Продукты и каналы его распределения. Product and Channels of its Distribution
Английский язык
Год издания: 2023
Кол-во страниц: 65
Вид издания:
Учебное пособие
Уровень образования:
ВО - Бакалавриат
ISBN: 978-5-9765-3996-9
Артикул: 776336.02.99
В пособии глубоко и всесторонне рассмотрены каналы сбыта продукта и его параметры. Изложена структура сбытовой сети. Пособие преднозначенно для студентов элективных курсов, магистрантов и аспирантов, специализирующихся по специальности «Коммерция».
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Т.Т. Хвостовицкая ПРОДУКТ И КАНАЛЫ ЕГО РАСПРЕДЕЛЕНИЯ Product and Channels of its Distribution Учебное пособие по английскому языку 3-е издание, стереотипное Москва Издательство «ФЛИНТА» 2023
УДК 811.111+658.8(075.8) ББК 65.291.3+81.432.1я73 Х33 Рецензент доцент Л.Н Жирнова Х33 Хвостовицкая Т.Т. Продукты и каналы его распределения. Product and Channels of its Distribution : учебное пособие по английскому языку / Т.Т. Хвостовицкая. — 3-е изд., стер. — Москва : ФЛИНТА, 2023. — 65 с. — ISBN 978-5-9765-3996-9. — Текст : электронный. В пособии глубоко и всесторонне рассмотрены каналы сбыта продукта и его параметры. Изложена структура сбытовой сети. Пособие преднозначенно для студентов элективных курсов, магистрантов и аспирантов, специализирующихся по специальности «Коммерция». УДК 811.111+658.8(075.8) ББК 65.291.3+81.432.1я73 ISBN 978-5-9765-3996-9 © Хвостовицкая Т.Т., 2018 © Издательство «ФЛИНТА», 2018
Оглавление Предисловие.................................................................. 4 Lesson 1.......................................................................... 6 Lesson 2.......................................................................... 7 Lesson 3.........................................................................11 Lesson 4.........................................................................14 Lesson 5.........................................................................17 Lesson 6.........................................................................20 Lesson 7.........................................................................22 Lesson 8.........................................................................25 Lesson 9.........................................................................28 Lesson 10.......................................................................32 Lesson 11.......................................................................37 Lesson 12.......................................................................41 Lesson 13.......................................................................45 Lesson 14.......................................................................48 Lesson 15.......................................................................52 Problems for reports.......................................................57 Glossary .........................................................................59
Предисловие Пособие «Каналы сбыта продукта» имеет цель решить одну из самых важных проблем современной экономики. Пособие состоит из 3-х разделов: 15-ти юнитов; 15-ти тем для докладов и Глоссария. Пособие построено в форме диалогов, что неуклонно способствует развитию навыков устной речи и легкому усваиванию трудных моментов изучаемого вопроса. Пособие рассматривает распределение потребительских товаров, определяет факторы, влияющие на выбор канала сбыта, дает ориентацию новым компаниям по выбору каналов сбыта для их новой продукции. Очень профессионально рассмотрен вопрос одновременного использования многих каналов сбыта с учетом точек зрения производителя и посредников. Определены факторы, влияющие на выбор посредников при сбыте продукции. Четко, с точки зрения законодательства, обозначены права и обязанности производителей и посредников и их партнерские отношения и, наконец, дана оценка каналов сбыта. В конце пособия дан перечень тем для докладов и дискуссий “Problems for Reports”. Можно рекомендовать преподавателю регулярно проводить слушание и обсуждение докладов после каждой изученной темы. Или дать их как вопросы к итоговому контролю. Пособие рассчитано на студентов, имеющих базовые значения английского языка. Язык пособия-American English. Тексты - аутентичны. Пособие предназначено для студентов и аспирантов экономических факультетов.
An American professor of Economics has come to Rostov with a course of lectures. He is going to deliver his lectures for the students of the Don State Economics Academy and for businessmen. Now we are at one of his seminars. He is having it with young businessmen. The theme is “Product Distribution and its Channels”. Our businessmen are beginners and put a lot of questions to the Professor. Let us listen to his Introduction word.
Lesson 1 І. 1. Read his introduction word and translate it with the help of the words given in Glossary. Marketing executives frequently find that establishing channels for their products and solving the problems connected with channel management are among their most difficult tasks. Competitive conflicts constantly call for attention and sometimes force channel adjustments. Long channels compound a producer's problem because he is far from his ultimate consumers or users. Also, frequently he has little or no control over his middlemen and cannot get from them necessary current market information regarding his markets and products. Three steps are involved in this decision-making phase of the marketing process. First, a manufacturer must select the general channel to be used, keeping in mind the goals of the company's marketing program and the job to be done by means of the distribution system. Second, assuming he is going to use middlemen, he must make a decision regarding the number of middlemen or the intensity of distribution to be used at each level and in each market. Finally, again assuming he will use middlemen, he must select the specific firms which will handle his product, and then manage the day-to-day working relationships with them. Only infrequently—as when a new company is started or when an established firm introduces a new product or enters a new market—will a marketing manager establish a distribution system from the ground up. The more usual task of channel management involves a continuing evaluation, and possibly a reorganization, of the existing structure. Far more marketing executives are involved with the day-today working operations of the distribution system than with any other step in channel selection. Middlemen also face channel problems essentially similar to those of a producer. Furthermore, the control of the channels used by manufacturers and the freedom of choice regarding these channels may actually rest with wholesaling and/or
retailing middlemen. Actually there are several alternative channels, and in most industries each alternative is used by at least a few firms. We shall outline the most frequently used channels for the two major classes of products. 2. Retell the text. Lesson 2 І. 1. Read the dialogue and translate it with the help of the words given in Glossary. A Businessman: '' What are these channels’’? The Professor: I’ll gladly answer all your questions, gentlemen. ’’ Look at this fig.1. Five channels are widely used in the marketing of consumer products. In each channel, a manufacturer or producer may use his own sales branches or personnel to reach the next institution. The channel leading directly from the producer to the consumer at the upper left of the diagram represents door-to-door selling and direct mail. In any channel, two levels of merchant wholesalers may be involved—one wholesaler sells the product to another wholesaler. Some of you will justifiably conclude that consideration of these institutions triples the number of alternatives. Furthermore, whenever wholesalers are used, goods may be distributed from one large wholesaler to several subjobbers and then to retailers, thus placing two wholesaling links in the chain. It is evident, therefore, that our suggestion that there are only five major channels is an oversimplification, but line which seems necessary if we are going to discuss this unwieldy subject at our seminar.