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Словарь фразовых глаголов и предлогов английского языка. = The Dictionary of Phrasal Verbs and Prepositions

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В словаре представлены 1700 фразовых глаголов, подкрепленных современными контекстуальными примерами, и около 100 предлогов. Знание предлогов поможет легче освоить запоминание многих фразовых глаголов. В словарь также включены наречия, которые по форме совпадают с предлогами, но играют другую роль в предложении и часто определяют глаголы, а также некоторые важные слова - союзы, прилагательные и т.п. Данный словарь окажет большую помощь изучающим английский язык на среднем и продвинутом этапе.
Матюшенков, В. С. Словарь фразовых глаголов и предлогов английского языка. = The Dictionary of Phrasal Verbs and Prepositions : словарь / В. С. Матюшенков. - Москва : ФЛИНТА, 2024. - 718 с. - ISBN 978-5-9765-5484-9. - Текст : электронный. - URL: https://znanium.ru/catalog/product/2145189 (дата обращения: 29.11.2024). – Режим доступа: по подписке.
Фрагмент текстового слоя документа размещен для индексирующих роботов
В.С. Матюшенков 
Издательство «ФЛИНТА» 

УДК 811.111(038) 
ББК  41.432.1-4 
Матюшенков В.С. 
М35        Словарь фразовых глаголов и предлогов английского языка. =  
The Dictionary of Phrasal Verbs and Prepositions / В.С. Матюшен- 
ков. – Москва : ФЛИНТА, 2024. — 718 с. — ISBN 978-5-9765-5484-9. – 
Текст : электронный.  
В словаре представлены 1700 фразовых глаголов, подкрепленных современными контекстуальными примерами, и около 100 предлогов. Знание 
предлогов поможет легче освоить запоминание многих фразовых глаголов. В 
словарь также включены наречия, которые по форме совпадают с предлогами, но играют другую роль в предложении и часто определяют глаголы, а 
также некоторые важные слова – союзы, прилагательные и т.п. 
Данный словарь окажет большую помощь изучающим английский язык 
на среднем и продвинутом этапе. 
УДК 811.111(038) 
ББК  41.432.1-4 
ISBN 978-5-9765-5484-9                                         © Матюшенков В.С., 2024 
© Издательство «ФЛИНТА», 2024 

Предисловие ............................................................................................... 4 
Abbreviations ................................................................................................ 5 
A .................................................................................................................... 6 
B .................................................................................................................. 35 
C .................................................................................................................. 98 
D ................................................................................................................ 154 
E ................................................................................................................ 173 
F ................................................................................................................ 177 
G ................................................................................................................ 200 
H ................................................................................................................ 243 
I ................................................................................................................. 261 
J ................................................................................................................. 281 
K ................................................................................................................ 284 
L ................................................................................................................ 296 
M ............................................................................................................... 326 
N ................................................................................................................ 344 
O ............................................................................................................... 348 
P ................................................................................................................ 390 
Q ............................................................................................................... 458 
R ................................................................................................................ 459 
S ................................................................................................................ 495 
T ................................................................................................................ 585 
U ................................................................................................................ 657 
V ................................................................................................................ 669 
W ............................................................................................................... 671 
X ................................................................................................................ 708 
Y ................................................................................................................ 709 
Z ................................................................................................................ 710 
Bibliography .............................................................................................. 711 
The Books, Newspapers and Magazines Cited in the Dictionary ............. 712 


Английский язык содержит огромное множество фразовых глаголов – 
более десяти тысяч. Многие преподаватели рекомендуют для нормального 
общения запоминать около 700 глаголов. Это довольно сложная, но очень 
важная часть английского языка. Если не знать основных фразовых глаголов, 
то будет сложно понять носителя языка при живом общении, поскольку эти 
слова часто употребляются в разговорной речи и на письме. Использование 
фразовых глаголов делает речь более разнообразной и непринужденной. 
Если вы будете использовать синонимы вместо этих глаголов ваша речь будет звучать официально и сухо. 
Автор сделал выборку из популярных словарей английского языка, подкрепив глаголы контекстуальными примерами из современной литературы, 
журналов, телевидения, интернета и легкодоступным толкованием лексических единиц. Указаны английские и американские варианты; дается лексикограматическая информация. 
Помимо 1700 фразовых глаголов в словаре представлено около 100 
предлогов. Знание предлогов поможет легче освоить запоминание многих 
фразовых глаголов. Предлоги, являясь служебными частью речи, выражают 
пространственные, временные или иные отношения между двумя значимыми словами. Необходимо хорошо изучить основные предлоги, так как они 
наряду с порядком слов являются основой для построения правильной конструкции предложения. 
В словарь также включены наречия, которые по форме совпадают с 
предлогами, но играют другую роль в предложении и часто определяют глаголы. На наречие, как правило, падает логическое ударение. Еще некоторые 
важные слова (союзы, прилагательные и т.п.) также включены в словарь. 
Теоретические основы употребления фразовых глаголов и предлогов можно 
найти в других книгах автора. 
Данный словарь окажет большую помощь изучающим английский язык 
на среднем и продвинутом этапе. 

derog  derogatory 
humor  humorous 
legal term 
passing out of use 
taboo  very offensive word 
technical term 


about  adv 1 also esp. Am around in every direction повсюду, везде 

syn around, round, round about 

usage he looked carefully about; my work as a photographer took me into the 
country a great deal, traveling about to schools, conventions, and various meetings in several counties. (ECay) 

2 moving in a circle вокруг, по кругу 

syn circuitously, round about 

usage mil about turn!, about face! 

3 also esp. Am around nearly; approximately почти, около  

usage about thirty miles, about three o’clock, about your size, he is about as tall 
as I am, it’s about time you learned the rule; about means near to in quantity or 
amount; also synonymous are approximately, almost, nearly, roughly 

4 here and there without plan or order в различных направлениях, туда и сюда, 
взад и вперед 

syn (col) anyhow, any which way, anywise, around, at random, haphazard(ly), 
(esp. Br) helter-skelter, random(ly) 

usage he was nowhere about, don’t leave papers lying about, there is about a 
good deal of influenza at present, there’s a rumor about, several schoolboys were 
standing about, they always go about together, papers lying about on the floor, 
there are a lot of colds about at the moment (= many people have colds just now) 

5 somewhere near рядом, поблизости 

syn near, (fml) near-at-hand, nearby 

usage is there anybody about?; is there a canteen anywhere abouts? (EMR) 

6 fml in the opposite way в обратном направлении 

syn again, around, back, backward, in reverse, round, round about 

usage the ship turned about and left the battle; stroll about, they moved the furniture about, after swimming a mile he turned about and swam back to the shore  

7 col almost; on the point of doing smth. почти 

usage I’m about ready, that’s / looks / about right, be about to do smth., he was 
about to say smth., a plane about to take off, are you boys about done here?; “I’m 
about fed up with this kind of fishing.” (EH); between you and me, the antique 
trade’s just about finished. no demand any longer and no stock either. (GOr) 

8 used in set expressions – используется в устойчивых выражениях 

usage he looked about; just the other way about; be about work or try to do 
smth.: what are you about?; be up / out / and about be out of bed; be active; 
what is it all about?; turn and turn about one by one 

about  prep 1 next to; about or approximately, e.g. as written before an uncertain 
date, circa – поблизости (с), вблизи 

syn around, (fml) circa (esp. with dates), close on (esp. before numbers), near, 
nearby, (obs) nigh 

usage about 6 o’clock, I dropped it somewhere about here, stay about the house 

2 syn apropos, concerning, regarding, relating to относительно, что касается 

syn apropos of, re, in re 

usage a discussion about something, a book about lions, a story about dogs, talking about their holidays, something should be done about unemployment, she 
feels very strongly about this, be quick about it (hurry up), speak / think, read, 
write / about smb. / smth., worry about smth., tell me all about it, come about 
business, she went about her usual business; surprised about smth., be better 
about / at / following directions, we’ll talk about it later, he remembered all the 
good about her 

3 syn see over 3 with respect to относительно, по поводу, касательно 

syn about, on, upon, with, over 

usage children squabbling about toys 

4 here and there upon or within повсюду 

syn round, through, throughout 

usage they walked about the streets / about the garden, books lying about the 
room, all his belongings were lying about the floor, run / rush / about the room, 
he traveled about the country, walk about the barracks 

5 fml on the body of с собой, на теле 

usage (fml) have smth. about one’s person, he had a gun hidden about his person 
(= in his clothes), have you any money about you? 

6 in the character of характерно для 

usage there’s something about her (that I really don’t like), there is something 
queer about her, there was a look of kindness about his face, you don’t understand about Jerry 

7 (esp. Br lit) surrounding вокруг 

usage the high walls about the prison, there was a fence about the garden, from 
everywhere about them came strange sounds, the folks about us 

8 busy or concerned with (an activity); concerning в связи с 

usage going about one’s day-to-day business, do the shopping now, and while 
you’re about it get me that book from the library, bring me a drink – and be quick 
about it!, be concerned about international peace, feel nervous about living away 
from home 

9 used in set expressions используется в устойчивых выражениях 

usage what / how / about a what news or plans have you concerning: what about 
Jack? we can’t just leave him here, what / how / about your report? b (making a 
suggestion): how / what / about a drink?; what is wrong about him?, what is 
wrong about the color? 

in spoken English (it’s) about can be used to introduce a topic you want to discuss: now, about your exam results, David. they’re not very good, are they?, it’s 
about my little boy, doctor, he’s not very well 

about   adj 1 out of bed; active оправившись после болезни, активный 

usage the doctor told me I’d be up / out / and about again very soon 

2 be about to be just ready to; be going to почти готов 

usage we were about to start, when it rained 

(not) about to; this construction, or variant also in the negative, is used to emphasize intention or express determination by means of understatement: troops 
not about to surrender; though based on a legitimate meaning of about (ready or 
prepared), the expression is informal, often found in regional speech and writing 
reproducing that; about to happen is imminent 

3 not about to esp. Am col very unwilling to не желающий сделать что-либо 

usage I’m not about to lend you any more money 

above   adv 1 syn see over 4, at a higher point; higher, above, overlooking, or on 
top of; surmounting, over над, выше  

ant below 

usage I heard some noises coming from the room above, a shout from above 
warned me of the danger, my bedroom is just above, above were the snowy 
peaks, he was led above; a voice / a view / from above 

2 fml higher on the page; term used to refer to a previous section or earlier part 
of a text; supra (упомянутый) выше 

syn supra 

ant below, infra 

usage the facts mentioned above for an explanation, see the the above section / 
the section above, the above is the profit before tax, all the above are asked to 
attend tomorrow’s meeting; the above-mentioned facts, Williams, Brown, and 
Jones. the above-mentioned will attend the course, as stated above, see the notes 
above; the above will show…; above-stated, above-cited; the noun usage of above 
is undesirable outside legal or commercial writing: consult the above (preferably 
the above material, the figures cited above, or the like) 

3 more; higher; greater выше по рангу 

usage the numbers 20 and above, children of six or above (= six or older), a military meeting for captains and above (= of higher rank), he appealed to the court 

4 superior in quality, paramount, par excellence выше по качеству 

above   prep 1 at a higher level над, выше 

syn over 

ant below 

usage the plane flew above the clouds / above water, they live above us, there’s 
nothing in this shop (at / for) above $1, raise your arms above your head, 500 feet 
above sea level, the town’s birthrate was well above the national average, the 
water reached above their knees; they fished above the bridge (= further down 
the current from it), turn at the first corner above the school, on the floor above 

2  syn see beyond 2; out of the reach, sphere, or comprehension за пределами, 
вне досягаемости 

usage to be above (doing) something (= because of pride, self-respect or moral 
sense), do smth. above board (= without deception or secrecy), be above oneself 
(= be in high spirits), (col) get above oneself (= be conceited), be above asking (= 
too proud to ask), her behavior was above (all) suspicion (= very honest), his conduct was above reproach, marry above one’s station (= marry smb. of a higher 
social standing), be above all / any meanness, pettiness, harshness, etc. (= not 
possess any of these bad qualities), above all (else) (= most important of all); 
they’re not above a bit of bribery if it will get them what they want, there were 
above 500 people, above 20 degrees Celsius, above zero, above par, above the 
average; they are above it, above smb.’s understanding / comprehension, above 
praise, above prejudice, this is above price, he is above telling a lie 

3 to a greater degree than в большей степени 

usage the company values hard work above good ideas, respected above all others, be praised for a dedication above and beyond the call of duty (= much greater than usual or expected), thanks for all assistance above and beyond; conversely, even above and beyond simple insensitivity or neglect, there is much that 
many parents do to hinder their maturation process. (MSP); Shreveport is full of 
hardworking people who go above and beyond for their neighbors. (RD); imagine 
a new account, above and beyond Social Security, 401 (k)s and private pensions. 

4 higher in rank or power than выше рангом 

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