A Career in Personnel Management
Основы управления персоналом
Год издания: 2021
Кол-во страниц: 244
Вид издания:
Учебное пособие
Уровень образования:
ВО - Бакалавриат
ISBN: 978-5-7882-3099-3
Артикул: 809815.01.99
This study guide presents practical assignments and vocabularies aimed at developing the speaking and critical thinking skills based on elaborating the information perceived from authentic texts, as well as a system of training exercises.
The book is intended for undergraduate students majoring in are-as, such as 38.03.02 Management, 38.03.01 Economics; for students majoring in 38.03.04 Public Administration, 37.03.02 Conflictology; for attendees of courses providing the qualifications of Translator in Professional Communication; and for a broader audience interested in improving their English. It has been developed at the Department of Foreign Languages in Professional Communication.
- 005: Изучение проблем организации: методология, анализ, синтез, классификация и таксономия...
- 650: Теория управления предприятием. Менеджмент
- ВО - Бакалавриат
- 37.03.02: Конфликтология
- 38.03.01: Экономика
- 38.03.02: Менеджмент
- 38.03.04: Государственное и муниципальное управление
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The Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation Kazan National Research Technological University E. Volkova, V. Akaeva, M. Suntsova A CAREER IN PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT A study guide Kazan KNRTU Press 2021
UDC 005.95/.96(075) Published by the decision of the Editorial Review Board of the Kazan National Research Technological University Reviewers: Prof., Dr. paed. I. Galimzyanova Cand. of Philol. Sc., Associate Prof. E. Neliubina Volkova E. A Career in Personnel Management : A Study Guide / E. Volkova, V. Akaeva, M. Suntsova; The Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, Kazan National Research Technological University. – Kazan : KNRTU Press, 2021. – 244 p. ISBN 978-5-7882-3099-3 This study guide presents practical assignments and vocabularies aimed at developing the speaking and critical thinking skills based on elaborating the information perceived from authentic texts, as well as a system of training exercises. The book is intended for undergraduate students majoring in are-as, such as 38.03.02 Management, 38.03.01 Economics; for students majoring in 38.03.04 Public Administration, 37.03.02 Conflictology; for attendees of courses providing the qualifications of Translator in Professional Communication; and for a broader audience interested in improving their English. It has been developed at the Department of Foreign Languages in Professional Communication. Responsible for the publication Y. Zyatdinova Елена Вячеславовна Волкова Вероника Роммилевна Акаева Мария Станиславовна Сунцова К А Р Ь Е Р А В У П Р А В Л Е Н И И П Е Р С О Н А Л О М Signed in print 30.12.2021 Sheet size 60×84 1/16 Offset paper Digital print 14,64 conv. pr. sh. 15,25 publ. sh. Edition 100 copies Order 187/21 Kazan National Research Technological University Press Offset laboratory of Kazan National Research Technological University 420015, Kazan, Karl Marx street, 68 ISBN 978-5-7882-3099-3 © E. Volkova, V. Akaeva, M. Suntsova, 2021 © Kazan National Research Technological University, 2021 UDC 005.95/.96(075)
INTRODUCTION This study guide aims at developing professional language skills in students majoring in the above areas of studies, based on doing lexical, grammatical, and communicative exercises that contribute to their in-depth study of personnel management and to training competent professionals who can comprehensively solve problems at hand, considering the special features of their future vocational activities. Structurally, the book consists of seven thematic sections (units) that are interrelated by their professional focus. UNIT I. INTRODUCTION TO PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT UNIT II. PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM UNIT III. METHODS OF PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT UNIT IV. ОRGANIZATION DESIGN OF PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT UNIT V. STRATEGIES IN ORGANIZATION OF PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT UNIT VI. PERSONNEL MARKETING UNIT VII. JOB DESIGN WITH STAFF GRAMMAR Each unit begins with exercises focusing on understanding and comprehending the essence of the personnel management issues, a vocabulary, and lexical and grammatical exercises aimed at solving the situational problems relating to the scope of this study guide. The units also include listening comprehension tasks that allow a better consolidation of materials studied, based on listening → understanding → pronouncing → memorizing. Tasks and exercises are based on authentic texts containing many profession-related words, since the information presented in the texts, such as interviewing and being interviewed, conducting business negotiations, giving presentations and reports, etc., will be helpful for the vocational training of students.
UNIT I INTRODUCTION TO PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT 1. Present, Future and Past Simple Tenses 2. Vocabulary: Words on This Topic 1A. READING AND COMPREHENSION: INTRODUCTION TO PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT Exercise 1. Read the quotations below and give your opinion: What does personnel management mean for you? Dear ladies and gentlemen, We are the authoring team who would like to tell you about your future profession “Personnel management”. There are different definitions of “Personnel management”. Here, we offer three of them: – Personnel management is a method of developing potentials of employees so that they get maximum satisfaction out of their work and give their best efforts to the organization. – (P. Pigors and Charles Myers). – Personnel Management is that part of management process, which is primarily concerned with the human constitution of an organization. – (E. F. L. Brech). – The personnel management is concerned with the procurement, development, compensation, integration, and maintenance of the personnel of an organization for the purpose of contributing towards the accomplishment of that organization’s major goals and objectives. Therefore, personnel management is planning, organizing, directing, and controlling of performance of those operative functions. – (Edwin B. Flippo). We know that a person who studies personnel management is not afraid of being unemployed. As a rule, such a person is optimistic and orients very well in the labor market. We hope that you are on the right path and will not be disappointed about your future profession. We wish you every success in your efforts! Your Elena, Veronika and Maria
Exercise 2. Work with the vocabulary. 1. Read aloud the words and word combinations below. 2. Try to learn them by heart, closing each column by turns. 3. Which ones are the most important: a) for an employee; b) for job hunting; and c) for a company? Future profession [ˈfjuːʧə] [prəˈfeʃn] Будущая профессия Method of developing potentials of employees [ˈmeθəd] [ɒv] [dɪˈveləpɪŋ] [pəˈtenʃ(ə)l] [ɒv] [emplɔɪˈiːz] Метод развития потенциала персонала сотрудников Satisfaction [sætɪsˈfækʃn] Удовлетворенность Effort [ˈefət] Усилие, старание, стремление. Constitution [kɔnstɪˈtjuːʃn] Конституция Maintenance [ˈmeɪntənəns] 1) (сущ.): обслуживание, поддержка, обеспечение, сопровождение 2) (прил.): ремонтный, технический, эксплуатационный, сервис ный 3) (прич.): обслуживающий, поддерживающий Labor market [ˈleɪbə][ˈmɑːkɪt] Рынок труда Be disappointed [biː][dɪsəˈpɔɪntɪd] Разочароваться Choose [ʧuːz] Выбирать, принимать решение Independent life [ɪndɪˈpendənt][laɪf] Самостоятельная жизнь Film star [fɪlm stɑː] Кинозвезда Highly paid jobs [ˈhaɪlɪ][peɪd][ʤɒb] Высокооплачиваемые должности Condition [kənˈdɪʃn] 1) (сущ.): состояние, положение, условие
2) (гл.): обусловить, обуславливать 3) (прил.): условный Nurse [nɜːs] Медсестра. More suitable [mɔː ˈs(j)uːtəb(ə)l] более подходящий, более удобный; более приемлемый Lifeguard [ˈlaɪfgɑːd] Спасатель Work indoors [tuː] [wɜːk] [ɪnˈdɔːz] Работать в помещении Work outdoors [tuː] [wɜːk] [aʊtˈdɔːz] Работать на улице Сhoice [ʧɔɪs] 1) (сущ.): выбор, отбор, подбор 2) (прил.): отборный Preference [ˈprefərəns] 1) (сущ.): предпочтение 2) (прил.): привилегированный, предпочтительный Maths [mæθs] Математика Uncertainty [ʌnˈsɜːtntɪ] Неопределенность, неясность, неизвестность Exercise 3. Work with the text. 1. Read the thoughts of one of our former students, Alena, and compare her ideas with the other students’ ideas. 2. Repeat the Present Simple, Past Simple, and Present Perfect Tenses and find sentences in each of these tenses in the text below. CHOOSING MY FUTURE PROFESSION Question “What do you want to be?” worries everyone from their childhood. It is not easy to answer this question immediately. The profession chosen determines the whole future life path. Today, young people get their first working experiences beginning from their early student days. Therefore, they always have an opportunity to prove themselves in different jobs.
When choosing a profession, it is particularly important to have a great deal of personality and some purpose to achieve what you want. You have just left school, and now it is time to decide on the matter of your future career. Today, there is a shortage of jobs all over the world. Graduates of universities, colleges or technical schools should be competitive in the labor market. Everyone wants to have a well-paid position and social guarantees. But it is necessary to consider work as an opportunity for self-realization, career growth and satisfaction with their results. Our dearest and nearest ones affect how we choose our profession very often because they know our capabilities and our character very well. My parents and I were a far cry from the profession titled Human Re source Management. I always wanted to be a doctor. But one day, something was wrong with my arm at school and I had to come to the doctor. He gave me a wrong diagnosis and prescribed inappropriate medicines. As a result, I developed a new allergy and was on sick leave for two months. I was disappointed at medical professions, really. At that moment, my aunt advised me to enter the Kazan National Research Technological University. My choice was fortuitous! Management, as an area of study, was very promising at those times. I had always been interested in economics, and I was good at Maths. I had the ability for working with people, and I thought I was rather communicative and had good social skills. So, I became a student at the Department of Management and Entrepreneurship and later a postgraduate student. I defended my dissertation in 2003 and got the PhD in economics. By now, I have worked on myself to develop my advantages as a man ager and I think, I can realize my potential in problem-solving. Besides that, I have already been developing my communicative competence by studying English for several years. English is the language for all kinds of international and business communications. Knowing English today is an absolute standard, a must-do for everything and for everybody because our society has become multicultural. Manager is a person who directly manages the people’s activities in a company or organization. Managers spend a lot of time communicating, coordinating practical arrangements, and making decisions that increase the effectiveness of their company. Almost everything a manager does is associated with risks because agreements and arrangements can be cancelled at any time. So, managing is a very promising vocation, in which everybody can show themselves in the best light. Alena Efremova, Professor at the Department of Management and En trepreneurship
Exercise 4. Work with the vocabulary. Ask your friend about the choice of your future profession in the Present and Past Simple tenses using words and word combinations from exercises 2 and 5 in the boxes. For example: 1. What did you want to be when you were a schoolboy/schoolgirl? 2. Who influenced your choice? Exercise 5. Work with the vocabulary. Make your own story about choosing your future profession using new combinations of words both in Russian and English. This vocabulary and a substitution table below will help you. Job [ʤəʊb] 1) (сущ.): работа, труд, место работы, трудоустройство 2) (гл.): работать Earn a good salary [ɜːn] [eɪ] [gʊd] [ˈsælərɪ] Получать хорошую зарплату, зарабатывать Employees [emplɔɪˈiː] Сотрудники, персонал Work in a leading organization [wɜːk (гл.)] [ɪn] [eɪ] [ˈledɪŋ] [ɔːgənaɪˈzeɪʃn] Работать в лидирующей организации Office [ˈɒfɪs] 1) (сущ.): офис 2) (прил.): офисный, служебный, канцелярский Work with papers [wɜːk (сущ.)] [wɪð] [ˈpeɪpəz] Работа с бумагами Have addi tional skills [hæv] [əˈdɪʃnəl] [skɪl] Иметь дополнительные навыки Know foreign languages [nəʊ] [ˈfɒrɪn] [ˈlæŋgwɪʤ] Знать иностранные языки Recruitment Отбор, наем Job vacancy [ʤəʊb] [ˈveɪkənsɪ] Вакантное рабочее место. Advertisement [ədˈvɜːtɪsmənt] 1) (сущ.): объявление, реклама 2) (прил.): рекламный
Previous experience [ˈpriːvɪəs] [ɪksˈpɪərɪəns] Предыдущий опыт Worthy profession [ˈwɜːðɪ] [prəˈfeʃn] Достойная профессия Future career [ˈfjuːʧə] [kəˈrɪə] Будущая карьера Dealing with people [ˈdiːlɪŋ] [wɪð] [piːpl] Работа с людьми Communication skills [kəmjuːnɪˈkeɪʃn] [skɪlz] Коммуникативные навыки It is not an easy thing to make the right choice [32] [ɪt] [ɪs] [nɒt]an [ˈiːzɪ] [θɪŋ] [tuː] [meɪk] [ðə] [raɪt] [ʧɔɪs] Нелегко сделать правильный выбор We should consider different factors [wiː] [ʃʊd][kənˈsɪdə] [ˈdɪfrənt] [ˈfæktəz] Мы должны учитывать разные факторы Highly paid jobs [ˈhaɪlɪ peɪd ʤɒbz] Высокооплачиваемые рабочие места Get satisfaction from your job [get sætɪsˈfækʃn] [frɒm] [jɔː] [ʤəʊb] Получать удовлетворение от своей работы A job should be interesting and socially im portant [ʤəʊb] [ʃʊd] [biː] [ˈɪntrɪstɪŋ] [ænd] [ˈsəʊʃəlɪ] [ɪmˈpɔːtənt] Работа должна быть интересной и социально значимой Influence the choice of profession [tuː] [ˈɪnflʊəns] [ðə] [ʧɔɪs] [ɒv] [prəˈfeʃn] Влиять на выбор профессии My choice [maɪ] [ʧɔɪs] Мой выбор A lot of opportunities [eɪ] [lɒt] [ɒv] [ɒpəˈtjuːnɪtɪs] Много возможностей I have an aptitude for working with people [aɪ hæv] an [ˈæptɪtjuːd] [fɔː] [ˈwɜːkɪŋ] [wɪð] [piːpl] У меня есть склонность к работе с людьми
Have good social skills [hæv][gʊd][ˈsəʊ ʃəl] [skɪlz] Иметь хорошие социальные навыки I would like to tell you about… выборе своей профессии. Make the right choice of profession – это значит... Правильный выбор профессии allows you to realize ... Избранная профессия should be interesting to its owner и вызывать … Неправильный выбор профессии leads to the fact that многие люди… Выбранная профессия should be in demand на рынке труда. In the world there are множество профессий и each has its достоинства и недостатки, свои требования и особенности. After studies, I will be able управлять персоналом, контролировать процесс работы определенного предприятия. It seems to me that эта профессия очень важна. After all, it depends on your … Exercise 6. Work with vocabulary. Look at Fig. 1. Study objectives of personnel management and enumerate them for your future (Fig. 1). Vocabulary will help you. For example: The first objective of personnel management is ______________. The second ______________. The third ______________. Induction [ɪnˈdʌkʃn] Введение в должность Incentives [ɪnˈsentɪvz] Средства поощрения, стимулы