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Английский язык. 10 класс. Базовый уровень

Артикул: 815786.02.99
Учебник, созданный известными специалистами в области преподавания английского языка О. В. Афанасьевой, И. В. Михеевой, К. М. Барановой, предназначен для учащихся общеобразовательных организаций и является основным компонентом учебно-методического комплекта, в который также входят рабочая тетрадь, лексико-грамматический практикум, книга для учителя и аудиоприложения. Аудиоприложение: https://prosv.ru/audio-rainbow10-1/ Границы государств даны на октябрь 2022 г.
Афанасьева, О. Н. Английский язык. 10 класс. Базовый уровень : учебник / О. Н. Афанасьева, И. В. Михеева, К. М. Баранова. - 2-е изд., стер. - Москва : Просвещение, 2023. - 248 с. - ISBN 978-5-09-110461-5. - Текст : электронный. - URL: https://znanium.ru/catalog/product/2124981 (дата обращения: 27.07.2024). – Режим доступа: по подписке.
Фрагмент текстового слоя документа размещен для индексирующих роботов. Для полноценной работы с документом, пожалуйста, перейдите в ридер.
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ББК  81.432.1я72

ISBN 9785091104615
© АО «Издательство «Просвещение», 2021
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АО «Издательство «Просвещение», 2021
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Афанасьева, Ольга Васильевна.
Английский язык : 10-й класс : базовый уровень : учебник / 
О. В. Афанасьева, И. В. Михеева, К. М. Баранова. — 12-е изд., 
стер. — Москва : Просвещение, 2023. — 246, [2] с. : ил. — (Rainbow 
ISBN 978-5-09-110461-5.
Учебник, созданный известными специалистами в области преподавания английского языка О. В. Афанасьевой, И. В. Михеевой, К. М. Барановой, предназначен для 
учащихся общеобразовательных организаций и является основным компонентом 
учебно-методического комплекта, в который также входят рабочая тетрадь, лексико-грамматический практикум, книга для учителя и аудиоприложения.
Аудиоприложение: https://prosv.ru/audio-rainbow10-1/
Границы государств даны на октябрь 2022 г.
УДК 373.167.1:811.111+811.111(075.3)
ББК 81.432.1я72

Серия «Rainbow English»

Учебник допущен к использованию при реализации имеющих государственную 
аккредитацию образовательных программ начального общего, основного общего, среднего 
общего образования организациями, осуществляющими образовательную деятельность, 
в соответствии с Приказом Министерства просвещения Российской Федерации № 254 от 
20.05.2020 (в редакции приказа № 766 от 23.12.2020).

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Book Guide 

UNIT 1. In Harmony with Yourself (pages 6—56)

1. Personal identifi cation: what we are like and what we 
2. Hobbies and pastimes
3. A sound mind in a sound body: keeping fi t
4. Medical help

1. Revision of the present simple and present progressive 
2. Some new facts about present simple and present 
3. Revision of the past simple and past progressive 
4. Some new facts about past simple and past 
5. Revision of the future simple tense and future-in-thepast
6. Revision of the present perfect and present perfect 
progressive tenses
7. Revision of the past perfect and past perfect 
progressive tenses

1. Vocabulary for the talking points
2. The word combinations would rather and had better 
and how to use them
3. Vocabulary for describing human emotions
4. Words denoting colours
5. The phrasal verbs to beat down/on, to beat off, 
to beat out, to beat up

Word Building
1. Abbreviations and shortenings
2. Compound adjectives with participles I and II as their 
second components
3. Sound imitation as a means of making new words
4. Compound words with numerals in their structures

Other Linguistic 
1. Informal style in speech
2. Idioms describing a person’s physical condition
3. Words of sympathy

Consolidation Class (pages 48—52)

Test Yourself and Prepare for the National Examination (pages 52—56)

Project Work One (page 56)

UNIT 2. In Harmony with Others (pages 57—108)

1. Friends and their role in our lives
2. Our families and us
3. Connections between people
4. Family budget
5. House chores
6. The British Royal Family

1. Sentences with the word recently and verbs in past 
simple and present perfect
2. Revision of the present, past and future passive 
3. Revision of the present progressive and past 
progressive passive tenses
4. Revision of perfect forms of passive

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1. Confusable phrases: word combinations with the 
verbs do and make
2. Names of simple things that are around us in the 
3. The phrasal verbs to sign in/out, to sign off, 
to sign up, to sign on
4. Confusable words:
a) accident and incident
b) as and like

Word Building
1. Stress shifting as a means of making new words

Other Linguistic 
1. Political correctness in speech
2. Words we use when we want to make up a quarrel
3. Idioms connected with the idea of richness and 

Consolidation Class (pages 101—104)

Test Yourself and Prepare for the National Examination (pages 104—108)

Project Work Two (page 108)

UNIT 3. In Harmony with Nature (pages 109—163)

1. Wildlife
2. Ecological problems (natural and man-made)
3. Human environment
4. Wonders of Nature

1. Revision of articles: a summary of most common cases 
of usage
2. Passive structures with the infi nitive
3. Revision of articles: articles with the words school, 
space, prison, church, bed, work, college, hospital, 
4. Perfect and progressive infi nitives in some passive 
5. Revision of articles: articles with geographical names 
and place names
6. More facts about articles with geographical names 
and place names
7. Articles with nouns in different syntactic functions
8. The defi nite article, typical cases of usage
9. The indefi nite article, typical cases of usage
10. Articles with the nouns breakfast, brunch, lunch, 
dinner, supper, tea

1. The adverbs very, really, truly, absolutely and how 
to use them
2. The adjectives comfortable, convenient; the verbs 
to visit, to attend and how to use them
3. The phrasal verbs to cut down, to cut off, 
to cut out, to cut up
4. Confusable words landscape, view, scenery

1. English compound adjectives denoting the cardinal 

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Other Linguistic 
1. English idioms with names of animals and plants in 
their structures
2. English phrases used to encourage a person or to 
calm him/her down

Consolidation Class (pages 154—158)

Test Yourself and Prepare for the National Examination (pages 158—163)

Project Work Three (page 163)

UNIT 4. In Harmony with the World (pages 164—214)

1. Why people travel
2. How people travel
3. Where people travel
4. Staying in hotels
5. What people do while travelling
6. What is good to remember while travelling
7. Sightseeing
8. Shopping

1. Revision of English participles
2. Revision of English modal verbs
3. The modal verbs must, can, could, may, might 
to express probability
4. Modal verbs used with progressive and perfect 
infi nitives of the notional verbs
5. The modal verbs can (could), may (might) 
to express an offer and request
6. The modal verbs ought (to), be (to), needn’t
7. The modal verbs mustn’t, shouldn’t, needn’t 
in comparison

1. The English nouns trip, journey, travel, voyage
2. The English words sick and ill
3. English adjectives used only predicatively: 
alive, afl oat, alight
4. The phrasal verbs to set down, to set about, 
to set off/out, to set aside
5. Confusable words beautiful, handsome, pretty

Other Linguistic 
1. English idioms with the noun world in their structure
2. English expressions connected with certain situations

Consolidation Class (pages 206—210)

Test Yourself and Prepare for the National Examination (pages 210—214)

Project Work Four (page 214)

Grammar Reference: pages 215—224

Creative Writing. Theory and Practice: pages 225—236

List of Irregular Verbs: pages 237—239

English-Russian Vocabulary: pages 240—246

Self-evaluation: page 246

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S t e p  1 


We often have to introduce ourselves to strangers. Practise doing it. Mention the following.

Formal information
Informal information

 • Full name
 • Character

 • Age
 • Appearance

 • Place of birth
 • Interests

 • Permanent address
 • Likes and dislikes

 • Occupation
 • Plans and ambitions

 • Family

Work in pairs. One of you has won in a sports (singing, dancing etc) competition. The 
other is a TV journalist whose aim is to introduce the winner to the viewers. Act out their 



U n i t  1

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S t e p  1

A. Match the words (1—10) with their defi nitions (a—j).

1) caring
2) cheerful
3) courageous
4) cruel
5) honest
6) inventive
7) knowledgeable
8) rude
9) greedy
10) proud

a) knowing a lot about many different subjects
b) giving pain to other people or animals
c) kind and helpful to other people
d) happy and smiling
e) not polite
f) wanting more money, things or power than you need
g) very brave
h) always telling the truth
i) feeling happy about your achievements
j) good at thinking of new and original ideas

B. Say what your personality is like.

I think
I hope
I am

not very
not at all


Work in pairs. Discuss your personality as in the example. Use the adjectives from the 

A: Do you think I’m popular?
B: You certainly are.
Yes, quite often.
Well, sometimes.
I’m afraid not very.
Not usually.
Sorry, but no, not at all.

courageous, charming, cheerful, cruel, quiet, noisy, funny, helpful, kind, stupid, rude, 
nervous, romantic, serious, tidy, honest, caring, inventive, knowledgeable, clever, selfish

A. Read the sentences and try to guess what the underlined words mean. What are their 
Russian equivalents?

 1) Jack is really big-headed. He thinks too highly of himself. 2) Linda is an easy-going girl, 
she is usually friendly and pleasant to everybody. 3) He is really stubborn. You can’t make 
him change his mind. 4) Alice can look after the children. You can trust1 her: she is responsible and very reliable. 5) Jeff is more mature than the other boys in his class: he always takes 
responsible grown-up decisions. 6) My uncle becomes angry very easily. Mum says he has 
always been quick-tempered. 7) Julia wants to be successful, rich and famous. She is quite an 
ambitious girl.

B. Use the underlined words in your own sentences.

1 to trust [trʌst] — до ве рять

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U n i t  1

Some English Structures

Сло во со че та ния I’d rather (я бы луч ше), he’d rather (он бы луч ше), we’d rather 
(мы бы луч ше) вы ра жа ют пред поч те ние. В них гла гол would час то со кра ща ет ся 
до ’d . Пос ле подоб ных сло во со че та ний гла го лы упот реб ля ют ся без час ти цы to:

I’d rather talk about it later.
We’d rather go home than stay here.
She would rather not go there alone.
Would you rather fl y there or go by car?

Тот же смысл мож но пе ре дать со че та ни ем гла го ла prefer с ин фи ни ти вом, 
который в этом случае употребляется с частицей to.
Срав ните:

I prefer to talk about it later.
She prefers not to go there alone.

Complete the sentences using to where necessary.

  1) Would you rather ... stay at home or ... go out? 2) Which would you prefer ... wear: jeans or 
smart trousers? 3) Where would they prefer ... live: in the town or in the country? 4) I would 
rather ... do it myself. 5) They would rather not ... speak of it. 6) We prefer ... stay where we 
are. 7) I know he prefers ... be a pilot. 8) And she’d rather … be a journalist.

A. Listen to the lyrics If I Could, 
 (1), repeat them and then sing the song along.

 If I Could

I’d rather be a sparrow than a snail.
Yes I would.
If I could,
I surely would.
I’d rather be a hammer than a nail.
Yes I would.
If I could,
I surely would.
Away, I’d rather sail away
Like a swan that’s here and gone.
A man grows older every day.
It gives the world
Its saddest sound,
Its saddest sound.
I’d rather be a forest than a street.


Yes I would.
If I could,
I surely would.
I’d rather feel the earth beneath my feet.
Yes I would.
If I could,
I surely would. 

Originally If I Could was a ritual song of Peruvian Indians 
performed to ask gods for rain. The music of the song is 
still very popular in Latin America. The English text was 
written by the famous singer Paul Simon. Soon the song 
became popular all over the world.

Paul Simon

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S t e p  2

B. Optional task. Try to translate the lyrics into Russian. Then compare your translations and decide whose is more successful. You may also see some translations on the 
Internet and analyse them. 


Match the opposites.

 1) silly 
4) reasonable 
7) careful
2) deep 
5) attentive 
8) ambitious
3) talkative 
6) hard-working 
9) responsible

a) unreasonable 
d) lazy 
g) quiet
b) careless 
e) modest 
h) shallow
c) inattentive 
f) clever 
i) irresponsible

Complete the sentences with the new words: stubborn, mature, quick-tempered, bigheaded, ambitious, easy-going, reliable.

  1) Jack knew he would become successful one day. He was very ... , and even at the age of 21 
he had already planned out his career in great detail. 2) Little Alice is very ... , she never 
changes her mind and always wants to do everything her own way. 3) Everybody wants to 
work with him. He is so pleasant, nice and ... . 4) Nicholas was violent, ... , and always 
seemed to be shouting at people. 5) Girls tend to become ... more quickly than boys. They 
become more like adults at an earlier age. 6) Jane always does what she promises to do. She is 
very ... . 7) Fred is really ... . He believes that he is very clever and very good at everything he 
does. But in fact this is not so.

Complete these sentences about your preferences.

 1) I’d rather be … than … . 
5) I’d rather watch … than … .
2) I’d rather feel … than … . 
6) I’d rather die … than … .
3) I’d rather visit … than … . 
7) I’d rather … .
4) I’d rather play … than … . 
8) I’d rather not … or … .

 S t e p  2


Listen to what Denis says about his friends, 
 (2), and match their names with their 

 1) Anthony
2) Michael
3) Norma
4) Lydia

a) hard-working and ambitious
c) talented and mature
b) easy-going and reliable
d) cheerful but stubborn


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U n i t  1

A. Do this Personality Test and count your score to fi nd out more about yourself.


1) Which colour do you prefer?
a) blue 
b) grey 
c) orange
2) What would you rather be?
a) a film star 
b) a doctor 
c) a journalist
3) What would you rather do in the evening?
a) go clubbing 
b) go out with your best friend 
c) stay at home alone
4) Where would you prefer to live?
a) in a big city 
b) in a small town 
c) in the country
5) With how many people would you rather work?
a) alone 
b) with two or three people 
c) with a lot of people
6) What sports activities would you rather take part in?
a) a team game (football, basketball etc)
b) a game for two (tennis, ping-pong etc)
c) any sports activity but on your own (running, jumping etc)
7) Who would you prefer to have dinner with?
a) a famous person 
b) someone from your family 
c) a group of friends
8) Would you rather …
a) be rich and famous? 
b) be rich, but not famous? 
c) be poor and happy?

Count your points.

Each a = 3 points. 
Each b = 2 points. 
Each c = 1 point.

Score: 17 to 24. You like being with people. You are ambitious and you want success.
Score: 9 to16. You like being with special friends. You’d like a job with people, but you 
prefer to meet one or two people at a time.
Score: 8 and under. You like being on your own. You’d rather have a quiet job.

B. Say if the test gives a true picture of your character and where it goes wrong. Also 
discuss the results with your classmates to fi nd out if their opinions of you coincide 
with the test results.

Complete the text choosing the appropriate words.

  When I was four months old, my mother died suddenly and my father was left to look 
(1) ... me all by (2) ... . I had no brothers or sisters with whom I could play (3) ... . While I was 
still a baby, my father (4) ... me and fed me and (5) ... all the millions of other things a mother 
normally does for her child. But my father didn’t mind. He was without any doubt the 
most (6) ... father any boy ever had. Some people thought he was a serious man. But he wasn’t. 
He was full of fun, very cheerful and (7) ... as he always (8) ... do what he had promised to.

 1) a) through 
b) after 
c) for 
d) at
2) a) him 
b) his 
c) himself 
d) he
3) a) together 
b) out 
c) with 
d) too
4) a) cleared 
b) cleaned 
c) washed 
d) did
5) a) used 
b) produced 
c) made 
d) did
6) a) stubborn 
b) wonderful 
c) ambitious 
d) big-headed
7) a) reliable 
b) quick-tempered 
c) easy-going 
d) greedy
8) a) could 
b) was able 
c) managed to 
d) couldn’t.

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S t e p  2

Structures Would Rather and Had Better
Сле ду ет раз ли чать два анг лий ских вы ра же ния would rather и had better, ко то рые 
соответ ст ву ют рус ско му «уж луч ше бы». Как вы уже знае те, пер вое из них ис поль зуют, го во ря о пред поч те ни ях. Что же ка са ет ся вто ро го (had better), то оно упот реб ляет ся в том случае, ког да нуж но ска зать о не об хо ди мос ти сде лать что-ли бо или дать 
ре ко мен да цию, со вет. Например:
Jane would rather stay here for another week. (Джейн хотела бы остаться здесь ещё на 
не де лю = она предпочла бы ос тать ся.)
Alan had better see his doctor as soon as he can. (Ала ну луч ше бы как мож но ско рее 
обратить ся к вра чу = это вынужденная необходимость, совет.)
В уст ной ре чи would и had со кра ща ют ся до од ной бук вы ’d:
He doesn’t like the make of this camera. He’d rather not buy it.
You’d better read more in English, it’s very helpful in language learning.

Work in pairs. Act out the dialogues. Then make up similar ones.

 1) A:  Wouldn’t you rather have tea than coffee? 
I thought you didn’t drink coffee.
B:  You are right. I never have it in the evening, but 
I don’t mind a cup in the morning.
A: I see. I’ll make you some coffee then.
B: Thanks.
2) A:  I think you’d better take the umbrella. I’m sure 
it’s going to rain.
B:  What are you talking about? It’s such a bright 
and sunny day.
A: I know. But there’ll be heavy showers in the evening. I’ve just heard it on the radio.
B: Oh, thank you. I will if you’re so sure.
3) A: I’d rather buy this computer.
B: You’d better think it over again. In my opinion it’s too expensive.
A: But it’s the latest model and I really like it.
B:  Don’t make a decision now. You’d better consult your family. You can buy such 
computers at a cheaper price.

 (3), and read.

 A. admit [ədˈmɪt] — при зна вать
appreciate [əˈpri:ʃieɪt] — це нить
beat [bi:t] — бить
familiar [fəˈmɪliə] — зна ко мый
familiarity [fəˌmɪliˈærɪti] — 1) знакомство; 
2) фамильярность
female [ˈfi :meɪl] — жен ский
male [meɪl] — муж ской
precious [ˈpreʃəs] — дра го цен ный

 B. admit (admitted, admitted): to admit something, to admit doing something, to admit 
that … . I admit I’m having a hard time now. “I can’t sing at all,” Andrew admitted. We 
should admit our mistake. Rose admits lying to us.
appreciate: to appreciate something, to appreciate the difficulty, to appreciate that… , 
to fully appreciate. She feels that her family doesn’t really appreciate her. I don’t think 
he fully appreciates the difficulty of the problem.
beat (beat, beaten): to beat the record, to beat the drum. England needed to beat Scotland 
to get to the final. The shock made my heart beat faster.
familiar: a familiar face, a familiar voice, to be familiar to somebody, to be familiar with 
something or somebody. This book is familiar to many readers. Are you familiar with this 


preciousness [ˈprəʃəsnəs] — ценность 
solve [sɒlv] — ре шать
have something in common with 
somebody — иметь что-либо общее 
с кем-ли бо
out of the blue — нео жи дан но
so far — по ка что, до сих пор
to some extent / to a certain 
extent — в ка кой-то сте пе ни

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U n i t  1

familiarity: 1) You should show your familiarity with these historic events. Students should 
demonstrate a familiarity with the main laws of nature. 2) Familiarity is friendly behaviour to 
someone you do not know very well, especially when it makes them feel that you do not respect them.
female: a female person, a female animal. They only have female workers.
male: a male person, a male animal. Until recently, sport has been a male activity. Do you 
have any male colleagues?
precious: a precious ring, a precious painting, precious memories. Her daughter is the most 
precious thing in the world to her. 
preciousness: preciousness of time, preciousness of human life. He could speak for hours 
about the preciousness of the moment.
solve: to solve a crossword puzzle, to solve a crisis, to solve a mystery, to solve  a crime. He 
hopes to solve the mystery of their disappearance.
have something (much, nothing) in common: I have nothing in common with my cousin. 
We are absolutely different. This area has a lot in common with other inner-city areas.
out of the blue (for surprising or unexpected information): Out of the blue she said: 
“I’m going to Australia!” Philip arrived absolutely out of the blue.
so far: I don’t have any information so far. He hasn’t explained anything so far.
to some/a certain extent: I knew I was to blame to some extent. To a certain extent 
I believed the story.

Complete the sentences. Use the prepositions from the box where necessary.

 1) Who could solve … mysteries better than Sherlock Holmes? 2) … of the 
blue he appeared in our flat. 3) … what extent can we believe him? 4) The 
brothers had a lot … common. 5) Do you admit … everything? 6) I can’t say 
I’m familiar … the latest discoveries in this field. 7) I appreciate … the help 
you have given me. 8) His poems are familiar … many young people. 9) Many 
of us are familiar … his poems. 10) I know I can solve … this problem myself. 
11) He demonstrated his familiarity … a lot of subjects. 12) Out … the blue he 
began to speak.


Revision of Tenses

Вспом ни те, как об ра зу ют ся грам ма ти че ские вре ме на present simple (indefinite) и present progressive (continuous), а так же ос нов ные слу чаи их ис поль зо ва ния. 

The Present Simple Tense
The Present Progressive Tense

be (am/is/are)+Ving
I always go... .
He/She always plays... .
We/You/They always go.

I am going... .
He/She is going... .
We/You/They are playing... .
don’t +V/doesn’t +V
am not/is not/are not+Ving
I don’t often go
He/She doesn’t often play 
We/You/They don’t often play... .

I am not going... .
He/She is not going... .
We/You/They are not playing... .

Am I/Is he, she+Ving?
Are we, you, they + Ving?
Do I go... ?
Do you/we/they go...?
Does he/she play...?

Am I speaking...?
Is he/she going...?
Are you/we/they playing...?


З © АО «Издательство «Просвещение» для коллекции ООО «ЗНАНИУМ »


S t e p  2

Complete the sentences using the verbs in brackets in present simple or present progressive.

 1) Grandma is in the kitchen. She (cook). She always (cook) in the morning. 
2) Where is Dad? — He (watch) TV in the living room. 3) Ice (melt) in water. 4) I usually 
(not eat) sweet things. But today is my birthday and I (eat) some birthday cake as you (see). 
5) Where Mr Ross (live)? — I (not know). I (think) he (live) at 20 Oxford Street. 6) Be quiet. 
I (think). 7) Could you speak louder? I (listen) to you but (hear) nothing. 8) When you 
(meet) Bob? — I (meet) him at noon. 9) Let’s go out. It (not rain) any more. 10) What Bobby (do)? — He (have) a shower.


Complete the sentences with the words and word combinations from the box. Change 
their forms where necessary.

female, precious, some extent, out of the blue, familiar, appreciate, in common, solve, 
male, beat, admit, so far

 1) The terrible crime has never been ... . 2) He arrived ... without phoning first. 
3) Every time I hear this tragic music my heart begins ... faster. 4) His face looks ... to me. 
Where could I see him? 5) Gold and silver are ... metals. 6) ... birds are not so brightly coloured as ... ones. 7) He ... that he had told a lie. 8) He and his girlfriend have a lot ... . 
9) ... we have been quite successful. But I’m not so sure about the future. 10) Mothers sometimes complain that their children don’t ... them enough. 11) I can understand his problem 
to ... but I don’t see how I can help him.

Complete the dialogues. Use present simple or present progressive.

 1) — What you (do) at about 9 o’clock tonight?
— I (not know) yet.
2) — What you (think) about?
— My brother. I often (think) about him these days.
3) — You (fly) to the sea or (go) there by train?
— I (fly); my flight is tomorrow morning.
4) — It’s five p.m. Where is John? He always (come) home about this time.
— I (think) he (work) in the library. He (have) a test tomorrow.
5) — Usually Mary (not make) mistakes in her spelling, but her yesterday’s quiz was rather bad.
— Was it? She (know) the result? If she (do), I’m sure she (learn) the words at the moment.

Complete these sentences with would or had.

 1) You ... better write to her: she loves getting your letters. 2) She says she ... rather do the 
work now than tomorrow. 3) ... you rather have the blue balloon than the green one? 
4) Which of the two songs ... I better sing? I’m in two minds. 5) We ... better get up early tomorrow: we have a lot of things to do. 6) ... you rather go out tonight or stay at home and 
watch TV? 7) I think he ... better not tell lies any more if he wants people to believe him. 
8) He ... better talk to someone who can help him. 9) I ... better not waste more of your time. 
10) We ... rather fly than go by train: it will take us less time.

З © АО «Издательство «Просвещение» для коллекции ООО «ЗНАНИУМ »
