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Времена английского глагола. 210 упражнений с ключами

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Учителя-практики как правило испытывают недостаток в тренировочных упражнениях для отработки грамматических навыков у учащихся. Данное пособие предлагает подборку разнообразных упражнений, которые помогут отработать и закрепить времена английского глагола, множественное число существительных и конструкцию There is / There are. Для более качественной работы с материалом в пособие включены теоретический и грамматический комментарии, представленные в доступной структурированной форме, и рисунки, позволяющие использовать мнемонические приемы запоминания. Основная часть упражнений базируется на простой лексике, в остальных упражнениях вы найдете современные и интересные фразы и актуальные идеи для обсуждения. Также пособие содержит упражнения для эффективного развития навыков устной речи. Пособие подойдет всем, кто изучает английский язык, в том числе учащимся средней и старшей школы, а также будет полезно учителям английского языка при подготовке учеников к ОГЭ и ЕГЭ.
Чалова, А. Времена английского глагола. 210 упражнений с ключами : практическое пособие / А. Чалова. - Санкт-Петербург : КАРО, 2023. - 160 с. - ISBN 978-5-9925-1596-1. - Текст : электронный. - URL: https://znanium.ru/catalog/product/2136121 (дата обращения: 27.07.2024). – Режим доступа: по подписке.
Фрагмент текстового слоя документа размещен для индексирующих роботов. Для полноценной работы с документом, пожалуйста, перейдите в ридер.
упражнений с ключами

УДК 372.811.111
ББК 81.2 Англ-922

Чалова, Алла

Времена английского глагола. 210 упражнений с ключами / Чалова А. Н. — 

Санкт-Петербург : КАРО, 2023. — 160 с.

ISBN 978-5-9925-1596-1.

Учителя-практики как правило испытывают недостаток в тренировочных упражнениях для 

отработки грамматических навыков у учащихся. Данное пособие предлагает подборку разнообразных 
упражнений, которые помогут отработать и закрепить времена английского глагола, множественное 
число существительных и конструкцию There is / There are.

Для более качественной работы с материалом в пособие включены теоретический и грамма
тический комментарии, представленные в доступной структурированной форме, и рисунки, позволяющие использовать мнемонические приемы запоминания. Основная часть упражнений базируется 
на простой лексике, в остальных упражнениях вы найдете современные и интересные фразы и 
актуальные идеи для обсуждения. Также пособие содержит упражнения для эффективного развития 
навыков устной речи.

Пособие подойдет всем, кто изучает английский язык, в том числе учащимся средней и старшей 

школы, а также будет полезно учителям английского языка при подготовке учеников к ОГЭ и ЕГЭ.

УДК 372.811.111 

ББК 81.2 Англ-922


ISBN 978-5-9925-1596-1

© Чалова А. Н., 2023
© КАРО, 2023

Чалова Алла Николаевна


210 упражнений с ключами

Ответственный редактор И. С. Гавриш 

Научный редактор А. О. Лобода 

Технический редактор Д. А. Штыкова 

Художник О. В. Маркина 

Оформление обложки Е. А. Власовой

Издательство КАРО, ЛР № 065644 

197046, Санкт-Петербург, ул. Чапаева, д. 15, лит. А. 

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The Present Simple Tense
Настоящее простое время

Если бы мне нужно было выбрать зрительный образ для 
передачи сути Present Simple, я бы выбрала швейную 

Только представьте: машинка работает, стучит; иголка 
снует вверх-вниз; действия повторяются вновь и вновь. 
Если машинка работает быстро, из-под иголки выходят 
слова always, often, usually, а если помедленнее, то — 
sometimes, rarely; ну а если она совсем останавливается, 
то появляется слово never.


Речь идет об обычных, повторяющихся действиях, которые мы совершаем ежедневно 
или время от времени.

I go to school every day.

We usually eat porridge for breakfast.

Present Simple также употребляется, если речь идет о привычных ситуациях (живу, 
работаю и т. д.).

I live in Moscow.

He works in a hospital.


– always

– sometimes

– often

– usually

– rarely

– never

– once a week

– twice a week

– every day/week/month/year/Monday/summer


Present Simple в утвердительных предложениях полностью совпадает с формой инфинитива без частицы to, но в 3-м лице единственного числа к нему прибавляется 
окончание -s/-es. Вопросительная и отрицательная формы образуются при помощи 
вспомогательного глагола do/does. 

Времена английского глагола. 210 упражнений с ключами

Спряжение глагола work в Present Simple

I work 
I don’t work 
Do I work?

You work 
You don’t work 
Do you work?

He works 
He doesn’t work 
Does he work?

She works 
She doesn’t work 
Does she work?

It works 
It doesn’t work 
Does it work?

We work 
We don’t work 
Do we work?

You work 
You don’t work 
Do you work?

They work 
They don’t work 
Do they work?

▶ 1 
Complete with the Present Simple.

1. Bob and Nick often (go) swimming in summer.

2. My brother always (get up) at 8 o’clock in the morning.

3. We never (eat) ice cream in January.

4. Kate usually (play) the piano at 5 p.m.

5. You (ride) a bike to school?

6. They always (take) the dog for a walk after breakfast.

7. His dog (like) to play with a ball.

8. Your sister sometimes (jog) in the morning?

9. Sally (not help) her parents set the table for breakfast.

10. We (not go) for a walk in rainy weather.

Правило прибавления окончания -s (-es)  
в 3-м лице единственного числа Present Simple:

Всегда прибавляйте -s.

Если прибавили -es, вы должны уметь объяснить почему. Есть три объяснения.

Объяснение 1

Слово оканчивается на -o.

go – goes

do – does

Объяснение 2

Слово оканчивается на -ss, -ch, -sh, -x, -zz.

dress – dresses

wash – washes

The Present Simple Tense 

watch – watches

fix – fixes

buzz – buzzes

Объяснение 3

Слово оканчивается на –y, перед которой стоит согласная.

y → i + es

try – tries

cry – cries

study – studies


enjoy – enjoys

play – plays (т. к. перед -y стоит гласная)

▶ 2 
Complete with the Present Simple.

1.  Every summer children (play) volleyball on the beach.

2.  Sam (collect) seashells because he (like) them.

3.  Zoe (brush) her teeth every morning.

4.  Greg and I usually (take) the bus to school.

5.  My father (go) fishing every Sunday.

6.  They always (have) pasta for lunch.

7.  He sometimes (take) a shower in the morning.

8.  Nick and Bob rarely (drink) Coke.

9.  She (spend) all her money on books.

10.  My children always (hurry) home after school.

▶ 3 
Add -s or -es.

Open, put, copy, catch, grow, miss, study, go, dance, do, tell, say, answer, begin, 
mix, brush, fly, buy.

▶ 4 Complete with the Present Simple. Add -s or -es to the verbs and make necessary changes.

1.  His cat (catch) mice very well.

2.  She (try) her best to study well.

3.  My friend (watch) TV in the afternoon.

4.  Our dad (play) tennis on Sundays.

Времена английского глагола. 210 упражнений с ключами

5.  My mother (tidy) all the rooms at the weekend.

6.  This pupil (do) his homework regularly.

7.  Every morning Nick (wash) his face and hands, (brush) his teeth, (dress) and 

(go) to school.

8.  My mother (fix) people’s teeth.

9.  She (work) in an office.

10.  She (wish) to speak to me.

▶ 5 
Make questions. Use do or does.

 you sometimes 
 (go) to the cinema at the weekend?

 your friends always 
 (watch) TV after school?

 they often 
 (surf) the Net?

 your parents usually 
 (go) shopping on Saturdays?

 (like) working in the garden?

 (borrow) books in the library?

 (help) her parents do the washing up?

 your teacher 
 (give) you a lot of homework to do?

 (play) chess very well?

10.  What music 
 your sister usually 
 (listen) to?

▶ 6 Choose the correct variant.

1.  Pam get/gets up at half past six in the morning.

2.  Kelly and Tom wash/washes the car every Friday afternoon.

3.  I wash/washes my face every morning.

4.  Helen sometimes cook/cooks chicken with rice and vegetables.

5.  My sister and I have/has breakfast at 8.00 in the morning.

6.  Children often swim/swims and eat/eats ice cream in the summer.

7.  Peter go/goes to a karate class on Mondays and Fridays.

8.  Nora and her brother wear/wears uniforms when they go/goes to school.

9.  My dog never bark/barks at night.

10.  Her friend sometimes enter/enters dancing competitions.

▶ 7 
Complete with the Present Simple.

1.  Matt and Bob (watch) TV every afternoon.

2.  He (do) his homework in the afternoon.

3.  I (go) to bed at 10.00 at night.

4.  My father (play) volleyball on Fridays.

5.  I (take) my dog for a walk in the morning.

The Present Simple Tense 

6.  We (visit) our grandparents once a month.

7.  Carlos (live) in Spain.

8.  When they (type), they (make) mistakes.

9.  When he (speak) fast, I (not understand) him.

10.  I (not cook) on Sundays because I (eat) out.

▶ 8 Complete the questions and answer them.

1.  How often / Tom / have / his football practice? (twice a week)

2.  How often / Liz / take out / the rubbish? (every day)

3.  How often / you / send / text messages / to your friends? (never)

4.  Where / your sister / usually / buy / picture postcards? (at the shopping mall)

5.  What / Nina / do / on Sunday mornings? (do / yoga)

6.  When / your family / usually / have lunch? (at 2 p.m.)

7.  How often / he / go / to the swimming pool? (once a week)

8.  When / he / work out / in a gym? (at the weekend)

9.  Where / you / usually / spend / your summer holidays? (at the seaside)

10.  What flowers / you / grow / in your garden? (roses)

▶ 9 Make questions according to the model.

Example: They go to the cinema on Sundays. 

Do they go to the cinema on Sundays?

1.  Tracy takes her mobile to school.

2.  Tom dives in the summer.

3.  Many children go camping in July.

4.  We play beach volleyball every day.

5.  She collects seashells at the beach.

6.  She speaks three foreign languages.

7.  My husband often sings in the bathroom.

8.  My children keep the safety rules when they cross the street.

9.  My neighbour always parks his car outside my house.

10.  She has terrible headaches after this accident.

▶ 10 
Write negative sentences according to the model.

Example: We sunbathe in the summer. 

We don’t sunbathe in the summer.

1.  I go skiing in the Alps in winter.

2.  Nancy walks to school every morning.

Времена английского глагола. 210 упражнений с ключами

3.  He goes fishing with his father.

4.  Mary rides her bike in the park.

5.  She wears a jumper in winter.

6.  We play board games in the evening.

7.  You wear glasses.

8.  His daughter writes to him every week.

9.  She takes a lot of photos while travelling.

10.  He has a part-time job. 

▶ 11 
Complete with the Present Simple.

1.  We often (have) online lessons at school.

2.  Pam (do) her homework in the afternoon.

3.  My friends (skateboard) in the park at the weekend.

4.  Pupils (use) their computers when they (do) their homework.

5.  Children (use) social networking sites to keep in touch.

6.  Susan (ride) her pony on Mondays and Fridays.

7.  I (visit) my grandparents at the weekend.

8.  My mother (cook) on weekdays but at the weekend we (go) to a restaurant.

9.  Plastic (last) for decades in the ocean.

10.  Oceans (wash) up a lot of things ashore every day.

Adverbs of Frequency
Наречия со значением частоты 
совершения действия

К частотным наречиям относятся следующие слова: always, usually, often, sometimes, 
rarely, never и др. В предложении они обычно ставятся перед основным глаголом, но 
после глагола be.


He usually gets up at 7 a.m.

We are always tired after school.

В вопросительных предложениях с глаголом be такие наречия ставятся после подлежащего.


Are you always busy?

▶ 12 
Put the adverbs of frequency in the correct place.

1.  My mother makes an omelette for breakfast. (always)

2.  When I take my dog for a walk, he is happy. (always)

3.  We go fishing after school. (never)

4.  She gets up early on Sundays. (never)

5.  They play baseball in the summer. (often)

6.  Do you take a taxi to school? (sometimes)

7.  My friend is late for school. (often)

8.  I don’t ride a bike to school. (usually)

9.  Is Fay bored in the summer? (sometimes)

10.  We play board games after lunch. (usually)

11.  She goes to bed late. (never)

Времена английского глагола. 210 упражнений с ключами

▶ 13 
Answer the questions about yourself.

1.  Do you always take the bus to school?

2.  Does your father sometimes drive you to school?

3.  Does your mother sometimes make pancakes for breakfast?

4.  Do you usually have lunch at school or at home?

5.  What do you never do after school?

6.  With whom do you usually go to the cinema?

7.  Do you often have cereal with milk for breakfast?

8.  Do you sometimes have porridge for breakfast?

9.  How often do you have sausages for breakfast?

10.  When do you usually go to bed?

11.  Who do you rarely spend time with?

▶ 14 
Ask questions to the underlined words.

1.  My cousins live in London.

2.  They watch films at the weekend.

3.  He enters sports competitions regularly.

4.  She plays the piano.

5.  My teacher speaks two foreign languages.

6.  It usually takes them two hours to do their homework.

7.  He speaks French very well.

8.  I have a shower in the evening. 

9.  He drinks coffee without sugar. 

10.  He does the washing-up every other day.

11.  The chef uses only healthy ingredients.

▶ 15 
Complete the questions and answer them according to the model.

Example: What your daughter (do) after school? (do/homework) 

What does your daughter do after school? — She does her homework.

1. What your son (do) in the afternoon? (skateboard)

2.  What children (do) on Sundays? (play/ computer games)

3.  Where your parents (go) every Saturday? (go/restaurant)

4.  What music you (like)? (like/ classical music)

5.  How well your students (speak) English? (very well)

6.  What you (need)? (a pencil)

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