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English for professional environment

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Электронное учебное пособие предназначено для студентов 3-4 курсов бакалавриата естественно-научных направлений подготовки. Данное учебное пособие разработано на модульной основе и содержит аутентичные материалы профессиональной направленности по развитию навыков чтения, аудирования и говорения. Особенностью пособия является использование современных видео ресурсов для изучения английского языка. Модули пособия являются независимыми разделами, что предполагает индивидуальную траекторию использования материалов. Каждый модуль содержит ключи, таким образом, данное учебное пособие можно рекомендовать как для аудиторной, так и для самостоятельной работы. Публикуется в авторской редакции.
Самолетова, М. А. English for professional environment : учебное пособие / М. А. Самолетова, Я. А. Гудкова ; Южный федеральный университет. - Ростов-на-Дону ; Таганрог : Издательство Южного федерального университета, 2021. - 87 с. - ISBN 978-5-9275-3948-2. - Текст : электронный. - URL: https://znanium.com/catalog/product/2057594 (дата обращения: 04.05.2024). – Режим доступа: по подписке.
Фрагмент текстового слоя документа размещен для индексирующих роботов. Для полноценной работы с документом, пожалуйста, перейдите в ридер.
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учебное пособие

Ростов-на-Дону – Таганрог
Издательство Южного федерального университета

УДК 811.111`27(075.8)
ББК 81.432.1-5 я73
        С 17

Издается по решению кафедры английского языка естественных 
факультетов Института филологии, журналистики и межкультурной 
коммуникации Южного федерального университета 
(протокол № 10 от 20 апреля 2021 г.)

доцент кафедры английского языка естественных факультетов 
ИФЖиМКК ЮФУ, кандидат педагогических наук Л.А. Недосека;
заведующий кафедрой физики ФГБОУ ВО ДГТУ, 
доктор физико-математических наук, профессор А.В. Благин 

English for professional environment [Электронный ресурс] : учебное пособие / 
М.А. Самолетова, Я.А. Гудкова ; Южный федеральный университет. – Ростов-
на-Дону ; Таганрог : Издательство Южного федерального университета, 2021.  
– Электрон. текстовые дан. (1 файл: 1,67 Мб). – 1 электрон. опт. диск (CD-R). – 
Системные требования: процессор с тактовой частотой 1,5 ГГц и выше, 1 Гб 
оперативной памяти, Windows 7 SP1, Windows 8, 8.1, Windows 10 (32- и 64-
разрядные версии), устройство для прослушивания звуковой информации, 
Acrobat Reader DC, привод DVD-ROM, последняя версия браузера Google 
Chrome, Firefox, Microsoft Edge, Safari или Opera, интернет-подключение со 
скоростью не меньше 500 Кбит/с. – Загл. с экрана. 

ISBN 978-5-9275-3948-2

Электронное учебное пособие предназначено для студентов 3-4 курсов бакалав-
риата естественно-научных направлений подготовки. Данное учебное пособие разра-
ботано на модульной основе и содержит аутентичные материалы профессиональной 
направленности по развитию навыков чтения, аудирования и говорения. Особенно-
стью пособия является использование современных видео ресурсов для изучения 
английского языка. Модули пособия являются независимыми разделами, что пред-
полагает индивидуальную траекторию использования материалов. Каждый модуль 
содержит ключи, таким образом, данное учебное пособие можно рекомендовать как 
для аудиторной, так и для самостоятельной работы. 
Публикуется в авторской редакции.

ISBN 978-5-9275-3948-2 
УДК 811.111`27(075.8)
ББК 81.432.1-5 я73

© Южный федеральный университет, 2021
© Самолетова М.А., Гудкова Я.А., 2021
© Оформление. Макет. Издательство 
Южного федерального университета, 2021

C 17


Методическая записка ................................................................................... 5

MODULE 1. How to build up your CV ........................................................... 7

BEFORE WATCHING............................................................................................. 7

WHILE WATCHING .............................................................................................. 8

READING ........................................................................................................... 12

AFTER WATCHING ............................................................................................. 14

Glossary ............................................................................................................ 14

Word list ........................................................................................................... 15

MODULE 2. A job interview .......................................................................... 16

BEFORE WATCHING........................................................................................... 16

READING ........................................................................................................... 16

WHILE WATCHING ............................................................................................ 19

AFTER WATCHING ............................................................................................. 22

Glossary ............................................................................................................ 25

Word list ........................................................................................................... 25

MODULE 3. Job opportunities ...................................................................... 27

BEFORE WATCHING........................................................................................... 27

READING ........................................................................................................... 27

WHILE WATCHING ............................................................................................ 30

AFTER WATCHING ............................................................................................. 31

Glossary ............................................................................................................ 32

Word list ........................................................................................................... 32

MODULE 4. Professional connections ........................................................ 33

BEFORE WATCHING........................................................................................... 33

READING ........................................................................................................... 33

WHILE WATCHING  ............................................................................................ 36

AFTER WATCHING ............................................................................................. 38

Glossary ............................................................................................................ 39

Word list ........................................................................................................... 40

MODULE 5. Professional environment ....................................................... 41

BEFORE WATCHING........................................................................................... 41

READING ........................................................................................................... 42

WHILE WATCHING ............................................................................................ 47

AFTER WATCHING ............................................................................................. 50

Glossary ............................................................................................................ 50

Word list ........................................................................................................... 50

KEYS .................................................................................................................... 52

REFERENCE MATERIALS .................................................................................. 66

INTERNET RESOURCES .................................................................................... 80

HOW TO LEARN ENGLISH ON THE INTERNET ............................................ 84

Методическая записка

Данное учебное пособие предназначено для студентов 3-4 курсов бака-
лавриата естественно-научных направлений подготовки. Целью учебного по-
собия является развитие навыков чтения, аудирования и говорения на основе 
материалов профессиональной направленности. 
Учебное пособие состоит из 5 модулей, разделов «Keys», «Reference 
materials», «Internet resources» и «How to learn English on the Internet». По-
следний раздел содержит список бесплатных наиболее популярных интернет 
ресурсов, направленных на самостоятельное развитие и совершенствование 
языковых компетенций.
Данное пособие включает следующие модули:
• Module 1 “How to build up your CV”
• Module 2 “A job interview”
• Module 3 “Job opportunities”
• Module 4 “Professional connections”
• Module 5 “Professional environment”
Каждый модуль учебного пособия включает следующие разделы: Before 
watching, While watching, Reading, After watching, Glossary and Word list.
Before watching содержит набор заданий:
1. Answer the questions (предлагаются вводные вопросы, целью которых 
является выяснение фоновых знаний и мнений студентов по теме модуля).
2. Pronunciation (отработка наиболее трудного фонетического материала).
3. Word activities (задания, нацеленные на расширение словарного запаса 
студентов и его активизацию за счет работы с общенаучной и терминологической 
лексикой по теме каждого модуля).
В разделе While watching представлены виды упражнений на извлечение 
основной информации, понимание структуры и организации содержания 
видеоматериала; отработку основного лексического материала, причем 
особое внимание уделяется устойчивым сочетаниям слов, фразеологическим 
оборотам, фразовым глаголам и базовой профессиональной терминологии.
Раздел Reading включает аутентичные тексты профессиональной 
направленности по темам модулей и различные виды заданий для проверки 
ориентированной лексики.
After watching предлагает задания, направленные на обобщение 
просмотренного материала в виде краткого изложения.
Раздел Glossary предлагает дополнительный материал справочного 
характера (англоязычные реалии из сферы трудоустройства и профессиональной 

Word list – скачиваемый файл в формате Microsoft Office Word, содержит 
список основных лексических единиц на английском языке по тематике 
каждого модуля для запоминания.
Раздел «Reference materials» включает теоретические основы и 
практические рекомендации для выполнения заданий модулей. Данный 
раздел состоит из следующих рубрик:
• How to watch authentic videos and understand them
• How to write a summary
• Collocations
• International words vs. “False friends”
• Word order in English sentences
видеоматериалов, размещенных онлайн на видеоканале Youtube и 
профессионально-ориентированных текстов для чтения, представленных в 
открытом доступе сети Интернет. 
Модули пособия являются независимыми разделами, что предполагает 
модуль содержит ключи, таким образом, данное учебное пособие можно 
рекомендовать как для аудиторной, так и для самостоятельной работы.  

MODULE 1. How to build up your CV


Task 1. Answer the questions.
a) Have you ever applied for a job in science or technology? 
b) Which of the following documents are job applicants usually asked for in Russia?
• Application form.
• Cover letter.
• Resume or CV?
c) Have you ever written any of these documents in English?
d) What is a CV?
e) How do you understand/how would you comment on the following idea: “If 
you want to land your dream job, you need to write a winning CV”. 
f) What to include in a CV?
g) What kind of information would you include under each heading? Make your 

• computer skills
• publications
• grants and awards
• personal information
• education 
• presentations
• research experience
• study abroad
• teaching experience
• technical skills 
• charity work 
• travel 

Task 2. Practice pronunciation of the following words.

curriculum vitae
/kəˌrɪk.jə.ləm ˈviː.taɪ/

Task 3. Match the word combinations in A with their translation in B.

1. job hunting
a) востребованные навыки
2. recruiters
b) личные качества
3. jobseekers
c)  вступительная часть к резюме
4. hard skills
d) ключевые позиции/должности
5. soft skills
e) специалист по подбору кадров


6. in-demand skills
f)  поиск работы
7. industry
g) лицо, принимающее конечное 
решение о наборе сотрудника
8. hiring manager
h) профессиональная сфера деятельности
9. job boards
i) электронная биржа труда
10. personal statement
j) соискатели
11. bullet pointed list
k) актуальные способности
12. to showcase
l) благотворительные виды деятельности
13. target roles
m) профессиональные навыки
14. current capabilities
n) маркированный тезисный список 
15. voluntary roles
o) наглядно продемонстрировать 
16. university work placements
p) впечатляющие достижения
17. relevant qualifications
q) положительные результаты
18. positive impacts
r) подходящие дипломы/аттестаты
19. impressive achievements
s) университетские стажировки
20. charity 
t) благотворительность 

Task 4. Sort out the words into 3 categories (international words, “false friends”  
and both) (see Reference materials: International words vs False friends).
Interview, role, potential, industry, communication, focus (v), list, candidate, 
specific, paragraph, location, qualification, community, positive, order.

International words
“False friends”


Follow the link and watch the video


1. A strong CV is your gateway to success when job hunting.  It’s the very first 
impression that an employer will have of you, so you need to make sure it impress-
es.  This video guide will show you how to write a winning CV that will get you 
noticed by recruiters and employers and land you plenty of job interviews. Here at 
Standout CV we’ve helped hundreds of thousands of people to land their dream 
jobs and hopefully the advice in the video will do the same for you. During the 
course of the video you will learn what research needs to be done before you start 
writing your CV, how to structure your CV to best please recruiters, how to format 
your CV for a professional outlook, how to write a profile that will grab recruiter’s 
attention, how to detail your work experience and education and if and how to in-
clude your hobbies and interests. 
The biggest mistake that jobseekers make is failing to research their target roles 
before writing their CV. If you don’t know what skills and knowledge your potential 
employers are looking for it will be difficult to write a CV that impresses them, so 
before you start writing your CV you need to hit the job boards and browse through 
lots of relevant job adverts in your industry. Take note of the candidate require-
ments that keep appearing and make a list of them, focus on hard skills such as 
industry specific skills, IT system knowledge, languages and qualifications. Don’t 
worry too much about soft skills like communication teamwork and problem-solv-
ing. Soft skills are great to have but they are applicable to most jobs, so you need to 
focus on hard skills in your CV.
 Once you have a list of the most in-demand skills and knowledge for your 
target roles, you know exactly what to focus your CV around. This preparation will 
make the task of writing it much easier for you.
 2. The structure and format of your CV will define its overall outlook and de-
termine how the document will be read. Your CV should look flawlessly profes-
sional and should be easy for busy recruiters to navigate and find the information 
they need. Firstly, you should use a word processing program like Microsoft Word 
or Google Docs to create your CV.  They are very easy to use and are the globally 
recognized format for CVs across all industries. Here is an overview of how to for-
mat your CV. Keep the formats simple by sticking to a clean and crisp font that can 
be easily read. The color scheme should also be basic- black text on white back-
ground is best. Don’t be tempted to use fancy fonts and wacky colour schemes in 
a bid to standout. This will look unprofessional and could make the CV difficult to 
read. There is no set in stone’s rule around CV length but two pages of a4 is usually 
enough to tell your story without boring readers. Just remember that recruiters and 
hiring managers sometimes see hundreds of CVS a day, so trying to keep it concise 
if you want to hold their attention. Use bold headings to divide the sections of your 
CV. This will help recruiters to navigate it when skim reading.  Once you have a for-
mat for your CV, you need to structure it in a way that draws attention to your most 
valuable skills and creates a pleasant reading experience. This is a brief overview 
of how to structure your CV before we delve into the details of each section. Your 


name and contact details should sit at the very top of your CV so that recruiters can 
easily see how to contact you. Your CV profile or personal statement is a brief in-
troductory paragraph that summarizes your abilities and aims to grab recruiters’ at-
tention when the CV is first opened. A bullet pointed list of your most relevant skills 
provides a snapshot of your offerings as a candidate. Your work experience should 
be listed in reverse chronological order to showcase your ability to apply your skills 
in the workplace. Your education should be listed near the bottom of your CV. Hob-
bies and interests are an optional section and can be added to the bottom of your 
CV if you think they will add due to your applications.  Now let’s take a look at each 
section in detail and how to write them. You don’t want your contact details to 
be missed, so place them at the very top of your CV underneath your name. You 
can also add a professional title next to your name to really set the tone of the CV, 
anything from a management accountant to chemistry graduate. Ideally, it should 
relate to the roles you are applying for. The only contact details you need to include 
are your email address (just make sure it’s a professional-looking one with no nick-
names), your phone number and your location. You don’t need to include your full 
address, date of birth, marital status or a photo of yourself. None of these things 
will have any effect on a hiring decision and they will waste valuable space.
 Your CV profile or personal statement as it’s also known is the first proper 
content section of your CV. It is an introductory paragraph which summarizes your 
skills, experience and knowledge and its purpose is to catch recruiters eyes when 
they open your CV, excite them and encourage them to read the rest of your CV. It 
should give readers a nice overview of your industry specific skills, types of compa-
nies you’ve worked for, qualifications and the benefits you deliver for an employer. 
To write a successful CV profile you should keep it short and sharp, somewhere 
between five and ten lines. Pack it with in-demand skills and experience and avoid 
using cliche terms like “hard-working team player”. Underneath your profile add a 
bullet pointed list of core skills, your most valuable attributes split over two or three 
columns. Keep the points under three words ideally, said that they jump off the 
page and create a snapshot of your offerings which can be digested in seconds by 
busy recruiters and hiring managers. It’s a great tool for making sure readers stick 
to your CV and don’t skip past it. Again, these points should be heavily tailored to-
wards your target roles including things like role-specific skills, qualifications, mar-
ket or industry knowledge, languages and IT skills. They can also be quickly edited if 
you need to tweak the CV slightly when applying for different roles. Your work expe-
rience gives you a great opportunity to demonstrate your ability to apply your skills 
in the workplace and prove the impact you make. Your work experience should be 
listed in reverse chronological order, that’s latest to oldest with plenty of detail in 
recent roles and less detail in older roles. The reason for this is that employers are 
more interested in your recent work as it gives a better reflection of your current 
capabilities. If you don’t have any direct paid work experience you can also add vol-
untary roles, school or university work placements, part-time jobs or any example 
where you have worked to support a company or organization. When writing role 


descriptions within your CV you need to ensure that you make it easy for recruiters 
to read them and process the information you are trying to get across. This simple 
but effective structure is a great way to do that. Head each role with the dates who 
were employed, name of the employer and your role title. Follow with an introduc-
tory line which describes who the employer is, where you sit within the organization 
and what the overall goal of the role is. This builds context for readers. Then lists 
your responsibilities in short concise bullet points. Try to showcase your full skill 
set and demonstrate how your actions impact the employer. Most importantly, try 
to round your roles off with impressive achievements that have made big positive 
impacts for your employer and try to quantify these achievements with facts and 
figures where you can to truly show how valuable you can be. Good examples of 
achievements include saving costs, generating revenue, saving time, improving pro-
cesses, hitting targets and helping customers. Although, there should be mentions 
of any important qualifications in your profile. Your full education section should be 
placed near the bottom of your CV. It should simply be a list of all the relevant qual-
ifications you have along with dates obtained. If you are an experienced candidate, 
you can keep the detail light here, but if you are a junior candidate then it will be 
worth in going into some more depth. Hobbies and interests are an optional section 
and it’s entirely up to you whether you include them or not. You should only include 
them if you feel they will have a positive effect on your applications. Common inter-
ests such as eating out or watching movies probably won’t make a big impression 
on anybody, so leave them out. However, if you have interests that are related to 
your target roles then it would be beneficial to include them. For example, you may 
be applying for writing positions and you run your own personal blog, this will give 
you a chance to showcase more relevant skills and experience. It can also help to 
include impressive achievements such as running a marathon or raising money for 
charity. These types of achievements can show that you are driven and helped you 
to stand out, especially if you have limited experience. That brings us to the end of 
this CV video guide. Hopefully, you found it helpful. If you want to save this video 
to come back and replay whilst you write your CV, don’t forget to like the video and 
subscribe to our Channel. Also, if you want more CV advice or tips on how to land 
your next job, please leave a comment telling us what help you would like from us 
below the video. We will make more helpful job hunting videos based on your sug-
gestions. Good luck with your job hunt.

Task 1. Watch the video and answer the questions.
a) What should be done before writing a CV?
b) What is the difference between soft skills and hard skills? Which ones are 
more important to focus on?
c) How can you create your CV?
d) What are the most basic tips concerning the formatting and the length of 
your CV?
e) What is a personal statement?


f) What points should be included into your personal information?
g) Is it necessary to write about your age?
h) How long is the optimal personal statement?
i) Why is it a good idea to list your work experience in reverse chronological 
j) What should you take into account when describe your previous roles?
k) What is a relevant qualification? 
l) Which of your spare time activities are worth mentioning and why?

Task 2. Discuss the video guide with your partner and make a list of the most 
valuable tips for writing a successful CV. 
Make use of the Functional language+your own words.
• You should/shouldn’t …..   
• It’s a good idea to ….  
• It’s not a good idea to ….
• Another point to remember is …
• Don’t forget to...
• Also...


Task 1. Read Trisha’s CV and answer the questions.  
a) How is it similar or different to CVs that people usually write in Russia? 
b) What kind of job do you think she is applying for?
c) Is it well-structured and formatted?
d) Do you think it is a good example of a winning CV? Why? Why not? Use the 
ideas presented in the video to support your opinion. 

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