Учебное пособие по английскому языку для студентов-историков. Период: Средние века
Английский язык
Год издания: 2020
Кол-во страниц: 184
Вид издания:
Учебное пособие
Уровень образования:
ВО - Специалитет
ISBN: 978-5-4475-9966-9
Артикул: 801098.01.99
Данное учебное пособие по английскому языку включает фрагменты из книги Г. Уэллса «Краткий очерк всемирной истории» (H. G. Wells A Short History of the World) и направлено на овладение профессионально ориентированным языком историка. Читая оригинальные тексты на английском языке, студенты смогут усвоить лексико-грамматический материал и развить языковую, речевую, культурную и профессиональную компетенцию. Тематически разделы учебного пособия связаны с историей Средних веков.
Предназначено для студентов-историков, а также для всех интересующихся данной тематикой и желающих совершенствовать английский язык.
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Фрагмент текстового слоя документа размещен для индексирующих роботов
А. П. Миньяр-Белоручева, Е. С. Москалева, Е. В. Княжинская Учебное пособие по английскому языку для студентов-историков Период: Средние века Издание второе, стереотипное Допущено Учебно-методическим объединением по классическому университетскому образованию в качестве учебного пособия для студентов высших учебных заведений по специальности 030401 «История» направления подготовки 030400 «История» Москва Берлин 2020
УДК 811.111(075) ББК 81.432.1я73 М57 Рецензенты: И. Г. Рытова, кандидат филологических наук, доцент Е. А. Суслопарова, кандидат исторических наук, доцент Миньяр-Белоручева, А. П. М57 Учебное пособие по английскому языку для студентов историков. Период : Средние века / А. П. Миньяр Белоручева, Е. С. Москалева, Е. В. Княжинская. — Изд. 2-е, стер. — Москва ; Берлин : Директ-Медиа, 2020. — 184 с. ISBN 978-5-4475-9966-9 Данное учебное пособие по английскому языку включает фрагменты из книги Г. Уэллса «Краткий очерк всемирной истории» (H. G. Wells A Short History of the World) и направлено на овладение профессионально ориентированным языком историка. Читая оригинальные тексты на английском языке, студенты смогут усвоить лексико-грамматический материал и развить языковую, речевую, культурную и профессиональную компетенцию. Тематически разделы учебного пособия связаны с историей Средних веков. Предназначено для студентов-историков, а также для всех ин тересующихся данной тематикой и желающих совершенствовать английский язык. УДК 811.111(075) ББК 81.432.1я73 ISBN 978-5-4475-9966-9 © Миньяр-Белоручева А. П., Москалева Е. С., Княжинская Е. В., текст, 2020 © Издательство «Директ-Медиа», оформление, 2020
Предисловие Данное учебное пособие по английскому языку, предназначенное для студентов-историков, выполнено в соответствии с требованиями государственных образовательных стандартов высшего профессионального образования, предъявляемых к преподаванию иностранного языка в неязыковых вузах с учетом профессиональной направленности обучения. Материалом для учебного пособия послужили оригинальные тексты из книги Г. Уэллса «Краткий очерк всемирной истории» (H. G. Wells. A Short History of the World), в которой автор широко известных фантастических романов излагает свой взгляд на всеобщую историю. Тексты настоящего учебного пособия охватывают период Средних веков от времени правления императора Юстиниана до реформации католической церкви. Предлагаемое учебное пособие состоит из 15 разделов, включающих тексты и комментарий к ним, а также ряд заданий, направленных на развитие профессиональнокоммуникативной компетенции. Комментарий включает транскрипцию, перевод и пояснения исторических терминов, имен и названий, он поможет избежать трудностей произношения и перевода. Лексические упражнения предполагают расширение тематического словаря и дальнейшую работу над языком специальности. Большую роль в данном учебном пособии играют задания, связанные с осмыслением и анализом прочитанного. Вопросы и задания пособия ориентированы на приобретение навыков формирования оценки явлений в данной области знаний. Предлагаемое учебное пособие призвано помочь студентам-историкам выработать способность к восприятию, анализу и обобщению информации, используя оригинальные англоязычные материалы по истории Средних веков. В учебном пособии имеются упражнения для самостоятельной и аудиторной работы.
Unit 1 Justinian the Great The Emperor Justinian was about forty-five years old when he ascended the throne. Of his personal appearance we can form some idea from the description of contemporary writers and from portraits on his coins and in mosaic pictures. He was of middle height, neither thin nor fat; his smooth shaven face was round, he had a straight nose, a firm chin, curly hair which, as he aged, became thin in front. A slight smile seems to have been characteristic. The bust which appears on the coinage issued when he had reached the age of fifty-six, shows that there was some truth in the resemblance which a hostile writer detected between his countenance and that of the Emperor Domitian. His intellectual talents were far above the ordinary standard of Roman Emperors, and if fortune had not called him to the throne, he would have attained eminence in some other career. For with his natural gifts he possessed an energy which nothing seemed to tire; he loved work, and it is not improbable that he was the most hardworking man in the Empire. Though his mind was of that order which enjoys occupying itself with details, it was capable of conceiving large ideas and embracing many interests. He permitted himself no self-indulgence; and his temperance was ascetic. In Lent he used to fast entirely for two days, and during the rest of the season he abstained from wine and lived on wild herbs dressed with oil and vinegar. He slept little and worked far into the night. His manners were naturally affable. As Emperor he was easily accessible, and showed no offence if a bold or tactless subject spoke with a freedom which others would have resented as disrespectful. He was master of his temper, and seldom broke out into anger. He could exhibit, too, the quality of mercy. Probus, the nephew of Anastasius, accused of reviling him, was tried for treason. When the report of the trial was laid before the Emperor he tore it up and said to Probus, “I pardon you for your offence against me. Pray that God also may pardon you”. 1 1 Malalas, John [Chronographia] XVIII. 438. “We shall meet another instance in the case of the conspirator Artabanes”. (Примеч. J. B. Bury History of the Later Roman Empire).
The reign of a ruler endowed with these estimable qualities, animated by a strong and unflagging sense of duty, devoting himself day and night to the interests of the State for thirty-eight years, could not fail to be memorable. Memorable assuredly it was. Justinian wrought2 not only for his own time but for posterity. He enhanced the prestige of the Empire and enlarged its borders. He bequeathed, by his monumental work in Roman law, an enduring heritage to Europe; while the building of the Church of St Sophia would in itself be an imperishable title to the gratitude of men. These achievements, however, are only one side of the picture. The successes and glories of his reign were to be purchased at a heavy cost, and the strain which he imposed on the resources of the State was followed by decline and disaster after his death. Perhaps no more scathing denunciation of the character, aims, and methods of a ruler has ever been written than the notorious indictment which the contemporary historian Procopius committed to the pages of a Secret History, wherein Justinian is represented as a malignant demon in human form. Though the exaggerations of the writer are so gross and manifest that his venomous pen defeats its own object, there is sufficient evidence from other sources to show that the reign of Justinian was, in many ways, far from being a blessing to his subjects. The capital error of Justinian’s policy was due to a theory which, though not explicitly formulated till quite recent times, has misled many eminent and well-meaning sovrans3 and statesmen in all periods of history. It is the theory that the expansion of a state and the exaltation of its prestige and honour are ends in themselves, and valuable without any regard to the happiness of the men and women of whom the state consists. If this proposition had been presented nakedly either to Justinian or to Louis XIV, he would have indignantly repudiated it, but both these monarchs, like many another, acted on it, with most unhappy consequences for their subjects. Justinian possessed imagination. He had formed a high ideal of the might and majesty of the Empire of which he was the master. It humiliated him to contrast its moderate limits with the vast extent of territory over which the word of Constantine or Theodosius the Great had 2 устар. worked (Здесь и далее примечания составителей). 3 поэт. sovereigns.
been law. He was dazzled by the idea of restoring the old boundaries of the Roman Empire. For though he only succeeded in recovering, as we shall see, Africa, Italy, and a small strip of Spain, his designs reached to Gaul, if not to Britain. After he had conquered the African provinces he announced his ambitious policy. “We have good hopes that God will grant us to restore our authority over the remaining countries which the ancient Romans possessed to the limits of both oceans and lost by subsequent neglect”4. In drawing up this magnificent programme, Justinian did not consider whether such an extension of his government would make his subjects, who had to bear the costs of his campaigns, happier or better. He assumed that whatever increased the power and glory of the state must also increase the well-being of its members. The resources of the state were not more than sufficient to protect the eastern frontier against the Persians and the Danubian5 against the barbarians of the north; and if the Emperor had been content to perform these duties more efficiently than his predecessors, he would unquestionably have deserved better of his subjects. His conception of the greatness of the Empire was indissolubly associated with his conception of the greatness of its sovran, and he asserted the absolutism of the autocrat in a degree which no Emperor had hitherto attempted. This was conspicuously shown in the dictatorship which he claimed over the Church. He was the first Emperor who studied dogmatic questions independently and systematically, and he had all the confidence of a professional theologian. A theologian on the throne is a public danger, and the principle of persecuting opinion, which had been fitfully and mildly pursued in the fifth century, was applied rigorously and systematically under Justinian. His determination to be supreme in all departments made him impatient of advice; he did not like his commands to be discussed, and he left to his ministers little latitude for decision. His passion for dealing personally with the minute details of government had the same unfortunate results as in the case of Philip II. Like other autocrats, he was jealous and suspicious, and ready to listen to calumnies against 4 Novellae Constitutiones 30, § 11, published just after the conquest of Sicily, in 536. (Примеч. J. B. Bury History of the Later Roman Empire). 5 Границы придунайских территорий.
his most loyal servants. And there was a vein of weakness in his character. He faltered at one supremely critical moment of his reign, and his consort, Theodora, had an influence over him which no woman could have exercised over an Augustus or a Constantine. Notes 1. The Emperor Justinian [GA'stInIqn] — Юстиниан I (ок. 483–565 гг.), император Византии (Восточной Римской империи) с 527 г. 2. The Emperor Domitian [dq'mISqn] — Домициан Тит Флавий (51–96 гг.), римский император с 81 г., последний из династии Флавиев. 3. Probus ['prqVbqs] — Флавий Анастасий Павел Проб Сабиниан Помпей Анастасий (упоминается в 517 г.), государственный деятель Восточной Римской империи. 4. Anastasius ["xnqs'teISIqs] — Анастасий (ок. 430– 518 гг.), император Восточной Римской империи с 491 г. 5. The Roman Law ['rqVmqn 'lL] — Римское право, наиболее развитая система права, сложившаяся в крупнейшем государстве античности — Древнем Риме. 6. The Church of St Sophia ['s(q)nt sqV'fI:q] — Собор Святой Софии в Константинополе, выдающееся произведение византийской архитектуры. Сооружен в 532– 537 гг. Анфимием из Тралл и Исидором из Милета. 7. Procopius — Прокопий Кесарийский (между 490 и 507 гг. — после 562 г.), византийский писатель; советник полководца Велисария. В официозных сочинениях — «Войны» и «О постройках» — Прокопий Кесарийский прославлял императора Юстиниана I; вместе с тем написал памфлет, направленный против него и его жены Феодоры («Тайная история», ок. 550 г.). 8. Louis XIV ['lu:Is] — Людовик XIV, также известный как «король-солнце» (1638–1715 гг.), король Франции и Наварры с 1643 г. Из династии Бурбонов. 9. Constantine ['kOnstqntQIn] — Константин I, или Константин Великий, Флавий Валерий (ок. 285–337 гг.), император в Древнем Риме. Правил в 306–337 гг.
10. Theodosius the Great ["TIq'dqVsIqs Dq greIt] — Феодосий I, или Великий, Флавий (ок. 346–395 гг.), римский император с 379 г. 11. The Roman Empire ['rqVmqn 'empaIq] — Римская империя (c 30/27 гг. до н. э. по 491 г.), один из важнейших периодов истории Древнего Рима, когда он достиг наибольшего процветания в большинстве сфер. 12. Gaul [gLl] — Галлия, историческая область Европы, включавшая территории между рекой По и Альпами и между Альпами, Средиземным морем, Пиренеями и Атлантическим океаном. 13. The Persians ['pq:Sqnz] — персы, фарсы (самоназвание — ирани), иранский народ, этнолингвистическая общность многочисленных региональных групп населения Ирана и некоторых прилегающих стран, для которой родным языком является персидский. 14. Philip II ['fIlIp] — Филипп II (1527–1598 гг.), король Испании с 1556 г. Из династии Габсбургов. Вступил на престол после отречения своего отца Карла V и раздела империи, по которому получил Испанию, Королевство обеих Сицилий, Нидерланды, Франш-Конте, Милан, владения в Америке и Африке. Своей политикой содействовал упрочению абсолютизма. 15. Theodora [TI:q'dLrq] — Феодора (ок. 500–548 гг.), византийская императрица. 16. Augustus [L'gAstqs] — Август (до 44 г. до н. э. Гай Октавий, с 44 г. Гай Юлий Цезарь Октавиан, с 27 г. до н. э. Гай Юлий Цезарь Октавиан Август) (63 г. до н. э. — 14 г. н. э.), римский император с 27 до н. э. Внучатый племянник Юлия Цезаря, усыновленный им в завещании. Tasks 1.1. Practice the following for pronunciation. Justinian [GA'stInIqn] Domitian [dq'mISqn] Anastasius ["xnqs'teISIqs] The Roman Law [Dq 'rqVmqn 'lL] Louis XIV ['lu:Is Dq 'fL'tI:nT]
Constantine ['kOnstqntQIn] Theodosius the Great ["TIq'dqVsIqs Dq 'greIt] The Roman Empire [Dq 'rqVmqn 'empaIq] Gaul [gLl] The Persians [Dq 'pq:Sqnz] Theodora [TI:q'dLrq] Augustus [L'gAstqs] 1.2. Find in the text and give Russian equivalents of the following: to form some idea; contemporary writers; to attain eminence; Lent; to abstain from wine; affable manners; to resent as disrespectful; to break out into anger; posterity; to be purchased at a heavy cost; notorious indictment; the reign of Justinian; to be dazzled by the idea of; to bear the cost of smth.; impatient of advice; to leave to smb. little latitude for decision; suspicious. 1.3. Give English equivalents of the following: взойти на трон; быть среднего роста; обдумывать крупные проекты; умеренность, доходящая до аскетизма; не обижаться; хорошо владеть собой; находиться под следствием по обвинению в государственной измене; передать потомкам бессмертное наследие; упадок; веские аргументы; главная ошибка; покорить североафриканские провинции; заметно, очевидно; слушать клеветнические измышления; ревнивый; иметь влияние на кого-л. 1.4. A. Study the following idioms and phrases. Make up your own sentences using these idioms and phrases. 1) far above smth — гораздо выше чего-л.; 2) far into the night — до поздней ночи; 3) far from being… — далеко от того, чтобы быть…, вовсе не было…; 4) it is not improbable — вполне вероятно; 5) due to — благодаря, вследствие, в результате, из-за; 6) to be ends in themselves — являться (само)целью; 7) without any regard to — не принимая во внимание;
8) the rest of smth. — остальной, остаток чего-л.; 9) to be dressed with smth. — быть приправленным чем-л.; 10) to do smth. day and night — делать что-л. постоянно, ср.: «денно и нощно»; 11) could not fail to be — не могло не быть; 12) the vast extent — большая протяженность; the vast extent of territory — огромная территория; 13) vein — склонность, настроение. There was a vein of weakness in his character. — Ему была присуща некоторая слабость характера. B. Translate from English into Russian. 1. His intellectual talents were far above the ordinary standard of Roman Emperors, and if fortune had not called him to the throne, he would have attained eminence in some other career. 2. He slept little and worked far into the night. 3. Though the exaggerations of the writer are so gross and manifest that his venomous pen defeats its own object, there is sufficient evidence from other sources to show that the reign of Justinian was, in many ways, far from being a blessing to his subjects. 4. For with his natural gifts he possessed an energy which nothing seemed to tire; he loved work, and it is not improbable that he was the most hardworking man in the Empire. 5. The capital error of Justinian’s policy was due to a theory which, though not explicitly formulated till quite recent times, has misled many eminent and well-meaning sovrans (sovereigns) and statesmen in all periods of history. 6. It is the theory that the expansion of a state and the exaltation of its prestige and honour are ends in themselves, and valuable without any regard to the happiness of the men and women of whom the state consists. 7. In Lent he used to fast entirely for two days, and during the rest of the season he abstained from wine and lived on wild herbs dressed with oil and vinegar. 8. The reign of a ruler endowed with these estimable qualities, animated by a strong and unflagging sense of duty, devoting himself day and night to the interests of the State for thirty-eight years, could not fail to be memorable. 9. It humiliated him to contrast its moderate limits with the vast extent of territory over which the word of Constantine or Theodosius the Great had been law.