Diseases of Salmonids
Учебно-методическое пособие по английскому языку для магистров факультета водных биоресурсов и аквакультуры
Английский язык
Барляева Елена Александровна
Год издания: 2021
Кол-во страниц: 65
Вид издания:
Учебно-методическая литература
Уровень образования:
ВО - Магистратура
Артикул: 834648.01.99
Учебно-методическое пособие ―Diseases of Salmonids‖ предназначено для студентов, обучающихся по программам магистратуры. Направление подготовки - 35.04.07 Водные биоресурсы и аквакультура. Учебно-методическое пособие состоит из семи разделов, построенных по единому принципу. Каждый раздел содержит несколько профессионально-ориентированных текстов, снабженных упражнениями, нацеленными на развитие навыков чтения, перевода, устной и письменной речи. Аутентичные тексты снабжены списком слов с переводом и транскрипцией. Данное учебно-методическое пособие позволит студентам расширить как языковые, так и профессиональные компетенции.
- 372: Содержание и форма деятельности в дошк. восп. и нач. образов-ии. Метод. препод. отд. учеб. предметов
- 811111: Английский язык
- ВО - Магистратура
- 35.04.07: Водные биоресурсы и аквакультура
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Фрагмент текстового слоя документа размещен для индексирующих роботов
УДК: 372.881.111.1 Барляева Е.А. Diseases of Salmonids. Учебно-методическое пособие по английскому языку для магистров факультета водных биоресурсов и аквакультуры. – СПб., Издательство СПбГУВМ, 2021 г. – 65 с. Учебно-методическое пособие ―Diseases of Salmonids‖ предназначе но для студентов, обучающихся по программам магистратуры. Направление подготовки - 35.04.07 Водные биоресурсы и аквакультура. Учебнометодическое пособие состоит из семи разделов, построенных по единому принципу. Каждый раздел содержит несколько профессионально ориентированных текстов, снабженных упражнениями, нацеленными на развитие навыков чтения, перевода, устной и письменной речи. Аутентичные тексты снабжены списком слов с переводом и транскрипцией. Данное учебно-методическое пособие позволит студентам расши рить как языковые, так и профессиональные компетенции. Составитель: Барляева Е. А., доцент кафедры иностранных языков СПбГУВМ, кандидат филологических наук Рецензент: Трушкин В.А., декан факультета водных биоресурсов и аквакультуры СПбГУВМ, доцент, кандидат ветеринарных наук Учебно-методическое пособие одобрено и рекомендовано к изданию методическим советом Санкт-Петербургского государственного университета ветеринарной медицины, протокол № 1 от 27.01. 2021. © ФГБОУ ВО «СПбГУВМ», 2021
UNIT 1 FISH EXAMINATION FOR POSSIBLE DISEASES TEXT A METHODS OF EXAMINING FISH EXTERNAL AND INTERNAL EXAMINATION VOCABULARY LIST abdomen (n) [ˈæb.də.mən] брюшная полость buffered (adj) [ˈbʌf.ət] буферный cavity (n) [ˈkæv.ɪ.ti] полость cloudiness (n) [ˈklaʊdɪnəs] помутнение consistency (n) [kənˈsɪs.tən.si] консистенция cornea (n) [kɔːˈni.ə] роговица edema (n) [ɪˈdiː.mə] отек exophthalmia (n) [ekˌsäfˈthalmi.ə] экзофтальм exudate (n) [ˈeks(y)üˌdeɪt] экссудат fixative (n) [ˈfɪk.sə.tɪv] фиксатор fraying (n) [freɪ] истирание hemorrhage [ˈhem.ər.ɪdʒ] кровоизлияние hyphae (n) [ˈhaɪfə] гифы lesion (n) [ˈliː.ʒən] поражение saline (n) [ˈseɪ.laɪn] солевой раствор swab (n) [swɒb] мазок swollen (adj) [ˈswəʊlən] распухший A dissection kit, microscope and slides, fixative and bacteriological culture plates are required for external fish examination. External examination. Select at least five live fish exhibiting abnormal signs. Dead fish can also be examined but are not usually suitable for further analysis because within 10-20 min of death the tissues break down and become invaded by environmental bacteria, which mask the presence of the primary cause of the disease. Before sampling live fish, note their behavioral patterns. Examining the fish, you should carefully note and record the general condi tion of all external surfaces of the fish, paying special attention to raised or lost scales, areas of discoloration, parasites, location of any lesions, swelling of the abdomen and any suggestion of skeletal deformity or muscle atrophy. Examine the eyes for cloudiness of the cornea, cataract, exophthalmia and any sign of the blood exudate or edema. All fins should be examined for evidence of erosion, fraying, necrosis, small colored spots, raised areas or hemorrhage. Both the normal skin surface and the margins of any lesion should be examined and bacteriological samples should be taken from developing wounds rather than larger lesions as these are subject to secondary contamination. Swabs should be plated
aseptically onto an appropriate culture medium for later bacteriological examination. Examine fresh skin scrapes microscopically for bacteria, protozoa or fungal hyphae. Samples from the edge of lesions may be fixed for light microscopy. Examine the oral cavity and anus for any discoloration, raised areas or parasites. Fecal material, if present, should be examined microscopically. The weight and length of the fish should be determined and other relevant information recorded including feeding regime, stocking density, water temperature, mortality rate, first observation of the disease signs, any recent treatment or handling, change in water quality. Internal Examination. If required, a blood sample should be taken before dissecting the fish. During dissection, examine each organ and note any abnormalities concerning size, color, consistency, presence of hemorrhage and fluid in body cavities. Bacteriological samples should be taken with a sterile loop and spread on a suitable culture medium. Portions of the organs can then be removed and fixed for light microscopy. Buffered formal saline is a good general purpose fixative. Exercise 1. Look through the text and find information about: - equipment necessary for external and internal examination; - condition of fish chosen for examination; - information that should be recorded along with fish examination; - fixative used for storing bacteriological samples; Exercise 2. Choose the appropriate definition. dissection kit a chemical substance used to preserve and stabilize biological materials prior to microscopy or other examination fixative a piece of glass or other transparent substance on which material is placed for examination under a microscope slide method of multiplying microbial organisms by letting them reproduce in predetermined culture medium under the controlled laboratory conditions bacteriological culture it consists of a set of lab instruments used to perform dissection on a plant or animal specimen Exercise 3. Give Russian equivalents of the following symptoms. Areas of discoloration, raised scales, swelling of the abdomen, skeletal deformity, erosion of the skin, muscle atrophy, edema; blood exudate, skin lesion; cloudiness of the cornea.
Exercise 4. Make up collocations. feeding cavity stocking scrapes oral density mortality regime skin temperature water rate Exercise 5. Translate into English. Помутнение роговицы глаза, экзофтальмия, кровотечение, отек, кожное поражение, катаракта, истирание плавников. Exercise 6. Show in the picture parts of the fish mentioned in the text. Exercise 7. Answer the questions. 1. What equipment is necessary to carry out external fish examination? 2. Can dead fish be also examined? What happens to the dead fish within 10-20 min of its death? 3. Which external surfaces of the fish body should be carefully examined for abnormalities? 4. Why is it so important to collect swab samples and fresh skin scrapes? 5. What information not related to external fish examination should be necessarily recorded? 6. What does internal examination deal with? 7. Which fixative is generally used for preserving parts of the fish body?
TEXT B FURTHER ANALYSIS AND DIAGNOSTICS OF DISEASES IN FISH VOCABULARY LIST clue (n) [kluː] ключ confirmatory (adj) [kənˈfɜːmətərɪ] подтверждающий copper (n) [ˈkɒp.ər] медь definitive (adj) [dɪˈfɪn.ɪ.tɪv] окончательный filament (n) [ˈfɪl.ə.mənt] здесь: филамент fungi (n) (pl) [ˈfʌŋ. ɡaɪ] грибы fungal (adj) [ˈfʌŋ.ɡəl] грибковый fusion (n) [ˈfjuː.ʒən] слияние lice (n) (pl) [laɪs] вши presumptively (adv) [prɪˈzʌmptɪvlɪ] предположительно scraping (n) [skreɪpɪŋ] соскоб smear (n) [smɪər] мазок stained (adj) [steɪnt] окрашенный Fresh material spread on microscope slides can be examined immediately under the microscope and the presence of bacteria, fungi and microparasites can be readily observed in skin, gill and gut scrapings. Many abnormalities of gill filaments, e.g. swelling, fusion, aneurisms and erosion can also be seen in fresh preparations, smears of internal organs (especially, kidney) suitably fixed and stained (e.g. by Giesma or Gram stains) which can reveal the presence of bacteria, fungi and protozoan parasites. Many diseases, especially in salmon hatcheries are caused by opportunistic pathogens following a stressful event (e.g. exposure to poor water quality). These include the Cytophaga group of bacteria, the fungus Saprolegnia and several protozoan ecto-parasites. Many of them may be presumptively diagnosed on the site directly from examination of the fish. Remedies for these pathogenes mainly comprise bathing in chemicals such as salt, formalin, copper sulphate, chloromine T and malachite green. In the marine environment, the most common and significant parasite prob lem is sea lice, which are easily diagnosed. Therapies for lice infestations include a variety of bath as well as in-fed treatments, all of which are subject to veterinary and environmental controls. Further diagnostic procedures require specialized laboratory facilities and tests. Many protozoan ecto-and endo-parasites and fungal pathogens can be iden tified by microscopic examination of smears and histological sections. The main value of microscopy is to analyze the histopathology of disease which to a trained pathologist can provide important clues to the nature of the disease because different diseases produce different pathologies and some features may be associated
only with certain diseases. However, other confirmatory tests are usually required to make a definitive diagnosis with respect to bacterial and viral pathogens. Exercise 8. Look through the text and find information about: - abnormalities that may be detected in fresh preparations and smears of internal fish organs; - opportunistic pathogens that can cause many diseases; - most significant parasite in marine environment; - importance of histopathology in diagnostics; Exercise 9. Give Russian equivalents to the following: Gut scraping; abnormality; internal organs; viral pathogen; histological section; confirmatory test; diagnostic procedure; in-fed treatment; marine environment; malachite green; opportunistic pathogens; definitive diagnosis; Exercise 10. Give the English equivalents to the Russian words in brackets. 1. Fresh material, (распределенный на стекле микроскопа) can be examined immediately under the microscope and the presence of (бактерии, грибы и микропаразиты) can be readily observed in (соскобы с кожи, жабер и из кишечника). 2. Many abnormalities of (жаберных филаментов, такие как опухоль жаберных филаментов, их слияние, аневризма и эрозия) can also be seen in fresh preparations of (мазки внутренних органов) (especially, почка) suitably fixed and stained (e.g. by Giesma or Gram stains). 3. Many diseases, especially in (питомники лосося) are caused by (условные-патогеннный организм) following a stressful event (e.g. воздействие воды плохого качества). 4. (Лечение) for these pathogenes mainly comprise bathing in chemicals such as salt, (формалин), (сульфат меди), (хлорамин Т) and (малахитовый зеленый). 5. Many protozoan ecto-and endo-parasites and (грибковые патогены) can be identified by (микроскопическое исследование мазков и гистологических срезов). Exercise 11. Translate from Russian into English. Свежий препарат, окраска по Граму, внутренние органы, заражение вшами, грибковые патогены, исследование мазков, окончательный диагноз, питомник лосося, гистологический срез. Exercise 12. Translate from Russian into English. 1. Многие заболевания, особенно в питомниках лосося, вызываются оппортунистическими патогенами вслед за стрессом, перенесенным рыбами в воде плохого качества. 2. Многие из этих патогенов могут быть диагностированы на месте во время осмотра рыбы. 3. В морской среде морские вши представляют собой наиболее распространенный вид паразитов. 4. Многие экто- и эндо паразиты, а также грибковые инфекции могут быть идентифицированы при микроскопическом исследовании мазков и гистологических