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Стратегические решения и риск-менеджмент, 2023, том 14, № 1

научный рецензируемый журнал
Основная коллекция
Артикул: 823772.0001.99
Стратегические решения и риск-менеджмент : научный рецензируемый журнал. - Санкт-Петербург : Издательский дом «Реальная экономика», 2023. - Т. 14, № 1. - 108 с. - ISSN 2618-9984. - Текст : электронный. - URL: https://znanium.ru/catalog/product/2134987 (дата обращения: 08.05.2024)
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ISSN 2618-947X (Print)
ISSN 2618-9984 (Online)





Главный редактор – Аркадий Владимирович Трачук
Заместитель главного редактора –  
Наталия Линдер
Редактор – Алена Владыкина
Дизайн и верстка –  
Николай Квартников
Корректор – Сима Пошивалова

Генеральный директор – Валерий Пресняков
Партнерские проекты по конференциям  
и семинарам – Александр Привалов 
Подписка и распространение – Ирина Кужим 


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E-mail: info@jsdrm.ru
Online-версия журнала www.jsdrm.ru  

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При использовании материалов ссылка 
на «Стратегические решения и риск-менеджмент» обязательна

Номер подписан в печать 07.07.2023. Дата выхода в свет 17.07.2023 
Тираж 1900 экз. Свободная цена
Подписка через редакцию или 
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подписной индекс 33222

● подписка на электронную версию через сайт Delpress.ru, ЛитРес

Стратегические решения  

и риск-менеджмент

1. Стратегические управлен-

ческие решения и методы 
поддержки их принятия: 

• Разработка, принятие  

и реализация стратегических  
и долгосрочных управленческих 

• Рациональные и поведен-

ческие методы и техники 
разработки и принятия управленческих 
решений, а также 
решения управленческих 

• Принятие решений как ког-

нитивный процесс, использование 
результатов нейронаук 
для принятия управленческих 

• Стратегические управленче-

ские решения в организационном 

• Использование в практиче-

ской деятельности систем 
поддержки принятия решений 
(Decisionmaking software)

2. Стратегический менеджмент 

и стратегии бизнеса 

• Процесс разработки, внедре-

ния и реализации стратегии  
в коммерческих организациях

• Стратегические изменения  

и лидерство

• Инновации, предпринима-

тельство и корпоративное 
предпринимательство как 
факторы стратегического 

• Долгосрочное влияние факто-

ров социальной ответственности (
ESG) и моделей устойчивого 
развития на стратегии 

• Интернациональные стратегии 


3. Технологическое развитие  

и операционная стратегия  

• Технологическое развитие 

и его влияние на стратегии 
бизнеса и бизнес-модели;

• Операционные стратегии. 

Разработка и обоснование: 
методы и техники;

• Стратегии цифровой транс-

формации бизнеса и применения 
технологий четвертой 
промышленной революции;

• Методы и техники разработки 

новых продуктов и технологических 

• Инструменты и методы 

экономического обоснования 
и оценки результативности 
и реализации операционной 

4. Риск-менеджмент
• Выявление и учет рисков  

при разработке и принятии 
управленческих решений. 
Методы и техники.

• Методология управления 

стратегическими рисками.

• Количественные и качествен-

ные методы оценки рисков.

Издается с 2010 года

DOI: 10.17747/2618-947X-2023-1

Издание перерегистрировано в Федеральной службе по надзору в сфере связи, информационных технологий  

и массовых коммуникаций (Роскомнадзор). Свидетельство ПИ № ФС-72389 от 28.02.2018 

Предыдущее название «Эффективное Антикризисное Управление» 

Периодичность издания – 4 номера в год

Учредитель – Федеральное государственное 
образовательное бюджетное 
учреждение высшего образования 
«Финансовый университет при Правительстве 
Российской Федерации» 
(Финансовый университет), общество 
с ограниченной ответственностью «Издательский 
дом «Реальная экономика»
Издатель – ООО «Издательский дом 
«Реальная экономика» 

«Стратегические решения и риск-менеджмент» – 
международный рецензируемый 
журнал открытого доступа, 
публикующий оригинальные научные 
статьи c результатами передовых теоретических 
и прикладных исследований 
в ключевых областях стратегического 
менеджмента, обоснования принятия  
управленческих решений и решения задач, 
а также формирования  политики 
риск-менеджмента, информирующий 
читателей о возможных альтернативных 
сценариях развития будущего для 
своевременного принятия правильных 
стратегических решений и понимания 
взаимосвязи между риском, принятием 
решения и формированием стратегии.
Журнал представляет собой площадку 
для взаимодействия ученых, практиков 
бизнеса, политиков, предпринимателей 
и других участников стратегического 
процесса для обсуждения разнообразных 
аспектов технологической  
политики, стратегии цифровизации  
и обоснования принятия управленческих 
решений с учетом обоснования 
имеющихся рисков.

«Стратегические решения и риск-менеджмент» принимает статьи 
от авторов из разных стран. Поступающие в редакцию материалы 
должны отвечать высоким стандартам научности, отличаться оригинальностью. 
Качество статей оценивается посредством тщательного, 
двустороннего слепого рецензирования.
Редакционная коллегия и пул рецензентов журнала объединяют 
ведущих экспертов мирового и национального уровней в области 
стратегического управления и инновационного развития, управления 
внедрением технологий Индустрии 4.0, экономики знания и инноваций, 
представителей органов власти и институтов развития.
Журнал входит в Перечень периодических научных изданий, рекомендуемых 
ВАК для публикации основных результатов диссертаций 
на соискание ученой степени кандидата и доктора наук.

Рассматриваемые темы

Индексируется в базах данных –  
Российский индекс научного цитирования (
РИНЦ), Академия Google, 
Base, DOAJ (Directory  
of Open Access Journals), EBSCO, 
Copac|Jisk, MIAR (Information 
Matrix for the Analysis of Journals), 
NSD (Norwegian Centre for Research 
Data), Open Archives Initiative, 
Research Bible, Соционет, WorldCat, 
Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory, RePEc: 
Research Papers in Economics, 
Mendeley, Baidu и других. 

Strategic Decisions  

and Risk Management

Published since 2010

DOI: 10.17747/2618-947X-2023-1

ISSN 2618-947X (Print)
ISSN 2618-9984 (Online)



Decisions and management risks-management «Decisions and management risks-management» 

Journal Is registered by Federal Service for Supervision in the sphere of communication, information technologies and mass communications 

(Roscomnadzor). Certificate ПИ № ФС 77–72389 dated 28.02.2018

Periodicity – 4 times per year




Chief editor – Arkady Trachuk  
Deputy editor-in-chief – Natalia Linder
Editor – Alena Vladykina
Design, composition – Nikolai Kvartnikov
Proof-reader – Sima Poshyvalova

General director – Valery Presnyakov
Partner projects concerning  
conferences and seminars – 
Aleхander Privalov (pr@jsdrm.ru)
Subscription and distribution – Irina Kuzhym  

1. Strategic management decisions and 

methods to support their adoption:

Development, adoption and 
implementation of strategic 
management decisions;

Rational and behavioural practices  
and techniques for developing  
and making managerial decisions;

Decision-making as a cognitive 
process, using the results  
of neuroscience to make managerial 

Strategic management decisions  
in the organizational context;

Use of decision-making support 
software in practical activities.

2. Strategic management and business 


The process of developing, 
implementing and executing the 
strategy in commercial organizations;

Strategic change and leadership;

Innovation, entrepreneurship and 
corporate entrepreneurship as  
strategic development factors;

Long-term impact of ESG factors  
and sustainable development models 
on business strategies;

International business strategies.

3. Technological development  

and operational strategy

Technological development and its 
impact on business strategies and 
business models;

Operational strategies. Development 
and justification: methods and 

Strategies for the digital 
transformation of business and 
application of technologies of the 
Fourth industrial revolution;

Methods and techniques  
for developing new products  
and technological processes;

Tools and methods of economic 
justification and evaluation  
of the effectiveness and 
implementation of the operational 

4. Risk management
Methods and techniques of risk 
identification and consideration in 
the development and adoption of 
management decisions;

Methodology of strategic risk 

Quantitative and qualitative methods 
of risk assessment.

Founder – The Finance 
University under the 
Government of the 
Russian Federation 
(Finance University), 
Real Economy Publishing 

Publisher – Real Economy 
Publishing House 

Aims and Scope – 
“Strategic Decisions and 
Risk Management”  
is an international  
peer-reviewed journal  
in the field of economics, 
business and management, 
published since 2001.

The journal is a 
platform for interaction 
between scientists, 
experts, specialists in 
state administration, 
entrepreneurs and business 
practitioners to discuss 
various aspects of digital 
transformation, impact of 
digital technologies on the 
economic, management 
and social aspects of the 
activities of the state and 
companies, as well as risks 
associated with digital 

Topics covered

“Strategic Decisions and Risk Management” accepts articles from authors from different 
countries. The materials submitted to the editorial board must have high standards of sci-
entific knowledge and be distinguished by originality. The quality of articles is estimated 
by careful, two-sided blind review. The editorial board and reviewers of the journal 
combines together leading experts at the global and national levels in the strategic 
management sphere and innovation development, management of the implementation 
technologies of Industry 4.0, knowledge of innovation and economics, representatives of 
government bodies and development institutions.
The journal is included in the scroll of scientific publications, recommended by Higher 
Attestation Commission at the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federa-
tion for publication of the main results of the degree candidate and doctor of sciences.

Indexation – Russian Science Citation 
Index (RSCI), Academy Google, Base, 
DOAJ (Directory of Open Access 
Journals), EBSCO, Copac|Jisk, MIAR 
(Information Matrix for the Analysis 
of Journals), NSD (Norwegian Centre 
for Research Data), Open Archives 
Initiative, Research Bible, “Socionet”, 
WorldCat, Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory, 
RePEc: Research Papers in Economics, 
Mendeley, Baidu and others.

Publisher’s address: 190020, St. Petersburg, 43–45 B, Staro-Petergofsky pr., of. 4H
Editor’s office address: 190020, St. Petersburg, 43–45 B, Staro-Petergofsky pr., of. 4H
Tel.: (812) 346–5015, 346–5016
www.jsdrm.ru, e-mail: info@jsdrm.ru
“Tipografiia Litas+” LLC, 190020, St. Petersburg, 3, Lifliandskaia ul.
Using the materials it is obligatory to include the reference to “Strategic Decisions and Risk 
Circulation of 1900 copies.
Subscription through the editors or the Agency “Rospechat”,  
the directory of newspapers.
● Agency “ARZI”, the catalog  

“Press of Russia” – subscription index 88671

● Agency “Ural-press” LLC in all regions of the Russian Federation www.uralpress.ru – 

subscription index 33222

● Subscription to electronic version through the website Delpress.ru, LitRes
ISSN 2618-947X (印刷版)
ISSN 2618-9984 (在线版)



主编 —— Arkady Trachuk
副主编 —— Natalia Linder
文学编辑 —— Alena Vladykina
设计和布局 —— Nikolai Kvartnikov
校对员 —— Sima Poshyvalova

总经理 —— Valery Presnyakov
会议和研讨会合作项目 —— Alexander Privalov 
订阅和分发 —— Irina Kuzhym  


出版商地址:190020, St. Petersburg, Staro-Petergofsky pr. 43/45, lit. B, of. 4N


网址: info@jsdrm.ru

在线版 —— www.jsdrm.ru

“LITAS+印刷厂”有限责任公司:190020﹐St. Petersburg, Liflyandskaya ul., 3


● ARZI机构,“俄罗斯新闻”目录 —— 88671订阅指数

● UralPress有限公司在俄罗斯联邦所有地区(www.uralpress.ru)—— 33222订阅指数
● 通过Delpress.ru, LitRes订阅电子版


1. 战略管理决策和其支持方法: 
• 战略和长期管理决策制定﹑采用和实施;
• 制定管理决策的理性和行为方法和技术﹑解决


• 作为认知过程的决策﹐做出管理决策时利用神


• 组织语境中的战略管理决策;
• 在实践活动中计算机决策支持系统使用

(Decisionmaking software)。

2. 战略管理和商业战略: 
• 在商业组织中制定和实施战略的过程;
• 战略变革和领导力;
• 创新﹑商业和创业企业作为战略发展的因素;
• 环境﹑社会及管治(ESG)因素和可持续发展目


• 国际商业战略。

3. 技术开发和运营战略:  
• 技术发展及其对商业战略和商业模式的影响;
• 运营战略。发展和说明理由:方法和技术;
• 数字化业务转型战略与第四次工业革命(4IR)


• 开发新产品和新工艺的方法和技术;
• 对运营战略的绩效和实施进行经济论证和评估


4. 风险管理:
• 在拟定和通过管理决策过程中识别和核算风


• 战略风险管理方法论;
• 风险评估的定量和定性方法


DOI: 10.17747/2618-947X-2023-1

该期刊物重新于俄罗斯联邦通信﹑信息技术和大众传媒监督局(Roskomnadzor或RKN)登记。28.02.2018 第FS-72389号PI证书





该期刊被下列数据库收录 —— 俄罗斯科学引
(Google Scholar)﹑DOAJ (Directory  
of Open Access Journals)﹑ 
EBSCO﹑Copac|Jisk﹑MIAR (Information 
Matrix for the Analysis of Journals)﹑NSD 
(Norwegian Centre for Research Data)﹑ 
Open Archives Initiative﹑Research Bible﹑
SOCIONET﹑WorldCat﹑Ulrich’s Periodicals 
Directory﹑RePEc: Research Papers in 



创办者: 联邦国家预算高等教
出版商: “实体经济”出版社“有
限责任公司(LLC Publishing 
house “Real economy”) 

“战略决策和风险管理“ 是一

Т. 14, № 1/2023
Стратегические решения и риск-менеджмент


Трачук Аркадий Владимирович 
Доктор экономических наук, профессор,  
профессор департамента менеджмента  
и инноваций факультета «Высшая школа 
управления», Финансовый университет 
при Правительстве Российской Федерации, 
Москва, Россия


Эскиндаров Михаил 
Доктор экономических наук, 
профессор, президент, научный 
руководитель Финансового 
университета при Правительстве 
Российской Федерации, Москва, 



Порфирьев Борис Николаевич 
Доктор экономических наук, 
профессор, академик РАН, директор 
Института народнохозяйственного 
прогнозирования, заведующий  
лабораторией анализа и 
прогнозирования природных и 
техногенных рисков экономики РАН, 
Москва, Россия

Бахтизин Альберт Рауфович
Член-корреспондент РАН, 
директор Центрального экономико-
математического института РАН, 
Москва, Россия

Бобек Само
PhD, профессор, руководитель 
департамента электронного бизнеса 
факультета экономики и бизнеса, 
Университет Марибора, Словения

Винг-Кеунг Вонг Алан
Профессор департамента финансов, 
Исследовательский центр Азиатского 
университета; адъюнкт-профессор 
департамента медицинских 
исследований, Китайский медицинский 
университет, Тайчжун, Тайвань; 
адъюнкт-профессор департамента 
экономики и финансов, Гонконгский 
университет Ханг Сенг, Гонконг.

Гительман Лазарь Давидович
Доктор экономических наук, 
профессор, заведующий кафедрой 
систем управления энергетикой  
и промышленными предприятиями 
Высшей школы экономики и 
менеджмента, Уральский федеральный 
университет им. первого Президента 
России Б.Н. Ельцина,  
Екатеринбург, Россия

Клейнер Георгий Борисович
Доктор экономических наук, 
профессор, член-корреспондент РАН, 
заместитель директора Центрального 
института РАН, научный руководитель 
стратегических инициатив и проектов 
научно-интеграционного объединения 
«АБАДА», Москва, Россия

Крчо Срдан
PhD, доцент Университета экономики, 
финансов и управления FEFA, 
соучредитель и генеральный директор 
компании DunavNET, Нови-Сад, 
Республика Сербия

Линдер Наталия Вячеславовна
Доктор экономических наук, 
профессор, заместитель главного 
редактора, руководитель департамента 
менеджмента и инноваций факультета 
«Высшая школа управления», 
Финансовый университет  
при Правительстве Российской 
Федерации, Москва, Россия

Мартин-де-Кастро Григорио
Профессор по стратегии и инновациям, 
департамент менеджмента, Мадридский 
университет Комплютенсе, Испания

Паниелло Умберто
Доцент кафедры бизнес-аналитики 
и цифровых бизнес-моделей, 
Политехнический университет Бари, 

Раух Ирвин
Доцент департамента 
производственных технологий  
и систем, Свободный университет 
Больцано, Италия

Рейн Сантош Б.
PhD, магистр технических наук, 
факультет машиностроения 
Инженерного колледжа им. Сардара 
Пателя Автономного института при 
поддержке Правительства при Кампусе 
Бхаван Университета Мумбаи, Индия

Солесвик Марина
PhD, профессор, бизнес-школа 
Университета НОРД, Будё, Норвегия

Томинц Полона
PhD экономики и бизнес-наук, 
профессор, руководитель департамента 
количественных методов анализа 
факультета экономики и бизнеса, 
Университет Марибора, Республика 

Федотова Марина Алексеевна
Доктор экономических наук, 
профессор, заместитель научного 
руководителя, профессор департамента 
корпоративных финансов и 
корпоративного управления факультета 
экономики и бизнеса, Финансовый 
университет при Правительстве 
Российской Федерации, Москва, Россия

Шу-Хенг Чен
Профессор, директор  
департамента экономики,  
AI-ECON исследовательский центр, 
Национальный университет Chengchi, 
Тайбэ́й, Тайвань

Юданов Андрей Юрьевич
Доктор экономических наук, 
профессор, профессор департамента 
экономической теории Финансового 
университета при Правительстве 
Российской Федерации, Москва, Россия

Vol. 14, № 1/2022
Strategic Decisions and Risk Management


Arkady V. Trachuk 
Dr. Sci. (Econ.), Professor, Professor  
at the Department of Management  
and Innovation Faculty «Higher School  
of Management», Finanacial University 
under the Government of the Russian 
Federation, Moscow, Russia


Mikhail А. Eskindarov  
Dr. Sci. (Econ.), Professor, President,  
Academic Director   
of Financial University  
under the Government  
of the Russian Federation,  
Moscow, Russia


Boris N. Porfiriev  
Dr. Sci. (Econ.), Professor, Academician 
of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 
Director of the Institute for National 
Economic Forecasts, Head of Analysis and 
Forecasting of Natural and Technogenic 
Risks of Economics Laboratory, Russian 
Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia


Albert R. Bakhtizin
Corresponding Member of the Russian 
Academy of Sciences, Director  
of the Central Economics and 
Mathematics Institute of the Russian 
Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia

Samo Bobek
PhD, Professor of E-Business and Head 
of the Department of E-Business  
at School of Economics and Business  
at University Maribor, Slovenia

Аlan Wing-Keung Wong
Chair Professor, Department of Finance,  
Asia University;  Department of Medical 
Research, China Medical University, 
Taichung, Taiwan; Adjunct Professor, 
Department of Economics and Finance, 
The Hang Seng University of Hong 
Kong, Hong Kong 

Lazar D. Gitelman
Dr. Sci. (Econ.), Professor, Head  
of Academic Department of Economics 
of Industrial and Energy Systems, 
Graduate School of Economics  
and Management, Ural Federal 
University Named after the First 
President of Russia Boris Eltsin, 
Ekaterinburg, Russia

Georgy B. Kleiner
Dr. Sci. (Econ.), Professor, 
Corresponding Member of the Russian 
Academy of Sciences, Deputy Director of 
the Central Economics and Mathematics 
Institute of the Russian Academy of 
Sciences, Research Advisor of Strategic 
Initiatives and Projects of the Scientific 
and Integration Association “ABADA”, 
Moscow, Russia

Srđan Krčo
Associate Professor at University  
for Economics, Finance and 
Administration (FEFA), a Co-Founder 
and CEO of DunavNET, Novi Sad, 
Republic of Serbia

Natalia V. Linder
Dr. Sci. (Econ.), Professor, Deputy 
Editor-in-Chief,  Head of the 
Department of Management and 
Innovation, Faculty “Higher School 
of Management”, Financial University 
under the Government of the Russian 
Federation, Moscow, Russia

Gregorio Martin-de-Castro
PhD, Professor of Strategy and 
Innovation, Department  
of Management, Universidad 
Complutense de Madrid, Spain

Umberto Panniello
Associate Professor of Business 
Intelligence and E-Business Models, 
Politecnico di Bari, Italy

Erwin Rauch
Associate Professor of Manufacturing 
Technologies and Systems  
at Free University of Bolzano, Italy

Santosh B. Rane 
PhD, ME Machine Design Faculty, 
Mechanical Engineering Sardar Patel 
College оf Engineering 
Govt. Aided Autonomous Institute 
affiliated to University of Mumbai 
Bhavan’s Campus, India

Marina Solesvik
PhD, Professor at Business School  
of NORD University,  
Bodø, Norway

Polona Tominc
PhD in Economics and Business 
sciences, is Head and a Full-Time 
Professor in the Department  
of Quantitative Economic Analysis  
at the Faculty of Economics and 
Business, University of Maribor, 
Republic of Slovenia

Marina A. Fedotova
Dr. Sci. (Econ.), Professor, Deputy 
Scientific Director, Professor  
of Corporate Finance and Governance 
Department of the Faculty of Economics  
and Business, Financial University under  
the Government of the Russian 
Federation, Moscow, Russia

Shu-Heng Chen
Professor, Department of Economics, 
Director, AI-ECON Research Center, 
National Chengchi University, Taipei, 

Andrey Yu. Yudanov
Dr. Sci. (Econ.), Professor,  
Professor at the Department  
of Economic Theory, Financial 
University under the Government  
of the Russian Federation,  
Moscow, Russia



Arkady V. Trachuk 


Mikhail A. Eskindarov 


Boris N. Porfiryev 

Albert R. Bakhtizin

Samo Bobek

黃永強 (Wong Wingkeung)

Lazar D. Gitelman

Georgy B. Kleiner

Srđan Krčo

Natalia V. Linder

Gregorio Martin-de-Castro

Umberto Panniello

Erwin Rauch

Santosh В. Rane

Marina Solesvik

Polona Tominc

Marina A. Fedotova

陳樹衡 (Chen, Shu-Heng)

Andrey Yu. Yudanov

Стратегические решения и риск-менеджмент  
Т. 14, № 1/2023

48 Анализ обеспечения методической целостности  

в управлении операционными рисками современных банков

Козубекова Р.Р.

40 Имитационные стратегии в предпринимательской деятельности:  

библиометрический анализ

Кравченко С.И., Богачев С.В.

58 Концепция преобразования розничного рынка электроэнергии  

в условиях цифровой трансформации отрасли

Кузьмин П.С.

86 Возможности и проблемы применения имитационных стратегий  

технологического развития в России

Рубанова К.А.

96 Об управлении промышленным предприятием на основе показателей потенциала

Новиков А.В.

74 Преодоление барьеров цифровой трансформации промышленных предприятий  

при помощи механизма выбора бизнес-модели

Карикова А.С.

18 Внедрение цифровых платформ промышленными компаниями  

как источник конкурентных преимуществ

Трачук А.В., Линдер Н.В.

33 Разработка предпринимательской бизнес-модели в иранской клубной индустрии  

в посткоронавирусных условиях

Шахлаианд Дж., Насири А., Гафуори Ф., Шабани Бахар Г.

10 Покупка вина онлайн или офлайн:  

факторы, определяющие покупательское поведение французских потребителей

Пеле Ж.-Э.

Strategic Decisions and Risk Management 

Vol. 14, № 1/2023




The analysis of methodological integrity  

in the operational risk management of modern banks


Kozubekova R.R.


Imitation strategies in entrepreneurship: Bibliometric analysis


Kravchenko S.I., Bogachov S.V.


The concept of transformation of the retail electricity market  

in the context of digital transformation of the industry 


Kuzmin P.S.


Opportunities and problems of applying imitation strategies  

for technological development in Russia


Rubanova K.A.


On the management of an industrial enterprise based on potential indicators 


Novikov A.V.


Overcoming the barriers to the digital transformation  

of industrial enterprises through the mechanism of a business model selection


Karikova A.S.


Introduction of digital platforms by industrial companies  

as a source of competitive advantages


Trachuk A.V., Linder N.V.


Designing entrepreneurial business model  

in the Iranian club industry in post-Coronavirus conditions


Shahlaeeand J., Nasiri A., Ghafuori F., Shabani Bahar G.


Buying wine online or offline: Some determinants of buyer intent for French consumers


Pelet J.-É.
Стратегические решения и риск-менеджмент / Strategic Decisions and Risk Management / 战略决策和风险管理, 2023, 14(1): 1–108

Оnline-версия журнала www.jsdrm.ru

DOI: 10.17747/2618-947X-2023-1-10-17

© Pelet J.-É., 2023

Pelet J.-É. 
Пеле Ж.-Э.

Buying wine online or offline: Some determinants of buyer intent for French consumers
Покупка вина онлайн или офлайн: факторы, определяющие покупательское поведение французских потребителей

Buying wine online or offline:  
Some determinants of buyer intent  
for French consumers

J.-É. Pelet1 

1 Université Paris-Panthéon-Assas, LARGEPA (Paris, France) 

This paper aims at determining the reasons why customers prefer to buy wine online or offline, the first comprising both mobile-commerce (m-commerce) and 
e-commerce platforms. In particular, this research strives to understand effects of social influence and enjoyment on the intention to purchase wine from online 
and offline touchpoints. Moreover, the goal is to find out about the differences in the behaviour of French wine buyers and explain the choice of channel buyers 
prefer to use when they purchase wine.
To answer our research questions, data was collected through an online questionnaire. A theoretical model is suggested and tested by the use of SmartPLS3. Online 
and offline buyers are compared using multi-group analysis (MGA) technique. Wine buyers are compared by the use of one-way ANOVA through SPSS 19.
To date no paper has examined the differences between shopping behaviour in a retail store or on e-commerce or m-commerce platforms considering perceived 
enjoyment and social influence constructs. Hence, this contribution brings to the fore preliminary results on wine shopping behaviour and reveals what drives 
consumers to make a decision in favour of buying wine online or offline. 
The results show that fun and social influence affect intention to buy wine from offline touchpoints. Enjoyment also strongly and significantly affects the intention 
to buy wine from online touchpoints.
Keywords: wine marketing, e-commerce, m-commerce, consumer behavior, perceived enjoyment, social influence.

For citation:
Pelet J.-É. (2023). Buying wine online or offline: Some determinants of buyer intent for French consumers. Strategic Decisions and Risk Management, 14(1): 
10-17. DOI: 10.17747/2618-947X-2023-1-10-17. 

Покупка вина онлайн или офлайн:  
факторы, определяющие покупательское 
поведение французских потребителей

Ж.-Э. Пеле1

1 Университет Пантеон-Ассас, LARGEPA (Париж, Франция)

В статье определяются причины, по которым потребители предпочитают покупать вино онлайн или офлайн, причем первый вариант включает в себя 
как мобильные платформы (m-commerce), так и платформы электронной коммерции. Цель исследования, в частности, состоит в том, чтобы определить 
социальное влияние на намерение купить вино в онлайн- или офлайн-формате, а также узнать о различиях в поведении французских покупателей вина 
и объяснить, почему они выбирают тот или иной канал покупки.
Для ответа на вопросы исследования с помощью онлайн-анкеты были собраны данные. Предложена и протестирована теоретическая модель с использованием 
SmartPLS3. Онлайн- и офлайн-покупатели сравниваются с помощью метода многогруппового анализа (MGA), а также посредством однофак-
торного дисперсионного анализа с помощью SPSS 19.
До сих пор не проводилось исследований относительно различий между покупательским поведением в розничном магазине и на платформах электронной 
или мобильной коммерции с учетом получаемого удовольствия и конструктов социального влияния. Настоящее исследование выводит на передний 
план предварительные результаты о покупательском поведении на рынке вина и показывает, что побуждает потребителей принимать решение в пользу 
покупки онлайн или офлайн. Результаты показали, что получение удовольствия и социальные факторы влияют на намерение купить вино офлайн; 
удовольствие так же сильно и существенно влияет на намерение купить вино через интернет.
Ключевые слова: винный маркетинг, электронная коммерция, мобильная коммерция, потребительское поведение, получаемое удовольствие, социальное 

Для цитирования:
Пеле Ж.-Э. (2023). Покупка вина онлайн или офлайн: факторы, определяющие покупательское поведение французских потребителей. Стратегические 
решения и риск-менеджмент, 14(1): 10–17. DOI: 10.17747/2618-947X-2023-1-10-17. 
Стратегические решения и риск-менеджмент / Strategic Decisions and Risk Management / 战略决策和风险管理, 2023, 14(1): 1–108

Оnline www.jsdrm.ru

Pelet J.-É. 
Пеле Ж.-Э.

Buying wine online or offline: Some determinants of buyer intent for French consumers

Покупка вина онлайн или офлайн: факторы, определяющие покупательское поведение французских потребителей



J.-E. Pelet1

1 巴黎先贤祠-阿萨斯大学,LARGEPA(法国)

通过使用SPSS 19进行单因素方差分析比较了葡萄酒消费者。


Pelet J.-E.(2023)。 在线或离线葡萄酒购买:决定法国消费者购买意向的一些因素。战略决策和风险管理。14(1):10–17。 DOI: 10.17747/2618-947X-2023-1-10-17。


In today’s world of streamlined Internet commerce, you 

can get almost anything delivered directly to your door when 
shops stay closed – from a wine subscription box to a collectible 
Cabernet Franc. Often, it only takes a few clicks. That’s great 
news for wine lovers who want access to thousands of wines at 
their fingertips. But where is the best place to buy wine? Offline 
or online? Nielsen reports show that during the COVID-19 
pandemic, consumers purchased 26.7% more volume of wine 
via off-premise sources during the period from March through 
May, 2020, compared to a year ago using their in-store retail 
measurement1. While off-premise sales were increasing during 
the lockdown, direct consumer sales grew significantly [McGarry 
Wolf et al., 2020]. 3.2 billion euros of wine was sold online in 
2020 in France, a huge increase from 2017 where 194 billion 
euros had been sold2. The online sales of wine thereby amount for 
more than 3 billion euros, the best figure since 2008. 

Nevertheless, shopping for wine online also involves some 

complexity. With a rich offer of more than 1.7 billion bottles 
of wine in the French market supply chain3 and little real-time 
professional advice provided, wine is a product that is not easy 
to choose. However, like many other industries, wine retailing 
is evolving with the universal character of online devices and 
retailing apps that are empowered by artificial intelligence, 
touchscreens and voice interactions [Pagani et al., 2019; Pelet el al.,  
2023]. Wine industry leaders have observed the rapid growth 
in online wine purchasing and are recommending that wineries 
should improve their digital capabilities4. In order to face the 
challenges of this growth, Costco, a retail company operating 

1 Wine up 18.2% in dollars and up 12.1% un volume for week ending 7/25/20 in Nielsen off premise channels (2020). Wine Business.com, August 5. https://www.winebusiness.com/ne
2 Wine consumption in France (2021). Statista.com. https://www.statista.com/study/31250/wine-consumption-in-france-statista-dossier/.
3 Les ventes de vins tranquilles en grande distribution. Bilan 2013 (2014). FranceAgriMer, 23, Juin. http://www.franceagrimer.fr/content/download/32525/293000/file/SYN-
4 Higgins H. (2020). Report: Building E-commerce capability vital for future of wine industry. Winetitles Media, August 6. https://winetitles.com.au/report-building-e-commerce-
5 Cain Á. (2020). Costco just bought up a logistics company from Sear’s owner for $1 billion. Business Insider, March 18. https://www.businessinsider.com/costco-acquired-logistics-
6 Klebnikov S. (2020). 5 Big numbers that shoe amazon’s explosive growth during the Coronavirus pandemic. Forbes, July 23. https://www.forbes.com/sites/sergeiklebnikov/2020/07/23/5-

on a membership club-warehouse distribution chain, has 
purchased a logistics company, Innovel Solutions5. In addition, 
the coronavirus pandemic has fueled Amazon’s stock increase 
of more than 60% this year6. The omnipresence and wide 
accessibility of smart online apps and devices allow retailers to 
satisfy consumers’ needs in diverse ways and enrich consumers 
experience with a more satisfactory consumer journey [Park, 
Kim, 2018]. Multi-channel presence can benefit retailers because 
consumers have dissimilar preferences and seek different benefits 
[Pelet, Taieb, 2022; Ettis et al., 2023].

Some consumers love spending hours scouring the shelves to 

find the exact product they need. Others, when shopping online, 
enter a word in the website’s search engine or post a picture or 
video and find instantly what they were looking for. Retailer apps, 
online communities and outlets allow consumers to exchange 
ideas and share their experiences about foods and drinks and 
shape their preferences and choices [Dörnyei, Gyulavári, 2016]. 
Vivino, an online wine marketplace that is reachable both as a 
mobile app and a website, provides consumers with opportunities 
to scan and upload wine labels. Consumers can use wine labels 
to discover the prices and places to shop and read the reviews 
and ratings provided by other consumers [Kotonya et al., 2018].

Although multichannel presence helps retailers communicate 

with their consumers through multiple touchpoints, retailers 
recognise the importance of omnichannel presence with 
integrating the features and facilities of parallel channels and 
touchpoints to create a unified consumer experience [Shi et al., 
2020; Ettis et al., 2023]. As emphasised in [Wagner et al., 2020], 
distinguishing between a channel and a touchpoint is necessary. 
Стратегические решения и риск-менеджмент / Strategic Decisions and Risk Management / 战略决策和风险管理, 2023, 14(1): 1–108

Оnline-версия журнала www.jsdrm.ru

A channel represents the hardware alternatives that consumers 
can use to shop online, while a touchpoint represents the software 
alternatives that retailers can provide for channels. The various 
combinations of hardware (desktop, laptop, tablet, mobile, 
smartwatch, speakers, TV…) and software (apps, websites, web 
progressive apps, social media…) that consumers can use, will 
shape online customer experiences differently depending on the 
fit of the channel and the touchpoint. Omnichannel presence 
allows a diversity of shopping experiences from showrooming, 
wherein consumers search and source products on the shelves 
and buy online, to webrooming wherein they search online 
and buy from brick and mortar touchpoints [Park, Kim, 2018]. 
Wine shoppers may move effortlessly back and forth between 
the physical and digital world to gain product information and 
purchase online or offline. Hence, wine marketers are required 
to offer a seamless experience by combining in-store and online 
experiences using omnichannel strategies [Shi et al., 2020].

As the popularity of m-commerce (mobile commerce) and 

e-commerce increases, the need to explore consumer preferences 
for wine brick-and-mortar retailers versus wine e-tailers, and 
the benefits they seek in each touchpoint, increases. This is 
especially true when it is difficult to buy in-store, for example 
during the pandemic: because of rules obliging customers to stay 
out of the store, because of a tiny space in the shop, or simply 
because consumers are frightened by the virus and prefer not to 
go shopping.

Although the wine industry has been adopting online 

marketing and e-commerce, the research on the decision made 
by consumers whether to buy online or offline has not yet been 
sufficiently carried out. This research explores the effects of 
emotional and reasoned factors on intention to buy wine from 
touchpoints and the way these relationships are different in online 
vs offline touchpoints. This study employs an online survey to 
gain an insight into the drivers of consumers’ preferences for 
buying in a retail environment (wine shop, supermarket etc.) or 
online (from an e-commerce or m-commerce website or from an 

1. Literature review
1.1. Online wine touchpoint

Online touchpoints vary in their functionality, social 

interactivity and community building potentials. Whereas more 
functional touchpoints such as websites facilitate information 
gathering and purchasing the products, socially-oriented 
touchpoints provide consumers with more opportunities for 
social interaction and content generation [Hallikainen et al., 
2019]. In online environments, consumers’ purchase intentions 
go beyond the attributes of the products. Other factors such as 
the enjoyability of online environment and the reviews and the 
influence of other users affect purchase intention [Vanhala et al.,  
2020]. Online spaces such as social media and interactive 
apps allow wine tasters and influencers to test and taste wine, 
and communicate their evaluations with their wine-interested 
audience [Lam et al., 2019]. 

Although the adoption of these tools in the United States 

has been moderate, the autor of [Thach, 2009] found that wine 
vlogs or wineries featuring videos on their websites are the most 

commonly used tools and are popular among consumers. Wine 
is an “experiential good” that consumers enjoy communicating 
about and sharing either in person or via social interactions in 
online interactive apps and websites [Pelet et al., 2017b; Ettis et al.,  
2023]. Prior studies on social media recommend that wine 
companies need to be involved with and manage the interaction 
among consumers through social networks [Thach, 2010; 
Reyneke et al., 2011; Pelet et al., 2017b]. Social media tactics 
also include providing access to a social network of trusted third-
party opinions [Pelet et al., 2023]. 

1.2. Consumer behaviour and the complexity of choice  
in touchpoints 

For marketers the question arises whether there are particular 

reasons for wine customers to have an individual or general 
propensity to shop offline or online. When comparing online and 
offline purchases of wine, it needs to be noted that the selection 
of wine in retail stores has become a complex process for 
consumers [Lockshin, Hall, 2003]. In general, wine consumers 
are confronted with overcrowded wine shelves, which offer, 
in many cases, more alternatives to choose from than other 
supermarket categories [Rocchi, Stefani, 2006]. Moreover, 
gaining in-store attention is not always sufficient to drive 
consumer choice. Other factors such as previous brand choices 
or price comparisons that are readily available via the internet can 
drive consumer choice [Chandon et al., 2009]. Consumer interest 
in traditional retail shopping methods is declining compared to 
the evolving way of shopping online. Online shopping offers 
practical advantages (temporal and spatial), financial advantages 
(through the opportunity of comparing prices), and hedonic ways 
of consuming [Eroglu et al., 2001]. 

1.3. Wine consumer behavior and touchpoint choice

A number of factors, from retailers’ marketing efforts 

to channel features, social influence and situational factors 
can drive the preference of consumers for online or offline 
shopping touchpoints [Neslin et al., 2006; Nakano, Kondo, 
2018]. Consumer perceived value is among the most significant 
determinants of shopping decisions [Hsin Chang, Wang, 2011]. 
Consumers may perceive functional, emotional, social as well as 
economic value from shopping experiences [Zhang, 2009; Li et al.,  
2012; Peng et al., 2019]. Online retailing makes purchases more 
convenient and gives easy access to information.

However, the sensitivity of consumers to values as in benefits 

each channel provides might be different across channels. 
According to [Chu et al., 2008], consumers show lower price 
sensitivity when shopping online compared to offline. One may 
theorize that the choice of buying online or offline may be either 
a reaction of consumer to factors such as price, customer service, 
and the convenience of buying from home, or simply a replication 
of their past purchases in the case of habit or behavioural loyalty. 
Moreover, for the consumer’s purchase decision, the social aspect 
seems very important for wine as an experiential product [Peng 
Huang et al., 2009]. Consumers tend to adjust their purchase 
decisions to conform with the attitudes of their social circle 
[Rodrigo et al., 2019].

Online or offline touchpoints that provide socialisation 

or challenge can be appealing to consumers because humans 

Pelet J.-É. 
Пеле Ж.-Э.

Buying wine online or offline: Some determinants of buyer intent for French consumers
Покупка вина онлайн или офлайн: факторы, определяющие покупательское поведение французских потребителей
Стратегические решения и риск-менеджмент / Strategic Decisions and Risk Management / 战略决策和风险管理, 2023, 14(1): 1–108

Оnline www.jsdrm.ru

experience fun and enjoyment in activities that entail challenge and 
social interaction [Hwang, Choi, 2019]. Individuals find pleasure 
and satisfaction in activities that provide them with opportunities 
for gaining the information they need and experiencing 
enjoyment in the activity [Kim et al., 2007; Zheng et al.,  
2019]. In fact, prior research has shown that interactive 
websites and social media spaces that provide consumers with 
opportunities to interact with engaging content, with each other 
and with the marketers, can instigate an enjoyable mental state 
called flow, through which consumers lose the track of time. 
Consumers who experience an enjoyable mental state tend to 
interact with the online touchpoint more often and perceive 
more fun during the interaction [Hoffman, Novak, 1996; Pelet 
et al., 2017a].

1.4. Research model and hypotheses

Humans enjoy activities that entail challenge and social 

interaction [Hwang, Choi, 2019]. Wine is an experiential product 
[Peng Huang et al., 2009] that people can spend ages searching 
for on retail shelves or websites [Park, Kim, 2018]. Consumers 
can also be engaged post-purchase by sharing their consumption 
stories [Pelet et al., 2017b]. Since people tend to repeat activities 
that put them in an enjoyable mental state, enjoyment of the 
touchpoint shopping experience can play a role in wine purchase 
intention. Thus, we hypothesise that:

H1: Perceived enjoyment positively affects the intention to 

buy wine from the touchpoint.

As noticed by [Rohm, Swaminathan, 2004; Schneider, 

Zielke, 2020] argue that physical store-oriented shoppers 
have a distinct desire for social contact. Recent literature 
suggests that the service provided in-store, by an oenology 
or caviste, still has an important role in the shopping process 
[Brown et al., 2003; Balasubramanian et al., 2005]. However, 
[Koenigstorfer, Groeppel-Klein, 2012] also found that the 
lower the desire for social contact, the more likely people are 
to use a mobile device in-store, which is an important indicator 
of competitive showrooming behaviour [Rapp et al., 2015]. 
However, a desire for social contact could also explain why 
customers choose to socially interact while purchasing online. 
Consumers have a willingness to adjust their consumption 
behaviour in a way that is affirmed by important people in 
their social circle [Rodrigo et al., 2019]. Influencers in online 
environments such as wine tasters and reviewers and other 
buyers or friends in interactive online spaces, who express and 
share their experiences, influence others’ purchase decisions 
[Lam et al., 2019; Vanhala et al., 2020]. Hence, one can infer 
that social influence is a factor in the intention to purchase 
wine. Thus, we hypothesise that:

H2: Social Influence positively affects the intention to buy 

wine from the touchpoint.

Since the desire for social contact may also differ between 

offline and online touchpoints, the above hypotheses can be 
affected by the online-offline environment. Thus, we hypothesise 

H3: Social Influence differs between online and offline wine 


H4: Perceived enjoyment differs between online and offline 

wine buyers.

The model suggests that the enjoyment and social influence 

felt by wine shoppers (whether through an online or offline 
touchpoint) can have an impact on their buying intention (Fig. 1). 


Fig. 1. Research model

2. Methodology

Our quantitative study examined wine shopping of French 

respondents. France was chosen because it is a major global wine 
producing country, where citizens use mobile apps and websites 
to conduct e-commerce activities and also go to stores to shop for 
wine. In this study, the central phenomenon under investigation 
is preference for wine purchase channel/touchpoints. Non-
probability, criterion-based purposive sampling was used because 
it allowed the researchers to intentionally select participants who 
have experience with the central phenomenon being explored.

2.1. Sample description

To gather a representative sample of French consumers, 

a minimum of 300 surveys was set. The sample was initially 
screened for legal drinking age, ownership of a smartphone for 
online access and wine behaviours. Specifically, we screened 
to ensure participants had already made an online purchase 
as well as an offline one. We also questioned elsewhere in the 
questionnaire whether they were members of a wine club or liked 
a fan page dedicated to wine when they answered they bought 
wine online.

A total of 322 completed surveys were collected and the final 

sample dataset consisted of 191 valid respondents after applying 
selection and completion criteria. 86 respondents were excluded 
from the question filter because they did not buy wine during 
the last 2 months so they did not answer the questions. 57% of 
the sample is female and 43% males, and 47% are 25 years old 
on average. These figures are consistent with the French wine 
population. Since each respondent was screened to include prior 
online purchasing history, the survey further investigated the 
purchase preferred channel used within the past year, showing a 
fair balance between social media and emails as a way to discover 
the wine or share its information.

2.2. Data collection

Data was collected between January 1 and March 15, 

2022, using both personal and online questionnaires until we 
achieved our minimal quotas for specific demographics, i.e., 
gender, age, education, and income. Personal questionnaires 
were administrated to consumers who were invited to participate 
in a paper-and-pencil survey. The questionnaire is available 
on appendix A. Online surveys were distributed on social 







H3 H4

Pelet J.-É. 
Пеле Ж.-Э.

Buying wine online or offline: Some determinants of buyer intent for French consumers

Покупка вина онлайн или офлайн: факторы, определяющие покупательское поведение французских потребителей
