Master English in Science
Учебное пособие по изучению лингвистических особенностей иностранного языка естественнонаучных специальностей
Основная коллекция
Английский язык
Южный федеральный университет
Год издания: 2024
Кол-во страниц: 101
Вид издания:
Учебное пособие
Уровень образования:
ВО - Бакалавриат
ISBN: 978-5-9275-4513-1
Артикул: 830457.01.99
Целью настоящего учебного пособия является обучение английскому языку студентов бакалавриата естественнонаучных специальностей. Пособие нацелено на развитие навыков аудиторной и самостоятельной работы, а также навыков устной и письменной речи на английском языке. Предназначено для изучения лингвистических особенностей английского языка естественнонаучных специальностей.
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Фрагмент текстового слоя документа размещен для индексирующих роботов
МИНИСТЕРСТВО НАУКИ И ВЫСШЕГО ОБРАЗОВАНИЯ РОССИЙСКОЙ ФЕДЕРАЦИИ Федеральное государственное автономное образовательное учреждение высшего образования «ЮЖНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ» Л.А. НЕДОСЕКА А.И. РОХЛИНА MASTER ENGLISH IN SCIENCE УЧЕБНОЕ ПОСОБИЕ по изучению лингвистических особенностей иностранного языка естественнонаучных специальностей Ростов-на-Дону Издательство Южного федерального университета 2024
УДК 811.111 ББК 81.432.1 Н42 Печатается по решению кафедры английского языка естественных факультетов Южного федерального университета, протокол № 11 от 30 мая 2023 г. Рецензенты: доцент кафедры иностранных языков Ростовского государственного университета путей сообщения, кандидат филологических наук А. П. Кононенко; доцент кафедры английского языка естественных факультетов Института филологии, журналистики и межкультурной коммуникации Южного федерального университета, канд. педагогических наук О. Х. Мирошникова Недосека, Л. А. Н42 Master English in Science : учебное пособие по изучению линг вистических особенностей иностранного языка естественнонаучных специальностей / Л. А. Недосека, А. И. Рохлина ; Южный федеральный университет. – Ростов-на-Дону ; Таганрог : Издательство Южного федерального университета, 2024. – 101 с. ISBN 978-5-9275-4513-1 Целью настоящего учебного пособия является обучение англий скому языку студентов бакалавриата естественнонаучных специальностей. Пособие нацелено на развитие навыков аудиторной и самостоятельной работы, а также навыков устной и письменной речи на английском языке. Предназначено для изучения лингвистических особенностей английского языка естественнонаучных специальностей. УДК 811.111 ББК 81.432.1 ISBN 978-5-9275-4513-1 © Южный федеральный университет, 2024 © Недосека Л. А., Рохлина А. И., 2024 © Оформление. Макет. Издательство Южного федерального университета, 2024
ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ Методическая записка..........................................................................................4 MODULE 1. Geography as a Science.................................................................5 1. READING SECTION ........................................................................................6 2. VOCABULARY SECTION ............................................................................13 3. GRAMMAR SECTION ACTIVE VOICE......................................................19 4. WRITING SECTION.......................................................................................25 5. SPEAKING SECTION ....................................................................................25 MODULE 2. Geology as a Science....................................................................29 1. READING SECTION ......................................................................................30 2. VOCABULARY SECTION ............................................................................40 3. GRAMMAR SECTION ACTIVE VOICE......................................................42 4. WRITING SECTION.......................................................................................47 5. SPEAKING SECTION ....................................................................................47 MODULE 3. Biology as a Science.....................................................................49 1. READING SECTION ......................................................................................50 2. VOCABULARY SECTION ............................................................................55 3. GRAMMAR SECTION...................................................................................60 4. WRITING SECTION.......................................................................................67 5. SPEAKING SECTION ....................................................................................67 GRAMMAR REFERENCE .................................................................................68 Библиографический список.............................................................................100
МЕТОДИЧЕСКАЯ ЗАПИСКА Данное учебное пособие предназначено для студентов 1-2 курсов есте ственнонаучного направления подготовки ЮФУ и всех тех, кто интересуется английским языком в сфере делового общения. Целью данного пособия является развитие различных речевых навыков, в том числе чтения, извлечение информации из текстов деловой и профессиональной направленности. А также, развитие интегрированных навыков речи студентов для делового общения в разных ситуациях (по телефону, например), формирование умения высказывать и аргументировать свое мнение, принимать участие в дискуссии, проводить презентации, правильно составлять письмо-запрос, жалобу и писать аннотацию к научной статье. Настоящее учебное пособие состоит из 3 модулей – «Geography», «Geology», «Biology». Каждый модуль включает задания под следующими рубриками: 1. Reading – включает задания на извлечение основной информации, по нимание структуры и организации содержания текста; 2. Vocabulary – акцентирует внимание студентов на ключевых словах и словосочетаниях для последующего использования в практике устной и письменной речи; 3. Grammar – включает грамматические упражнения и грамматический справочник; 4. Speaking – раздел в модуле, способствующий на развитие навыков го ворения на английском языке и включает задания на обсуждения в группах, либо на формирование навыков публичной речи. 5. Writing – предполагает выполнение письменных заданий и нацелен на совер шенствование навыков письменной речи на английском языке по тематике модуля. Каждый модуль включает текстs на английском языке профессионально ориентированной и комплекс заданий, направленных на развитие навыков реферирования. Тексты носят аутентичный характер и были разработаны на основе ресурсов Интернета. Данное учебное пособие может быть рекомендовано как для аудиторной, так и для самостоятельной работы студентов. Данное пособие составлено с учетом рабочей программы по дисциплине «Иностранный язык» в соответствие с целями и задачами учебной карты дисциплины. Преподаватели и обучающиеся могут соблюдать последовательность, в которой представлены тематические разделы пособия или выбирать для изучения те из них, которые представляют наибольший интерес.
Geography as a Science
1. READING SECTION Ex. 1. Read the article and remember the words and word combinations The New Wasteland on the site – на месте four-lane high-way – автострада с четырьмя рядами движения a gas station – автозаправочная станция a billboard [ˈbɪlbɔːd] – щиты с рекламой to replace [rɪˈpleɪs] – заменять, замещать a meadow [ˈmedəʊ] – луг, поляна a dump [dʌmp] – cвaлки an erosion [ɪˈrəʊʒ(ə)n] – размывание, разрушение, размыв a destruction [dɪˈstrʌkʃ(ə)n] – уничтожение, разрушение a slum [slʌm] – трущоба to carve [kɑːv] – вырезать, разделывать, высекать to erect [ɪˈrekt] – возвести, воздвигать freeway [ˈfriːweɪ] – скоростная автострада со сквозным движением inhumanity [ɪnhjʊˈmænɪtɪ] – бесчеловечность, жестокость deface [dɪˈfeɪs] – портить, искажать thoughtless [ˈθɔːtləs] – необдуманный, беспечный to soil [sɔɪl] – пачкать vile [vaɪl] – гнусный, подлый, отвратительный There are men in America who on seeing a green field or a meadow begin to think of building on the site a nice four-lane high-way. All the trees then go and gas stations, hot-dog stands and billboards replace all the fields and meadows. They think railroads, factories, dumps to be the true marks of material and spiritual progress. Some people call all that progress. But that kind of progress leads straight to hell. Erosion problems have been created by destruction of trees. The destruction of the beauties of the land makes way for the slums of the future. Mountains and hillsides are carved into terraces upon which houses are erected and railways are built. All those open into the most deadly freeways, the eateries, the shopping centers, the pollution of lakes, rivers, soil and air, the killing of wildlife – some think it to be progress, but this progress leads to inhumanity.
1. READING SECTION 7 Americans, who constantly claim how much they love their country, litter, spoil and deface it. To be a litter-bug is for many Americans a priviledge of freedom, not an abuse of it. Millions of dollars are spent to clean up the mess created by so many thoughtless Americans who soil their own nests. One of the vilest habits of gum-chewing Americans is their habit of throwing out the remnants anywhere. Such globs can be seen on every sidewalk in the United States. They have been dropped and flattened into the surface by the thousands of feet that have passed over them. The same globs may be seen on subway platforms and in public buildings. Men are employed with a special instrument, to remove these globs from such surfaces. It is an extremely difficult and expensive job [7]. (After “The American Way of Life” by A. Montagu) Ex. 2. Answer the questions 1. Where does that kind of progress lead straight to? 2. What have erosion problems been created by? 3. What does the destruction of the beauties of the land make? 4. What does a litter-bug mean? 5. What is one of the vilest habits of gum-chewing Americans? Ex. 3. Say if these statements are true, false or not stated 1. There are women in America who on seeing a green field or a meadow begin to think of building on the site a nice four-lane high-way. 2. Any people do not call all that progress. 3. That kind of progress leads straight to hell. 4. This progress leads to inhumanity 5. Millions of dollars are spent for cleaning. Ex. 4. Read the article again and review it. Use the phrases: - I have read the paper under the title “…” - It comes from…. (it was published in…) - The key issue of the article is… - Much attention is given to… - The paper reports on… - I’d like to mention briefly that… - The author claims that… - To underline … the author uses… - It should be said that… - In conclusion the author dwells on… - I’d recommend this paper to… - I find it interesting/of great importance, because…
MODULE 1. Geography as a Science 8 Ex. 5. Read the text. Give Russian equivalents of the italicized word com binations. Use the pattern below to make different dialogues. Pattern: A: The pollution of the seas increases. B: What do you think the sources of sea pollution are? C: They are many. They are oil and tar from tankers and boats and also sewage from coastal cities. Start your questions like this: Where When do you think…? What How Our Vanishing Wildlife Hard times have set in for fish lovers. Crabs, salmon and other fish have become scarce. The fishing competition on the seas is sharpening. Fish catches have doubled but the amount of fish goes down. Fishermen take smaller and smaller fish as the bigger and better fish disappears. Besides the pollution of the seas increases. The Norwegian explorer Thor Heyerdal found heavy pollution not only around harbours but far out to sea. He tried to sail from Morocco to America on a raft made of bundles of papyrus reeds to test a theory that the Egyptians had made that voyage thousands of years ago. He could examine the water closely and in midocean the boat sailed through polluted water, dirty as though at the outlet of city sewers. So the ocean is now polluted with oil and tar which are swallowed by fish and the fish gets quite toxic. But even before pollution had become a serious factor in fish ecology, fishing fleets destroyed one kind of fish or animal after another. Whalers still go to sea although there are very few whales left. In the past 60 years over 2,500,000 whales have been killed. The biggest and finest whales were gone. They were taking younger whales and smaller animals. So whales are in serious danger of complete extinction. In the battle between those who protect wildlife and those who think them to be sentimental one can often hear that wildlife is far from dying out, that wildlife is more plentiful than ever. But this is not true. Neither plants nor animals benefit by man’s presence if he uses them for his egotistic needs and does not think of the future [7]. After “The Last Days of Mankind” by S. Mines
1. READING SECTION 9 Ex. 6. Read and review the text about “Our Vanishing Wildlife”. Use the phrases: - I have read the paper under the title “…” - It comes from…. (it was published in..) - The key issue of the article is…. Much attention is given to….. - The paper reports on…. - I’d like to mention briefly that… - The author claims that…. - To underline … the author uses… - It should be said that…… - In conclusion the author dwells on …. - I’d recommend this paper to….. - I find it interesting/of great importance, because…… Ex. 7. Read the text about environmental geology Chicago Chicago is one of the most important cities in the United States. Located on Lake Michigan, Chicago is bigger in area than any other city in the United States except New York City. Before 1871 most of the buildings in Chicago were made of wood. After the Great Fire of 1871, the city was rebuilt rapidly. The new buildings, made of stone and steel, were safer and they were also architecturally new. The architecture of Chicago became famous in the early 1920s. The first skyscrapers were built then. Between World War I and World War II, Chicago was the home ground for Al Capone, one of the world’s most famous gangsters. There was more crime in Chicago at this time than at any time in the city’s history. The Mafia controlled the bars and illegal gambling houses. There is more air traffic at Chicago International Airport than in any other air port in the country, and Chicago is very important for its shipping industry because it is on Lake Michigan. The meat-packing industry is larger in it than in many other cities in the United States. Although Chicago doesn’t have so many skyscrapers as New York City, it does have the tallest skyscraper in the world, the Sears Building [7].
MODULE 1. Geography as a Science 10 Ex. 8. Read the text and pick up the information on the points below. Discuss them in class. a deck [dek] – палуба a familiar [fəˈmɪlɪə] – привычный, хорошо знакомый a landmark [ˈlæn(d)mɑːk] – ориентир, веха a skyscraper [ˈskaɪskreɪpə] – небосреб a ferry [ˈferɪ] – паром Ellis Island If you are standing on the deck of a boat approaching New York harbour, you see to the north the twin towers of the World Trade Centre and the skyscrapers of the familiar Manhattan skyline. To the south is the Statue of Liberty. But sliding slowly past is another American landmark – a landmark that even New Yorkers appear not to notice. It is a colossal building filling a small island of its own. It is Ellis Island. Thousands of people from Germany, Italy, Russia and other countries went through the immigration inspectors there. Most of them were allowed through the door that led to New York ferry. Ellis Island opened in 1892 and was in action for the first twenty years of this century. During this time fifteen million immigrants came to America. Most of them came through Ellis Island. Documents of those days paint terrible pictures of fear, despair and hope as the immigrants had to go through the inspectors and either get the permission for coming into the country or not [7]. Ex. 9. Read the article and retell it. Living creatures have had tinges of ginger for ten million years fossilised frogs [ˈfɒs(ə)laɪzd frɒɡz] – окаменевшие лягушки palaeontologists [ˌpælɪɒnˈtɒlədʒɪsts] – палеонтологи feathers [ˈfeðəz] – перья fossilisation [ˌfɒsəlaɪˈseɪʃən] – окаменение cartoon wife [kɑːˈtuːn waɪf] – мультяшная жена accurate [ˈækjʊrət] –точный phaeomelanin [phaeomelanin] – фаомеланин mystery [ˈmɪst(ə)rɪ] – тайна fossil [ˈfɒs(ə)l] – ископаемый