Гомеостаз и питание человека = Homeostasis and human nutrition
Издательство Уральского университета
Год издания: 2021
Кол-во страниц: 116
Вид издания:
Учебное пособие
Уровень образования:
ВО - Магистратура
ISBN: 978-5-7996-3314-1
Артикул: 798401.01.99
Учебное пособие составлено в соответствии с действующим Государственным образовательным стандартом высшего профессионального образования и магистерской программой по направлению «Биотехнология». В краткой форме в учебном пособии изложены основные сведения о строении и свойствах химических веществ продуктов питания, приведены особенности их превращений в организме человека и указаны важнейшие пищевые источники. Рассмотрены принципы здорового и качественного питания и вопросы, связанные с решением проблемы обеспечения людей биологически полноценным питанием для поддержания гомеостаза. Предназначено студентам вуза, осваивающим дисциплину «Физиология питания», для подготовки к занятиям и сдачи итогового теста.
Educational medium is a textbook on «Nutrition Physiology» discipline, compiled in accordance with the existing State educational standard of higher education and master’s curriculum for the direction «Biotechnology». Structure fundamentals, properties of chemical food components, their transformations and food sources are stated in a short and laconic form. Issues, connected with the requirements to high quality nutrition in solving a problem of providing people with biologically adequate food and keeping homeostasis, are considered. Systematic material stating, disclosing main notions and principal scientific points of the course, allows using this medium to prepare for classes and for passing end-of-term test in the discipline.
- 574: Общая экология. Биоценология. Гидробиология. Биогеография
- 612: Физиология. Сравнительная физиология
- ВО - Магистратура
- 19.04.01: Биотехнология
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Екатеринбург Издательство Уральского университета 2021 МИНИСТЕРСТВО НАУКИ И ВЫСШЕГО ОБРАЗОВАНИЯ РОССИЙСКОЙ ФЕДЕРАЦИИ УРАЛЬСКИЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ ИМЕНИ ПЕРВОГО ПРЕЗИДЕНТА РОССИИ Б. Н. ЕЛЬЦИНА И. С. Селезнева, Т. В. Глухарева ГОМЕОСТАЗ И ПИТАНИЕ ЧЕЛОВЕКА HOMEOSTASIS AND HUMAN NUTRITION Учебное пособие Рекомендовано методическим советом Уральского федерального университета в качестве учебного пособия для студентов вуза, обучающихся по направлению подготовки 19.04.01 «Биотехнология»
УДК 574.3:612.39(075.8) ББК 28.701.25я73-1 С29 Учебное пособие составлено в соответствии с действующим Государственным образовательным стандартом высшего профессионального образования и магистерской программой по направлению «Биотехнология». В краткой форме в учебном пособии изложены основные сведения о строении и свойствах химических веществ продуктов питания, приведены особенности их превращений в организме человека и указаны важнейшие пищевые источники. Рассмотрены принципы здорового и качественного питания и вопросы, связанные с решением проблемы обеспечения людей биологически полноценным питанием для поддержания гомеостаза. Предназначено студентам вуза, осваивающим дисциплину «Физиология питания», для подготовки к занятиям и сдачи итогового теста. Educational medium is a textbook on «Nutrition Physiology» discipline, compiled in accordance with the existing State educational standard of higher education and master’s curriculum for the direction «Biotechnology». Structure fundamentals, properties of chemical food components, their transformations and food sources are stated in a short and laconic form. Issues, connected with the requirements to high quality nutrition in solving a problem of providing people with biologically adequate food and keeping homeostasis, are considered. Systematic material stating, disclosing main notions and principal scientific points of the course, allows using this medium to prepare for classes and for passing end-of-term test in the discipline. Селезнева, И. С. Гомеостаз и питание человека = Homeostasis and human nutrition : учеб. пособие / И. С. Селезнева, Т. В. Глухарева ; М-во науки и высш. образования Рос. Федерации, Урал. федер. ун-т. – Екатеринбург : Изд-во Урал. ун-та, 2021. – 116 с. : ил. – Загл. парал. рус., англ. – Текст англ. – Библиогр.: с. 111–113. – 30 экз. – ISBN 978-5-7996-3314-1. – Текст : непосредственный. ISBN 978-5-7996-3314-1 С29 ISBN 978-5-7996-3314-1 Р е ц е н з е н т ы: Г. Л. Русинов, кандидат химических наук, ведущий сотрудник лаборатории гетероциклических соединений Института органического синтеза УрО РАН; Д. Н. Кожевников, доктор химических наук, вице-президент по НИР (Научно-производственный холдинг «ВМП»); Н. В. Лукманова, старший преподаватель кафедры иностранных языков и образовательных технологий (Уральский федеральный университет) П о д о б щ е й р е д а к ц и е й М. А. Миронова УДК 574.3:612.39(075.8) ББК 28.701.25я73-1 © Уральский федеральный университет, 2021
CONTENT 1. INTRODUCTION .................................................................................... 5 1.1. «Homeostasis and human nutrition» discipline aims .............................. 5 1.2. The place of discipline in module structure and in the main educational program ................................................... 5 1.3. Laboriousness of discipline mastering ................................................. 6 1.4. Brief discipline description ................................................................. 6 1.5. Discipline content ............................................................................. 6 1.6. What is nutrition physiology? ............................................................. 8 2. NUTRITION AS A PART OF HEALTHY WAY OF LIFE FORMATION ............. 9 2.1. What means nutrition? ....................................................................... 9 2.2. What does the motion give? .............................................................. 10 2.3. Factors determining the lifespan of a modern person ........................... 11 3. THEORETICAL BASES OF HOMEOSTASIS AND NUTRITION. GENERAL NOTIONS ABOUT PHYSIOLOGY AND BIOCHEMISTRY OF NUTRITION ........................................................ 13 3.1. Definition of the «Homeostasis» concept ............................................. 13 3.2. Homeostasis regulation ...................................................................... 15 3.3. Characteristics of digestion and digestive system ................................. 17 3.4. Schemes of macronutrients digestion processes ................................... 20 3.5. Regulatory mechanisms of digestion ................................................... 34 3.6. Gastrointestinal tract micro flora ........................................................ 35 4. CONCEPT OF QUALITY, NUTRITIONAL, BIOLOGICAL AND ENERGY VALUE OF FOOD PRODUCTS .............................................. 38 4.1. Nutritional value of proteins. Protein-calorie deficiency and its consequences .................................... 38 4.1.1. Main characteristics of proteins nutritional value ....................... 39 4.1.2. Biological value ....................................................................... 41 4.2. Nutritional value of fats and oils ........................................................ 43 4.3. Nutritional value of carbohydrates ..................................................... 45 4.4. Caloric value of daily ration ............................................................... 46 5. MEDICAL-BIOLOGICAL VALUE AND FUNCTIONS OF THE MAIN FOOD COMPONENTS ......................................................... 49 5.1. Main chemical components of food (nutrients) .................................... 49 5.2. Metabolism ..................................................................................... 51 5.3. Proteins ........................................................................................... 55 5.4. Carbohydrates .................................................................................. 57
5.5. Lipids and fats ................................................................................ 63 5.6. Vitamins ........................................................................................... 66 6. MODERN NOTIONS ABOUT RATIONAL NUTRITION .............................. 70 6.1. Fundamentals of rational nutrition ....................................................... 70 6.2. Some physiological requirements to nutrition ...................................... 71 7. PRODUCTS CREATION PRINCIPLE FOR ALIMENTARY CORRECTION OF HOMEOSTASIS DISORDER ............... 74 7.1. General principles of making up clinical and prophylactic nutrition rations ........................................................ 74 7.2. Food additives .................................................................................. 75 7.3. Probiotics, prebiotics and synbiotics .................................................. 76 8. METHODOLOGY INSTRAKTIONS FOR PRACTICAL STUDIES ................. 78 8.1. Practical study 1. Digestion, metabolism and energy exchange ............. 78 8.2. Practical study 2. Energy value of dishes. Modelling the process of human energy expenses compensation ............................................. 83 8.3. Practical study 3. Making up a map of food and energy value of nutrients ............................................................. 85 8.4. Practical study 4, 5. Calculating and making up human’s daily ration for prophylactic, clinical and special nutrition. Calculating and making up human’s daily ration for certain age and professional population groups ................................................... 89 8.5. Practical study 6. Nutritive value of raw materials. Technological processing influence on nutritive value of ready product .... 91 9. KNOWLEDGE ASSESSMENT TESTS ON THE «NUTRITION PHYSIOLOGY» DISCIPLINE .................................... 92 10. LABORATORY OPERATIONS MANUAL ................................................... 96 10.1. Identifying food components impact on neurohumoral system ............ 97 10.2. Gastrointestinal system influence on the degree of protein digestion .... 99 10.3. Enzymatic hydrolysis of complex carbohydrates ............................... 100 10.4. Chemistry of milk .......................................................................... 102 10.5. Comparative analysis of food products ............................................ 104 STUDENT INDEPENDENT WORK ............................................................... 108 BIBLIOGRAPHIC REFERENCES ................................................................... 111 LITERATURE .............................................................................................. 114
1. INTRODUCTION 1.1. «Homeostasis and human nutrition» discipline aims Process of studying this discipline is aimed to get the following results of education: – RE 6 – to organize and to implement educational process using modern information, educational and multimedia technologies; – RE 7 – to organize independent and collective scientific research for solving fundamental, technological and project tasks. To know K.3.4. The knowledge of biochemistry and human physiology, as well as physiology of microorganisms and other biological objects. K.3.10. The knowledge of the composition and main functions of basic classes of biologically active compounds. To be able to A.2.2. To be able to process information, to carry out library and patent search. A.7.2. To be able to demonstrate the skills in dealing with scientific literature. To handle H. 8.1. To handle the proficiency in historical and methodological analysis of scientific research and its results. 1.2. The place of discipline in module structure and in the main educational program Discipline «Nutrition physiology» refers to general scientific cycle of the variation part and refers to Biotechnology preparation direction. The discipline is based on bachelor’s program courses «Organic chemistry», «Analytic chemistry and physic-chemical methods of analysis», «Fundamentals of biochemistry and molecular biology» and precedes the study of the disciplines «Food chemistry», «Modern biotechnology problems», «Microbiological aspects of biotechnological production» and «Biotechnology based on raw materials of plant origin».
1.3. Laboriousness of discipline mastering Auditorium classes, hrs Lectures, hrs Practical classes, hrs Laboratory works, hrs Independent students work, hrs Kind of progress control Total laboriousness, hrs Total laboriousness according to the study plan, credits Kinds of study work, control forms Study terms, number 1 Total, h 54 18 18 18 54 – 108 3 54 18 18 18 54 Credit test 108 3 1.4. Brief discipline description Discipline «Nutrition physiology» is dedicated to the study of the scientific foundations of rational nutrition, digestion processes and digestive system, chemical structure studying, biological activity of the main nutrients – proteins, fats, carbohydrates, mineral substances, vitamins, as well as enzymes and hormones. Studying the discipline students must obtain knowledge about their chemical and spacious structure, physicochemical properties and biological functions. Furthermore, requirements to high quality nutrition are considered in solving the problem of providing people with biologically wholesome food and maintaining homeostasis. Practical skills of working with food products and biologically active compounds are acquired in laboratory classes, methods of analysis of raw materials and final products are mastered. 1.5. Discipline content Section 1. Introduction Brief discipline characteristics, its aims, tasks, volume, content. The order of material studying forms of independent work control. Characteristics of recommended books are given. Section 2. Nutrition as the main component of healthy life-style formation process History and evolution of human’s nutrition. Modern definition of «health, homeostasis». Factors, determining modern human’s average life duration. Role
of nutrition in health sustaining and in civilization diseases emerging. Russia’s state policy concept in organizing and providing population’s healthy nutrition. Section 3. Theoretical bases of homeostasis and nutrition. General notions about physiology and biochemistry of nutrition Modern definition of the following concepts: homeostasis, digestion, food products, appetite. Human’s digestive system. Structure and functions of gastrointestinal tract. Types of digestion. Processes of absorption and fixation of nutrients. Brief characteristics of structure and functioning of primary (microelement and microecological systems) and complex secondary (immune, endocrine and nervous systems) regulatory mechanisms of human’s homeostasis sustaining. The role of gastrointestinal tract micro flora in the main nutrient’s metabolism. Section 4. Concept of food quality, nutritional, biological and energy value The list of the main food products groups, containing essential and regulatory food substances. Brief characteristics of composition and nutritional value of products made of grain, meat and its substitutes, milk and dairy products, vegetables and fruit, oils, fats and different sweets. Biological value of food. Definition of the concept «recommended food components daily consumption rates». Energy exchange (metabolism) of the organism. Energy value of food. Caloric coefficient of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Human’s daily requirement for the main nutrients. Section 5. Medical-biological significance and functions of the main food components A list of main macro- and micronutrients. Physiological role of proteins, fats carbohydrates, vitamins and mineral substances. Protein-calorie deficiency. Significance of unsaturated fatty acids in human’s nutrition. Cholesterol and its role in human’s organism. Hyper-, hypo- and avitaminosis. Physiological functions of the main macro and microelements. Section 6. Modern notions about rational nutrition Theories and concepts of nutrition. Fundamentals of rational nutrition. Ecological, medical-biological, socio-economical problems of rational nutrition. Modern pyramid of healthy nutrition and principles of its construction. Combination of products is the basis of healthy nutrition structure. Food substances and energy recommended consumption rates. Modern human’s dietary intake. The main groups of food. Concept of healthy nutrition. Analysis of alternative notions about human’s nutrition. Separate nutrition. Fasting. Diets. Vegetarianism. Section 7. Products creation principle for alimentary correction of homeostasis disorder Definition of food additive notion, probiotics, functional nutrition products. Differences between clinical, dietary and functional nutrition. Medioprophylactic nutrition.
Figure 1. Portrait of Greek physician Hippocrates [1] 1.6. What is nutrition physiology? The science of nutrition physiology is an old science. Hippocrates (fig. 1), the ancient Greek physician, was aware of the food effects on the body. Nutrition physiology is the study of food’s effect on the human body’s ability to sustain the chemical and physical processes that are necessary for biological life functions. Nutrition physiology concerned with different types of food and their effects on the metabolism. The importance of nutrition during growth, development, and ageing is appreciated both in human medicine. Moreover, it has become increasingly apparent that the body health depends on a healthy and functional intestine and that many of today’s common diseases, such as heart failure, cancer and diabetes, are related to intestine function and to the diet. Nutrition physiology deals with: 1) how the body extracts the nutrients from the food; 2) how we obtain the needed energy; 3) how we utilize nutrients; 4) how all this is related to health and diseases.
2. NUTRITION AS A PART OF HEALTHY WAY OF LIFE FORMATION 2.1. What means nutrition? Nutrition is defined as the process whereby living organisms take in and transform extraneous solid and liquid substances necessary for the maintenance of life, growth, the normal functioning of organs and the energy production. In general terms, the consumption of food serves a twofold purpose for the human body: first, it provides the source for energy, which is measured in calories; secondly, food assists the multitude of chemical functions required to sustain life. One of the most important and complex problems which humanity faces is providing world’s population with food products. From the one hand nutrition is one of the most important environmental factors, but from the other hand it influences human’s organism during all his life. Chemical components of food products get into human’s organism from the environment with food, during metabolism they turn into cells structure elements, provide organism with energy and plastic material, determine health and human’s organism duration of life. In connection with this, nutrition condition along with the other factors determines both nation’s and everybody’s health. Food products should satisfy human’s requirements in main nutritives as well as perform preventive and medicinal functions effectively. In Russian Federation great attention is paid to these issues on the state level, so RF Government order on the 25 of October 2010 № 1873-р passed «Fundamentals of the RF state policy in healthy nutrition till 2020», «Doctrine of food safety of the Russian Federation» has been approved. State policy in healthy nutrition means complex of measures for creating conditions ensuring satisfaction of RF population needs in rational healthy nutrition, however it is essential to take into consideration its traditions, habits, economic condition. Russian population’s health has worsened during recent decades – children, teenagers and elderly people in particular. Furthermore, average lifespan has been reducing (58 years for men, 73 – for women, 65.5 years on average), because general disease incidence has been increasing. These rates are considerably lower than in most of the highly developed countries. Cardio-vascular and oncological diseases rank the first among reasons for mortality. It is believed that their development relates to poor nutrition to some extent. It is necessary to note that Russian population nutrition is not rational and (according to the data of Nutrition Institute of RAS) the main food status disturbances are: – excess consumption of animal fats,