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Interdisciplinary analysis and reflection of inclusion studies = междисциплинарный анализ и рефлексия исследований в области инклюзи

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Артикул: 798971.01.99
The monogr aph presents an interdisciplinary analysis and reflection on research in inclusion. The authors offer an interpretation of the various research findings for practitioners. The book goes on to describe a multi-dimensional approach to inclusion and integration, which has proven to be in demand and applicable in the best international strategies for inclusion. The material in the book is notable for the intensity of the author’s scientific and practical approaches and requires interaction with their developers in the case of project implementation. Selected contributions from the book form part of the authors’ first joint monograph, Diversity and Benchmarking for Inclusion, which was published earlier. The book presents the results of research with involved participants in inclusion projects carried out by the authors in Slovakia, Austria and other countries. The materials in the monogr aph are of an applied nature, addressed to researchers of inclusion, special educators, rehabilitation therapists and psychologists. The materials of the book can be applied in regional education systems in higher teacher education modules to train teacher educators for inclusive systems. The theoretical part is relevant to the activities of international research teams. The practical materials can be used in educational organisations and centres and in work with children and adults with special needs and their families. The materials in this book can be applied to conceptual strategies for organising inclusive living environments in any region of the world. All rights reserved. Any use of the texts in teaching, research, practical work, reports and presentations must make reference to the contents of the monograph and the authors.
Ванчова, А. Interdisciplinary analysis and reflection of inclusion studies = междисциплинарный анализ и рефлексия исследований в области инклюзи : монография / А. Ванчова, И. Сибгатуллина-Денис. - Чебоксары : Среда, 2022. - 128 с. - ISBN 978-5-907561-65-6. - Текст : электронный. - URL: https://znanium.com/catalog/product/1932266 (дата обращения: 27.07.2024)
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Alica Vancova, Irene Sibgatullina-Denis

  OP+NCLUSION»^ ~    —"Tfri, . I rni'IW—I —• —

omenius University Bratislava Faculty of Education Department of Special Education Institute for Intellectual Integrations, Vienna

             Alica Vancova, Irene Sibgatullina-Denis


Cheboksary Publishing House "Sreda" 2022

�ДК 37.0
ББК 74.0
Alica Vancova, Irene Sibgatullina-Denis

PaedDr. Miroslava Bartonova, PhD, Professor of the Department of Special Education, Faculty of Education, Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic Natalie Miner, MA, Institute for Intellectual Integrations, open international office, Portugal
Alla Kirsha, PhD, Clinical Research Psychologist, Sigmund Freud Private University, Berlin, Germany

Interdisciplinary analysis and reflection of inclusion studies: Monograph / A. Vancova, I. Sibgatullina-Denis. - Cheboksary : Publishing house “Sreda”, 2022. 128 p.

         The monograph presents an interdisciplinary analysis and reflection on research in inclusion. The authors offer an interpretation of the various research findings for practitioners. The book goes on to describe a multi-dimensional approach to inclusion and integration, which has proven to be in demand and applicable in the best international strategies for inclusion. The material in the book is notable for the intensity of the author’s scientific and practical approaches and requires interaction with their developers in the case of project implementation. Selected contributions from the book form part of the authors’ first joint monograph, Diversity and Benchmarking for Inclusion, which was published earlier. The book presents the results of research with involved participants in inclusion projects carried out by the authors in Slovakia, Austria and other countries.
         The materials in the monograph are of an applied nature, addressed to researchers of inclusion, special educators, rehabilitation therapists and psychologists. The materials of the book can be applied in regional education systems in higher teacher education modules to train teacher educators for inclusive systems. The theoretical part is relevant to the activities of international research teams. The practical materials can be used in educational organisations and centres and in work with children and adults with special needs and their families. The materials in this book can be applied to conceptual strategies for organising inclusive living environments in any region of the world.

All rights reserved. Any use of the texts in teaching, research, practical work, reports and presentations must make reference to the contents of the monograph and the authors.

Text © Irene Sibgatullina-Denis
Text © Alica Vancova
Translation © Maria Kharitonova (3.4)

ISBN 978-5-907561-65-6
DOI 10.31483/a-10433


The authors’ foreword ........................................... 6

   Chapter 1
1.1 Grade of vector of analysis of inclusive identity 16
1.2 . Process of educational and social inclusion - analytical view of legal rules in Slovakia from the perspective of dimension of social and legal protection of children .....................................................20
1.3 Possibilities of development of technical abilities through the use of digital technologies in children with writing impairments in an inclusive education ............................................................42

   Chapter 2
2.1 Innovative neurodynamic strategy of speech modeling in cerebral paralysis as an intervention support for inclusion ........................60
2.2  . Alternative and Augmentative Communication (AAC) in support work with children with cerebral palsy in process of their inclusion ......64

   Chapter 3
3.1 Resonant technologies of psychological help to children with Rett syndrome ...........................................................86
3.2  “Green” recreational methods in special pedagogics, restorative medicine and practical psychology ........................................89
3.3 Support of social inclusion of individuals with mental disabilities using innovative sexual education ..................................... 100
3.4  Chirophonetic Therapy as a method to accompany child development (as exemplified by work experience of Natalia Kharitonova from Salzburg) 111
3.5 Formation of active vocabulary in preschool children with supporting-motor apparatus disorders ........................................119


  Prof. PsychDr. Irene Sibgatullina-Denis, Dr.Dr.Sc., Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Professor, Director of International Programs of Science and Education at the Institute for Intellectual Integrations (Austria), Research Professor of the Center for Research in the Field of Special Education of the Department of Special Pedagogical Research, Faculty of Education, Comenius University in Bratislava (Slovakia); Founder of the scientific school of dyssynchrony of mental development. Explores the phenomenon of dyssynchrony from the interdisciplinary point of view of neurobiology, psychology and special pedagogy. Known in Austria, Germany, Kyrgyzstan, Russia and Slovakia as the head of international teams to study the effectiveness of benchmarking as a quality tool in the management of inclusive educational systems. The author of the method of resonant co-creation, developer of “green” recreational methods of psychological rehabilitation and restorative medicine.

E-mail: sibgatullina1@uniba.sk
ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5149-6139


  Prof. PaedDr. Alica Vancova, CSc., Doctor of Pedagogic Sciences, Professor, Director of the Institute of Special Pedagogical Studies, Faculty of Education, Comenius University in Bratislava (Slovakia). Known in Austria, Czechia, Germany, Hungary, Poland, Russia, Slovakia and Ukraine as the head of innovative projects for the training of professional personnel for inclusion. Researches pedagogical and interdisciplinary interventions for children and people with mental and multiple disorders, with brain damage, conducts developments and innovations in the field of modern intervention procedures based on knowledge of neurobiology and their application in special pedagogy. The author of the program “Hand - Brain”, based on the neurodynamic strategy of special assistance to children.

E-mail: vancova@fedu.uniba.sk
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6885-4166


               The authors’ foreword

   We are aware of the changes in the lives of people all over the world, and we do not want to ignore them. Therefore, we decided that the main event of our interaction will be associated with the writing and publication of author’s monographic descriptions in world languages dedicated to inclusion and interdisciplinary reflection of scientific research in inclusion. We will be glad if colleagues from different parts of the world read about our experience in a language they can understand.
   Each of the authors has her own scientific opinion and professional experience in the issues of management of inclusive systems in regional education, in the issues of intellectual integration in the system of vocational and additional vocational education. Each of us has gone our own way as a researcher, manager and organizer of international project research in the study of the multidimensionality and diversity of inclusion and integration. These paths are also valuable because both authors have learned professional experience at every stage of their careers: from teacher and psychologist, head of department and laboratory to the head of the institute and director of large-scale international projects.
   You have already read our first book “Diversity and Benchmarking Inclusion” (https://phsreda.com/e-publications/e-publi-cation-10319.pdf)? In it, we summarized our joint publications for the period from 2014 to 2021, described some of the practices of our work. We invited readers to reflect on the idea and implementation of the European project “Learning without restrictions” in the branding system of the regions of the world, on the use of benchmarking technology in the search for the world’s best practices of inclusion and integration; on the problem of the faith of parents of children with disabilities in the effectiveness of practical methods that inclusive systems offer today; on the phenomenon of dyssynchronous, unbalanced and “borderline” forms of human development; on models that balance the desired and the actual in the therapeutic, pedagogical and social practice of inclusion.


  In the second book “Interdisciplinary Analysis and Reflection of Inclusion Studies”, which we are publishing in 2022, it became important for us to present to the reader the results of some studies and practices carried out in cooperation between university laboratories and special and inclusive schools and centers for children with developmental disabilities.
   For both of us, the ability of specialists and everyone who needs to be accompanied by the peculiarities of their health to show personal sanogenic behavior is of great importance. Sano-genic behavior is that kind of behavior that involves taking care of one’s physical and mental state, about one’s body, so that with its help one can, through daily activity, translate one’s higher aspirations into “products” of the real world: material, social and spiritual.
   In our opinion, such behavior contributes to: the mental well-being of a person, the formation and development of the inner world of his creativity and resonant co-creation with others, the ability to take care of himself and others, providing social and psychological support to both relatives and strangers, the ability to volunteer and missionary work in its various manifestations and formats. It’s like hugging someone else. In fact, we are talking about the spiritual component of individual and public health, the basis of which is the human conscience and spirituality of a person, regardless of which part of the world he lives in.
   In our dialogues, we have repeatedly talked about what human behavior contributes to health and what behavioral patterns can increase the likelihood of diseases, injuries or premature death. Together we have been searching for answers to numerous questions about the pedagogy and psychology of empathy for many years. In this case, the meaning is timely assistance to people with disabilities from family members, competent specialists, volunteers and all those who find themselves with them in difficult life situations.
   A special topic of reflection in our first monograph was the topic of “time running” into the digital space during the Covid pandemic (period 2019-2021). We were isolated for two long years.


hile corresponding with each other and preparing our latest articles for publication, we often talked about the possibilities and limitations in the use of digital technologies in the practice of correctional work with children and adults, about the cooperation of specialists of helping professions with IT specialists, about the technologies of training teachers and psychologists for regional inclusion systems in the “digital region” system - digital university”, about the advanced training of doctors and teachers on the synchronization of professional techniques and practical tools, and, finally, about the specifics of psychological support for family members in which people who need help for health reasons live.
   We came to the conclusion that for both of us, living Covid-time has become an experience of loss. We have both lost people close to us of the older generation. Both of us, as managers, provided security and assistance to colleagues of the older generation, and this localized our idea of the multidimensionality of human existence even in conditions of Covid-restrictions. We did not “complain” about the digital space in which, like all university teachers, we found ourselves, but rejoiced at the “window into life”! We can say that this digital window, which in an instant became tangible both for us and for many university colleagues and inclusion specialists, was personified, filled with a certain meaning and deep feelings. In one of our meetings in such a “window” we talked about a new format of human existence, our own existence and a new space of interaction. At least for us, this “window” opened not just the possibility of remote work, but also revealed a new understanding of the world that we all began to live in a new communication space. It is necessary to clearly distinguish the possibilities of participation, for example, in online flash mobs, from the possibility of using the Internet space for development; and that digital technologies also have their own criteria for security, privacy; and that “digitization” and “digital imitators”, which quickly filled Internet niches, are very different from a digital product in the context of the social values of human health and/ or its rehabilitation and, as before, are based on the responsibility and value of a person’s personality.


  It seems important to note in the expanded preface to our second book that, on the one hand, the “digital window” united us in conditions of restrictions and ideological isolation. On the other hand, it created the danger of “digital individualism”, the spread of fakes. There has been and is increasing the accumulation of data about a person “in one digital hands”, such as “recording windows” for doctors’ appointments, obtaining documents, consultations, choosing trajectories of training tasks and courses, test results and analyses, medical histories through personal cabinets with an incredible number of passwords, control words and other security attributes, QR-codes. Moreover, all this has become a “pass” to live communication, to purchases and opportunities.
   We want to draw attention again and again to the fact that the system of inclusion and integration of a person has come to need digital mentors who would help to understand all this and not drown “in the depths of usefulness” of new forms of interaction. The fact of “cognitive illusions” is also interesting. We drew attention to this by analyzing dialogues with specialists and family members of those who need help due to health restrictions. We are faced with an unexpected effect: people evaluate the quality of life situation, including in the digital interaction space, much better than it is “closer” to them. In a sense, we are talking about assessing your situation an order of magnitude higher than the rest. That is, people with disabilities assume that they are somehow worse or better, but still cope with the situation, while there are so many troubles and sorrows around the world, including those aggravated by the Covid pandemic and the period of geopolitical and ideological conflicts.
   In Yaroslav Hasek’s novel “The Good Soldier Svejk” there are words that reflect the reality of time extremely accurately: “It has never been so that nothing happened.” But natural wisdom, under the guise of naivety, helped Svejk not to lose heart and find a way to preserve himself in the events taking place. Is it worth it or not worth believing that the world will be the same? Oddly enough, the intervention of the Covid pandemic and geopolitical conflicts dispelled some illusions and created others. In the texts of the


onograph, we tried to talk as realistically as possible about the problems of multidimensional inclusion and integration, to find a diplomatic context between a personalized view and general trends. But did they find it?
   A little more about the first book and what we were able to do in its second edition in English. The first book consisted of three chapters. The first chapter is written for managers. It examines issues relevant to the management of inclusive systems in the regions and for project management, based on the ideas of the European program “Education without Restrictions”. The emphasis is on inclusion and integration as a multidimensional system that requires an understanding of the technology of intellectual integration. Together with experts, we describe in this chapter the possibilities of management strategies for cooperation with territorial and international professional organizations and associations of specialists in the field of inclusion and with regional administrative authorities. An integral part of the first chapter is the idea of step-by-step intellectual integration of regional programs into the international inclusion system based on benchmarking. We also found it necessary to discuss how branding strategies can be implemented in regions that care about preserving human capital and how benchmarking can help in regional strategies to improve the quality of life of people with special needs.
   We finished the first chapter of the first book with discussions about the asynchronisms of the possibilities of using digital learning methods in inclusion. We expressed our opinion on how correctional teachers, methodologists and psychologists can cooperate with digital mentors-specialists in the field of computer modeling of individual techniques. Of course, it is of particular concern that many imitators have appeared in inclusive education systems that are not able to provide specialists with a full-fledged digital product for correctional and developmental work with children with special health opportunities, including in rehabilitation and habilitation programs. We shared our thoughts with readers, starting a discussion on this topic.


  Both in the first and in the second book, in the second chapter, we offer the reader a description of the neurodynamic strategy in the implementation of special pedagogy programs, which is still in demand by practitioners involved in the rehabilitation of children with cerebral paralysis (cerebral paralysis). Since 2014, our joint efforts have been aimed at making the “Hand-Brain” program, which was first created at the EPSYNEL European psy-cho-neuro-educational laboratory at the Faculty of Education at Comenius University Bratislava, known to inclusion specialists in Europe and beyond. A great merit in this belongs to Dr. Anatoly Smolyaniov, PhD, who left us so early. It was his activity and selfless dedication to science that became the basis for the “Hand - Brain” program to become applicable “without borders” and as many families as possible learned about its possibilities. And this was the first experience of our work in an international team of specialists. Getting together, we moved from one European region to another to help families of children with musculoskeletal problems. In the same chapter, we also focused on the application of a neurodynamic strategy for modeling the speech of children with cerebral paralysis.
   The third chapters of both books are devoted to interdisciplinarity, diversity and benchmarking of inclusion research and practices. We describe the experience and reflect, identify the results of research. In our first book, we described the experience of creating an architectural environment and the balance between contact and distant elements of the environment. In fact, without limiting generality, we expressed doubt that not every declared accessible environment is such. Creating a full-fledged accessible environment is a “sore spot” in many regions. This is upsetting but leads to the conclusion that municipalities and construction companies should think about an integrated approach to creating “accessible” spaces in educational and social organizations, in urban space in the context of the full-fledged possibility of modern architecture of public space and in dialogue with specialists in correctional pedagogy, psychology and rehabilitation. The openness and accessibility of such spaces is the key to cooperation and