doing it himself.

out for
(be careful)
(take care of)
down on
(think sb is not
good enough)

(find sth in
a list)

forward to

Phrasal verbs


Study the diagram, then complete
sentences 1-5. Choose one phrasal verb and
draw a picture to illustrate its meaning.

          1    BATMAN: A ..... (dare) and ..... (honour)
superhero who fights crime.
          2    HARRY POTTER: A ..... (fiction) teenage
wizard who has a ..... (power) enemy.
          3    ASTERIX & OBELIX: Two ..... (comic) cartoon
characters who are also ..... (fear) warriors. 
          4    THE THREE MUSKETEERS: An ..... (excite)
story about the adventures of three .....
(courage) Frenchmen.

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