Cross-cultural interaction vs geopolitical culture: monograph (Кросс-культурные коммуникации vs геополитическая культура)
Основная коллекция
Вознесенский Игорь Сергеевич, Вражнова Марина Николаевна, Миронова Татьяна Александровна, Терновая Людмила Олеговна
Год издания: 2023
Кол-во страниц: 205
Вид издания:
Уровень образования:
Дополнительное профессиональное образование
ISBN: 978-5-16-019008-2
ISBN-онлайн: 978-5-16-111808-5
Артикул: 800880.01.95
In the monograph, the authors tried to reveal those aspects of cross-cultural communications that were most aff ected by the geopolitical factor, manifested in different areas and images of geopolitical culture. The peculiar struggle between the meanings of cross-cultural communication and geopolitical culture is more and more clearly marked not in the form of contrasts of the global North and the global South, but of the civilizational West and the civilizational East. These contradictions originate not in the culture created by people, but in the natural environment originally given to them, giving rise to a new ecological dimension of all their actions. Business communications and the development of cross-cultural management also cannot stand aside from the impact on them of the geopolitical culture, which has the widest arsenal of «soft power». The impact of the ideas of geopolitical culture in the fi eld of education is especially «soft» manifested in the field of education, which is helped by cross-cultural pedagogy and psychology, responding to the request for a transition to transdisciplinary models of education. At the same time, geopolitical culture feels most free in the space of art, which always fl ourishes with a variety of talents and the brightness of their competition. The authors deliberately chose English to present their vision of the unfolding of the lines of these confl icts. Firstly, it has fi rmly taken the place of the language of intercultural communication. Secondly, this approach allows the reader to refer to sources in English to clarify any points of interest to him, which is also answered by the extended English-language bibliography. Thirdly, it allows using the materials of the monograph in the educational process in higher education.
The book is intended for specialists in cross-cultural communications and crosscultural management. The publication will also be of interest to a wide range of readers.
- ВО - Бакалавриат
- 37.03.01: Психология
- ВО - Магистратура
- 41.04.04: Политология
- 45.04.02: Лингвистика
- Аспирантура
- 41.06.01: Политические науки и регионоведение
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Voznesensky I.S. B64 Cross-cultural interaction vs geopolitical culture : monograph / I.S. Voznesensky, M.N. Vrazhnova, T.A. Mironova, L.O. Ternovaya. — Moscow : INFRA-M, 2023. — 205 p. — (Scientifi c Idea). ISBN 978-5-16-019008-2 (print) ISBN 978-5-16-111808-5 (online) In the monograph, the authors tried to reveal those aspects of cross-cultural communications that were most aff ected by the geopolitical factor, manifested in diff erent areas and images of geopolitical culture. The peculiar struggle between the meanings of cross-cultural communication and geopolitical culture is more and more clearly marked not in the form of contrasts of the global North and the global South, but of the civilizational West and the civilizational East. These contradictions originate not in the culture created by people, but in the natural environment originally given to them, giving rise to a new ecological dimension of all their actions. Business communications and the development of cross-cultural management also cannot stand aside from the impact on them of the geopolitical culture, which has the widest arsenal of «soft power». The impact of the ideas of geopolitical culture in the fi eld of education is especially «soft» manifested in the fi eld of education, which is helped by cross-cultural pedagogy and psychology, responding to the request for a transition to transdisciplinary models of education. At the same time, geopolitical culture feels most free in the space of art, which always fl ourishes with a variety of talents and the brightness of their competition. The authors deliberately chose English to present their vision of the unfolding of the lines of these confl icts. Firstly, it has fi rmly taken the place of the language of intercultural communication. Secondly, this approach allows the reader to refer to sources in English to clarify any points of interest to him, which is also answered by the extended English-language bibliography. Thirdly, it allows using the materials of the monograph in the educational process in higher education. The book is intended for specialists in cross-cultural communications and crosscultural management. The publication will also be of interest to a wide range of readers. УДК 327=111(075.4) ББК 66.4Англ R e v i e w e r s: Goldin G.G., Doctor of of Political Sciences, Professor; Ryabova E.L., Doctor of Political Sciences, Candidate of Sociological Sciences ISBN 978-5-16-019008-2 (print) ISBN 978-5-16-111808-5 (online) © Voznesensky I.S., Vrazhnova M.N., Mironova T.A., Ternovaya L.O., 2023 The monograph is recommended for publication by the Department of Sociology and Management of the Moscow Automobile and Road Construction State Technical University (MADI) УДК 327=111(075.4) ББК 66.4Англ B64
Introduction: Expanding the space of cross-cultural communications Modern researches in the field of intercultural communication in today’s world there are many problems of national, regional and global level, which exhibit very deep roots in the distant past and with each new stage of development, acquires new challenges. We can assume that the resolution of these happen in a very distant future. These problems are a variety of causes of conflict, and they significantly affect world politics, and on the security situation and the common person. It turns out that the complexities involved in the process of intercultural universally perceived as equally important to address fundamental questions of humanity as the economic, social or military-political development. In the world reveals lack of understanding, and with that comes the understanding the importance of the further development of scientific tools of intercultural communication. One of the first examples of the difficulties of establishing cross-cultural contacts in the history of international relations was an attempt to decrypt Scythians messages to Persians, about which in the fourth book of his History, says an ancient Greek historian and geographer from the Greek city of Halicarnassus Herodotus (c. 484 – c. 425 BC). According to Herodotus, the Scythians succeeded far enough to entice Persian king Darius I (the Great) (521 – 486 BC) troops on its territory. Only after that, the kings of the Scythians sent a messenger who brought the gift Darius bird, mouse, frog, and five arrows. On the question of the significance of the Persians gifts messenger replied that he had been ordered only by giving gifts to retire as soon as possible, and the Persians so wise that understand the meaning of the message. Darius himself on the grounds that the mouse lives in the ground, eating the same grains that man, frog — in the water, the bird most similar to the horse; boom also means that the Scythians give its military power, suggested that the Scythians give him and themselves, and the earth, and water. But one of his associates, Gobryas
suggested that these gifts indicate a threat to the Persians, who, if not fly off into the sky, turning into birds, not hide in land, becoming mice, or jump into a swamp, turning into frogs, struck with arrows Scythians not return back. Gobryas refused rights. In addition, the example given by Herodotus and now is an indication of how important it is to read the signs correctly, contained in a message from the opponent. This also applies to those characters that, at first sight, invisible, as evidenced by the other no less instructive historical example. 18 January 1915 convent Japanese Ambassador presented a note to the Chinese government, which consisted of 21 demands. Unusual situation was presenting this document. In violation of established custom, he was awarded, bypassing the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, to the Chinese military leader and politician during the decline of the Qing Dynasty and the early years of the Republic of China, president Yuan Shikai (1859 – 1916), to which the Japanese ambassador was night. The first thing I saw Yuan Shikai, deploying note dreadnoughts and machine guns were depicted watermarks on paper, which set out the Japanese demands. It was an ultimatum, but such publicly available information on which Japan feared. However, the Chinese government reported its contents to European countries and the requirements themselves rejected. Then the list was cleaned fifth group of requirements relating to the appointment of advisers on Japanese political financial and military matters to governments of China, established in a number of areas of mixed on of the Japanese-Chinese police and other issues affecting the safety of everyone. In addition, already in the form of a reduced set of 13 demands was adopted by Yuan Shikai. The above examples show, if the sign situation arises from the fact that the material orientation cannot fulfill its role, this role is taken over the characters. In this regard, the sign also acts as a means of political communication. However, should be considered and a kind of «movement» of the sign system, which is expressed in the original by the human impact on the character of other people and then himself. Sign acquires the function of mastering one’s own behavior and can act as an incentive to artificially create or control human behavior, keeping a general principle associated
with the understanding of the ideal expressed in the structure of the nervous system, but in some «coded» form. These examples highlight the specificity and particular political situation, especially the one in which all human security issues are perceived particularly shrill. Political history, characterized by specific assessment of the facts, whether internal or international conflict and ways to permit the activities of political leaders, etc., cannot be adequately sensed by excluding political psychology, specific moods of the masses and the elites. All this has a tremendous impact on both the formation of the priority areas for action and political rituals and symbols, on the development of geopolitical ideas and change civilization and geopolitical identity. Global conditions dictate the need for a new understanding of the many issues of the world development. However, one does not ignore the approaches that in the past helped to understand the peculiarities of the political process through the language of political symbols, penetration into the corners of everyday stories. No coincidence that in recent years the interest in such approaches has increased significantly1. With such knowledge taken quite successful attempts to understand the increasingly complex picture of the world, to identify elements of the geopolitical code to help detect common basis of traditions and customs of different countries and peoples, and through these elements to build a modern model of their interaction. In the context of globalization, it is important to seek the ways of intercultural interaction, which can become bridges of understanding people, nations, states, when no arguments cannot force them to unify their positions on key geopolitical issues. Such bridges needed and in order to restore lost during industrial and military race of man’s connection with nature. Tiberio Graziani (Italy), President of the International Institute for Global Analysis — Vision & Global Trends, the editor in chief of 1 International Encyclopedia of Communication / Ed. by E. Barnouw, G. Gerbner, W. Schramm, T.L. Worth, L. Gross. Univ. of Pensilvania. Vol. 1 – 4. New York: Oxford Oxford Univ. Press, 1989; Гибсон К. Символы, знаки, эмблемы, мифы в материальной и духовной культуре / Пер. А. Озерова. М.: Эксмо, 2007; Клюканов И.Э. Коммуникативный универсум. М.: РОССПЭН, 2010; Похлебкин В.В. Словарь международной символики и эмблематики. 2-е изд., перераб. и доп. М.: Международные отношения, 1994.
geopolitical journal Eurasia believes that the balance between man and the environment, between local and global authorities, between the living needs of people and natural resources can only be done within interconnected geopolitical units created by continental basis, or on the great spaces1. The modern world should be considered a product of communication between representatives of different cultures. In addition, in terms of sharply increased due to globalization of cross-border movements of intercultural communication space spread throughout the planet. This communication is not only globally, it is continuous and consists of numerous as personal contacts between people of mediated forms of communication such as the Internet, through letters, through the means of mass communication2. The concept of «intercultural communication» was introduced into scientific circulation American anthropologist and cross-cultural researcher Edward Twitchell Hall, when he in the middle of the 1950s developed for the U.S. Department of State (DOS), or State Department, program adaptation of American diplomats and businesspersons in other countries. In 1954 he published a book of Hall and George L. Trager Culture as Communication, in which for the first time and been consumed, the term «intercultural communication», which, according to the authors, reflect the essence of a particular area of human relationship3. Moreover, five years later an 1 Грациани Т. Геополитические координаты Евросоюза // Вестник аналитики. 2008. № 2 (32). С. 79 – 89. 2 Багана Ж., Дзенс Н.И., Мельникова Ю.Н. Национальные особенности межкультурной коммуникации (теория и практика): учебное пособие. Изд.3. М.: Флинта, 2023; Боголюбова Н.М., Николаева Ю.В. Межкультурная коммуникация: Учебник в 2 частях. М.: Юрайт, Ч.1. 2023; Ч.2. 2022; Головлева Е.Л. Основы межкультурной коммуникации. Ростов н/Д.: Феникс, 2008; Грушевская Т.Г., Попков В.Д., Садохин А.П. Основы межкультурной коммуникации: Учеб. для студентов вузов, обучающихся по специальности «Межкультурная коммуникация» / Под ред. А.П. Садохина. М.: ЮНИТИ, 2002; Рябова Е.Л., Терновая Л.О. Межкультурное взаимодействие в современном мире. М.: Международный издательский центр «Этносоциум», 2011; Садохин А.П. Межкультурная коммуникация: Учебное пособие. М.: Альфа-М; ИНФРА-М, 2004; Фрик Т.Б. Основы теории межкультурный коммуникации: учебное пособие. Томск: Томский политехнический университет, 2013; Шютц А. Смысловая структура повседневного мира: Очерки по феноменологической социологии / Пер. с англ. А.Я. Алхасова, Н.Я. Мазлумяновой; Фонд «Общественное мнение». М.: Ин-т Фонда «Общественное мнение», 2003; Aalto N., Reuter E. (Hrsg.): Aspects of Intercultural Dialogue. Theory · Research · Applications. Köln: Saxa, 2007; Martin J.N., Nakayama Th. Intercultural communication in contexts. 5th ed. New York: McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 2009; Schutz A. Symbol, Reality and Society / Natanson M. (eds). Collected Papers. Vol. I. The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff, 1962. Pp. 287 – 356. 3 Trager G., Hall E. Culture as Communication: A Model and Analysis. New York, Greenwich. CT: Fawcett, 1954.
American anthropologist and cross-cultural researcher Edward Twitchell Hall in the famous work The Silent Language tied the basic ideas of intercultural communication with the general cultural context1. Brand Font, intercultural communication transparent background PNG clipart Understanding the deep interdependence of culture and communication allowed Hall to conclude the need to highlight issues of intercultural communication as an independent discipline. In addition, already in 1960s in the West several universities in the United States began to design this discipline. Within ten years filled with the necessary theoretical components, allowing for new levels of object that previously had pronounced practically. In Europe, the development of this discipline reflected the process of European integration was formed together with the common market of goods, services and labor, the foundations of European citizenship. Nevertheless, as European countries are increasingly open to people from other regions who are carriers of other cultural traditions. In the late 1970s – early 1980s at universities in Western Europe appeared departments of intercultural communication. Even a decade after the Cold War the need to understand the features of intercultural communication and in Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union was 1 Hall E.T. The Silent Language. New York: Doubleday, 1959.
dramatically increased. This need was dictated by understanding the importance of knowledge of the rules of intercultural interaction to reduce conflict potential accumulated in the society during the transition to post-socialism, which is not always carried out by «velvet variant» and often involves various practices of «shock therapy». At the time of Millennium the need of researches on intercultural communication expand the list of disciplines of International relations marking this perspective, has become increasingly determined by global processes, in particular, intensive migration has many manifestations. However, at the same time, the development of mass media exacerbated a number of problems of social psychology and interpersonal communication that occurs between people of the same cultural environment, belonging to different age, social and professional groups. Such conditions pushed the boundaries of intercultural communication as a combination of various forms of communication and relationships between individuals and groups belonging to different cultures, including here also numerous aspects of intra-cultural communication. All this required a change in the underlying understanding of the culture itself not only as a system formed conscious and unconscious rules, norms, values and structures, but also as a particular lifestyle, system of behavior, norms, values, etc. of any social group. This dynamic understanding of culture gives an opportunity to identify common and individual differences in culture generations, organizations, and proud of the countryside, to show that culture can quickly be transformed under the influence of both internal socio-economic or political situation, and under the influence of global and regional processes. Now the study and teaching of intercultural communication rightly dominates interdisciplinary approach. It consists of the knowledge gained by linguists, anthropologists, sociologists, psychologists, anthropologists. Interdisciplinary face
intercultural communication manifests itself in the domestic educational and scientific literature on these issues1. Therefore, in its tutorial Doctor of Cultural Studies, Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, Professor, Editor-in-Chief of the journal Culture and Civilization Alexander Sadokhin2 presents the entire range of issues and problems arising in the process of intercultural communication. The author considers culture as a communicative system, including the interaction of different cultures. Other domestic authors — Natalya Bogolyubova and Yulia Nikolaeva in the book Intercultural communication and international cultural exchange isolated specifics of modern cultural exchange and intercultural communication, their basic shape and direction3. This research highlights intercultural communication in the fields of music, theater and cinema, sports, scientific and educational ties, festivals and exhibitions. Importantly, the authors address the problem of images and stereotypes, in particular, the problem of images of modern states. Another important aspect of intercultural communication concerns the corporate culture. To this is devoted analysis of Tamara Persikova in her research Intercultural Communication and Corporate Culture, where the issues of intercultural communication in a multicultural business environment present a variety of aspects of corporate culture: its history, levels and factors affecting the formation, formation and maintenance stage, typology4. Particular attention is paid to the analysis of the process of entering into a new corporate culture, which is important for professionals, beginners to work in foreign companies and firms. The close relationship of intercultural communication with linguistics is revealed in the first fundamental textbook on a new specialty Linguistics and 1 Hua Zhu. Research Methods in Intercultural Communication. A Practical Guide. New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2015; Jones R.H., Scollon R., Scollon S.W. Intercultural Communication. A Discourse Approach. New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2011. 2 Садохин А.П. Указ. соч. 3 Боголюбова Н.М., Николаева Ю.В. Межкультурная коммуникация и международный культурный обмен: учебное пособие. СПб.: СПбКО, 2009. 4 Персикова Т.Н. Межкультурная коммуникация и корпоративная культура: Учебное пособие для студентов вузов, обучающихся по специальности «Лингвистика и межкультурная коммуникация». М.: Логос, 2002.
Intercultural Communication Soviet and Russian linguist, Doctor of Philology, Honored Professor of Moscow State University Svetlana Ter-Minasova Language and Intercultural Communication. Awakening interest and respect for other cultures and traditions of behavior becomes imperative for the survival of humanity in a «borderless world», when there is a problem acutely understanding people of different cultures, the task of promoting tolerance towards them1. It seems appropriate to mention the collection of materials of different readings, trained by the researchers of intercultural communication in the context of globalization, which raises issues related to intercultural relations, literature, languages etc.2 All these publications are used in high school educational process in areas and specialties in the field of foreign languages, sociology, psychology and management. They are of great interest to managers and specialists of enterprises and organizations with multinational business environment for the participants of the negotiation processes, peacekeeping forces in areas of ethnic conflict, for specialists in the field of international relations. The need for training of such specialists every year felt more acutely, and research and development must surely outstrip the development of the educational process. 1 Тер-Минасова С.Г. Язык и межкультурная коммуникация: Учебное пособие для студентов, аспирантов и соискателей по специальности «Лингвистика и межкультурная коммуникация». М.: Слово/Slovo, 2000. 2 Межкультурная коммуникация: современная теория и практика (Материалы VII Конвента РАМИ сентябрь 2012 г.): Научное издание / Под ред. А.В. Шестопала, М.В. Силантьевой; отв. ред. А. В. Мальгин. М.: Аспект Пресс, 2013.