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Английский язык. 11 класс. Базовый уровень

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Учебник, созданный известными специалистами в области преподавания английского языка О. В. Афанасьевой, И. В. Михеевой, К. М. Барановой, предназначен для учащихся общеобразовательных организаций и является основным компонентом учебно-методического комплекта, в который также входят рабочая тетрадь, лексикограмматический практикум, книга для учителя и аудиоприложения. Аудиоприложение: https://prosv.ru/audio-rainbow11-1/
Афанасьева, О. В. Английский язык. 11 класс. Базовый уровень : учебник / О. В. Афанасьева, И. В. Михеева, К. М. Баранова. - 10-е изд., стер. - Москва : Просвещение, 2023. - 200 с. - (Rainbow English). - ISBN 978-5-09-110462-2. - Текст : электронный. - URL: https://znanium.com/catalog/product/2124983 (дата обращения: 19.05.2024). – Режим доступа: по подписке.
Фрагмент текстового слоя документа размещен для индексирующих роботов. Для полноценной работы с документом, пожалуйста, перейдите в ридер.
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УДК 373.167.1:811.111+811.111(075.3)
ББК  81.2Англ922

ISBN 9785091104622

Афанасьева, Ольга Васильевна.
Английский язык : 11й класс : базовый уровень : учебник / 
О. В. Афанасьева, И. В. Михеева, К. М. Баранова. — 10е изд., 
стер. — Москва : Просвещение, 2023. — 199, [1] с. : ил. — (Rainbow 
ISBN 9785091104622.
Учебник, созданный известными специалистами в области преподавания англий
ского языка О. В. Афанасьевой, И. В. Михеевой, К. М. Барановой, предназначен для 
учащихся общеобразовательных организаций и является основным компонентом 
учебнометодического комплекта, в который также входят рабочая тетрадь, лексико
грамматический практикум, книга для учителя и аудиоприложения.
Аудиоприложение: https://prosv.ru/audiorainbow111/

УДК 373.167.1:811.111+811.111(075.3)
ББК 81.2Англ922

Серия «Rainbow English»

Учебник допущен к использованию при реализации имеющих государственную 
аккредитацию образовательных программ начального общего, основного общего, среднего 
общего образования организациями, осуществляющими образовательную деятельность, 
в соответствии с Приказом Министерства просвещения Российской Федерации № 254 от 
20.05.2020 (в редакции приказа № 766 от 23.12.2020).

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Book Guide 


Talking Points
1. Going to university
2. Jobs and occupations
3. Gap year
4. Choosing a career
5. Learning foreign languages
6. Schooling in Russia and abroad

Grammar Points
1. Passive structure to have something done
2. English words neither, either 
and structures with them
3. English conjunctions whether and if 
and how to use them
4. English pronouns nobody, no one, none

Vocabulary Points
1. English nouns job, profession, 
occupation, career 
2. Differentiating between the words either 
and any, neither and none, nobody, 
no one”
3. Phrasal verbs: to call for, to call in, 
to call out, to call up

Word Building
1. The use of suffi xes to make words denoting 

Other Linguistic 
1. Metaphors and how to use them
2. Text connectors

Consolidation Class (pages 42—45)

Test Yourself: Student’s Book (pages 45—50)

Project Work One: Student’s Book (page 50)


1. Literature and music
2. Museums and picture galleries
3. Theatre and cinema
4. Values and beliefs
5. Customs and traditions
6. Patterns of behaviour

1. Plural forms of nouns (Greek and Latin 
2. Plural forms of some compound nouns
3. Possessive case of nouns denoting inanimate 
4. Possessive case of nouns denoting 
a group of people
5. Different meanings of the same noun to 
denote countable and uncountable objects
6. Articles used with people’s names

1. Phrasal verbs: to speak for, to speak out, 
to speak up, to speak to
2. Some English collective nouns and their 

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Other Linguistic 
1. Some English idioms with colour words 
in their structure
2. Some typical English notices and warnings

Consolidation Class (pages 89—92)

Test Yourself: Student’s Book (pages 92—96)

Project Work Two: Student’s Book (page 96)


1. Pros and cons of technological progress
2. New technological revolution and mass media
3. Great inventions and discoveries
4. The age of communication
5. Changes in people’s lives due to scientifi c 
and technological development

1. English adverbs and their functions
2. Formation of adverbs
3. Degrees of comparison of adverbs, regular 
and irregular forms
4. Two equivalent forms of certain adverbs
5. Adverbs with suffi x -ly. 
Differentiation of meanings

1. Confusable words thing and stuff.
2. Confusable words to rent, to hire, 
to employ
3. Confusable words scientist and scholar
4. Confusable words to sink and to drown
5. Adverb badly used in two meanings
6. Phrasal verbs to pick on, to pick out, 
to pick up
7. Some information on English numbers

Other Linguistic 
1. Some facts about synonymy, why we need 
and use synonyms
2. How to break in the conversation politely

Consolidation Class (pages 133—136)

Test Yourself: Student’s Book (pages 136—141)

Project Work Three: Student’s Book (page 141)

UNIT 4. STEPS TO THE FUTURE (pages 142—183)

1. The future of the planet and people
2. Globalization
3. National identity
4. People against machines
5. Language of the future

1. Infi nitive forms opposed to -ing forms
2. The structures with the verb to suggest
3. Complex object. Revision
4. Subjunctive mood I. Reference to the present 
and future
5. Subjunctive mood II. Reference to the past

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6. The mixed type of sentences 
with Subjunctive I and Subjunctive II
7. Forms of real and unreal condition

1. Some phrases with infi nitives and -ing forms
2. Confusable words pay/payment, wage(s), 
salary, fee, fares 
3. Confusable words to get, to gain, 
to win
4. Confusable words to offer, to suggest

Other Linguistic 
1. Interpreter’s false friends
2. English phrases used to speak 
about the future

Consolidation Class (pages 176—179)

Test Yourself: Student’s Book (pages 179—183)

Project Work Four: Student’s Book (page 183)

Grammar Reference (pages 184—190)

List of Irregular Verbs (pages 191—193)

English-Russian Vocabulary (pages 194—198)

Self-evaluation: (page 199)

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U n i t  1

 S t e p  1 


A. Listen to the lyrics, 
 (1), repeat them and then sing the song along. 

 Thank You for the Music
Benny Andersson, Björn Ulvaeus

 I’m nothing special, in fact I’m a bit of a bore
If I tell a joke, you’ve probably heard it before
But I have a talent, a wonderful thing
’Cause1 everyone listens when I start to sing
I’m so grateful and proud
All I want is to sing it aloud


So I say
Thank you for the music, the songs I’m singing
Thanks for all the joy they’re bringing
Who can live without it, I ask in all honesty
What would life be?
Without a song or a dance what are we?
So I say thank you for the music
For giving it to me

Mother says I was a dancer before I could walk
She says I began to sing long before I could talk
And I’ve often wondered, how did it all start?
Who found out that nothing can capture a heart

’cause = because

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S t e p  1

Like a melody can?
Well, whoever it was, I’m a fan

I’ve been so lucky, I am the girl with golden hair
I wanna sing it out to everybody
What a joy, what a life, what a chance!


B. Say in a few words what the song is about. What is the singer grateful for? What 
can you be grateful for? What are your talents?

Answer the questions. 

1) Have you thought about your future yet? When is the right time to begin thinking about 
your future career?
2) What kind of activity is most attractive to you? What jobs do you consider suitable1 for 
yourself? Why?
3) Are you preparing for your future career now? How? Why not?
4) Do your family help you with choosing a career? How do they see your future? Do you 
agree with them?
5) What advantages do having a good job and making a good career give you?
6) What jobs will you never ever agree to do? Why not?

Which of the following can infl uence your choice of a future career? Put them in the 
order of importance. Compare your lists.

 The job I’d like to do should be: 
∙ interesting
∙ prestigious
∙ creative
∙ easy to do
∙ unusual

∙ popular
∙ challenging
∙ giving a chance
to travel

∙ exciting

∙ rewarding
∙ respectful
∙ well-paid
∙ giving a chance to 
de velop my skills

∙ giving me some 
freedom of action

∙ other

Here is a list of some popular jobs, 
 (2). Choose among them fi ve that you prefer. 
Put them in the order of preference. Compare your lists and explain your choice.

computer operator
computer programmer
estate agent
fashion designer

police officer
social worker
sports instructor
travel agent

suitable [ˈsu:təbl] — под хо дя щий


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U n i t  1

A. Work in pairs. Decide which jobs:
∙ are dangerous
∙ are mostly done by men/women
∙ are prestigious
∙ are well paid/not well paid

∙ need a university education
∙ require working outdoors
∙ require working with people
∙ require working with your hands

B. Make up a dialogue. Tell each other about the jobs of your choice. Say what your 
reasons for choosing or not choosing a job are.

A: What kind of job would you like to do when you leave school?
B:  I haven’t decided yet but I’m thinking of being a musician.
A:  A musician? That’s great! But don’t you think this job requires a lot of work if you 
want to achieve good results?
B:  It’s true. On the other hand, this job is very creative, it gives you some independence 
and a chance to travel and see the world. Music is my life so I think it may be a good 
job for me. And you?...


To Have Something Done

Пред ло же ние Я бы хо тел(а) по кра сить дом мож но по нять дво яко.
1) Я со би ра юсь по красить дом сам(а).
2) Я со би ра юсь при гла сить мас те ров, что бы они мне по кра си ли дом.
Во вто ром пред ло же нии со об ща ет ся о том, что кто-то дру гой (а не сам го во ря-
щий) вы пол нит эту ра бо ту. Для то го что бы пе ре дать смысл вто ро го пред ло же ния, 
ис поль зу ется обо рот to have something done.
Срав ните:
I want to have my house painted.
Betty always has her clothes made for her. (Бет ти всег да шьёт одеж ду на за каз.)
Jim had his hair cut at the hair stylist’s. (Джим сде лал стриж ку в па рик ма хер ской.)

Read the sentences about the members of the Harrison family and say what things 
they do not do themselves.

  1) Mrs Harrison cuts Andrew’s hair once a month. 2) Aunt Beatrice has her trousers 
and jackets made for her. 3) The Harrisons have the grass in their garden cut for them. 
4) Mrs Harrison does the cooking for the family. 5) Alice does her room on Saturdays. 
6) Little Susie has her room done for her. 7) Mr Harrison has his car washed for him. 
8) Bob washes his car himself. 9) Bob goes to the hair stylist’s once in two weeks and has 
his hair cut. 10) The Harrisons always have their house decorated and painted for them.

Work in pairs. Ask which of the things you and the members of your family do your-
selves and which of them you have done for you. You may use some of the ideas 

— Do you do the shopping for the family or do you have it done?
— We do the shopping ourselves, we never have it done for us.1

∙ to cut the grass around your summer 

∙ to cook the meals
∙ to paint the doors and windows
∙ to clean the floors and windows
∙ to wash the car (bicycles)

∙ to dry-clean your clothes
∙ to repair1 your shoes and clothes
∙ to repair the furniture
∙ to make your clothes
∙ to do the flat or the house
∙ other

to repair [rɪˈpeə] — чи нить

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S t e p  2


Alice and Scarlet are friends. Alice is a hardworking girl. She does practically every-
thing herself. Scarlet is her opposite and prefers to have things done for her. Read 
the sentences about Alice and write about Scarlet.

Alice cooks her own meals. Scarlet has her meals cooked.  1

1)  Alice does her flat herself.
2)  Alice makes her own clothes.
3)  Alice plants flowers in her garden.
4)  Alice paints her house herself.

5)  Alice repairs her car herself.
6)  Alice cleans the windows herself.
7)  Alice washes her linen1 herself.
8)  Alice always does her hair herself.

Use the structure to have something done and answer these questions in writing.

 1) Why did he take his car to the garage?
To have it serviced.
2) Why did James take his trousers to the dry-cleaner’s?
3) Why did Meg take her watch to the jeweller’s?
4) Why did Jill take her long skirt to the dressmaker?
5) Why did Tom take his old shoes to the shoemaker?

Match the jobs and their defi nitions.2

1) an accountant
2) a chef
3) a chemist
4) a designer
5) an estate agent
6) a hairdresser
7) a lawyer
8) a physicist
9) a travel agent
 10) a vet

a) a scientist who studies chemistry
b) someone whose profession is to give legal2 advice or services
c) someone whose job is to cut or do someone’s hair
d) someone whose job is to prepare financial records 
for a company or a person
e) someone whose job is to decide how to make things or what 
their shape or appearance should be like
f) someone whose job is to help people to buy and sell property
g) a doctor for animals
h) someone whose job is to help people to plan their holidays
i) someone who cooks food in a restaurant as their job
j) someone who studies physics as their job

 S t e p  2 


You will hear fi ve people talking about what they are going to do when they leave 
school. Listen, 
 (3), and match the speakers (1—5) with their statements (a—f). 
There is one statement you don’t have to use.

a) I will go on with my education studying the subjects in which I am doing well.
b) I will work and earn some money which will be easy as I’ve already got some expe-
c) I would like to find a job where I can travel a lot.

linen [ˈlɪnɪn] — постельное бельё

legal [ˈli:ɡəl] — юри ди че ский

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U n i t  1

d) I will do what my family advise me to do.
e) I’m not absolutely certain about what to do.
f) I would like to have some caring job and work during the hours when most people work. 

Look at the pictures and say what Mrs Oliver is asking other people to do for her.

I would like to have my skirts washed.

Nouns Naming Jobs

В анг лий ском язы ке на име но ва ния раз лич ных про фес сий час то об ра зу ются при 
по мо щи сло во об ра зо ва тель ных суф фик сов -er, -or, -ist (по след ние два встре чают 
ся не сколь ко ре же) и -ess (выходит из употребления).
-er: teacher, worker, writer, painter, cleaner; 
-or: tailor (по ртной), sailor (мат рос, мо ряк), doctor, professor, actor;
-ist: pianist, guitarist, artist (ху дож ник), geologist, journalist;
-ess: actress, air hostess, stewardess, waitress.

A. From the words (1—16) make up new words denoting various jobs and 
occupations using the suffi xes -er, -or, -ist. If necessary, use your vocabulary.

1) run
2) sail
3) act
4) drive

5) teach
6) paint
7) dance
8) conduct

19) direct
10) guitarist
11) journal
12) invent

13) explore
14) type
15) design
16) geology

B. Use the names of the jobs from part A to complete the sentences.

  1) Kevin Costner, George Clooney and Tom Cruise are my mum’s favourite … . 2) We 
have a wonderful maths … at school. That’s why I like the subject. 3) My brother plays 
different musical instruments, but he is not a … or a drummer. 4) I don’t like to be in 
John’s car when he drives. He is such a careless … . 5) Maya Plisetskaya used to be a 
brilliant ballet … . 6) Richard is a talented film …, though his last film was not a success. 
7) Someone who works on a boat or a ship is a … . 8) If you want to become a …, you 
need to go to university and have some works published in periodicals. 9) I think we 
need a new … . Miss Clark is leaving the office soon. 10) Leonardo da Vinci was not 
only a famous …, he was also an inventor and a scientist. 11) The general sent a … from 


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S t e p  2

Marathon to Athens to carry the news. 12) Our music teacher is also the … of the school 
orchestra. 13) Alexander Graham Bell was the … of the telephone. 14) Christopher 
Columbus was a famous traveller and … . 15) Coco Chanel is a famous fashion … .

Read the texts (A—F) and match them with the names of the jobs (1—7). There is 
one name you don’t have to use.

1) actor
2) singer
3) meteorologist
4) astronomer

7) shop assistant
5) vet
6) astronaut/cosmonaut

A. Every year people of this profession save thousands of lives in Florida, Mexico, East 
Asia and other places. They warn people to evacuate from their homes in good time to 
get out of the way of a hurricane or a storm.

B. If one’s pet has a problem or some animals on farms, at zoos or circuses suffer from 
different ailments, their owners send for these specialists or take the sick animals to their 

C. Portraying Frodo in the Lord of the Rings Elijah Wood had a big problem — his 
costume. He had to get up at five o’clock every morning to put on Frodo’s feet and ears.

D. When you go to fish and chips, they will ask you this question: open or wrapped? 
This is because British people eat their take-away chips in paper. If you want to eat your 
chips in the street, ask for them to be “open”. If you want to take them home, ask for 
them to be “wrapped”.

E. Rihanna [rɪˈhænə] used to sell clothing with her dad at a street stall. She became 
famous in 2005. Her first single, Pon de Replay, became a worldwide hit. She has/made 
a number of popular albums by now.

F. In March 2004 a new planet was discovered 10 billion kilometres from the Earth 
and was named Sedna. The news was especially exiting because the planet was found 
beyond what was understood to be the edge of the planetary solar system.

Below is a list of personal qualities. What jobs suit people who have these qualities? 
Explain your choice.

I think a mechanic should have an ability to work with his hands and physical strength.
He also needs some interest in sciences.

 Personal qualities:

∙ imagination
∙ patience
∙ tolerance
∙ kindness
∙ creativity

∙ interest in the natural world
∙ a good memory
∙ a good ear for music
∙ good social skills
∙ an ability to study hard

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U n i t  1

∙ courage
∙ quick reactions
∙ physical strength
∙ interest in sciences
∙ interest in arts

∙ an ability to work with one’s hands
∙ an ability to work with one’s brain
∙ an ability to express yourself clearly
∙ an  ability to be a leader

Hopefully you have already chosen your future career. Speak about how you did it. 

 ∙ what you wanted to do as a child;
∙ if and when you changed your mind if you did;
∙ what or who helped you to make your choice;
∙ what you expect of your future job;
∙ what you see as advantages and disadvantages of your chosen career.


Анг лий ские сло ва job, profession, occupation, career близ ки по свое му зна че-
нию. Тем не ме нее их сле ду ет раз ли чать для то го, что бы не оши бить ся в упо-
треб ле нии.
Job: лю бая ра бо та, вы пол няе мая ре гу ляр но, час то за день ги:
It’s my job to feed and walk the dog.
Profession: так же ра бо та, вы пол няе мая ре гу ляр но за пла ту, но при этом она 
обычно тре бу ет уни вер си тет ско го об ра зо ва ния и счи та ет ся до ста точ но ста тус-
ной (про фес сии вра ча, юрис та, учи те ля и т. п.):
Medicine is a profession that requires years of study.
Occupation: лю бая про фес сия или за ня тие. Фак ти че ски это сло во упот реб -
ля ет ся как вме сто сло ва job, так и вме сто сло ва profession. Од на ко оно бо лее 
ха рак тер но для фор маль ной пись мен ной ре чи и час то ис поль зу ет ся в ан ке -
Occupation: Teacher of Biology.
Career: все про фес сии и ви ды де ятель нос ти, ко то рые че ло век вы пол ня ет после 
до ва тель но в те че ние сво ей жиз ни в од ной и той же об лас ти: 
My cousin has a successful career as a doctor.

Complete the sentences with the words job, profession, occupation, career. In some 
sentences two options are possible.

  1) His … as a pilot came to an end after a bad accident. 2) I know that Jane is unem-
ployed now and is looking for a … . 3) Please write your … on this form together with 
your address. 4) My mother is a lawyer. I think it is an interesting … . 5) Half of the 
people who were interviewed had low-paid …s. 6) He started planning his … early, long 
before he left school. 7) People of teaching … are mainly women. 8) What’s her …? — 
She works as a secretary. 9) I was asked to state my name, address and … . 10) John 
made a brilliant … as a journalist. 11) My father advised me to go into medical … . 
12) No one wanted the … of painting ceilings.


Complete the names of the occupations. Use -or, -er, -ist. Write your own sentences 
with the nouns. Consult a dictionary if necessary.

1) a govern 
2) a conquer 
3) an adventure 
4) a cartoon 

5) a novel 
6) a tour 
7) an archeolog 
8) an operate 


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S t e p  2

Complete the text with the derivatives of the words on the right.


 I am keen on music and whenever I have some free time 
I go to concert halls. The (1) … one is the Tchaikovsky 
Concert Hall in Moscow. I take a special (2) … to the music 
of (3) … (4) ... and try not to miss solo concerts of our 
(5) … (6) …s or symphony orchestra (7) …s. 

Russia, compose
fame, music, 

Choose the appropriate words or word combinations to complete the sentences.

 1)  Eric’s ability to come in contact with different people is amazing. I’m sure he 
can make a very good … .

a) banker
b) artist
c) social worker

2) A scientist requires an ability to … in the first place.
a) express himself clearly
b) analyze facts
c) get other people interested in what he does

3)  Sophia’s great interest in the natural world helped her to become 
an excellent … .

a) doctor
b) ecologist
c) mathematician

4)  What is really important for a pilot is … .

a) a quick reaction
b) a physical strength
c) an imagination

5)  The profession of a vet is suitable only for those who have … .

a) creativity
b) tolerance
c) patience

6)  The ability to work with one’s hands is not the most required quality for 
a … .

a) fashion designer
b) landscape designer
c) software designer

7)  Doris is a hopeless artist: she has … .

a) bad social skills
b) a poor memory
c) a poor imagination

8)  Philip makes a very good student: he has the ability to study … .

a) hard
b) hardly
c) hardly ever

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