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VERB TENSES : в 3 ч. Ч. 3

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Данный практикум разработан для студентов и магистрантов всех направлений подготовки УрФУ, имеющих в учебных планах дисциплины «Иностранный язык», «Иностранный язык специальности» и «Иностранный язык для научных целей». Практикум содержит упражнения для отработки видовременных форм глаголов английского языка. Тематические разделы имеют три уровня сложности заданий: низкий, средний, сложный. Практикум содержит приложения с дополнительными материалами и ответами, что позволяет использовать его для самостоятельной работы.
VERB TENSES : в 3 ч. Ч. 3 : практикум / А. П. Бекетова, А. Г. Поволоцкий, Е. В. Пономарева, Е. В. Прокопенко. - Екатеринбург : Изд-во Уральского ун-та, 2016. - 247 с. - ISBN 978-5-7996-1709-7. - Текст : электронный. - URL: https://znanium.com/catalog/product/1927195 (дата обращения: 27.07.2024). – Режим доступа: по подписке.
Фрагмент текстового слоя документа размещен для индексирующих роботов. Для полноценной работы с документом, пожалуйста, перейдите в ридер.
Министерство образования и науки Российской Федерации 

Уральский федеральный университет 

имени первого Президента России Б. Н. Ельцина 


Часть 3


Рекомендовано методическим советом УрФУ  
для студентов всех направлений подготовки 

Издательство Уральского университета 

УДК 81’366.58:811.111(075.8)
ББК 81.052.1я73+81.432.1я73
Составители: А. П. Бекетова, А. Г. Поволоцкий, Е. В. Пономарева, Е. В. Прокопенко 

д‑р пед. наук, проф. А. А. Евтюгина (зав. кафедрой русского 

и иностранных языков РГППУ);

канд. пед. наук, доц. кафедры германской филологии РГППУ  

М. В. Фоминых 

Научный редактор — канд. филол. наук, доц. каф. ин. яз. 

и перевода УрФУ О. В. Томберг 

VERB TENSES : практикум : в 3 ч. / Сост. А. П. Бекетова, 
А. Г. Поволоцкий, Е. В. Пономарева, Е. В. Прокопенко. — 
Екатеринбург : Изд‑во Урал. ун‑та, 2016. — Ч. 3. — 247, [1] с.
ISBN 978‑5‑7996‑1709‑7 (ч. 3)
ISBN 978‑5‑7996‑1706‑6

Данный практикум разработан для студентов и магистрантов всех 

направлений подготовки УрФУ, имеющих в учебных планах дисциплины «Иностранный язык», «Иностранный язык специальности» 
и «Иностранный язык для научных целей».

Практикум содержит упражнения для отработки видовременных 
форм глаголов английского языка. Тематические разделы имеют три 
уровня сложности заданий: низкий, средний, сложный. Практикум 
содержит приложения с дополнительными материалами и ответами, 
что позволяет использовать его для самостоятельной работы.
УДК 81’366.58:811.111(075.8)
ББК 81.052.1я73+81.432.1я73

ISBN 978‑5‑7996‑1709‑7 (ч. 3)
ISBN 978‑5‑7996‑1706‑6

© Уральский федеральный 
     университет, 2016

Verbs with -ing forms and infinitives 1  
 Verb + ing form

1A. Complete the sentences with words below. There are three extra 


can’t stop live living recommended shopping smoke 

smoking take taking 

1. Do you miss … in a big city?
2. The doctor … staying in bed for three days.
3. We went … in New York last December.
4. If you continue … the medicine, you will feel better.
5. When did you give up …?
6. I … laughing — it’s so funny!

2A. Complete the advertisement with forms of the verbs in the box.
Are you thinking of (1) … (change) your job?
Have you ever considered (2) … (become) a nurse?
Training as a nurse takes three years. As soon as you finish, you 
can start (3) … (earn) good money. Or you can continue (4) … 
(study) and learn more about special areas like child care. If you 
want a job that is satisfying and you don’t mind (5) … (work) long 
hours, then nursing is for you!

3A. Complete these sentences with true information about you / your 

best friend.

1. I hate … .
2. I never go … .

1 Materials refer to  [2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 10, 12, 14, 15, 16, 18, 19, 20, 21, 23, 25, 26, 27, 
28, 36, 37, 38] from References.


3. He / She doesn’t mind … .
4. He / She often goes … .
5. I began … in … .
6. I enjoy … .
7. I’m thinking of … next year.

4A. Complete the following sentences using a gerund form of 

the verb in brackets.

1. Peter doesn’t like … (clean) the car so I usually do it.
2. Do you like … (swim) in the sea?
3. She loves … (give) presents.
4. I hate … (write) letters.
5. Jess loves … (be) a mother.
6. I hate … (smoke) — the smell of cigarettes is terrible.
7. I don’t like … (fly) so I travel everywhere by train or boat.
8. My friends and I love … (play) ball games on the beach.
9. Joe likes … (watch) television after a long day at college.
10. Everyone in my family hates … (get up) on Monday mornings.
11. Does Caroline like … (teach) young children?
12. I don’t like the lessons at college but I like … (study) in the library.
13. Greg always hates … (do) his homework.
14. Trisha doesn’t really like … (work) in an office.
15. Anne and I love … (live) in the countryside.
16. Felix really likes … (stay) in good hotels.

5A. Complete the sentences using a verb below. Put the verbs into 

the gerund.

go cry live stay read work take 

smoke get up be 

1. He loves … in the garden.
2. I really enjoy … in bed on Sunday mornings.
3. Are you going to give up …?
4. Joe started … to school by bike last week.

Verbs with -ing forms and infinitives . Verb + ing form 

5. Sylvia suggested … the train to Scotland as it’s faster than the car.
6. I hate … early in the morning.
7. The baby stopped … when her mother came home.
8. She’s enjoying university but she misses … with her old friends.
9. Do they like … in their new home?
10. I’m going to finish … this book tonight.

6A. Complete these sentences, putting the verbs into the gerund and 

using one of the following prepositions. Some of them are used more 
than once.

about of in to after by for on at without 

1. We talked … (go) to France for our holiday.
2. I look forward … (see) you again next year.
3. She’s tired … (work) for the company.
4. I’m very happy … my parents … (come) home.
5. … (open) the front door, I walked slowly through it.
6. We got into the house … (climb) through a window.
7. I’m looking forward … (work) with you.
8. Are you interested … (join) the committee?
9. I’m tired … (come) to the same place every week.
10. He’s very keen … (swim) at the moment.
11. I’m worried …Jane … (get) to the airport on time.
12. I’m not interested … (hear) your excuses.
13. She’s very good … (listen) to what people say.
14. This is used … (cut) metal.
15. The car drove off … (stop).

7A. Fill in the gaps with the verbs in brackets in a gerund form.
1. She likes … (run) every morning before breakfast.
2. After … (do) my homework, I usually watch TV.
3. I enjoy … (lie) on the beach.
4. She doesn’t like … (play) with other children.
5. … (Fly) is a fast way of … (travel).
6. She likes sport, especially … (ride) horses and … (swim).


7. After … (try) several times, I finally passed my exams.
8. I lay in bed and thought about … (get) up.

8A. Write these sentences, changing the verbs in brackets into gerunds.

1. Do you like … (make) cakes?
2. I dislike … (get up) at seven o’clock every morning.
3. I started … (work) here eight or nine years ago.
4. Do you prefer … (travel) by plane or by ship?
5. I hate … (write) ‘thank you’ letters.
6. I gave up … (drive) after I had a bad accident.
7. I miss … (be) able to visit my family.
8. I love … (sit) here by the sea in the evenings.
9. I think it’s time to stop … (play) football.
10. What time did you finish … (read) last night?
11. Why don’t you like … (go) to discos?
12. I think I’ll start … (pack) my suitcase.

9A. Complete the sentences using a Present Simple form of the 

first verb and a gerund form of the second verb in brackets.

1. The buses … (stop / run) at midnight.
2. I … (not / mind / listen) to his problems.
3. He’s not very good at playing chess, so he … (keep / lose).
4. She … (enjoy / go) to other countries and she … (like / meet) 

new people.

5. I … (keep / make) the same stupid mistakes!
6. They usually … (finish / eat) at about 8.30 in the evening.
7. She … (not / enjoy / drive), but she … (love / cycle).

10A. Complete the sentences with a gerund using the following 


practice take go become pass get 

travel do teach save 

1. I’m worried about … my exams.

Verbs with -ing forms and infinitives . Verb + ing form 

2. I’ve often dreamed of … round the world.
3. We talked about … married one day.
4. I bought some new clothes before … to the interview.
5. They believe in … children to look after themselves.
6. I’m tired of … the same job all the time.
7. She’s very happy about … all her exams.
8. Were you interested in … a pilot when you were younger?
9. We’re not very good at … money.
10. She learnt to play the piano well by … every day.

11A. Complete the sentences with a gerund using the follow
ing verbs.

do sail lose run listen swim go become 

1. I enjoy … and … when I’m by the sea.
2. I think Tim’s interested in … a lawyer.
3. We’re thinking of … to Switzerland for our holidays.
4. I’ve started … to work every morning to keep fit.
5. He doesn’t say anything about the problems because he’s afraid 

of … his job.

6. Danny has always hated … his homework.
7. I’m tired of … to him all the time. He never listens to me.

12A. Write questions. Use the words in brackets and go + an activity from the box.

swim horse-ride skate run shop ski 

1. When …?
2. How often …?
3. When …?
4. How often …?
5. When …?
6. How often …?


13A. Look at the pictures. They show what John did last week on holiday. 

Complete the sentences using the correct form of the go and a verb below.

dance shop sail swim sky cycle

           Monday                          Tuesday                      Wednesday 


         Thursday                            Friday                         Saturday 


1. On Monday …
2. On Tuesday …
3. On Wednesday …
4. On Thursday …
5. On Friday …
6. On Saturday …

14A. Write the verbs below in a gerund form in the sentences  
smoke live work go out write walk go study move make 

1. … is unhealthy, but a lot of people find it difficult to stop.
2. I’m fed up with … in the city — it’s too dirty and crowded.
3. 1 enjoy … in the garden at weekends.
4. I have decided to stop … in the evenings so that I can save some 

money for my holidays.

Verbs with -ing forms and infinitives . Verb + ing form 

5. He’s an artistic person — very good at … poetry.
6. They don’t like … and go everywhere by car.
7. I’m not really interested in … to university.
8. She’s going to continue … for another two years, until her exams.

9. They’re thinking of … house.
10. That machine? Oh, it’s used for … toasted sandwiches.

15A. Complete the sentences using a verb below. Put the verbs into 

the gerund.

eat become look after see get up 

help learn have say watch 

1. They’ve given up … meat.
2. Before … a teacher, he worked in advertising.
3. … children can be very tiring.
4. We’re looking forward to … you.
5. They hate … early in the morning.
6. Thank you for … me organize the party.
7. They’re very keen on … how to play chess.
8. We love … parties.
9. She left without … goodbye.
10. … television seems to be our national sport.

16B. Complete each sentence with one of the following verbs  
below in a gerund form.

answer apply be forget listen live 

lose make read try use write 

1. He tried to avoid … my question.
2. Could you please stop … so much noise?
3. I enjoy … to music.
4. I considered … for the job, but in the end I decided against it.
5. Have you finished … the newspaper yet?
6. We need to change our routine. We can’t go on … like this.

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