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Мир волшебных сказок. Изумрудные сказки с упражнениями

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Упражнения после каждой сказки помогут легко усвоить новую современную лексику и отработать грамматические навыки. Тексты сказок адаптированы для детей среднего школьного возраста. Предполагается совместная работа с книгой ребенка и взрослого. Каждую сказку сопровождают черно-белые иллюстрации. Они не рассеивают внимание, не отвлекают от чтения, а напротив, помогают выделить главное и способствуют пониманию прочитанного. В конце книги — ключи к упражнениям для самопроверки.
Акимова, О. В. Мир волшебных сказок. Изумрудные сказки с упражнениями : пособие / адап., сост., задания и словарь О. В. Акимовой. - Санкт-Петербург : КАРО, 2022. - 256 с. - ISBN 978-5-9925-1570-1. - Текст : электронный. - URL: https://znanium.ru/catalog/product/2135972 (дата обращения: 19.05.2024). – Режим доступа: по подписке.
Фрагмент текстового слоя документа размещен для индексирующих роботов. Для полноценной работы с документом, пожалуйста, перейдите в ридер.
Адаптация, составление, задания и словарь  

Ольги Владимировны Акимовой


УДК 373
ББК 81.2 Англ


Мир волшебных сказок. Изумрудные сказки с упражнения-

ми / Адаптация, составление, задания и словарь О. В. Акимовой. — 
Санкт-Петербург: КАРО, 2023. — 256 с.: ил.

ISBN 978-5-9925-1570-1.

Упражнения после каждой сказки помогут легко усвоить новую 

современную лексику и отработать грамматические навыки. Тексты 
сказок адаптированы для детей среднего школьного возраста. Предполагается 
совместная работа с книгой ребенка и взрослого.

Каждую сказку сопровождают черно-белые иллюстрации. Они не 

рассеивают внимание, не отвлекают от чтения, а напротив, помогают 
выделить главное и способствуют пониманию прочитанного. В конце 
книги — ключи к упражнениям для самопроверки.

УДК 373

ББК 81.2 Англ

ISBN 978-5-9925-1570-1

© Акимова О.В., 2023
© КАРО, 2023
Все права защищены


Перед вами книга для чтения, предназна-

ченная для школьников 5-6 классов с уровнем 
владения английским языком А2.

В книге представлены сказки зарубежных 

писателей на английском языке. Каждую сказку 
сопровождают лексико-грамматические задания. 
Они помогут легко усвоить новую лексику и отработать 
грамматические навыки. Попасть в мир 
волшебников, фей, заколдованных принцев, хитрых 
троллей и таинственных гномов помогут 
атмосферные иллюстрации.

Автор желает успехов в освоении английско-

го языка своим юным читателям, оказавшимся в 
мире волшебных сказок, в котором добро всегда 
побеждает зло.


Hans Christian Andersen
here is nobody in the world who knows so many 

stories as Ole-Luk-Oie, or who can relate them to 

children so nicely. In the evening he comes up the 

stairs very softly in his socks, opens the doors and throws 

some fine dust in their eyes and blows upon their necks to 

make them asleep. Ole-Luk-Oie does not wish to hurt them, 

for he is very fond of children. He only wants them to be 

quiet that he may relate to them pretty stories. As soon as 

they are asleep, Ole-Luk-Oie seats himself upon the bed.

He is nicely dressed; his coat is made of silken stuff. 

Under each arm he carries an umbrella; one of them has 

pictures on the inside. He spreads it over the good children, 

and then they dream the most beautiful stories the whole 

night. But the other umbrella has no pictures, and this he 

holds over the naughty children so that they see no dreams 

at all. He also has a little magic wand to create miracles.

Ole-Luk-Oie came every night during a whole week 

to the little boy named Hjalmar and told him his wonder-

ful stories. There were seven stories, as there are seven 

days in the week.

When Ole-Luk-Oie came to the boy on Monday Hjal-

mar was in bed, and Ole-Luk-Oie started to decorate the 

room. He touched the flowers in the pots with his magic 

wand, and immediately all the flowers became large 

trees, with long branches reaching to the ceiling, and 
stretching along the walls, so that the whole room was 

like a greenhouse. All the branches were loaded with 

beautiful flowers and fruits.

On Tuesday as soon as Hjalmar was in bed, Ole-Luk-

Oie touched, with his little magic wand, all the furniture 

in the room, which immediately began to chatter. When 

he touched the picture, the birds started to sing and the 

clouds began to move across the sky. Then Ole-Luk-Oie 

lifted little Hjalmar up to the frame, and placed his feet 

in the picture, just on the high grass. Hjalmar ran to the 

water, and seated himself in a little boat. Six swans drew 

Hans Christian Andersen
the boat past the green wood where the trees talked 

of robbers and witches, and the flowers sang songs of 

beautiful little elves and fairies.

On Wednesday it rained cats and dogs, and when 

Ole-Luk-Oie opened the window, the water flowed quite 

up to the windowsill. There was a large lake outside, 

and a beautiful ship lay close to the house. They sailed 

through the streets, round by the church. Suddenly a 

stork fell down from the sky onto the deck. A sailor-boy 

put him in the henhouse where the hens clucked, the 

ducks quacked and the turkeys gobbled. Hjalmar opened 

Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God
the door and the stork spread his wings, and flew away 

to warmer countries.

On Thursday Hjalmar was invited to the wedding of 

two little mice who lived under the floor of the store-

room and Ole-Luk-Oie made him small enough to crawl 

through the hole in the floor.

On Friday Hjalmar enjoyed another wedding ceremo-

ny. Ole-Luk-Oie dressed up in grandmother’s black gown 

married two dolls — Herman and Bertha; and all the 

furniture in the room joined in singing a beautiful song.

On Saturday Ole-Luk-Oie spread out his prettiest 

umbrella over Hjalmar to make world beautiful for 

Hans Christian Andersen
Sunday as it is always a holiday. They had no time for 

stories because Ole-Luk-Oie had to take down the stars 

from the sky and polish them.

On Sunday Ole-Luk-Oie lifted Hjalmar up to the 

window to show him his brother whose name was also 

Ole-Luk-Oie and who knew only two stories. One of them 

is wonderful. The other is frightening.

If you keep a good conduct book, you will hear a 

wonderful story!

Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God
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