Electricity. Обучение профессионально-ориентированному чтению
Английский язык
Год издания: 2022
Кол-во страниц: 96
Вид издания:
Учебное пособие
Уровень образования:
ВО - Бакалавриат
ISBN: 978-5-89349-549-2
Артикул: 618069.02.99
Цель пособия - помочь учащимся, имеющим сравнительно небольшую подготовку по английскому языку, овладеть навыками чтения, понимания и перевода научно-технической литературы, а также навыком ведения беседы по специальности на базе повторения и закрепления наиболее нужных для этого грамматических и лексических явлений. Пособие предназначено для студентов электромеханических и электроэнергетических специальностей.
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Фрагмент текстового слоя документа размещен для индексирующих роботов
Г.К. Кушникова ELECTRICITY Обучение профессионально-ориентированному чтению Учебное пособие 4-е издание, стереотипное Москва Издательство «Ф » 20
УДК 811.111(075) ББК 81.2Англ-923 К96 Р е ц е н з е н т : кафедра иностранных языков ИГЭУ Р е д а к т о р : Бабурина Е.П. Кушникова Г.К. К96 Electricity. Обучение профессионально-ориентированному чтению : учебное пособие / Г.К. Кушникова. — 4-е изд., стер. — Москва: ФЛИНТА, 2022. — 96 с. — ISBN 978-5-89349549-2. — Текст : элекронный. Цель пособия - помочь учащимся, имеющим сравнительно небольшую подготовку по английскому языку, овладеть навыками чтения, понимания и перевода научно-технической литературы, а также навыком ведения беседы по специальности на базе повторения и закрепления наиболее нужных для этого грамматических и лексических явлений. Пособие предназначено для студентов электромеханических и электроэнергетических специальностей. УДК 811.111(075) ББК 81.2Англ-923 ISBN 978-5-89349-549-2 © Издательство «ФЛИНТА», 2017
ПРЕДИСЛОВИЕ Пособие состоит из двух разделов. Первый раздел содержит 20 уроков. Каждый урок состоит из текста и упражнений к нему. Тексты, в основном, подобраны из оригинальной технической литературы. Для большей наглядности ряд текстов снабжен рисунками и чертежами. Работа на первом этапе обучения с общетехническими текстами с профессиональным уклоном дает студенту возможность воспринять иностранный язык как предмет, отличающийся от того, который изучался им в средней школе, и способствует повышению интереса к его будущей специальности. Упражнения по грамматике охватывают грамматические явления, знание которых необходимо для понимания и перевода оригинальной технической литературы. Лексические упражнения служат для закрепления слов и для выработки необходимых лексических навыков перевода и включают упражнения на словообразование, подбор синонимов и антонимов, а также упражнения на запоминания слов и словосочетаний, фразеологических оборотов и идиоматических выражений, свойственных технической литературе. Закруглению лексики служит также большое количество упражнений, направленных на развитие разговорных навыков (постановка вопросов, ответы на вопросы, пересказы, передача содержания, краткие сообщения, описание схем и т.д.). Пособие обеспечивает большую повторяемость лексических единиц (10—15 раз), что также способствует их запоминанию. Пособие снабжено упражнениями для самоконтроля как по грамматическому, так и по лексическому материалу. Данные упражнения даются после прохождения той или иной темы (после изучения 2—3 уроков). Упражнения из раздела “Check up yourself’ могут быть использованы как для промежуточного, так и для текущего контроля. В приложение к пособию включены: I. Список отдельных терминов. 2. Список идиоматических и фразеологических оборотов. 3. Код ответа к упражнениям “Check up yourself’. 4. Список вопросов по содержанию текстов для зачета.
Второй раздел пособия посвящен некоторым лексическим вопросам, которые представляют определенную трудность при переводе научно-технической литературы. Методика работы с данным пособием не представляет трудностей, поскольку его структура проста и последовательна. Обучающийся и преподаватель могут строить работу по своему усмотрению. Пособие может быть также использовано обучающимися для самостоятельного изучения курса английского языка по текстам с профессиональным уклоном. С 1974 г. материалы пособия успешно используются в учебном процессе на кафедре иностранных языков в Ивановском Энергетическом Университете.
РАЗДЕЛ ПЕРВЫЙ УРОКИ: ТЕКСТЫ И УПРАЖНЕНИЯ Lesson One Grammar: 1. Tenses in Active Voice. 2. The Suffixes of a Noun: -er, -or, -ist, -cian, -ment, -ation, -tion, -sion. 3. The Composite Prepositions: in spite of, in addition to, thanks to, by means of. 4. Emphatic Sentences. A Few Words on the History of Electricity The study of electricity began with Dr. Gilbert who lived at about the same time as Galileo. In 1600 he wrote a book describing experiments on electricity and magnetism. Russia played an important part in the development of electrical science. In spite of difficult conditions under which the scientists and inventors had to work in tzarist Russia they discovered electrical phenomena of great importance. In addition to that Russian scientists and inventors always tried to find practical application for the phenomena discovered. The first work on electricity published in Russia was that written by the father of Russian science Lomonosov. Lomonosov was the first to find that heat, light and electricity are different forms of movement. He was also the first to find the electrical nature of some atmospheric phenomena. Academician Petroff was the first scientist in the world who observed the phenomena known later as the electric arc. Another Russian scientist Yablochkov made a great contribution to the development of electrical science. It was Yablochkov who created the principle of a transformer.lt is he who found the first practical application of the electric arc. 5
Thanks to Lodygin’s great discovery, an electric lamp lights up our rooms. Popov transmitted signals by means of electromagnetic waves and gave the world his great discovery—radio. It is Lebedev who discovered and measured the pressure of Light. The photoelectric effect was among the numerous discoveries of the famous Russian scientist Stoletov. However, it is impossible even to list here the great inventions and discoveries that our scientists made in various fields of science and engineering. Exercises I. Read and translate the text paying attention to the tenses of the predicates. II. Answer the questions. 1. Russia played an important part in the development of electrical science, didn’t it? 2. Did Russian scientists and inventors discover electrical phenomena of great importance? 3. Who published the first work on electricity in Russia? 4. What did Lomonosov find? 5. Was Lomonosov the first td find the electrical nature of some atmospheric phenomena? . 6. Yablochkov made a great contribution to the development of electrical science, didn’t he? 7. Who created the principle of a transformer? 8. Is Lodygin an inventor of an electric lamp? 9. Who was the first to transmit signals by means of electromagnetic waves? 10. Is it possible to list all great inventions and discoveries that our scientists made in various fields of science and engineering? III. Put questions to the words underlined. 1. Lomonosov organized* the first chemical laboratory in our country. 2. Russian scientists make many important discoveries in various fields of science, 3. Lodvgin is an inventor of an electrical lamp. 4. I was in the library last week. *Если в предложении подчеркнут гл а гол-сказуемое, необходимо поставить общий вопрос. 6
IV. Translate into English. 1, Эта статья описывает эксперимент по электричеству. 2. Мы наблюдаем много различных явлений природы. 3, Россия играла важную роль в развитии электротехники. 4. Изучение давления — очень важно. 5. Электротехника — важная отрасль науки. 6. Российские ученые делают много важных открытий. V. Form nouns, using the suffixes: -er, -or. Give Russian equivalents to them. to invent, to observe, to create, to transform, to transmit, to write, to read, to teach, to work VI. Read the nouns, paying attention to the suffixes and give Russian equivalents to them. scientist, specialist, academician, electrician, mathematician, technician, theoretician VII . Form nouns, using the suffix -ment, give Russian equivalents. to develop, to move, to measure VI II. Read the nouns and give Russian equivalents to them. application, addition, observation, demonstration, invention, creation, transformation, transmission IX. Memorize the following word combinations. Give Russian equivalents to them. in spite of, in addition to, thanks to, by means of, to play a part, to make a contribution to X. Find in the text the sentences with composite prepositions and translate them into Russian. XI. Translate into Russian. 1. It was in Russia where the electric arc was first discovered. 2. It was Yablochkov who created the principle of a transformer. 3. It was Popov who transmitted signals by means of electromagnetic waves. 4. It is this student who wants to make the experiment. 5. It is this law that he could not understand. 6. It is in the North where Lomonosov spent his childhood. 7
Lesson Two Grammar; 1' Tenses in Active Voice. 2. The Suffixes of a Noun: -ence, -ance. 3. The Composite Prepositions: in spite of, in addition to, thanks to, by means of. Uses of Electricity Electricity is the power that has made possible the engineering progress of today. In fact, electricity has always been with a man, but only within the last few centuries he has learned to apply it. One hundred years ago there were neither electric lamps, nor electric motors, nor telephone, nor radio. Now electricity is everywhere. We use electricity in our homes and in buildings where we work or study. Electric lamps light our rooms. The uses of electricity in our homes do not end with producing light. How many electric motors are working in our homes! Electric motors operate washing machines, refrigerators, vacuum cleaners, fans, clocks, and other electrical appliances. Electricity plays a very important part both in industry and in agriculture. We use electricity as a means of transportation and communication. A primitive man depended upon fire, smoke or other kind of signals to send his thoughts to his neighbour. And a modern man can talk with someone in some distance. In recent years electricity has made a great contribution to radio communication between the spaceships and also between the austronauts and the Earth. In addition to that we apply electricity in automation and in research. Much of today’s scientific research depends on the solution of different difficult mathematical problems, some of which would require days to solve by the used methods. Electrically-operated computers now give the answers to these problems in seconds. 'Exercises I. Read the text, find the predicates and call the tense. П. Answer the questions. 1. Has the man learned how to apply electricity within the last few centuries? 2. Where do we use electricity? 3. What do electric motors operate?
4. Electricity plays a very important part both in industry and in agriculture, doesn’t it? 5, Does communication depend on electricity? 6. What else depends on electricity? 7. Why does much of today’s scientific research depend on electricity? III. Put all possible questions to the following sentences. 1. Now we are producing heat by an electric current. 2. Academician Krzhizhanovsky has made a great contribution to electrification of our country. 3. Russian people play an outstanding part in the development of world science. 4. We had finished our experiment when the teacher came into the laboratory. IV. Translate into English. I. Электрические машины приводят в действие многие электрические приборы. 2. Электричество играет важную роль. 3. За последние годы ученые сделали большой вклад в развитие науки. 4. Кроме того, мы применяем электричество в автоматике и научных исследованиях. 5. Научные исследования зависят от решения трудных математических задач. 6. Вычислительные машины решают сложные задачи за секунды. V. Point out suffixes in the nouns and give Russian equivalents, dependence, importance, difference, appliance, correspondence VI. Give derivatives and Russian equivalents. to invent, to add, to apply, to transform, to create, to measure, to operate, to produce, to depend, to solve, to require, to observe VIL Give synonyms to the following words. different, to make, to apply, power, to transmit, a few VIII. Translate the sentences paying attention to the words underlined. I. Professor Popov was the first scientist in the world who transmitted signals by means of electromagnetic waves. 2. In spite of difficult conditions under which Russian scientists worked they have discovered many electrical phenomena. 9
3. In addition to that they always tried to find practical application for their discoveries. 4. We have electric lighting in our rooms thanks to Lodygin’s great invention. 5. In spite of high pressure the machine operated well. 6. Edison communicated with other people by means of a device of his own invention. 7. Studying this problem he made numerous experiments and in addition to that he read much on this subject. 8. By means of a transformer we can change current. 9. We express our thoughts by means of words. IX. Read the text, find the predicates, call the tense. Explain the use of the tense. Today we. have a meeting. We discuss a very important question. Many people have gathered in the hall. They are sitting and listening to the speakers. This is comrade Ivanov. He is telling the meeting about the work he has done. He works at a very important problem. He has worked at it for some years. Everybody is interested in the results he has obtained. Some of those present have taken out their notebooks and are making notes. Lesson Three Grammar: 1. Tenses in Active Voice. 2. Suffixes of a Noun. 3. Suffixes of an Adjective. 4. The Word "Time". Famous Inventor P. N. Yablochkov was born in Saratov Province, on September 26, 1847. The boy was taken by his parents to Petersburg, when he was 14 years old. Having finished school, he entered the military engineering College and later the Electrotechnical School for officers. At both schools he studied mathematics, physics, chemistry, electrical engineering, foreign languages, and other subjects. After graduating from these two schools he continued to perfect his knowledge in electrical engineering. Then Yablochkov moved to Moscow. While being in Moscow, Yablochkov often met with well-known scientists and inventors of i()