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Unique English Course. Speak Real English

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Бытует мнение, что английский язык - это трудно; что вы никогда не будете говорить, как носитель; вам понадобится много времени и денег, чтобы начать говорить по-английски легко, уверенно и автоматически. Автор посбия не согласен. Он верит, что английский язык - это легко. Он сам учил английский и знает, как преуспеть в этом. «Курс уникального английского: говори на настоящем английском» - это аудиокурс. Никаких учебников по грамматике, никаких упражнений, никаких скучных уроков. Вы учите английский ушами, а не глазами. Вы слушаете веселые, а иногда странные истории. Вы учите английский, как это делают дети, отвечая на простые и легкие вопросы. Почему истории? Потому что их любит наш мозг. Мы обожаем истории, мы растем с историями, мы учимся на историях. Это уникальный курс английского для уникальных людей, как вы!
Чумаков, А. В. Unique English Course. Speak Real English : учебное пособие / А. В. Чумаков. - Москва : ФЛИНТА, 2023. - 176 с. - ISBN 978-5-9765-5284-5. - Текст : электронный. - URL: https://znanium.com/catalog/product/2079209 (дата обращения: 01.06.2024). – Режим доступа: по подписке.
Фрагмент текстового слоя документа размещен для индексирующих роботов. Для полноценной работы с документом, пожалуйста, перейдите в ридер.
Александр Чумаков 


Speak Real English

Учебное пособие

Издательство «ФЛИНТА»
УДК 811.111(075.8)
ББК  81.432.1я73

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Чумаков А.В.
Ч-90     Unique English Course. Speak Real English :  учебное пособие /

А.В. Чумаков. – Москва : ФЛИНТА, 2023. – 176 с. + аудио-
приложение. – ISBN 978-5-9765-5284-5. – Текст : электронный.

Бытует мнение, что английский язык – это трудно; что вы никогда не 
будете говорить, как носитель; вам понадобится много времени и денег, 
чтобы начать говорить по-английски легко, уверенно и автоматически. 
Автор посбия не согласен. Он верит, что английский язык – это легко. 
Он сам учил английский и знает, как преуспеть в этом.

«Курс уникального английского: говори на настоящем английском» – 
это аудиокурс. Никаких учебников по грамматике, никаких упражнений, 
никаких скучных уроков. Вы учите английский ушами, а не глазами. Вы 
слушаете веселые, а иногда странные истории. Вы учите английский, как 
это делают дети, отвечая на простые и легкие вопросы. Почему истории? 
Потому что их любит наш мозг. Мы обожаем истории, мы растем 
с историями, мы учимся на историях. 

Это уникальный курс английского для уникальных людей, как вы!

УДК 811.111(075.8)
ББК  81.432.1я73

ISBN 978-5-9765-5284-5  
© Чумаков А.В., 2023 
© Издательство «ФЛИНТА», 2023

Meet Alex 
Why do my course? 
How to use the course 
Unit 1. Supercat 
The Vocabulary Lesson 
Your Bonus Lesson 
The Mini-Story Lesson 
Unit 2. A Secret 
The Vocabulary Lesson 
Your Bonus Lesson 
The Mini-Story Lesson 
Unit 3. Passion 
The Vocabulary Lesson 
The Mini-Story Lesson 
Unit 4. The Power of Reading 
The Vocabulary Lesson 
Your Bonus Lesson 
The Mini-Story Lesson 
Unit 5. Miss Curiosity 
The Vocabulary Lesson 
The Mini-Story Lesson 
Unit 6. A Sacred Dog 
The Vocabulary Lesson 
The Mini-Story Lesson 
Unit 7. A Gardener 
The Vocabulary Lesson 
The Mini-Story Lesson 
Unit 8. An Entrepreneur mindset 
The Vocabulary Lesson 
The Mini-Story Lesson 
Unit 9. A Powerful Word – Duty 
The Vocabulary Lesson 
You Bonus lesson 
The Mini-Story Lesson 
Unit 10. A Crawfish 
The Vocabulary Lesson 
The Mini-Story Lesson 
Unit 11. A Diver 
The Vocabulary Lesson 
The Mini-Story Lesson 
Unit 12. A Wonderful Life 
The Vocabulary Lesson 
The Mini-Story Lesson 
A few words from Alex 
Meet Alex 

Hello everyone! My name is Alexander, but many people 
call me Alex for short. I would like to tell you how I can help 
you speak English easily, confidently, automatically and feel 
absolutely relaxed at the same time. I can help you to speak 
excellent English because I know how it feels to learn English 
as a foreign language. I do know how it feels and I do know 
what it takes to speak English where people around you do not 
speak English or speak English very little. I know that because 
I was there. I was like you. I was born in Russia and I grew up 
in Russia. I myself learned English as a second language. That 
is why I understand perfectly well your anxiety, your worry 
and your embarrassment when you need to speak English. 
I want to help you to become a strong, fantastic and confident 
English speaker. I have created this Unique English Course – 
speak real English, because I want you to succeed with 
If you let me teach you, and if you let me lead you and 
guide you through this tough, difficult and meandering 
process of learning English, together we will certainly take 
your English to a new level of mastering English. I promise 
you will speak English the way you never did before. 

Let me tell you the true story from my childhood. 
When I was in third grade, one day a new teacher came 
into the classroom. Everybody was sitting at their desks, 
waiting for the teacher. 
The teacher asked the class, “Children, what do you want 
to be, when you grow up?” 

The children raised their hands. 
“Okay”, said the teacher, and pointed to Jimmy. 
Jimmy said, “I want to be a pilot.” 
“Very good”, the teacher said. 
Then the other boy stood up and said, “I want to be a po- 
“That’s great” said the teacher. 
And then Carol raised her hand and she said, “I want to be 
a movie star” 
The teacher said, “That’s nice”. Then the teacher looked at 
me and asked me. 
“What about you, Alex? What do you want to be, when you 
grow up?” 
I said, “I want to be a teacher.” 
“Why?” he asked. 
“I want to help boys and girls to be what they want to be.” 
In other words, when I was 10 years old, I already wanted 
to be of help. I already wanted to be a teacher. I did not know 
what I was going to teach, but one thing I knew for sure was 
that I wanted to be a teacher. I wanted to serve others. 
As Martin King Junior said, “Not everyone can be famous, 
but everybody can be great, because greatness is determined 
by service.” 
I decided to teach English, one of the most beautiful 
languages in the world. I went to University and got my 
diploma of Candidate of Philological Sciences. Since that time I 
be- came a willing student and I became very much interested 
in how I could help people to speak excellent English all over 
the globe. 
Many years have passed since then, I’ve learned from the 
best, and I’ve found the method that I am going to share with 
you in this course. It is a story-telling method – one of the 
best methods in the world for learning languages. 
I became a teacher of English many years ago. But still I am 
committed to serving people. Still I am excited and curious

about what I am doing. Still I am devoted to my calling – to 


With love and respect,

Your English teacher 

Why do my course? 

Hello again. This is Alexander Chumakov. I am the author 
of this Unique English Course – speak real English. 
It’s a great honor and an excusive privilege for me to be 
your English teacher. 

Why do my course? 
To know the answer ask yourself these questions: 

• Do you get nervous when you need to speak English? 
• Are you afraid of making mistakes every time when you 
need to speak English? 
• Do you want to understand and to be understood when 
you speak English? 
• Do you want to get automatic respect from people when 
you speak English? 

If you answer “yes” to any of these questions, I go, “My 
Unique English Course – that’s what you need!” 

If you want to speak English easily and confidently. 
If you want to speak English powerfully and automatically. 
If you want to think in English, start with my Unique Eng- 
lish Course – speak real English. 
Now let me tell you what you learn in this Unique English 
There are 12 units and 3 months of audio lessons. 

Each Unit includes: 
First: a crazy, funny, and stupid story. 

These stories teach your brain: 
• to understand English Grammar intuitively. 
• to remember words with your ears, and not with your 
• to leave behind boring English lessons and 
• to create new positive and strong emotions, every time 
when you speak English. 

Eventually, these stories teach you: 
• to stop being afraid of making mistakes. 
• to stop translating from your language to English. 
• to understand that English can be easy and fun. 

Second: a vocabulary lesson. 
With these vocabulary lessons your pronunciation gets 
better, your understanding gets better and your listening abili- 
ties grow faster. 
Listening is the key to speaking. 

Third: a mini-story lesson. 
These mini-story lessons are the most powerful, the most 
important and the funnies ones. 
With the mini-story lessons you teach your brain English 
grammar intuitively, playfully like a child by answering easy 
and simple questions. 
No grammar books, no grammar drills, no grammar ex- 
ercises. You just listen and enjoy. 
In some lessons you have a bonus. What is it? A bonus is 
something you receive when you do not expect. 
In my Unique English Course – speak real English, your 
bonus is given in the form of the same story. I mean, I tell the 
exact same story from the Unit, but in the past tense. (Not all 

units have it). Why in the past tense? Simply because even su-
perstar students have difficulty with the irregular verbs. 

Of course, each of you has certain reasons to speak Eng-

lish: traveling, a new successful job, making new friends and 
many others. 

My Unique English course will give you the results you 

are expecting to have. You will certainly become successful. 

Do it now. Do it today. Do it for yourself. 

To stay committed to learning English, to remain curious 

about learning English and to maintain your motivation for 
learning English, I encourage you to visit my Instagram page 
easyenglishshow. There you will find many useful, inspiring 
and empowering ideas not only for learning English, but also 
for every day life. Go there and grab it. It is free. 

Commit. Don’t quit. 
Good luck to you! See you there! 
How to use the course 

My dear friend! My congratulations! Welcome to your 
Unique English Course – speak real English! 
Hello, my superstar student! This is Alex – your English 
teacher. You are now ready to speak English easily, powerfully 
and confidently! 
In this lesson I will tell you what you should do to start 
speaking English easily, powerfully and confidently. 

How to use the Lessons! 
Each lesson Set (Unit) has several different lesson files. All 
lessons in a Set/ Unit have the same name. These lessons go 
together. Every day, you will listen to all the lessons in ONE 
lesson SET or Unit (all the lessons go with the same name). 
You will listen to only one set for 7 days. 

This is very important. 
You will only improve your English quickly if you follow 
this method – one lesson set everyday – the same lessons set 
every day for 7 days (or more). Slower is better. 

How to use texts: 

1. First, try to only listen 
Don’t use these text transcripts files first. Try to listen to a 
Story, Vocabulary lesson and a Mini-story without the text. If 
you understand them, you don’t need the text – just continue 
to listen. 

2. Use these text transcripts only when you don’t un- 
derstand something. 
If you don’t understand part of a Story, vocabulary or a 
Mini-Story, read the text. This will help you identify vocabu- 
lary you might not understand from just listening. Use a dic- 
tionary, if necessary, to find unknown words. 

3. Read and Listen at the same time, a few times 
Once you know all of the words and phrases in a Story, Vo- 
cabulary lesson and a Mini-Story, you can listen and read at 
the same time. Do this a few times only. Every day focus more 
on answering the questions. 

4. Just listen again 
Now you just listen to the Mini-story. Don’t read. You 
know the questions and the answers very well. 
Do not focus on reading – focus on listening! 
Put the text aside and only listen to the Mini-Stories and 
answer the questions. These text transcripts can help you, but 
don’t use them too much. 

If you follow the system, you will certainly succeed! 
Remember: listening is the key to speaking. 
To stay committed to learning English, to remain curious 
about learning English and to maintain your motivation for 
learning English, I encourage you to visit my Instagram page 
easyenglishshow. There you will find many useful, inspiring 
and empowering ideas not only for learning English, but also 
for every day life. Go there and grab it. It is free. 
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250 ₽
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