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Английский язык. 10 класс. (Базовый уровень)

Артикул: 815811.02.99
Учебник предназначен для учащихся 10 класса общеобразовательных организаций. Основная задача курса — помочь учащимся в совершенствовании приобретённых ранее знаний, навыков, умений, в повышении качества практического владения английским языком с ориентацией на будущую профессию. Учебник предусматривает участие школьников в проектной деятельности и в учебно-исследовательской работе с использованием мультимедийных ресурсов и компьютерных технологий, что даст им возможность овладеть общими умениями и способами деятельности при изучении иностранного языка. Учебник содержит упражнения для усвоения материала по всем видам речевой деятельности (аудированию, говорению, чтению и письму) и поможет учащимся подготовиться к сдаче ЕГЭ. Аудиоприложение: https://prosv.ru/audio-kuzovlev10-1/
Английский язык. 10 класс. (Базовый уровень) : учебник / В. П. Кузовлев, Н. М. Лапа, Э. Ш. Перегудова [и др.]. - 4-е изд., стер. - Москва : Просвещение, 2023. - 272 с. - ISBN 978-5-09-110463-9. - Текст : электронный. - URL: https://znanium.ru/catalog/product/2124984 (дата обращения: 27.07.2024). – Режим доступа: по подписке.
Фрагмент текстового слоя документа размещен для индексирующих роботов. Для полноценной работы с документом, пожалуйста, перейдите в ридер.
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УДК 373.167.1:811.111+811.111(075.3)
ББК 81.432.1я721
А в т ор ы:
В. П. Кузовлев, Н. М. Лапа, Э. Ш. Перегудова, И. П. Костина, Е. В. Кузнецова, 
О. В. Дуванова, Ю. Н. Кобец, О. В. Стрельникова, С. А. Пастухова

Научный консультант авторского коллектива
акад. РАО, д-р психол. наук И. А. Зимняя
Научный руководитель авторского коллектива проф. Е. И. Пассов
Консультант М. Дандридж (Великобритания)
Консультант по языковому тестированию канд. пед. наук В. Н. Симкин

Учебник допущен к использованию при реализации имеющих государственную аккредитацию 
образовательных программ начального общего, основного общего, среднего общего образования организациями, осуществляющими образовательную деятельность, в соответствии с Приказом Министерства просвещения Российской Федерации № 766 от 23.12.2020 г.
Эксперты, осуществлявшие экспертизу учебника: Бакумова Е. В., Буланкина Н. Е., Лапшова Н. К., Федунова Е. А.

Условные обозначения и сокращения

 — говорение

 — слушание

 — чтение

 — письменное задание

 — домашнее задание
 — дополнительное задание
 — задание повышенной сложности

 — подготовка к Единому государственному экзамену
 — поиск информации в Интернете
outback* — см. лингвострановедческий справочник (LCG)
LCG — Linguistic and cultural guide
AB — Activity book
R — Reader

Английский язык : 10-й класс : базовый уровень : учебник / 
В. П. Кузовлев, Н. М. Лапа, Э. Ш. Перегудова [и др.]. — 4-е изд., 
стер. — Москва : Просвещение, 2023. — 271, [1] с. : ил.
ISBN 978-5-09-110463-9.
Учебник предназначен для учащихся 10 класса общеобразовательных организаций. Основная задача курса — помочь учащимся в совершенствовании приобретённых ранее знаний, навыков, умений, в повышении качества практического владения английским языком с ориентацией на будущую профессию.
Учебник предусматривает участие школьников в проектной деятельности и в учебноисследовательской работе с использованием мультимедийных ресурсов и компьютерных 
технологий, что даст им возможность овладеть общими умениями и способами деятельности при изучении иностранного языка.
Учебник содержит упражнения для усвоения материала по всем видам речевой деятельности (аудированию, говорению, чтению и письму) и поможет учащимся подготовиться к сдаче ЕГЭ.
Аудиоприложение: https://prosv.ru/audio-kuzovlev10-1/

УДК 373.167.1:811.111+811.111(075.3)
ББК 81.432.1я721

ISBN 978-5-09-110463-9 
АО «Издательство «Просвещение», 2021
Художественное оформление.
АО «Издательство «Просвещение», 2021
Все права защищены


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 Look through the Unit and say:
— what the Unit might be about;
— what you will learn in the Unit;
— what topics/problems the Unit is based on;
—  what other topics related to the content of 
the Unit you would like to discuss.

 Choose any picture from the Unit and decide how 
it is related to the content of the Unit.

 Look through the headings of the projects on p. 23 
and choose one you would like to do.

 Find useful sites on the Internet with interesting information on the topic.

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Unit 1
Lesson 1


Different countries —
different landscapes

 More than seven billion people, speaking hun
dreds of different languages, live in about 200 different countries and territories in the world. They live in a 
great variety of environments.

 1) Vocabulary. What geographical features 
make the UK and Australia unique? Find out the 
meaning of the highlighted words on p. 207.

The United Kingdom of Great 
Britain and Northern Ireland is an 
island state. It occupies most of the 
territory of the British Isles. The total area of the United Kingdom is 
244,100 square kilometres. Northern 
Ireland borders on the Irish Republic 
in the south. Great Britain is washed 
by the Atlantic Ocean in the north, 
northwest and southwest.
Although Great Britain is a comparatively small island, geographically it is varied. The south and the 
east of the island consist of plains 
or hills. Mountainous areas are found 
only in the north and west. In the 
north the Cheviots separate England 
from Scotland, the Pennine Range 
stretches to 260 km, the Cambrian 
Mountains occupy the greater part of 
Wales. The highest mountain is Ben 
Nevis in Scotland.
Britain was originally a land of 
vast forests. Today only about 6 per 
cent of the total land area remains 
wooded. There are many lakes and 
rivers in Great Britain. The main rivers are: the Severn, the Thames, the 
Shannon and the Clyde.
Animal life of Britain is much 
like that of north-western Europe. In 
the wild, deer, foxes and rabbits are 
often seen; you may even see a badger, a weasel or a hedgehog. Otters 

are common along rivers, and seals 
live along much of the coast. Some 
230 kinds of birds live in Britain, 
and another 200 are regular visitors, 
many are songbirds.
The climate in Great Britain is 
generally mild and temperate because 
of the influence of the Gulf Stream. 
The weather, however, is very changeable. There are few temperature extremes, which rarely go above +32 C 
or below –10 C.
There are different kinds of farming in Britain because of the influence of relief, climate and soil type. 
The agricultural area is nearly 80  % 
of the land area of the United Kingdom. In the northwest of England, 
Wales and Scotland, farmers keep 
cattle and sheep. In the southwest of 
England, the rich grass is ideal for 
feeding dairy cows. In the southeast 
of England and the lowlands of Scotland, grain, potatoes and sugar beet 
are grown. In the east of England, 
wheat, barley and vegetables grow 
in enormous fields. The south of 
England is often called the “Garden of England” because there are 
many gardens and orchards where 
people grow apples, pears, cherries, 
plums and other fruits. There are 
also large plantations of different 
berries there.

The Thames

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Unit 1
Lesson 1

Commonwealth of Australia, is a country 
which is located south of the Equator. It occupies the Australian continent, the island of Tasmania and 
smaller islands in the Indian and Pacific Oceans.
There are many amazing features 
of the physical environments which 
make Australia such a unique and diverse country. Much of the land is a 
useless desert. The Great Sandy, the 
Great Victoria, and the Simpson Desert stretch to 2,000,000 square kilometres. Its population is very small 
(24 million people) for such a huge 
country. Many people live far away 
from towns in the outback.* The 
country is proud to have two of the 
seven natural wonders of the world, 
Uluru* and the Great Barrier Reef.*
wildlife, including the kangaroo, koala, 

wombat, crocodile, emu and echidna. 
Plants such as the eucalyptus and 
acacia cover large areas and have 
many different varieties.
The climate ranges from temperate to tropical. Most of the continent 
is sunny most of the year. The western and central areas are very arid, 
while the northern and some coastal 
areas are very humid. Terrible natural 
disasters such as droughts, floods and 
cyclones or hurricanes
happen very
often on the continent along the coast.
Australia’s harsh climate, lack of 
water resources and poor soils limit 
the area of the continent that is suitable for agriculture. About 50  % of 
Australia’s land mass is used for agriculture. The country’s major crops 
like sugar, rice and cotton are grown 
mainly in coastal Queensland and New 
South Wales. Wheat covers about 
60  % of Australia’s farmland. In the 
wetter, eastern regions of Australia, 
beef cattle and sheep are raised. Most 
dairy cattle farming is found in the 
southern states. Bananas, pineapples 
and other fruits are grown along the 
northeastern coast. Citrus fruits, as 
well as olives and grapes, are grown 
in the humid subtropical and Mediterranean climate regions.

 2) Answer the questions about Great Britain and Australia.

 Where is the country located?
 What territory does the country occupy?
 What are the typical landforms of the country?
 What animals and plants is the country home to?
 What is the climate and weather like in the country?
 What do the country’s main agricultural areas produce?

 3) Grammar. Find the geographical names in the texts about 
Great Britain and Australia. Explain the usage of zero and the articles with them. Use the Grammar support (GS), pp. 214—215.

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Unit 1
Lesson 1

 America is a vast land of physical contrasts, including the weather.

1) Grammar. 

articles where necessary.

(0) The USA is the fourth largest country in 
the world. It is situated in (1) … North America. 
The whole territory of the country, including land 
and water, is 9,826,675 km2. It covers 4583 kilometres from (2) … Pacific Ocean in the east to 
(3) … Atlantic Ocean in the west. The country is 
made up of 50 states. On land, its neighbouring 
countries are (4) … Canada and (5) … Mexico. Because of its large size, the country has a wide range of geographical characteristics. The land varies from heavy forests 
and woods to huge deserts like (6) … Sonoran Desert and
(7) … Chihuahuan Desert, from high mountains such as (8) … 
Rocky Mountains to (9) … Great Plains. If you travel across
the country, you will see hundreds of rivers, the longest being 
(10) … Mississippi. You will drive near hundreds of lakes, the 
largest of which is (11) … Lake Superior. The country has different kinds of climate: from the tropical of (12) … Hawaii to 
the dry in the Great Basin and the subarctic and tundra climates of (13) … Alaska. Part of the huge territory is located 
in the extreme and often has natural catastrophes — hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, droughts and wildfires.

 2) Vocabulary. Paraphrase the sentences with the highlighted words using the new words from ex. 1.1).

 What are the most interesting geographical facts?

(AB, ex. 1)

 In your culture. Russia is a huge country which occupies

one eighth of the earth’s surface.

 1) What are the geographical features of Russia? Describe the 
country using the questions from ex. 1.2) as an outline and useful 
phrases to give examples.

It is situated in North America.  
  It is located in North America.

Giving examples

for example    like    such as    especially    particularly    in particular


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Unit 1
Lesson 1

 2) What are the main geographical features of your 
region? Describe the location, landforms, wildlife and 

 Group work. What do you know about 

the geography of other countries?

1) Make up fact fi les about Great Britain, Australia and 
the USA. Use the Fact fi le about Russia as a model.
2) Prepare questions on the geography of the UK, Australia, the USA and Russia and play Jeopardy!.*

 Choose a project (p. 23). Read Learning to

learn note No. 1. Activity book, ex. 2. Reader, ex. 1.

Geography of Russia

Territory: 17.1 million square kilometres

Geographical location: Eastern Europe and Northern Asia, 
from the Baltic Sea in the west to the Pacific Ocean in the 
east (9,650 km), and from the Arctic Ocean in the north to 
the Black Sea and the Caucasus in the south (4,500 km)

Boarders: 14 countries by land, the USA and Japan by water

Seas and oceans: 13 seas and 3 oceans: the Arctic, the Atlantic and the Pacific

Rivers: 120,000 rivers; the largest rivers: the Volga, the Lena, 
the Irtysh, the Yenisei, the Ob, the Amur

Lakes: about 2 million fresh- and salt-water lakes; the largest 
lakes: the Caspian Sea, the Baikal, the Ladoga, the Onega

Mountains: the Ural Mountains, the Caucasus Mountains; the 
highest point: Mount Elbrus (5,642 m)

Wildlife: major animals: tigers, polar bears, leopards, walruses, seals, foxes, snowy owls, lynx, otters, deer, squirrels, 
whales, dolphins and lots more; masses of fish and a variety 
of birds

Climate: 5 natural zones: the tundra zone, the taiga, the 
steppe (or plains zone), the arid zone and the mountain zone; 
a continental type of climate

Agricultural lands: 13 % of the territory of Russia; the most 
productive areas: the Central Black Earth, Volga and North 
Caucasus regions; the main crops: wheat, rye, barley, oats, 
maize, sugar beet, sunflowers, potatoes, vegetables and fruits; 
livestock: cattle, pigs, sheep and poultry

Mount Elbrus

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Unit 1
Lesson 2

 Geographical location can have positive and negative effects

on a country’s development and people’s lives.

 1) Vocabulary. Jamie, Julia and Kim are talking about how 
the geographical location of their countries infl uences people’s lives.

What countries are the speakers from? How did you guess? Find 
out the meaning of the highlighted words on p. 207.

Well, the geographical position of the country affects our 
life greatly. Almost everybody lives in the big cities on the 
coast because most of the country is desert and farmland. 
As we are a beach culture, we spend a lot of time on the beach; 
we even have our Christmas dinner on the beach! Surrounded 
by sea, it’s not surprising we are a nation of swimmers and 
surfing is a hugely popular sport. Because the weather is so 
good, we are an outdoor people. We love going fishing, sailing, 
camping, trekking; cricket, rugby, golf, tennis and netball are 
all popular. But we have to be tough to cope with this outdoor 
lifestyle. Dangers are everywhere; vast deserts, poisonous 
plants and animals, spiders, snakes, crocodiles and sharks, to 
say nothing of droughts, floods and bushfires.* (Jamie)

It’s difficult to say how in particular geography affects 
our lives because of the vastness and diversity of the country. First of all, I’d like to say about our favourite pastime. 
Our country has miles of sea coast, the Great Lakes, tens 
of thousands of smaller lakes and countless rivers. As a result, millions of people go in for swimming, surfing, diving, fishing, waterskiing, sailing and other water sports. … 
Er, another thing is our natural desire to travel and see the 
beautiful landscapes, natural wonders in different parts of 
our big country. You can experience almost any climate and 
landscape imaginable. Mountains, deserts, tropical regions, 
forests, oceans — all are here … One thing that we have in 
common is our passion for the beauty of our big country 
and our great concern for its environments. In recent years 
we have suffered much damage due to hurricanes and tornadoes. That’s why we are worrying about the environment 
and we are taking an active part in environmental protection activities. (Julia)


How does geography
influence people’s lives?

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Unit 1
Lesson 2





 2) What do the speakers say about:

 the landscapes of their countries? 
 the weather in their regions?

 their free-time activities? 
 their pastime and hobbies?

 weather extremes in their countries?

 3) Which of the speakers expressed the following ideas? 
Prove it from the texts.
1) The geographical position of the country affects the way people spend their holidays.
2) The location of the country affects people’s free-time activities. 
3) The location of the country influences the kinds of sport that 
are popular with the inhabitants.
4) The geographical location of the country affects the 
job possibilities.
5) The location of the country influences its climate.
6) The climate of the country influences the people’s 
7) The climate of the country influences its wildlife.
8) The climate of the country is favourable for growing 
fruit and vegetables.

 4) Which of the speakers’ stories are the photos related to?

 5) Which ideas expressed by the speakers can be applied to 
your region? Give examples.

The influence of the geographical location on the country 
is great. First of all, its position is favourable for shipping and 
ocean trade. The seas around the country are rich in fish, especially the North Sea, that’s why fishing is the main activity of the 
coastal inhabitants. Since nobody in this country lives more than 
one hundred and twenty kilometres from the sea, we started the 
fashion for seaside holidays. Many families prefer to drive to the 
warm south or spend holidays at seaside resorts. Thanks to the 
humid and mild climate, which is good for plants, our favourite 
hobby is gardening. Some people grow vegetables, as home-grown 
vegetables taste much better than those in shops. (Kim)

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Unit 1
Lesson 2

 Read what teenagers say about the places they’d like to

live in. Use suitable words in the correct form.

Tom: Now I’m dreaming of living in a city which (0) 
is located on a sea (1) … or in a home on a green hillside 
near a river. 
Kim: My (2) … is to live on a farm where I can have a lot 
of horses which are my (3) … and where there is a (4) … 
climate for growing a variety of fruits and vegetables. 
Linda: Of course, there shouldn’t be floods and droughts, 
to say nothing (5) … such natural (6) … as tornadoes and 
Greg: I haven’t decided yet. Because it’s a (7) … country with (8) … climates, landscapes and possibilities,
I can always find a place to my liking.

(0) locate/occupy
(1) coast/beach

(2) desire/passion
(3) passion/pastime
(4) favourable/diverse

(5) about/of
(6) disaster/feature
(7) vast/arid
(8) mild/extreme 


 1) In the texts (ex. 1.1), fi nd the sentences with adverbial 
clauses of cause. Translate them. Use GS, p. 236.

 2) In your culture. How does Russian geography affect 
people’s lives?

Combine the two sentences using because, due to, because of, 
thanks to, since, as. More than one variant is possible. Make necessary changes.

1) Russia occupies an area of more than 17 million square 
kilometres. The train is a major kind of transport.
2) Millions of people spend their summer holidays in the 
South. In Southern Russia there are the seas, beaches and 
3) There are many fruit and vegetable growing regions in 
Russia. Items such as tomatoes, cucumbers, apples and various berries can be exported.
4) There is little population in the eastern part of Russia. 
The two main types of climate in the Siberian region are 
the tundra (a treeless plain) and the taiga.
5) In the far north of Russia the temperature can be as low 
as –50 C. People have to cope with the freezing cold conditions.

0) Russia is a vast and varied land. People can experience every 
kind of climate there.

Because/Since/As Russia is a vast and varied land, people can 
experience every kind of climate there.

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